diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index b29d48b5f..bd5761586 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ > A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js +- [Awesome Vue.js ](#awesome-vuejs--) - [Resources](#resources) - [Official Resources](#official-resources) - [External Resources](#external-resources) @@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ - [Interactive Experiences](#interactive-experiences) - [Enterprise Usage](#enterprise-usage) - [A11y](#a11y) -- [Components & Libraries](#components--libraries) +- [Components \& Libraries](#components--libraries) - [Frameworks](#frameworks) - [Responsive](#responsive) - [Mobile](#mobile) @@ -655,6 +656,7 @@ - [Customizable Vue video chat app](https://github.com/daily-demos/vue-call-object) - A Vue video call demo app featuring local device controls and screen sharing. - [Vue3-Starter](https://github.com/cerino-ligutom/Vue3-Starter) A boilerplate with an opinion on how to structure your files/folders with a few examples such as **Vue Router** navigation guards, theming with **TailwindCSS**, form validation w/ **Vuelidate**, localization with **Fluent**, etc. - [Text Editor](https://github.com/devisasari/text-editor-vue-3) Text Editor made with Vue 3 Composition API, Bootstrap and Firebase by [İsa Sarı](https://github.com/devisasari) +- [umo editor](https://github.com/umodoc/editor) - Umo Editor is an open-source document editor, based on Vue3 and Tiptap. Visit [Playground](https://demo.umodoc.com/editor?lang=en-US) for a fast experience. - [Vue 3 + Laravel v9 - Boilerplate / Starter kit](https://github.com/fsgreco/vue3-laravel-api) An implementation of the **Laravel Breeze** application / authentication starter kit frontend in Vue.js v3. How a library can become a framework with the help of **pinia** and **vue-router**. - [h5](https://github.com/gyt95/h5) A Monorepo-based mobile engineering project. (Monorepo + Pnpm + Vite3.x + Vue3.2+ + TypeScript4.x + VueRouter4.x + Pinia...) - [Vitesse Starter](https://github.com/antfu/vitesse) ⛺️ Vue 3 starter inclode ( Layouts | i18n | UnoCSS | pinia | Markdown | Dark Mode | PWA | SSG | Component Auto-Importing | File-Based Router | Composition API | TypeScript) @@ -1740,7 +1742,7 @@ _Overlay / modal / alert / dialog / lightbox / popup_ #### Icons - [vue-awesome](https://github.com/Justineo/vue-awesome) - Font Awesome component for Vue.js, using inline SVG. -- [vue-material-design-icons](https://github.com/robcresswell/vue-material-design-icons "vue-material-design-icons on GitHub") - A collection of SVG Material Design icons as single file components. +- [vue-material-design-icons](https://github.com/robcresswell/vue-material-design-icons 'vue-material-design-icons on GitHub') - A collection of SVG Material Design icons as single file components. - [vue-icon-font](https://github.com/ganl/vue-icon-font) - A iconfont plugin for Vuejs (support Font-class and Symbol). - [vue-ionicons](https://github.com/mazipan/vue-ionicons) - Vue Icon Set Components from Ionic Team. - [vue-ico](https://github.com/paulcollett/vue-ico) - Dead easy icons for Vue with drop-in browser support & selective bundling