diff --git a/vocab/credentials/v2/vocabulary.html b/vocab/credentials/v2/vocabulary.html index 016a79321..a22426d20 100644 --- a/vocab/credentials/v2/vocabulary.html +++ b/vocab/credentials/v2/vocabulary.html @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ JSON-LD.
The following are class definitions in the cred
RefreshService | Refresh Service A Refresh Service is a mechanism that can be utilized by software agents to retrieve an updated copy of a Verifiable Credential. |
CredentialSchema | Credential Schema A Credential Schema provides verifiers with enough information to determine if the provided data conforms to the provided schema. |
CredentialStatus | Credential Status A Credential Status provides enough information to determine the current status of the credential (for example, suspended or revoked). It MUST include the `id` property, which MUST be a URL, and the `type` property, which expresses the credential status type (also referred to as the credential status scheme) |
CredentialEvidence | Credential Evidence A Credential Evidence scheme provides enough information to a verifier to determine whether the evidence gathered meets their requirements for issuing a credential. The precise content of each evidence scheme is determined by the specific evidence type definition. |
VerifiableCredential | Verifiable Credential A Credential is a set of one or more claims made by an issuer. A Verifiable Credential is a tamper-evident credential that has authorship that can be cryptographically verified. Verifiable Credentials can be used to build Verifiable Presentations, which can also be cryptographically verified. |
VerifiableCredentialGraph | Verifiable Credential Graph Instances of this class are RDF Graphs, where each of these graphs must include exactly one Verifiable Credential |
VerifiablePresentation | Verifiable Presentation A Presentation is data derived from one or more Credentials, issued by one or more `issuers`, that is shared with a specific `verifier`. A Verifiable Presentation is a tamper-evident Presentation encoded in such a way that authorship of the data can be trusted after a process of cryptographic verification. Certain types of verifiable presentations might contain data that is synthesized from, but do not contain, the original verifiable credentials (for example, zero-knowledge proofs). |
The following are class definitions in the cred
RefreshService | Refresh service A Refresh Service is a mechanism that can be utilized by software agents to retrieve an updated copy of a Verifiable Credential. |
CredentialSchema | Credential schema A Credential Schema provides verifiers with enough information to determine if the provided data conforms to the provided schema. |
CredentialStatus | Credential status A Credential Status provides enough information to determine the current status of the credential (for example, suspended or revoked). It MUST include the `id` property, which MUST be a URL, and the `type` property, which expresses the credential status type (also referred to as the credential status scheme) |
CredentialEvidence | Credential evidence A Credential Evidence scheme provides enough information to a verifier to determine whether the evidence gathered meets their requirements for issuing a credential. The precise content of each evidence scheme is determined by the specific evidence type definition. |
VerifiableCredential | Verifiable credential A Credential is a set of one or more claims made by an issuer. A Verifiable Credential is a tamper-evident credential that has authorship that can be cryptographically verified. Verifiable Credentials can be used to build Verifiable Presentations, which can also be cryptographically verified. |
VerifiableCredentialGraph | Verifiable credential graph Instances of this class are RDF Graphs, where each of these graphs must include exactly one Verifiable Credential |
VerifiablePresentation | Verifiable presentation A Presentation is data derived from one or more Credentials, issued by one or more `issuers`, that is shared with a specific `verifier`. A Verifiable Presentation is a tamper-evident Presentation encoded in such a way that authorship of the data can be trusted after a process of cryptographic verification. Certain types of verifiable presentations might contain data that is synthesized from, but do not contain, the original verifiable credentials (for example, zero-knowledge proofs). |
The following are property definitions in the cred
credentialSchema | credential schema The value of the `credentialSchema` property MUST be one or more Credential Schema instances.
credentialStatus | credential status The value of the `credentialStatus` property MUST be an instance of Credential Status.
credentialSubject | credential subject An entity about which claims are made.
evidence | evidence The value of the `evidence` property MUST be one or more Credential Evidence instances.
expirationDate | expiration date The value of the `expirationDate` property MUST be a string value of an ISO8601 combined date and time string representing the date and time the credential ceases to be valid.
holder | holder The value of the `holder` property MUST be a URI. It is RECOMMENDED that dereferencing the URI results in a document containing machine-readable information about the holder that can be used to verify the information expressed in the credential.
issuanceDate | issuance date The value of the `issuanceDate` property MUST be a string value of an ISO8601 combined date and time string representing the date and time the credential was issued. Note that this date represents the earliest date when the information associated with the `credentialSubject` property became valid.
issued | issue date The value of the `issued` property MUST be a string value of an ISO8601 combined date and time string representing the date and time the credential was issued. Note that this date represents the earliest date when the information associated with the `credentialSubject` property became valid.
issuer | issuer The value of the `issuer` property MUST be a URI. It is RECOMMENDED that dereferencing the URI results in a document containing machine-readable information about the issuer that can be used to verify the information expressed in the credential.
refreshService | refresh service The value of the `refreshService` property MUST be one or more Refresh Service instances such that the holder can refresh the credential.
serviceEndpoint | service endpoint The value of the `serviceEndpoint` property MUST be a URL to the service endpoint associated with the subject.
termsOfUse | terms of use If specified, the value of the `termsOfUse` property MUST specify one or more terms of use policies under which the creator issued the credential or presentation. If the recipient (a holder or verifier) is not willing to adhere to the specified terms of use, then they do so on their own responsibility and might incur legal liability if they violate the stated Terms of Use. Each `termsOfUse` MUST specify its type, for example, `IssuerPolicy`, and optionally, its instance `id`. The precise contents of each term of use is determined by the specific `TermsOfUse` type definition.
verifiableCredential | verifiable credential The value of the `verifiableCredential` property MUST identify a Verifiable Credential Graph (informally, it indirectly identifies a Verifiable Credential contained in a separate graph).
The following are property definitions in the cred
credentialSchema | Credential schema The value of the `credentialSchema` property MUST be one or more Credential schema instances.
credentialStatus | Credential status The value of the `credentialStatus` property MUST be an instance of a Credential status.
credentialSubject | Credential subject An entity about which claims are made.
evidence | Evidence The value of the `evidence` property MUST be one or more Credential evidence instances.
holder | Holder The value of the `holder` property MUST be a URI. It is RECOMMENDED that dereferencing the URI results in a document containing machine-readable information about the holder that can be used to verify the information expressed in the credential.
issued | issue date The value of the `issued` property MUST be a string value of an ISO8601 combined date and time string representing the date and time the credential was issued. Note that this date represents the earliest date when the information associated with the
issuer | issuer The value of the `issuer` property MUST be a URI. It is RECOMMENDED that dereferencing the URI results in a document containing machine-readable information about the issuer that can be used to verify the information expressed in the credential.
refreshService | refresh service The value of the `refreshService` property MUST be one or more Refresh Service instances such that the holder can refresh the credential.
serviceEndpoint | service endpoint The value of the `serviceEndpoint` property MUST be a URL to the service endpoint associated with the subject.
termsOfUse | terms of use If specified, the value of the `termsOfUse` property MUST specify one or more terms of use policies under which the creator issued the credential or presentation. If the recipient (a holder or verifier) is not willing to adhere to the specified terms of use, then they do so on their own responsibility and might incur legal liability if they violate the stated Terms of Use. Each `termsOfUse` MUST specify its type, for example, `IssuerPolicy`, and optionally, its instance `id`. The precise contents of each term of use is determined by the specific `TermsOfUse` type definition.
validFrom | Valid from The value of the `validFrom` property MUST be a string value of an ISO8601 combined date and time string representing the date and time the credential was issued. Note that this date represents the earliest date when the information associated with the
validUntil | Valid until The value of the `validUntil` property MUST be a string value of an ISO8601 combined date and time string representing the date and time the credential ceases to be valid.
verifiableCredential | verifiable credential The value of the `verifiableCredential` property MUST identify a Verifiable credential graph (informally, it indirectly identifies a Verifiable credential contained in a separate graph).
The following are deprecated class definitions in the cred
JsonSchemaValidator2018 | Json Schema Validator 2018 (deprecated) A type of validator that can be used to syntactically validate JSON documents using the JSON Schema language.
ManualRefreshService2018 | Manual Refresh Service 2018 (deprecated) A type of Refresh Service that must be interacted with in a manual fashion.
The following are deprecated class definitions in the cred
JsonSchemaValidator2018 | Json schema validator 2018 (deprecated) A type of validator that can be used to syntactically validate JSON documents using the JSON Schema language.
ManualRefreshService2018 | Manual refresh service 2018 (deprecated) A type of Refresh Service that must be interacted with in a manual fashion.
The following are deprecated property definitions in the cred
expirationDate | Expiration date (deprecated) The value of the `expirationDate` property was used to express the date and time the credential ceases to be valid. It has been deprecated in favor of `validUntil`
issuanceDate | Issuance date (deprecated) The value of the `issuanceDate` property was used to represents the earliest date when the information associated with the `credentialSubject` property became valid. This property has been deprecated in favour of `validFrom`.