Terry E. Miller, Andrew Shahriari. World Music: A Global Journey - A survey of ethnic music traditions from all over the world. Audio CD examples are on YouTube
Michael Church. The Other Classical Musics: Fifteen Great Traditions
- also Musics Lost and Found: Song Collectors and the Life and Death of Folk Tradition
Lark Camp is hosting free online sessions during COVID times: August, February, some past recorded sessions
- Татьяна Бершадская: Основные композиционные закономерности многоголосия русской народной песни
- У Ген-Ир. История музыки Восточной Азии (Китай, Корея, Япония)
- Tonic, Final, Kyū: Tonal Mappings in the Meiji Period and Beyond. Liam Hynes-Tawa
Irish fiddle: