# install, build and serve
npm run vuegg
Navigate to localhost:5000
to serve (a production-ready) vuegg.
1. Installation
# install client & server dependencies
npm run install:all
# OR install only client / server
npm run install:client
npm run install:server
2. Development
# serve vuegg-client with hot reload
npm run client
# start vuegg-server (auto-restarts on changes)
npm run server
Navigate to localhost:8080
to serve vuegg-client with hot-reload (development server).
For detailed explanation on how things work on the client side, checkout the vuejs-templates/webpack guide and docs for vue-loader.
For development vuegg-server will only generate vuejs projects (it won't be serving vuegg-client resources). Auto-restart capabilities possible thanks to nodemon.
The above commands should be run in separate terminal instances.
3. Production
# build vuegg-client for production with minification
npm run build
# start vuegg-server at localhost:5000
npm run start
Navigate to localhost:5000
to serve (a production-ready) vuegg.