diff --git a/_includes/t-github-issue.html b/_includes/t-github-issue.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b44ebf..0000000
--- a/_includes/t-github-issue.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-{%- if include.page.collection -%}{%- assign col = site.collections | where: "label", include.page.collection | first -%}{%- endif- %}
-{%- if site.repository -%}
- {%- assign repo = site.repository -%}
-{%- endif- %}
-{%- if include.page.collection -%}
- {%- assign repo = col.repository -%}
-{%- endif- %}
-{%- if include.page.github.repository -%}
- {%- assign repo = include.page.github.repository -%}
-{%- endif- %}
-{%- assign branch = "master" -%}
-{%- if site.branch -%}
- {%- assign branch = site.branch -%}
-{%- endif- %}
-{%- if include.page.collection -%}
- {%- if col.branch -%}
- {%- assign branch = col.branch -%}
- {%- endif -%}
-{%- endif- %}
-{%- if include.page.github.branch -%}
- {%- assign branch = include.page.github.branch -%}
-{%- endif- %}
-{%- assign path = "index.md" -%}
-{%- if include.page.collection -%}
- {%- assign path = include.page.path -%}
-{%- endif- %}
-{%- if include.page.github.path -%}
- {%- assign path = include.page.github.path -%}
-{%- endif- %}
-I would like to {% if include.status == 'new' %} translate into {{ include.tname }} {% elsif include.status == 'update' %} update the {{ include.tname }} translation of {% endif %} the following resource:
-- Page URL: {{include.page.url | absolute_url}}
-{% if include.status == 'new' %}- Link to original file in GitHub: [https://github.com/{{repo}}/edit/{{branch}}/{{path}}](https://github.com/{{repo}}/edit/{{branch}}/{{path}}){% endif %}
-{% if include.status == 'update' %}- Link to file in GitHub: [https://github.com/{{repo}}/edit/{{branch}}/{{path}}](https://github.com/{{repo}}/edit/{{branch}}/{{path}}){% endif %}
-I have read the information on Translating WAI Documents at https://www.w3.org/WAI/about/translating/
-I will wait for confirmation that the resource is ready for translation.
-{% if include.status == 'new' %}https://github.com/w3c/wai-translations/labels/initial-translation
-{% elsif include.status == 'update' %}https://github.com/w3c/wai-translations/labels/translation-update
-{% endif %}
diff --git a/_includes/t-status.html b/_includes/t-status.html
index 2c53a00..6986748 100644
--- a/_includes/t-status.html
+++ b/_includes/t-status.html
@@ -1,39 +1,42 @@
-{% assign original=alldocs | where_exp:"item", "item.lang == 'en' or item.lang == nil" | where_exp:"item", "item.ref == include.page.url or item.url == include.page.url" | first %}
-{% assign t=alldocs | where_exp:"item", "item.lang == page.tlang and item.ref == include.page.url" | first %}
-{%- capture page_title -%}
- {%- if t != nil -%}
- {{ t.title }} ({{ original.title }})
- {%- elsif t == nil and original.permalink != nil -%}
- {{ original.title }}
- {%- elsif t == nil and original.permalink == nil and include.page.name.en != nil -%}
- {{ include.page.name.en }}
+{% assign versions=alldocs | where_exp:"item", "item.ref == include.page.url or item.url == include.page.url" %}
+{% assign original=versions | where_exp:"item", "item.lang == 'en' or item.lang == nil" | first %}
+{% assign translation=versions | where_exp:"item", "item.lang == page.tlang" | first %}
+{%- capture original-title -%}
+ {%- if original.permalink != nil -%}
+ {{ original.title }}
+ {%- elsif original.permalink == nil and include.page.name.en != nil -%}
+ {{ include.page.name.en }}
{%- else -%}
- {{ include.page.name }}
+ {{ include.page.name }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endcapture -%}
-{% capture t-date %}{{t.last_updated | date: '%s' | plus: 0 }}{% endcapture %}
-{% capture en-date %}{{original.last_updated | date: '%s' | plus: 0 }}{% endcapture %}
-{%- capture t_status -%}
- {%- if t == nil -%}none
- {%- elsif t.size != 0 and t-date < en-date -%}outdated
- {%- elsif t.size != 0 and t-date >= en-date -%}uptodate
+{% capture translation-date %}{{ translation.last_updated | date: '%s' | plus: 0 }}{% endcapture %}
+{% capture original-date %}{{ original.last_updated | date: '%s' | plus: 0 }}{% endcapture %}
+{%- capture t-status -%}
+ {%- if translation == nil -%}none
+ {%- elsif translation.size != 0 and translation-date < original-date -%}outdated
+ {%- elsif translation.size != 0 and translation-date >= original-date -%}uptodate
{%- endif -%}
{%- endcapture -%}
-{% include box.html type="start" title=page_title h=include.h %}
-{%- case t_status -%}
- {%- when "none" -%}
- {%- capture issue_body_new | newline_to_br -%}
- {%- include t-github-issue.html status="new" tname=tlangname page=original -%}
- {%- endcapture -%}
+ {% if page.sidebaricon %}
+ {% include_cached icon.html name=page.sidebaricon class="sidebaricon" %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% unless page.sidebar == false %}
+ {% include secondarynav.html parent=page.parent %}
+ {% endunless %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% comment %}
+ Header will be displayed in three ways, depending on which frontmatter was provided:
+ - with 'in [Resource]' under the h1 (if page.resource.ref is provided)
+ - with 'in [Resource X], [Resource Y]' inside the h1 (if page.parent_in_h1 is provided)
+ - just the title (if neither are provided)
+ {% endcomment %}
+ {% if page.resource.ref %}
+ {% elsif page.parent_in_h1 %}
+ {% if page.title_icon %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if page.title_image %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if page.title_html %}
+ {{ page.title_html }}
+ {% else %}
+ {{ page.title | xml_escape }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% include t.html t="in" %}{{ ' ' }}
+ {%- for link in page.parent_in_h1 -%}
+ {%- unless forloop.first == true -%},{{ ' ' }}{%- endunless -%}
+ {%- if link.ref -%}{%- unless page.ref == link.ref -%}
+ {%- if link.name == "title" -%}
+ {% include link.html to=link.ref %}
+ {%- elsif link.name == "nav_title" -%}
+ {% include link.html to=link.ref usenavtitle="true" %}
+ {%- elsif link.name == "title_html" -%}
+ {% include link.html to=link.ref usetitlehtml="true" %}
+ {%- else -%}
+ {% include link.html to=link.ref text=link.name %}
+ {%- endif -%}
+ {%- endunless -%}{%- endif -%}
+ {%- endfor -%}
+ {% else %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {%- include doc-note-msg.html -%}
+ {% assign tlangname=site.data.lang[page.tlang].name %}
+ {% assign alldocs=site.documents | concat: site.pages %}
+ {% include box.html type="start" h="2" title="Summary" class="full" %}
+ This page lists the status of {{ tlangname }} translations, for WAI resources for which we welcome translations.
+ Learn how to use this translation sitemap in Translations Sitemaps page.
+ {% include box.html type="end" %}
+ {% include_cached excol.html type="all" %}
+ {% include_cached excol.html type="start" %}
+ Priorities Status
+ {% include excol.html type="middle" %}
+ {% if site.data.translations-priorities %}
+ WAI Resource
+ Translation Status
+ {%- for prio in site.data.translations-priorities -%}
+ {%- include t-status.html page=prio -%}
+ {%- for priosub in prio.pages -%}
+ {%- include t-status.html page=priosub -%}
+ {%- endfor -%}
+ {%- endfor -%}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% include_cached excol.html type="end" %}
+ Sitemap
+ {% assign sections=site.data.navigation | where_exp:"item", "item.mainnav != false and item.hide != true and item.translate == true" -%}
+ {%- for section in sections -%}
+ {% include excol.html type="start" %}
+ {%- if section.name.en -%}
+ {{ section.name.en }}
+ {%- else -%}
+ {{ section.name }}
+ {%- endif -%}
+ {% include excol.html type="middle" %}
+ WAI Resource
+ Translation Status
+ {%- assign pages=section.pages | where_exp:"item", "item.mainnav != false and item.hide != true" -%}
+ {%- for p in pages -%}
+ {% if p.translate == true %}
+ {%- include t-status.html page=p -%}
+ {% endif %}
+ {%- assign subpages=p.pages | where_exp:"item", "item.mainnav != false and item.hide != true" -%}
+ {%- for subpage in subpages -%}
+ {% if subpage.translate == true %}
+ {%- include t-status.html page=subpage -%}
+ {% endif %}
+ {%- assign subsubpages=subpage.pages | where_exp:"item", "item.mainnav != false and item.hide != true" -%}
+ {%- for subsubpage in subsubpages -%}
+ {% if subsubpage.translate == true %}
+ {%- include t-status.html page=subsubpage -%}
+ {% endif %}
+ {%- endfor -%}
+ {%- endfor -%}
+ {%- endfor -%}
+ {% include excol.html type="end" %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {%- if page.navigation -%}
+ {%- include prevnext-navigation.html -%}
+ {%- else -%}
+ {%- if page.order -%}
+ {%- include prevnext-order.html -%}
+ {%- endif -%}
+ {%- endif -%}
+ {% include feedback-box.html %}
+ {% include_cached backtotop.html lang=page.lang %}
+{% include footer.html lang=pagelang %}