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This document contains the global design decisions made by the vulkano library. It can also be a good start if you want to contribute to some internal parts of vulkano and don't know how it works.

This document assumes that you're already familiar with Vulkan and does not introduce the various concepts. However it can still be a good read if you are not so familiar.

If you notice any mistake, feel free to open a PR. If you want to suggest something, feel free to open a PR as well.

The three kinds of objects

Vulkano provides wrappers around all objects of the Vulkan API. However these objects are split in three categories, depending on their access pattern:

  • Objects that are not created often and in very small numbers.
  • Objects that are typically created at initialization and which are often accessed without mutation by performance-critical code.
  • Objects that are created, destroyed or modified during performance-critical code, and that usually require a synchronization strategy to avoid race conditions.

The first category are objects that are not created often and created in very small numbers: Instances, Devices, Surfaces, Swapchains. In a typical application each of these objects is only created once and destroyed when the application exits. Vulkano's API provides a struct that corresponds to each of these objects, and this struct is typically wrapped in an Arc. Their new method in fact returns an Arc<T> instead of just a T in order to encourage users to use Arcs. You use these objects by cloning them around like you would use objects in a garbage-collected language such as Java.

The second category are objects like the GraphicsPipeline, ComputePipeline, PipelineLayout, RenderPass and Framebuffer. They are usually created at initialization and don't perform any operations themselves, but they describe to the Vulkan implementation operations that we are going to perform and are thus frequently accessed in order to determine whether the operation that the vulkano user requested is compliant to what was described. Just like the first category, each of these objects has a struct that corresponds to them, but in order to make these checks as fast as possible these structs have a template parameter that describes in a strongly-typed fashion the operation on the CPU side. This makes it possible to move many checks to compile-time instead of runtime. More information in another section of this document.

The third category are objects like CommandBuffers, CommandPools, DescriptorSets, DescriptorPools, Buffers, Images, and memory pools (although not technically a Vulkan object). The way they are implemented has a huge impact on the performance of the application. Contrary to the first two categories, each of these objects is represented in vulkano by an unsafe trait (and not by a struct) that can be freely implemented by the user if they wish. Vulkano provides unsafe structs such as UnsafeBuffer, UnsafeImage, etc. which have zero overhead and do not perform any safety checks, and are the tools used by the safe implementations of the traits. Vulkano also provides some safe implementations for convenience such as CpuAccessibleBuffer or AttachmentImage.

Runtime vs compile-time checks

The second category of objects described above are objects that describe to the Vulkan implementation an operation that we are going to perform later. For example a ComputePipeline object describes to the Vulkan implementation a compute operation and contains the shader's code and the list of resources that we are going to bind and that are going to be accessed by the shader.

Since vulkano is a safe library, it needs to check whether the operation the user requests (eg. executing a compute operation) matches the corresponding ComputePipeline (for example, check that the list of resources passed by the user matches what the compute pipeline expects). These checks can be expensive. For example when it comes to buffers, vulkano needs to check whether the layout of the buffers passed by the user is the same as what is expected, by looping through all the members and following several indirections. If you multiply this by several dozens or hundreds of operations, it can become very expensive.

In order to reduce the stress caused by these checks, structs such as ComputePipeline have a template parameter which describes the operation. Whenever vulkano performs a check, it queries the templated object through a trait, and each safety check has its own trait. This means that we can build strongly-typed objects at compile-time that describe a very precise operation and whose method implementations are trivial. For example, we can create a MyComputeOpDesc type which implements the ResourcesListMatch<MyResourcesList> trait (which was made up for the sake of the example), and the user will only be able to pass a MyResourcesList object for the list of resources. This moves the check to compile-time and totally eliminates any runtime check. The compute pipeline is then expressed as ComputePipeline<MyComputeOpDesc>.

However this design has a drawback, which is that is can be difficult to explicitly express such a type. A compute pipeline in the example above could be expressed as ComputePipeline<MyComputeOpDesc>, but in practice these types (like MyComputeOpDesc) would be built by builders and can become extremely long and annoying to put in a struct (just like for example the type of (10..).filter(|n| n*2).skip(3).take(5) can be very long and annoying to put in a struct). This is especially problematic as it concerns objects that are usually created at initialization and stay alive for a long time, in other words the kind of objects that you would put in a struct.

In order to solve this naming problem, all the traits that are used to describe operations must be boxable so that we can turn ComputePipeline<Very<Long<And<Complicated, Type>>>> into ComputePipeline<Box<ComputePipelineDesc>>. This means that we can't use associated types and templates for any of the trait methods. Ideologically it is a bit annoying to have to restrict ourselves in what we can do just because the user needs to be able to write out the precise type, but it's the only pragmatic solution for now.


Any object that can be submitted to a GPU queue (for example a command buffer) implements the Submit trait.

The Submit trait provides a function named build which returns a Submission<Self> object (where Self is the type that implements the Submit trait). The Submission object must be kept alive by the user for as long as the GPU hasn't finished executing the submission. Trying to destroy a Submission will block until it is the case. Since the Submission holds the object that was submitted, this object is also kept alive for as long as the GPU hasn't finished executing it.

For the moment submitting an object always creates a fence, which is how the Submission knows whether the GPU has finished executing it. Eventually this will need to be modified for the sake of performance.

In order to make the Submit trait safer to implement, the method that actually needs to be implemented is not build but append_submission. This method uses a API/lifetime trick to guarantee that the GPU only executes command buffers that outlive the struct that implements Submit.

SAFETY ISSUE HERE HOWEVER: the user can use mem::forget on the Submission and then drop the objects referenced by it. There are two solutions to this: either store a bunch of Arc in every single object referenced by submissions (eg. pipeline objects), or force the user to use either Arcs or give ownership of the object. The latter is preferred but not yet implemented.


There are three kinds of pools in vulkano: memory pools, descriptor pools, and command pools. Only the last two are technically Vulkan concepts, but using a memory pool is also a very common pattern that you are strongly encouraged to embrace when you write a Vulkan application.

These three kinds of pools are each represented in vulkano by a trait. When you use the Vulkan API, you are expected to create multiple command pools and multiple descriptor pools for maximum performance. In vulkano however, it is the implementation of the pool trait that is responsible for managing multiple actual pool objects. In other words a pool in vulkano is just a trait that provides a method to allocate or free some resource, and the advanced functionality of Vulkan pools (like resetting a command buffer, resetting a pool, or managing the descriptor pool's capacity) is handled internally by the implementation of the trait. For example freeing a command buffer can be implemented by resetting it and reusing it, instead of actually freeing it.

One of the goals of vulkano is to be easy to use by default. Therefore vulkano provides a default implementation for each of these pools, and the new constructors of types that need a pool (ie. buffers, images, descriptor sets, and command buffers) will use the default implementation. It is possible for the user to use an alternative implementation of a pool by using an alternative constructor, but the default implementations should be good for most usages. This is similar to memory allocators in languages such as C++ and Rust, in the sense that some users want to be able to use a custom allocator but most of the time it's not worth bothering with that.

Command buffers

Command buffer objects belong to the last category of objects that were described above. They are represented by an unsafe trait and can be implemented manually by the user if they wish.

However this poses a practical problem, which is that creating a command buffer in a safe way is really complicated. There are tons of commands to implement, and each command has a ton of safety requirements. If a user wants to create a custom command buffer type, it is just not an option to ask them to reimplement these safety checks themselves.

The reason why users may want to create their own command buffer types is to implement synchronization themselves. Vulkano's default implementation (which is AutobarriersCommandBuffer) will automatically place pipeline barriers in order to handle cache flushes and image layout transitions and avoid data races, but this automatic computation can be seen as expensive.

In order to make it possible to customize the synchronization story of command buffers, vulkano has split the command buffer building process in two steps. First the user builds a list of commands through an iterator-like API (and vulkano will check their validity), and then they are turned into a command buffer through a trait. This means that the user can customize the synchronization strategy (by customizing the second step) while still using the same command-building process (the first step). Commands are not opinionated towards one strategy or another. The command-building code is totally isolated from the synchronization strategy and only checks whether the commands themselves are valid.

The fact that all the commands are added at once can be a little surprising for a user coming from Vulkan. Vulkano's API looks very similar to Vulkan's API, but there is a major difference: in Vulkan the cost of creating a command buffer is distributed between each function call, but in vulkano it is done all at once. For example creating a command buffer with 6 commands with Vulkan requires 8 function calls that take say 5µs each, while creating the same command buffer with vulkano requires 8 function calls, but the first 7 are almost free and the last one takes 40µs. After some thinking, it was considered to not be a problem.

Creating a list of commands with an iterator-like API has the problem that the type of the list of commands changes every time you add a new command to the list (just like for example let iterator = iterator.skip(1) changes the type of iterator). This is a problem in situations where we don't know at compile-time the number of commands that we are going to add. In order to solve this, it is required that the CommandsList trait be boxable, so that the user can use a Box<CommandsList>. This is unfortunately not optimal as you will need a memory allocation for each command that is added to the list. The situation here could still be improved.

The auto-barriers builder

As explained above, the default implementation of a command buffer provided by vulkano automatically places pipeline barriers to avoid issues such as caches not being flushed, commands being executed simultaneously when they shouldn't, or images having the wrong layout.

This is not an easy job, because Vulkan allows lots of weird access patterns that we want to make available in vulkano. You can for example create a buffer object split into multiple sub-buffer objects, or make some images and buffers share the same memory.

In order to make it possible to handle everything properly, the Buffer and Image traits need to help us with the conflicts methods. Each buffer and image can be queried to know whether it potentially uses the same memory as any other buffer or image. When two resources conflict, this means that you can't write to one and read from the other one simultaneously or write to both simultaneously.

But we don't want to check every single combination of buffer and image every time to check whether they conflict. So in order to improve performance, buffers and images also need to provide a key that identifies them. Two resources that can potentially conflict must always return the same key. The regular conflict functions are still necessary to handle the situation where buffers or images accidentally return the same key but don't actually conflict.

This conflict system is also used to make sure that the attachments of a framebuffer don't conflict with each other or that the resources in a descriptor set don't conflict with each other (both situations are forbidden).

Image layouts

Tracking image layouts can be tedious. Vulkano uses a simple solution, which is that images must always be in a specific layout at the beginning and the end of a command buffer. If a transition is performed during a command buffer, the image must be transitioned back before the end of the command buffer. The layout in question is queried with a method on the Image trait.

For example an AttachmentImage must always be in the ColorAttachmentOptimal layout for color attachment, and the DepthStencilAttachmentOptimal layout for depth-stencil attachments. If any command switches the image to another layout, then it will need to be switched back before the end of the command buffer.

This system works very nicely in practice, and unnecessary layout transitions almost never happen. The only situation where unnecessary transitions tend to happen in practice is for swapchain images that are transitioned from PresentSrc to ColorAttachmentOptimal before the start of the render pass, because the initial layout of the render pass attachment is ColorAttachmentOptimal by default for color attachments. Vulkano should make it clear in the documentation of render passes that the user is encouraged to specify when an attachment is expected to be in the PresentSrc layout.

The only problematic area concerns the first usage of an image, where it must be transitioned from the Undefined or Preinitialized layout. This is done by making the user pass a command buffer builder in the constructor of images, and the constructor adds a transition command to it. The image implementation is responsible for making sure that the transition command has been submitted before any further command that uses the image.

Inter-queue synchronization

When users submit two command buffers to two different queues, they expect the two command buffers to execute in parallel. However this is forbidden if doing so could result in a data race, like for example if one command buffer writes to an image and the other one reads from that same image. In this situation, the only possible technical solution is to make the execution of the second command buffer block until the first command buffer has finished executing. This case is similar to spawning two threads that each access the same resource protected by a RwLock or a Mutex. One of the two threads will need to block until the first one is finished.

This raises the question: should vulkano implicitly block command buffers to avoid data races, or should it force the user to explicitly add wait operations? By comparing a CPU-side multithreaded program and a GPU-side multithreaded program, then the answer is to make it implicit, as a CPU will also implicitly block when calling a function that happens to lock a Mutex or a RwLock. In CPU code, these locking problems are always "fixed" by properly documenting the behavior of the functions you call. Similarly, vulkano should precisely document its behavior.

More generally users are encouraged to avoid sharing resources between multiple queues unless these resources are read-only, and in practice in a video game it is indeed rarely needed to share resources between multiple queues. Just like for CPU-side multithreading, users are encouraged to have a graph of the ways queues interact with each other.

However another problem arises. In order to make a command buffer wait for another, you need to make the queue of the first command buffer submit a semaphore after execution, and the queue of the second command buffer wait on that same semaphore before execution. Semaphores can only be used once. This means that when you submit a command buffer to a queue, you must already know if any other command buffers are going to wait on the one you are submitting, and if so how many. This is not something that vulkano can automatically determine. The fact that there is therefore no optimal algorithm for implicit synchronization would be a good point in favor of explicit synchronization.

The decision was taken to encourage users to explicitly handle synchronization between multiple queues, but if they forget to do so then vulkano will automatically fall back to a dumb worst-case-scenario but safe behavior. Whenever this dumb behavior is triggered, a debug message is outputted by vulkano with the vkDebugReportMessageEXT function. This message can easily be caught by the user by registering a callback, or with a debugger.

It is yet to be determined what exactly the user needs to handle. The user will at least need to specify an optional list of semaphores to signal at each submission, but maybe not the list of semaphores to wait upon if these can be determined automatically. This has yet to be seen.