All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Romanian translation.
- Updated GraphQL dependency to 3
- Fixed broadcaster filter
- Skip call to delete lockfile
- Delete lockfiles
- Updated docs
- Discard catalog broadcaster events earlier if they are not inventory-related, avoiding unneccesary calls to vbase
- German translation.
- Added check for admin token to list requests
- [ENGINEERS-282] - Verify user gets email on product availability
- Consider unlimited inventory as in-stock
- Arabic, English and Norwegian translations.
- Catalan, Czech, German, Greek, Finnish, Hungarian, Indonesian, Polish, Russian, Swedish and Ukrainian translations.
- GitHub dispatch workflow added
- Cypress improvements
- GitHub reusable workflow uptaded to v2
- Reduce logging and add throttling for catalog events
- Added error handling when reading orders broadcaster notification
- Added policy to handle request for MD
- (NOTIFIER-56) Fix processUnsentRequests mutation response.
- (NOTIFIER-40) Make private the processUnsentRequests service.
- (NOTIFIER-40) Create graphQL mutations for processUnsentRequests.
- (NOTIFIER-40) Admin access permission check for mutations processUnsentRequests and deleteRequest.
- (NOTIFIER-50) Added LMProductId prop to admin route.
- Changed lock file to be sku specific
- (NOTIFIER-49) Changed errors to warnings when forwarding a notification.
- (NOTIFIER-19) Added admin page with download of request records and button to process unsent requests
- (NOTIFIER-46) Added logging and error handling listing notify requests
- Fixed deserialization errors
- Fixed deserialization errors
- (NOTIFIER-39) Fixed Cart Simulation logic when verifying that a sku can ship to a shopper
- When forwarding a request, do not forward to self.
- (NOTIFIER-39) Fixed Cart Simulation logic when verifying that a sku can ship to a shopper
- (NOTIFIER-44) Updated manual processing links
(NOTIFIER-31) Changed forwarding address
- (NOTIFIER-31) Changed access policy to public.
- (NOTIFIER-31) Updated app version in access policy.
- Periodically process all unsent notifications
- Updated readme - added the configuration for sellers
- (NOTIFIER-31) Trim account name when forwarding notification.
- Added logging
- Added validation and avoid subscribing more than once for the same sku
- Added validation and request to get sku from marketplace
- (NOTIFIER-26) Changed lock error response type
- Added error handling
- (NOTIFIER-24) Changed lock error to 429
- (NOTIFIER-24) Added lock file to block notifications during processing
- Arabic, Norwegian and Norwegian variant translation.
- Added info back to README (this app works on master workspace)
- Change property type to string
- Policy to the settings process notification service
- Add wildcard to allow request from any account
- Change type for PriceValidUntil
- Added outbound access to the availability-notify endpoint
- Tooling and linting
- fix property when receiving and undefined value
- Quality Engineering Actions (SonarCloud for TS and C# plus Lint for TS)
- Fix ForwardNotification deserialization
- Add log for notification email
- Crowdin configuration file
- Check seller inventory when getting availability
- Updated default template and dependecy version
- Added option to forward notifications to another account
- filter out inactive warehouses
- Add new model ListAllWarehouses
- Add new Request ListAllWarehouses
- Updated README to let developers know that the broadcaster doesn't triger the email on dev workspaces
- Added option to run shipping simulation to verify that the item can be shipped.
- Update billing options with type and availableCountries fields
- Add billing options to manifest
- Add icon, images, licenses, and descriptions for app store submission
- Fixed search query for notifications
- Add Locale and Seller
- Added logging
- View requests
- Delete request
- Processing routes
- Docs
- Request obj
- Install Event
- Name change
- Initial version