Thanks for contributing to our project 🎉👍!
Everyone parcipating in this project must accept our Code of Conduct which rules the friendly together of all contributors.
Please ask questions on Gitter. You will get a faster answer there and don't disturb maintainers and contributors in the issue tracker.
If you found a bug or have an idea how to improve or add a new feature, you're welcome to open an issue. Please keep in mind this guidelines and check if there is already an issue with the same content like yours.
Feel free to open a pull request if you fixed a bug or added or improved a feature.
This project is using a custom code style. Please see existing code files for more information.
Summary of the most important guidelines:
Files must always end with an empty line
Brackets are always written in the same line and with a space
function testThis() {
return "hello!";
- There must be no space in front of commands like if and while
while(i < 5) {
if(e === 3) {
return true;