diff --git a/Documentation/Classes.html b/Documentation/Classes.html index a4c16f8..5d0c6a8 100644 --- a/Documentation/Classes.html +++ b/Documentation/Classes.html @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@



VSAlertController is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertController with more features. It is created using the +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: class method, and configured using instances of VSAlertAction. You can add text fields by calling -addTextField: on an instance of VSAlertController. Instantiate the controller, add your actions and textfieds. and any other configuration you might need. Present the controller modally using UIViewController’s -presentViewController:animated:completion: method. VSAlertController respects the animation paramater of this call, and you configure the animation in question by setting your instances animationStyle property before presentation. You can also change this property in the handler of an action to use a different animation on dismissal.


VSAlertController is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertController with more features. It is created using the +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: class method, and configured using instances of VSAlertAction. You can add text fields by calling -addTextField: on an instance of VSAlertController. Instantiate the controller, add your actions and textfieds. and any other configuration you might need. Present the controller modally using UIViewController’s -presentViewController:animated:completion: method. VSAlertController respects the animation paramater of this call, and you configure the animation in question by setting your instances animationStyle property before presentation. You can also change this property in the handler of an action to use a different animation on dismissal.

See more
diff --git a/Documentation/Classes/VSAlertController.html b/Documentation/Classes/VSAlertController.html index fc2c05f..52929b9 100644 --- a/Documentation/Classes/VSAlertController.html +++ b/Documentation/Classes/VSAlertController.html @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@



VSAlertController is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertController with more features. It is created using the +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: class method, and configured using instances of VSAlertAction. You can add text fields by calling -addTextField: on an instance of VSAlertController. Instantiate the controller, add your actions and textfieds. and any other configuration you might need. Present the controller modally using UIViewController’s -presentViewController:animated:completion: method. VSAlertController respects the animation paramater of this call, and you configure the animation in question by setting your instances animationStyle property before presentation. You can also change this property in the handler of an action to use a different animation on dismissal.


VSAlertController is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertController with more features. It is created using the +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: class method, and configured using instances of VSAlertAction. You can add text fields by calling -addTextField: on an instance of VSAlertController. Instantiate the controller, add your actions and textfieds. and any other configuration you might need. Present the controller modally using UIViewController’s -presentViewController:animated:completion: method. VSAlertController respects the animation paramater of this call, and you configure the animation in question by setting your instances animationStyle property before presentation. You can also change this property in the handler of an action to use a different animation on dismissal.

@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@

Creating Alerts

  • - - - +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: + + + +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:preferredStyle:
    @@ -87,7 +87,8 @@


    + (nullable instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title
                                               message:(nullable NSString *)message
                                                 image:(nullable UIImage *)image
    -                                            style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style;
    + preferredStyle: + (VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle;
    @@ -134,7 +135,7 @@


    - style + preferredStyle @@ -156,9 +157,9 @@

    Return Value

  • - - - +alertControllerWithTitle:message:style: + + + +alertControllerWithTitle:message:preferredStyle:
    @@ -175,7 +176,8 @@



    + (nullable instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title
                                               message:(nullable NSString *)message
    -                                            style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style;
    + preferredStyle: + (VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle;
    @@ -210,7 +212,7 @@


    - style + preferredStyle @@ -232,9 +234,9 @@

    Return Value

  • - - - -initWithTitle:message:image:style: + + + -initWithTitle:message:image:preferredStyle:
    @@ -252,7 +254,7 @@


    - (nullable instancetype)initWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title
                                    message:(nullable NSString *)message
                                      image:(nullable UIImage *)image
    -                                 style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style;
    + preferredStyle:(VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle;
    @@ -299,7 +301,7 @@


    - style + preferredStyle diff --git a/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/Classes.html b/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/Classes.html index a4c16f8..5d0c6a8 100644 --- a/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/Classes.html +++ b/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/Classes.html @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@



    VSAlertController is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertController with more features. It is created using the +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: class method, and configured using instances of VSAlertAction. You can add text fields by calling -addTextField: on an instance of VSAlertController. Instantiate the controller, add your actions and textfieds. and any other configuration you might need. Present the controller modally using UIViewController’s -presentViewController:animated:completion: method. VSAlertController respects the animation paramater of this call, and you configure the animation in question by setting your instances animationStyle property before presentation. You can also change this property in the handler of an action to use a different animation on dismissal.


    VSAlertController is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertController with more features. It is created using the +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: class method, and configured using instances of VSAlertAction. You can add text fields by calling -addTextField: on an instance of VSAlertController. Instantiate the controller, add your actions and textfieds. and any other configuration you might need. Present the controller modally using UIViewController’s -presentViewController:animated:completion: method. VSAlertController respects the animation paramater of this call, and you configure the animation in question by setting your instances animationStyle property before presentation. You can also change this property in the handler of an action to use a different animation on dismissal.

    See more
    diff --git a/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/Classes/VSAlertController.html b/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/Classes/VSAlertController.html index fc2c05f..52929b9 100644 --- a/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/Classes/VSAlertController.html +++ b/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/Classes/VSAlertController.html @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@



    VSAlertController is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertController with more features. It is created using the +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: class method, and configured using instances of VSAlertAction. You can add text fields by calling -addTextField: on an instance of VSAlertController. Instantiate the controller, add your actions and textfieds. and any other configuration you might need. Present the controller modally using UIViewController’s -presentViewController:animated:completion: method. VSAlertController respects the animation paramater of this call, and you configure the animation in question by setting your instances animationStyle property before presentation. You can also change this property in the handler of an action to use a different animation on dismissal.


    VSAlertController is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertController with more features. It is created using the +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: class method, and configured using instances of VSAlertAction. You can add text fields by calling -addTextField: on an instance of VSAlertController. Instantiate the controller, add your actions and textfieds. and any other configuration you might need. Present the controller modally using UIViewController’s -presentViewController:animated:completion: method. VSAlertController respects the animation paramater of this call, and you configure the animation in question by setting your instances animationStyle property before presentation. You can also change this property in the handler of an action to use a different animation on dismissal.

    @@ -67,9 +67,9 @@

    Creating Alerts

  • - - - +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: + + + +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:preferredStyle:
    @@ -87,7 +87,8 @@


    + (nullable instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title
                                               message:(nullable NSString *)message
                                                 image:(nullable UIImage *)image
    -                                            style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style;
    + preferredStyle: + (VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle;
    @@ -134,7 +135,7 @@


    - style + preferredStyle @@ -156,9 +157,9 @@

    Return Value

  • - - - +alertControllerWithTitle:message:style: + + + +alertControllerWithTitle:message:preferredStyle:
    @@ -175,7 +176,8 @@



    + (nullable instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title
                                               message:(nullable NSString *)message
    -                                            style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style;
    + preferredStyle: + (VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle;
    @@ -210,7 +212,7 @@


    - style + preferredStyle @@ -232,9 +234,9 @@

    Return Value

  • - - - -initWithTitle:message:image:style: + + + -initWithTitle:message:image:preferredStyle:
    @@ -252,7 +254,7 @@


    - (nullable instancetype)initWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title
                                    message:(nullable NSString *)message
                                      image:(nullable UIImage *)image
    -                                 style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style;
    + preferredStyle:(VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle;
    @@ -299,7 +301,7 @@


    - style + preferredStyle diff --git a/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/search.json b/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/search.json index 21ccfcc..6d7f7a0 100644 --- a/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/search.json +++ b/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/search.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"Protocols/VSAlertControllerDelegate.html#/c:objc(pl)VSAlertControllerDelegate(im)alertControllerWillAppear:":{"name":"-alertControllerWillAppear:","abstract":"

    Sent to the delegate just before the view controller appears.


    Sent to teh delegate just after the view controller appears.


    Sent to the delegate just before the view controller disappears.


    Sent to teh delegate just after the view controller disappears.


    Sent to the delegate when the user taps on an action. Message is sent before the action block is executed.


    VSAlertControllerDelegate is a protocol used to inform an object about user intractions with alerts


    The alert rises from the bottom of the screen and falls down when dismissed.


    The alert falls from the top of the screen and rises up when dismissed.


    The alert slides from the left of the screen and slides to the right when dismissed.


    The alert flips from the right, and flips to the left when dismissed.


    The alert page flips from the top, then again from the bottom when dismissed.


    The alert page fades in, then fades out dismissed.


    The alert chooses its presentation and dismissal styles automatically.


    A standard alert, 270pt wide, variable height. Supports text fields


    A wider alert that stretches to the margins of the device - 18pt in either direction. Supports text fields, useful for onboarding. 500pt wide on iPad.


    An alert that appears at the bottom of the display, similar to Apple’s action sheet stlye. Does NOT support text fields.


    A normal action


    An action that indicates to the user that the current process wil be cancelled


    An action indicates to the user that an irreversible process is about to happen.


    An enumeration for the kinds of actions that can be created


    An enumeration describing the kinds of alerts that VSAlertController can display


    An enumeration describing the kinds of animations that can be used to present and hide an alert


    An exception thrown when an unimplemented feature is encountered at runtime.


    An exception thrown when a text field is added to an alert controller which doesn’t support text fields


    An exception thrown when a view controller presentation animation fails


    A factory method to create an instance of VSAlertController. This is the preffered way to instantiate alerts


    A factory method to create an instance of VSAlertController.


    Create an instance of VSAlertController


    The color of the alert title. The default value is black.


    The color of the alert message (description). The default value is black.


    The font of the alert title. The default value is the system font size 17 weight medium.


    The font of the alert message (description). The default value is the system font size 15 weight regular.


    The text alignment of the alert message


    The background color of the alert


    Add an action to an alert


    Add a text field to the alert. Rather than instantiating a UITextField object yourself, VSAlertController instantiates one for you. You can configure it using the optional configuration block


    Set to YES if you want the alert to dismiss itself when the user taps on the background of the alert. Default is NO.


    Change the animation used when the alert is presented AND dismissed. Default is VSAlertControllerAnimationStyleRise.


    The delegate object to handle alert action interactions


    Returns the array of text field objects that are displayed in the alert, so you can interact with the user’s inputs.


    The style of the alert


    The message of the alert


    The image of the alert


    A factory method to create an instance of UIAlertAction. This is the prefered way to create alert actions.


    Create an instance of UIAlertAction


    The color of the title text used in non-desctructive actions


    The color of the title text used in destructive actions


    The font of the title used in non-cancel actions


    The font of the title used in cancel actions


    The title of the alert


    The display style of the alert


    The block that will be executed when the user interacts with the action. The block is called on the main thread always, and begins executed before the alert is dismissed


    VSAlertAction is a specialized subclass of UIButton that is used to populate and provide interactive controls to an instance of VSAlertController.


    VSAlertController is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertController with more features. It is created using the +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: class method, and configured using instances of VSAlertAction. You can add text fields by calling -addTextField: on an instance of VSAlertController. Instantiate the controller, add your actions and textfieds. and any other configuration you might need. Present the controller modally using UIViewController’s -presentViewController:animated:completion: method. VSAlertController respects the animation paramater of this call, and you configure the animation in question by setting your instances animationStyle property before presentation. You can also change this property in the handler of an action to use a different animation on dismissal.


    The following classes are available globally.


    The following constants are available globally.


    The following enumerations are available globally.


    The following protocols are available globally.

    "}} \ No newline at end of file +{"Protocols/VSAlertControllerDelegate.html#/c:objc(pl)VSAlertControllerDelegate(im)alertControllerWillAppear:":{"name":"-alertControllerWillAppear:","abstract":"

    Sent to the delegate just before the view controller appears.


    Sent to teh delegate just after the view controller appears.


    Sent to the delegate just before the view controller disappears.


    Sent to teh delegate just after the view controller disappears.


    Sent to the delegate when the user taps on an action. Message is sent before the action block is executed.


    VSAlertControllerDelegate is a protocol used to inform an object about user intractions with alerts


    The alert rises from the bottom of the screen and falls down when dismissed.


    The alert falls from the top of the screen and rises up when dismissed.


    The alert slides from the left of the screen and slides to the right when dismissed.


    The alert flips from the right, and flips to the left when dismissed.


    The alert page flips from the top, then again from the bottom when dismissed.


    The alert page fades in, then fades out dismissed.


    The alert chooses its presentation and dismissal styles automatically.


    A standard alert, 270pt wide, variable height. Supports text fields


    A wider alert that stretches to the margins of the device - 18pt in either direction. Supports text fields, useful for onboarding. 500pt wide on iPad.


    An alert that appears at the bottom of the display, similar to Apple’s action sheet stlye. Does NOT support text fields.


    A normal action


    An action that indicates to the user that the current process wil be cancelled


    An action indicates to the user that an irreversible process is about to happen.


    An enumeration for the kinds of actions that can be created


    An enumeration describing the kinds of alerts that VSAlertController can display


    An enumeration describing the kinds of animations that can be used to present and hide an alert


    An exception thrown when an unimplemented feature is encountered at runtime.


    An exception thrown when a text field is added to an alert controller which doesn’t support text fields


    An exception thrown when a view controller presentation animation fails


    A factory method to create an instance of VSAlertController. This is the preffered way to instantiate alerts


    A factory method to create an instance of VSAlertController.


    Create an instance of VSAlertController


    The color of the alert title. The default value is black.


    The color of the alert message (description). The default value is black.


    The font of the alert title. The default value is the system font size 17 weight medium.


    The font of the alert message (description). The default value is the system font size 15 weight regular.


    The text alignment of the alert message


    The background color of the alert


    Add an action to an alert


    Add a text field to the alert. Rather than instantiating a UITextField object yourself, VSAlertController instantiates one for you. You can configure it using the optional configuration block


    Set to YES if you want the alert to dismiss itself when the user taps on the background of the alert. Default is NO.


    Change the animation used when the alert is presented AND dismissed. Default is VSAlertControllerAnimationStyleRise.


    The delegate object to handle alert action interactions


    Returns the array of text field objects that are displayed in the alert, so you can interact with the user’s inputs.


    The style of the alert


    The message of the alert


    The image of the alert


    A factory method to create an instance of UIAlertAction. This is the prefered way to create alert actions.


    Create an instance of UIAlertAction


    The color of the title text used in non-desctructive actions


    The color of the title text used in destructive actions


    The font of the title used in non-cancel actions


    The font of the title used in cancel actions


    The title of the alert


    The display style of the alert


    The block that will be executed when the user interacts with the action. The block is called on the main thread always, and begins executed before the alert is dismissed


    VSAlertAction is a specialized subclass of UIButton that is used to populate and provide interactive controls to an instance of VSAlertController.


    VSAlertController is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertController with more features. It is created using the +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: class method, and configured using instances of VSAlertAction. You can add text fields by calling -addTextField: on an instance of VSAlertController. Instantiate the controller, add your actions and textfieds. and any other configuration you might need. Present the controller modally using UIViewController’s -presentViewController:animated:completion: method. VSAlertController respects the animation paramater of this call, and you configure the animation in question by setting your instances animationStyle property before presentation. You can also change this property in the handler of an action to use a different animation on dismissal.


    The following classes are available globally.


    The following constants are available globally.


    The following enumerations are available globally.


    The following protocols are available globally.

    "}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/docSet.dsidx b/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/docSet.dsidx index 50a1f20..94d042a 100644 Binary files a/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/docSet.dsidx and b/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.docset/Contents/Resources/docSet.dsidx differ diff --git a/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.tgz b/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.tgz index 1fd20b3..14374e7 100644 Binary files a/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.tgz and b/Documentation/docsets/VSAlert.tgz differ diff --git a/Documentation/search.json b/Documentation/search.json index 21ccfcc..6d7f7a0 100644 --- a/Documentation/search.json +++ b/Documentation/search.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"Protocols/VSAlertControllerDelegate.html#/c:objc(pl)VSAlertControllerDelegate(im)alertControllerWillAppear:":{"name":"-alertControllerWillAppear:","abstract":"

    Sent to the delegate just before the view controller appears.


    Sent to teh delegate just after the view controller appears.


    Sent to the delegate just before the view controller disappears.


    Sent to teh delegate just after the view controller disappears.


    Sent to the delegate when the user taps on an action. Message is sent before the action block is executed.


    VSAlertControllerDelegate is a protocol used to inform an object about user intractions with alerts


    The alert rises from the bottom of the screen and falls down when dismissed.


    The alert falls from the top of the screen and rises up when dismissed.


    The alert slides from the left of the screen and slides to the right when dismissed.


    The alert flips from the right, and flips to the left when dismissed.


    The alert page flips from the top, then again from the bottom when dismissed.


    The alert page fades in, then fades out dismissed.


    The alert chooses its presentation and dismissal styles automatically.


    A standard alert, 270pt wide, variable height. Supports text fields


    A wider alert that stretches to the margins of the device - 18pt in either direction. Supports text fields, useful for onboarding. 500pt wide on iPad.


    An alert that appears at the bottom of the display, similar to Apple’s action sheet stlye. Does NOT support text fields.


    A normal action


    An action that indicates to the user that the current process wil be cancelled


    An action indicates to the user that an irreversible process is about to happen.


    An enumeration for the kinds of actions that can be created


    An enumeration describing the kinds of alerts that VSAlertController can display


    An enumeration describing the kinds of animations that can be used to present and hide an alert


    An exception thrown when an unimplemented feature is encountered at runtime.


    An exception thrown when a text field is added to an alert controller which doesn’t support text fields


    An exception thrown when a view controller presentation animation fails


    A factory method to create an instance of VSAlertController. This is the preffered way to instantiate alerts


    A factory method to create an instance of VSAlertController.


    Create an instance of VSAlertController


    The color of the alert title. The default value is black.


    The color of the alert message (description). The default value is black.


    The font of the alert title. The default value is the system font size 17 weight medium.


    The font of the alert message (description). The default value is the system font size 15 weight regular.


    The text alignment of the alert message


    The background color of the alert


    Add an action to an alert


    Add a text field to the alert. Rather than instantiating a UITextField object yourself, VSAlertController instantiates one for you. You can configure it using the optional configuration block


    Set to YES if you want the alert to dismiss itself when the user taps on the background of the alert. Default is NO.


    Change the animation used when the alert is presented AND dismissed. Default is VSAlertControllerAnimationStyleRise.


    The delegate object to handle alert action interactions


    Returns the array of text field objects that are displayed in the alert, so you can interact with the user’s inputs.


    The style of the alert


    The message of the alert


    The image of the alert


    A factory method to create an instance of UIAlertAction. This is the prefered way to create alert actions.


    Create an instance of UIAlertAction


    The color of the title text used in non-desctructive actions


    The color of the title text used in destructive actions


    The font of the title used in non-cancel actions


    The font of the title used in cancel actions


    The title of the alert


    The display style of the alert


    The block that will be executed when the user interacts with the action. The block is called on the main thread always, and begins executed before the alert is dismissed


    VSAlertAction is a specialized subclass of UIButton that is used to populate and provide interactive controls to an instance of VSAlertController.


    VSAlertController is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertController with more features. It is created using the +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: class method, and configured using instances of VSAlertAction. You can add text fields by calling -addTextField: on an instance of VSAlertController. Instantiate the controller, add your actions and textfieds. and any other configuration you might need. Present the controller modally using UIViewController’s -presentViewController:animated:completion: method. VSAlertController respects the animation paramater of this call, and you configure the animation in question by setting your instances animationStyle property before presentation. You can also change this property in the handler of an action to use a different animation on dismissal.


    The following classes are available globally.


    The following constants are available globally.


    The following enumerations are available globally.


    The following protocols are available globally.

    "}} \ No newline at end of file +{"Protocols/VSAlertControllerDelegate.html#/c:objc(pl)VSAlertControllerDelegate(im)alertControllerWillAppear:":{"name":"-alertControllerWillAppear:","abstract":"

    Sent to the delegate just before the view controller appears.


    Sent to teh delegate just after the view controller appears.


    Sent to the delegate just before the view controller disappears.


    Sent to teh delegate just after the view controller disappears.


    Sent to the delegate when the user taps on an action. Message is sent before the action block is executed.


    VSAlertControllerDelegate is a protocol used to inform an object about user intractions with alerts


    The alert rises from the bottom of the screen and falls down when dismissed.


    The alert falls from the top of the screen and rises up when dismissed.


    The alert slides from the left of the screen and slides to the right when dismissed.


    The alert flips from the right, and flips to the left when dismissed.


    The alert page flips from the top, then again from the bottom when dismissed.


    The alert page fades in, then fades out dismissed.


    The alert chooses its presentation and dismissal styles automatically.


    A standard alert, 270pt wide, variable height. Supports text fields


    A wider alert that stretches to the margins of the device - 18pt in either direction. Supports text fields, useful for onboarding. 500pt wide on iPad.


    An alert that appears at the bottom of the display, similar to Apple’s action sheet stlye. Does NOT support text fields.


    A normal action


    An action that indicates to the user that the current process wil be cancelled


    An action indicates to the user that an irreversible process is about to happen.


    An enumeration for the kinds of actions that can be created


    An enumeration describing the kinds of alerts that VSAlertController can display


    An enumeration describing the kinds of animations that can be used to present and hide an alert


    An exception thrown when an unimplemented feature is encountered at runtime.


    An exception thrown when a text field is added to an alert controller which doesn’t support text fields


    An exception thrown when a view controller presentation animation fails


    A factory method to create an instance of VSAlertController. This is the preffered way to instantiate alerts


    A factory method to create an instance of VSAlertController.


    Create an instance of VSAlertController


    The color of the alert title. The default value is black.


    The color of the alert message (description). The default value is black.


    The font of the alert title. The default value is the system font size 17 weight medium.


    The font of the alert message (description). The default value is the system font size 15 weight regular.


    The text alignment of the alert message


    The background color of the alert


    Add an action to an alert


    Add a text field to the alert. Rather than instantiating a UITextField object yourself, VSAlertController instantiates one for you. You can configure it using the optional configuration block


    Set to YES if you want the alert to dismiss itself when the user taps on the background of the alert. Default is NO.


    Change the animation used when the alert is presented AND dismissed. Default is VSAlertControllerAnimationStyleRise.


    The delegate object to handle alert action interactions


    Returns the array of text field objects that are displayed in the alert, so you can interact with the user’s inputs.


    The style of the alert


    The message of the alert


    The image of the alert


    A factory method to create an instance of UIAlertAction. This is the prefered way to create alert actions.


    Create an instance of UIAlertAction


    The color of the title text used in non-desctructive actions


    The color of the title text used in destructive actions


    The font of the title used in non-cancel actions


    The font of the title used in cancel actions


    The title of the alert


    The display style of the alert


    The block that will be executed when the user interacts with the action. The block is called on the main thread always, and begins executed before the alert is dismissed


    VSAlertAction is a specialized subclass of UIButton that is used to populate and provide interactive controls to an instance of VSAlertController.


    VSAlertController is a drop-in replacement for UIAlertController with more features. It is created using the +alertControllerWithTitle:message:image:style: class method, and configured using instances of VSAlertAction. You can add text fields by calling -addTextField: on an instance of VSAlertController. Instantiate the controller, add your actions and textfieds. and any other configuration you might need. Present the controller modally using UIViewController’s -presentViewController:animated:completion: method. VSAlertController respects the animation paramater of this call, and you configure the animation in question by setting your instances animationStyle property before presentation. You can also change this property in the handler of an action to use a different animation on dismissal.


    The following classes are available globally.


    The following constants are available globally.


    The following enumerations are available globally.


    The following protocols are available globally.

    "}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Release/VSAlert.framework/Versions/A/Headers/VSAlertController.h b/Release/VSAlert.framework/Versions/A/Headers/VSAlertController.h index 5c8872e..e58a2d8 100755 --- a/Release/VSAlert.framework/Versions/A/Headers/VSAlertController.h +++ b/Release/VSAlert.framework/Versions/A/Headers/VSAlertController.h @@ -162,10 +162,10 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, VSAlertControllerAnimationStyle) { @param title The title of the alert @param message The message of the alert @param image The image to be displayed in the header of the alert. - @param style The style of the alert + @param preferredStyle The style of the alert @return The instantiated alert object */ -+ (nullable instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title message:(nullable NSString *)message image:(nullable UIImage *)image style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style; ++ (nullable instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title message:(nullable NSString *)message image:(nullable UIImage *)image preferredStyle:(VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle; /** @@ -173,20 +173,20 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, VSAlertControllerAnimationStyle) { @param title The title of the alert @param message The message of the alert - @param style The style of the alert + @param preferredStyle The style of the alert @return The instantiated alert object */ -+ (nullable instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title message:(nullable NSString *)message style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style; ++ (nullable instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title message:(nullable NSString *)message preferredStyle:(VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle; /** Create an instance of VSAlertController @param title The title of the alert @param message The message of the alert @param image The image to be displayed in the header of the alert. - @param style The style of the alert + @param preferredStyle The style of the alert @return The instantiated alert object */ -- (nullable instancetype)initWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title message:(nullable NSString *)message image:(nullable UIImage *)image style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; +- (nullable instancetype)initWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title message:(nullable NSString *)message image:(nullable UIImage *)image preferredStyle:(VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; /** @name Configuring Alert Appearance diff --git a/Release/VSAlert.framework/Versions/A/VSAlert b/Release/VSAlert.framework/Versions/A/VSAlert index eb6a703..db07f97 100644 Binary files a/Release/VSAlert.framework/Versions/A/VSAlert and b/Release/VSAlert.framework/Versions/A/VSAlert differ diff --git a/VSAlert-Example/AlertExample.m b/VSAlert-Example/AlertExample.m index 75b4c3d..455d611 100755 --- a/VSAlert-Example/AlertExample.m +++ b/VSAlert-Example/AlertExample.m @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Basic Alert", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"Nothing but a title, a message, and a button.", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; VSAlertAction *action = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Close", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Would you like to continue?", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"You can change your mind at any time", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; VSAlertAction *action1 = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Would you like to continue?", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"This change is permanent", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; VSAlertAction *action1 = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Make a Choice", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"Some are better than others", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; VSAlertAction *action1 = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Enter Zipcode", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"Some featuers are only available in certain areas", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; [controller addTextField:^(UITextField *textfield) { textfield.placeholder = NSLocalizedString(@"Zipcode", nil); @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Log In", nil) message:nil image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; [controller addTextField:^(UITextField *textfield) { textfield.placeholder = NSLocalizedString(@"Email Address", nil); @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Subscription Required", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"Visit our website for available plan information.", nil) image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"news-alert"] - style:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; VSAlertAction *action = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Close", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Locate your device", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"Enables access to your location: discover what you can do when you're traveling and what is available near you.", nil) image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"flag.png"] - style:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; controller.alertTitleTextColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.929f green:0.596f blue:0.082f alpha:1.0f]; controller.alertTitleTextFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Avenir-Roman" size:17.0f]; controller.alertMessageTextColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:1.0f/3.0f @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Walkthrough Alert", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"Like a basic alert, but wider. Basic alerts are 270pt wide, walkthrough alerts stretch to fill the display. They can be useful for onboarding and set-up screen.", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; VSAlertAction *action = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Close", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Would you like to continue?", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"You can change your mind at any time", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; VSAlertAction *action1 = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Would you like to continue?", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"This change is permanent", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; VSAlertAction *action1 = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Make a Choice", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"Some are better than others", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; VSAlertAction *action1 = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Enter Zipcode", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"Some featuers are only available in certain areas", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; [controller addTextField:^(UITextField *textfield) { textfield.placeholder = NSLocalizedString(@"Zipcode", nil); @@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Log In", nil) message:nil image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; [controller addTextField:^(UITextField *textfield) { textfield.placeholder = NSLocalizedString(@"Email Address", nil); @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Subscription Required", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"Visit our website for available plan information.", nil) image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"news-alert"] - style:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; VSAlertAction *action = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Close", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Locate your device", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"Enables access to your location: discover what you can do when you're traveling and what is available near you.", nil) image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"flag.png"] - style:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleWalkthroughAlert]; controller.alertTitleTextColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.929f green:0.596f blue:0.082f alpha:1.0f]; controller.alertTitleTextFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Avenir-Roman" size:17.0f]; controller.alertMessageTextColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:1.0f/3.0f @@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Action Sheet", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"These alerts fire from the bottom of the screen. They're useful for having a user make a choice", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; VSAlertAction *action = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Close", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Would you like to continue?", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"You can change your mind at any time", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; VSAlertAction *action1 = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Would you like to continue?", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"This change is permanent", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; VSAlertAction *action1 = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Make a Choice", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"Some are better than others", nil) image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; VSAlertAction *action1 = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Subscription Required", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"Visit our website for available plan information.", nil) image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"news-alert"] - style:VSAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; VSAlertAction *action = [VSAlertAction alertActionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Close", nil) style:VSAlertActionStyleCancel action:nil]; @@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ - (void)presentAlertForExampleType:(AlertExampleType)exampleType onViewControlle controller = [VSAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Locate your device", nil) message:NSLocalizedString(@"Enables access to your location: discover what you can do when you're traveling and what is available near you.", nil) image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"flag.png"] - style:VSAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; controller.alertTitleTextColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.929f green:0.596f blue:0.082f alpha:1.0f]; controller.alertTitleTextFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Avenir-Roman" size:17.0f]; controller.alertMessageTextColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:1.0f/3.0f diff --git a/VSAlert/VSAlertController.h b/VSAlert/VSAlertController.h index 5c8872e..e58a2d8 100755 --- a/VSAlert/VSAlertController.h +++ b/VSAlert/VSAlertController.h @@ -162,10 +162,10 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, VSAlertControllerAnimationStyle) { @param title The title of the alert @param message The message of the alert @param image The image to be displayed in the header of the alert. - @param style The style of the alert + @param preferredStyle The style of the alert @return The instantiated alert object */ -+ (nullable instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title message:(nullable NSString *)message image:(nullable UIImage *)image style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style; ++ (nullable instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title message:(nullable NSString *)message image:(nullable UIImage *)image preferredStyle:(VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle; /** @@ -173,20 +173,20 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, VSAlertControllerAnimationStyle) { @param title The title of the alert @param message The message of the alert - @param style The style of the alert + @param preferredStyle The style of the alert @return The instantiated alert object */ -+ (nullable instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title message:(nullable NSString *)message style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style; ++ (nullable instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title message:(nullable NSString *)message preferredStyle:(VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle; /** Create an instance of VSAlertController @param title The title of the alert @param message The message of the alert @param image The image to be displayed in the header of the alert. - @param style The style of the alert + @param preferredStyle The style of the alert @return The instantiated alert object */ -- (nullable instancetype)initWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title message:(nullable NSString *)message image:(nullable UIImage *)image style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; +- (nullable instancetype)initWithTitle:(nullable NSString *)title message:(nullable NSString *)message image:(nullable UIImage *)image preferredStyle:(VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; /** @name Configuring Alert Appearance diff --git a/VSAlert/VSAlertController.m b/VSAlert/VSAlertController.m index f79e8c0..784b158 100755 --- a/VSAlert/VSAlertController.m +++ b/VSAlert/VSAlertController.m @@ -593,23 +593,23 @@ + (void)initialize { #pragma mark - Public Class Methods -+ (instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(NSString *)title message:(NSString *)message image:(UIImage *)image style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style { ++ (instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(NSString *)title message:(NSString *)message image:(UIImage *)image preferredStyle:(VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle { VSAlertController *alertController = [[self alloc] initWithTitle:title message:message image:image - style:style]; + preferredStyle:preferredStyle]; return alertController; } -+ (instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(NSString *)title message:(NSString *)message style:(VSAlertControllerStyle)style { ++ (instancetype)alertControllerWithTitle:(NSString *)title message:(NSString *)message preferredStyle:(VSAlertControllerStyle)preferredStyle { VSAlertController *alertController = [[self alloc] initWithTitle:title message:message image:nil - style:style]; + preferredStyle:preferredStyle]; return alertController; @@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ - (instancetype)init { self = [self initWithTitle:nil message:nil image:nil - style:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; + preferredStyle:VSAlertControllerStyleAlert]; return self; @@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ + (nonnull instancetype)appearanceWhenContainedIn:(nullable Class