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A11Y DPUB Techniques based on WCAG 2.0 Techniques


DPUB's General Techniques - WCAG General Techniques

HTML and XHTML Techniques

DPUB's HTML Techniques WCAG HTML Techniques

CSS Techniques

DPUB's CSS Techniques - WCAG CSS Techniques

Client-side Scripting Techniques

TODO: Anything for EPUB? WCAG Client-Side Techniques

Server-side Scripting Techniques

TODO: Anything for EPUB? WCAG Server-Side Techniques

SMIL Techniques

TODO: Anything for EPUB? WCAG SMIL Techniques

Plain Text Techniques

TODO: Anything for EPUB? WCAG Plain Text Techniques

ARIA Techniques

DPUB's ARIA Techniques WCAG ARIA Techniques

Flash Techniques

TODO: Anything for EPUB? WCAG Flash Techniques

Silverlight Techniques

TODO: Anything for EPUB? WCAG SilverLight Techniques

PDF Techniques

TODO: Anything for EPUB? WCAG PDF Techniques

Common Failures

TODO: Anything for EPUB? WCAG Common Failures

EPUB Specific Techniques

DPUB Specific Techniques

Failed Attempt at Wiki Table (IGNORE FOR NOW)

Format of column widths didn't work. TODO: after we have our Google Sheets with the Techniques transfer to a Wiki Table inside the W3C framework.

Resources and instructions

Techniques Resources and Instructions


Need to Discuss

Technique Status Assigned to Priority Text Example Live Example(s) Test Procedure Original Technique (if applicable)
G4 Allowing the content to be paused and restarted from where it was paused Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G4
G9: Creating captions for live synchronized media Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G9
G10: Creating components using a technology that supports the accessibility API features of the platforms on which the user agents will be run to expose the names and roles, allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and provide notification of changes - unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G10
G17: Ensuring that a contrast ratio of at least 7:1 exists between text (and images of text) and background behind the text Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G17
G21: Ensuring that users are not trapped in content Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G21
G53: Identifying the purpose of a link using link text combined with the text of the enclosing sentence Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G53
G60: Playing a sound that turns off automatically within three seconds Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G60
G61: Presenting repeated components in the same relative order each time they appear Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G61
G68: Providing a short text alternative that describes the purpose of live audio-only and live video-only content - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G68
G78: Providing a second, user-selectable, audio track that includes audio descriptions Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G78
G82: Providing a text alternative that identifies the purpose of the non-text content Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G82
G83: Providing text descriptions to identify required fields that were not Incomplete Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G83
G84: Providing a text description when the user provides information that is not in the list of allowed values Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G84
G85: Providing a text description when user input falls outside the required format or values Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G85
G87: Providing closed captions - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G87
G88: Providing descriptive titles for Web pages - unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G88
G89: Providing expected data format and example Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G89
G90: Providing keyboard-triggered event handlers Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G90
G142: Using a technology that has commonly-available user agents that support zoom Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G142
G145: Ensuring that a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 exists between text (and images of text) and background behind the text Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G145
G162: Positioning labels to maximize predictability of relationships Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G162
G183: Using a contrast ratio of 3:1 with surrounding text and providing additional visual cues on focus for links or controls where color alone is used to identify them - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G183
G202: Ensuring keyboard control for all functionality Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete G202


Technique Status Assigned to Priority Text Example Code Live Example(s) Test Procedure Original Technique (if applicable)
H2: Combining adjacent image and text links for the same resource - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete H2
H24: Providing text alternatives for the area elements of image maps - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete H24
H32: Providing submit buttons - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete H32
H36: Using alt attributes on images used as submit buttons - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete H36
H63: Using the scope attribute to associate header cells and data cells in data tables - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete H63
H73: Using the summary attribute of the table element to give an overview of data tables - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete H73
H83: Using the target attribute to open a new window on user request and indicating this in link text - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete H83
H87: Not interfering with the user agent's reflow of text as the viewing window is narrowed - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete H87
H89: Using the title attribute to provide context-sensitive help - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete H89
H91: Using HTML form controls and links - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete H91
H92: Including a text cue for colored form control labels - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete H92


Technique Status Assigned to Priority Text Example Code Live Example(s) Test Procedure Original Technique (if applicable)
C12: Using percent for font sizes Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete C12
C15: Using CSS to change the presentation of a user interface component when it receives focus
Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
C20: Using relative measurements to set column widths so that lines can average 80 characters or less when the browser is resized - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete C20
C23: Specifying text and background colors of secondary content such as banners, features and navigation in CSS while not specifying text and background colors of the main content Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete C23
C25: Specifying borders and layout in CSS to delineate areas of a Web page while not specifying text and text-background colors Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete C25

Client Scripting

Technique Status Assigned to Priority Text Example Code Live Example(s) Test Procedure Original Technique (if applicable)
SCR30: Using scripts to change the link text Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete SCR30
SCR31: Using script to change the background color or border of the element with focus - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete SCR31
SCR34: Calculating size and position in a way that scales with text size Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete SCR34
SCR35: Making actions keyboard accessible by using the onclick event of anchors and buttons Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete SCR35
SCR37: Creating Custom Dialogs in a Device Independent Way Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete SCR37


Technique Status Assigned to Priority Text Example Code Live Example(s) Test Procedure Original Technique (if applicable)
F19: Failure of Conformance Requirement 1 due to not providing a method for the user to find the alternative conforming version of a non-conforming Web page - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete F19
F25: Failure of Success Criterion 2.4.2 due to the title of a Web page not identifying the contents - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete F25
F54: Failure of Success Criterion 2.1.1 due to using only pointing-device-specific event handlers (including gesture) for a function - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete F54
F55: Failure of Success Criteria 2.1.1, 2.4.7, and 3.2.1 due to using script to remove focus when focus is received - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete F55
F69: Failure of Success Criterion 1.4.4 when resizing visually rendered text up to 200 percent causes the text, image or controls to be clipped, truncated or obscured - Unassigned Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete F69


Technique Status Assigned to Success Criteria Type Priority Text Example Code Live Example(s) Test Procedure
M1: Defining the hover, focus, selected and touch (regular, long) states - Unassigned 2.1.1, 3.2.1 or 3.2.2, UAAG 1.3 Sufficient Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M2: Providing adequate touch target size / Ensuring that touch targets are large enough to touch accurately without magnification - Unassigned 2.1.1, 1.4.4, Principle 2 Advisory Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M3: Activating elements via the touchend event - Unassigned 2.1.1, 3.2.1 Sufficient Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M4: Providing clear indication that elements are actionable / Design actionable objects to look actionable - Unassigned Guidelines 2.1 or Principle 2 Advisory Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M5: Providing instructions for custom functions and gestures - Unassigned 3.3.2, 2.1.1 Sufficient, Failure Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M6: Specifying input type for numerical or character data Incorporate into G89 Unassigned 1.3.1 Sufficient Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M7: Supporting the characteristic properties of the platform (e.g. zoom, larger font, captions) - Unassigned Best Practice or Principle 4 N/A Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M8: Setting the virtual keyboard to the type of data entry required - Unassigned 1.3.1, 4.1.2 Advisory Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M9: Adapting the length of link texts to viewport width - Unassigned 1.4.8 Advisory Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M10: Allowing users to interact using device buttons (e.g. arrow keys, ok button) - Unassigned 2.1.1 or Principle 2 Advisory Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M11: Ensuring that the interface can be used with a physical keyboard Incorporate with G202 Unassigned 2.1.1 Sufficient Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M12: Including shortcuts to allow users to jump to sections of the page - Unassigned 2.4.5 Advisory Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M13: Providing a way for users to change font size - Unassigned 1.4.4 Advisory Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M14: Ensuring that navigation works on different screen sizes - Unassigned 2.1.1 Sufficient Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M15: Providing a way for users to see what page they are on - Unassigned 2.4.8 Sufficient Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M16: Providing vertical navigation mechanisms that work without horizontal scrolling on narrow width screens - Unassigned 1.4.4 Advisory Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M17: Providing the open/closed state information in the menu icon - Unassigned 1.3.1, 4.1.2 Sufficient Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M18: Ensuring that menu can be zoomed to 200% - Unassigned 1.4.4 Sufficient Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M19: Providing media metadata - Unassigned 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.1.1 Advisory Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M20: Providing instructions for form data types - Unassigned 3.3.2 Advisory Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
M21: Setting viewport meta setting to allow magnification to 200% - Unassigned 1.4.4 Sufficient Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete