diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 68a414d9..0e79b5ec 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -562,6 +562,414 @@ const vote = client.cspVote(new Vote([index % 2]), signature);
 const voteId = await client.submitVote(vote);
+## Census3
+### What is Census3?
+Census3 is an API service to create censuses for elections with holders of a single token or a combination of them.
+The service creates a list of holder addresses and balances and keeps it updated in real time, for every registered token.
+Then, it allows creating a merkle tree census (compatible with [Vocdoni](https://vocdoni.io/)) with those holders, using their balances as vote weights.
+More information about Census3 can be found [here](https://github.com/vocdoni/census3).
+### Using Census3
+The SDK comes with an implementation of the [Census3 API](https://github.com/vocdoni/census3/blob/main/api/README.md).
+#### Creating a Census3 client
+const client = new VocdoniCensus3Client({
+  env: EnvOptions.DEV // dev environment
+#### Getting basic service information
+// Get the supported chains
+const supportedChains = await client.getSupportedChains();
+// [
+//     {
+//     "chainID": 1,
+//     "shortName": "eth",
+//     "name": "Ethereum Mainnet"
+//     }, 
+//     {
+//       "chainID": 5,
+//       "shortName": "gor",
+//       "name": "Goerli"
+//     },
+//     {
+//       "chainID": 137,
+//       "shortName": "matic",
+//       "name": "Polygon Mainnet"
+//     },
+//     {
+//       "chainID": 80001,
+//       "shortName": "maticmum",
+//       "name": "Mumbai"
+//     }
+// ]
+// Get the supported token types
+const supportedTypes = await client.getSupportedTypes();
+// ["erc20", "erc777", "poap", "unknown", "erc721burned", "erc1155", "nation3", "want", "erc721"]
+#### Getting tokens information and creating them
+// Get the supported tokens
+const supportedTokens = await client.getSupportedTokens();
+// [
+//   {
+//     "ID": "0x0AaCfbeC6a24756c20D41914F2caba817C0d8521",
+//     "type": "erc20",
+//     "decimals": 18,
+//     "startBlock": 10886913,
+//     "symbol": "YAM",
+//     "totalSupply": "",
+//     "name": "YAM",
+//     "status": {
+//       "atBlock": 18565762,
+//       "synced": true,
+//       "progress": 100
+//     },
+//     "size": 14999,
+//     "defaultStrategy": 19,
+//     "chainID": 1,
+//     "chainAddress": "eth:0x0AaCfbeC6a24756c20D41914F2caba817C0d8521"
+//   },
+//   {
+//     "ID": "0x0b38210ea11411557c13457D4dA7dC6ea731B88a",
+//     "type": "erc20",
+//     "decimals": 18,
+//     "startBlock": 11203771,
+//     "symbol": "API3",
+//     "totalSupply": "",
+//     "name": "API3",
+//     "status": {
+//       "atBlock": 18565763,
+//       "synced": true,
+//       "progress": 100
+//     },
+//     "size": 51178,
+//     "defaultStrategy": 8,
+//     "chainID": 1,
+//     "chainAddress": "eth:0x0b38210ea11411557c13457D4dA7dC6ea731B88a"
+//   },
+//   ...
+// ]
+// Get a token by its ID (address) and chain identifier
+const token = await client.getToken('0x0AaCfbeC6a24756c20D41914F2caba817C0d8521', 1);
+// {
+//   "ID": "0x0AaCfbeC6a24756c20D41914F2caba817C0d8521",
+//   "type": "erc20",
+//   "decimals": 18,
+//   "startBlock": 10886913,
+//   "symbol": "YAM",
+//   "totalSupply": "15164231312592159866595366",
+//   "name": "YAM",
+//   "status": {
+//     "atBlock": 18565783,
+//     "synced": true,
+//     "progress": 100
+//   },
+//   "size": 14999,
+//   "defaultStrategy": 19,
+//   "chainID": 1,
+//   "chainAddress": "eth:0x0AaCfbeC6a24756c20D41914F2caba817C0d8521",
+//   "tags": []
+// }
+// Check if a holder is registered for a given token
+const token = await client.isHolderInToken(
+  '0x0AaCfbeC6a24756c20D41914F2caba817C0d8521', 
+  1, 
+  '0x111000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD'
+// false
+// Creates a new token by passing the address, the type and the chain identifier
+const token = await client.createToken('0xa117000000f279d81a1d3cc75430faa017fa5a2e', 'erc20', 1);
+#### Getting strategies information and creating them
+// Get the supported strategies
+const supportedStrategies = await client.getStrategies();
+// [
+//   {
+//     "ID": 1,
+//     "alias": "Default strategy for token CRV",
+//     "predicate": "CRV",
+//     "uri": "ipfs://bafybeicjqjklqpumewpaue6weg47byz6fwmbg6ozief3w2pgqx7zlwl5ea",
+//     "tokens": {
+//       "CRV": {
+//         "ID": "0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52",
+//         "chainID": 1,
+//         "minBalance": "0",
+//         "chainAddress": "eth:0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52"
+//       }
+//     }
+//   },
+//   {
+//     "ID": 2,
+//     "alias": "Default strategy for token UNI",
+//     "predicate": "UNI",
+//     "uri": "ipfs://bafybeiesxbsbvp2agcuolezec6hvimntqdg3w43xs62mecdj2fyeh5anxu",
+//     "tokens": {
+//       "UNI": {
+//         "ID": "0x1f9840a85d5aF5bf1D1762F925BDADdC4201F984",
+//         "chainID": 1,
+//         "minBalance": "0",
+//         "chainAddress": "eth:0x1f9840a85d5aF5bf1D1762F925BDADdC4201F984"
+//       }
+//     }
+//   },
+//   ...
+// ]
+// Get the supported strategies by token and chain identifier
+const supportedStrategiesByToken = await client.getStrategiesByToken('0x0AaCfbeC6a24756c20D41914F2caba817C0d8521', 1);
+// [
+//   {
+//     "ID": 19,
+//     "alias": "Default strategy for token YAM",
+//     "predicate": "YAM",
+//     "uri": "ipfs://bafybeicddxfktpcmbkvrflifbod6eeaizfab7l5ijggswnn5jwu3uhv4i4",
+//     "tokens": {
+//       "YAM": {
+//         "ID": "0x0AaCfbeC6a24756c20D41914F2caba817C0d8521",
+//         "chainID": 1,
+//         "minBalance": "0",
+//         "chainAddress": "eth:0x0AaCfbeC6a24756c20D41914F2caba817C0d8521"
+//       }
+//     }
+//   },
+//   {
+//     "ID": 37,
+//     "alias": "testStrategy_1699887257144",
+//     "predicate": "(YAM OR API3) AND 1INCH",
+//     "uri": "ipfs://bafybeic2gw6nb75ledp3jbz46rmdrnti33hgtlm5icfluxn5ol4enqps7i",
+//     "tokens": {
+//       "1INCH": {
+//         "ID": "0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302",
+//         "chainID": 1,
+//         "minBalance": "50",
+//         "chainAddress": "eth:0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302"
+//       },
+//       "API3": {
+//         "ID": "0x0b38210ea11411557c13457D4dA7dC6ea731B88a",
+//         "chainID": 1,
+//         "minBalance": "0",
+//         "chainAddress": "eth:0x0b38210ea11411557c13457D4dA7dC6ea731B88a"
+//       },
+//       "YAM": {
+//         "ID": "0x0AaCfbeC6a24756c20D41914F2caba817C0d8521",
+//         "chainID": 1,
+//         "minBalance": "10000",
+//         "chainAddress": "eth:0x0AaCfbeC6a24756c20D41914F2caba817C0d8521"
+//       }
+//     }
+//   },
+//   ...
+// ]
+// Get a strategy on a given identifier
+const strategy = await client.getStrategy(1);
+// {
+//   "ID": 1,
+//   "alias": "Default strategy for token CRV",
+//   "predicate": "CRV",
+//   "uri": "ipfs://bafybeicjqjklqpumewpaue6weg47byz6fwmbg6ozief3w2pgqx7zlwl5ea",
+//   "tokens": {
+//       "CRV": {
+//         "ID": "0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52",
+//         "chainID": 1,
+//         "minBalance": "0",
+//         "chainAddress": "eth:0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52"
+//       }
+//   }
+// }
+// Get strategy size
+const size = await client.getStrategySize(1);
+// 12455
+// Creates a new strategy by passing the alias, the predicate and the tokens information
+const strategyId = await client.createStrategy('test_strategy', '(wANT OR ANT) AND USDC', {
+  "wANT": {
+    "ID": "0x1324",
+    "chainID": 1,
+    "minBalance": "10000"
+  },
+  "ANT": {
+    "ID": "0x1324",
+    "chainID": 5,
+  },
+  "USDC": {
+    "ID": "0x1324",
+    "chainID": 1,
+    "minBalance": "50"
+  },
+console.log(strategyId) // strategy identifier
+// Imports a strategy from IPFS by the given cid
+const strategy = await client.importStrategy('bafybeicjqjklqpumewpaue6weg47byz6fwmbg6ozief3w2pgqx7zlwl5ea');
+// {
+//   "ID": 1,
+//   "alias": "Default strategy for token CRV",
+//   "predicate": "CRV",
+//   "uri": "ipfs://bafybeicjqjklqpumewpaue6weg47byz6fwmbg6ozief3w2pgqx7zlwl5ea",
+//   "tokens": {
+//       "CRV": {
+//         "ID": "0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52",
+//         "chainID": 1,
+//         "minBalance": "0",
+//         "chainAddress": "eth:0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52"
+//       }
+//   }
+// }
+// Validates a predicate for a strategy and returns the parsed predicate in JSON
+const validatePredicate = await client.validatePredicate('1INCH AND (YAM OR API3)');
+// {
+//   "result": {
+//   "childs": {
+//     "operator": "AND",
+//       "tokens": [
+//       {
+//         "childs": {
+//           "operator": "OR",
+//           "tokens": [
+//             {
+//               "literal": "YAM"
+//             },
+//             {
+//               "literal": "API3"
+//             }
+//           ]
+//         }
+//       },
+//       {
+//         "literal": "1INCH"
+//       }
+//     ]
+//   }
+// }
+// }
+// Gets the supported predicate operators
+const operators = await client.getSupportedOperators();
+// [
+//   {
+//     "description": "AND logical operator that returns the common token holders between symbols with fixed balance to 1",
+//     "tag": "AND"
+//   },
+//   {
+//     "description": "AND:sum logical operator that returns the common token holders between symbols with the sum of their balances on both tokens",
+//     "tag": "AND:sum"
+//   },
+//   {
+//     "description": "AND:mul logical operator that returns the common token holders between symbols with the multiplication of their balances on both tokens",
+//     "tag": "AND:mul"
+//   },
+//   ...
+// ]
+#### Getting censuses information and creating them
+// Get the supported censuses by strategy identifier
+const strategyID = 18;
+const censusesByStrategy = await client.getCensuses(strategyID);
+// [
+//   {
+//     "ID": 18569955180,
+//     "strategyID": 18,
+//     "merkleRoot": "9b1ac0ed374a66b781a22ec5e1b1382324adc0759662e1e6f85fc87f5a23407e",
+//     "uri": "ipfs://bafybeihwz2mbkkphgs2ni5laymgtfokaskujg2qfqcvoxhkccbdqp6k7ly",
+//     "size": 14999,
+//     "weight": "81637958624197446065983341792",
+//     "anonymous": false
+//   },
+//   {
+//     "ID": 18569991180,
+//     "strategyID": 18,
+//     "merkleRoot": "ab1c003b923c4fec0b24f84893ddda8835fd3990904dc64f06c1fc0eadef402f",
+//     "uri": "ipfs://bafybeig5jrzw7ayxb442evan4pwa4rfksznh3smyt4exyjkubet2u5ldjm",
+//     "size": 14999,
+//     "weight": "653103668993579568527866734336",
+//     "anonymous": false
+//   },
+//   ...
+// ]
+// Get a census on a given identifier
+const census = await client.getCensus(18569955180);
+// {
+//   "ID": 18569955180,
+//   "strategyID": 18,
+//   "merkleRoot": "9b1ac0ed374a66b781a22ec5e1b1382324adc0759662e1e6f85fc87f5a23407e",
+//   "uri": "ipfs://bafybeihwz2mbkkphgs2ni5laymgtfokaskujg2qfqcvoxhkccbdqp6k7ly",
+//   "size": 14999,
+//   "weight": "1514939612264202552941935398517220938016694806267744586724593217517874",
+//   "anonymous": false
+// }
+// Creates a new census by passing the strategy identifier
+const strategyID = 18;
+const census = await client.createCensus(strategyID);
+// {
+//   "ID": 18570184180,
+//   "strategyID": 18,
+//   "merkleRoot": "542166dd4757904449e71d5c21058597ab4179f040ee1f9e7dd29eec622ca5ed",
+//   "uri": "ipfs://bafybeifbhmytl6olebkdoas6uftj3ae5akutmji4io6k37ilzu5uli2nle",
+//   "size": 14999,
+//   "weight": "42801802051163230603042274301444096",
+//   "anonymous": false
+// }
+// Creates a new census by passing the token address, using the default strategy and returns
+// an instance of `TokenCensus` which can be directly used as a census in the Vocdoni chain
+const census = await client.createTokenCensus('0x0AaCfbeC6a24756c20D41914F2caba817C0d8521', 1);
+console.log(typeof census); // TokenCensus
 ## Examples
 You can find a [full featured vite][example-vite] application with all the previous
diff --git a/src/api/census3/census.ts b/src/api/census3/census.ts
index 68d7ea8f..bdc21f81 100644
--- a/src/api/census3/census.ts
+++ b/src/api/census3/census.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ export interface ICensus3CensusResponse {
    * The identifier of the census
-  censusID: number;
+  ID: number;
    * The identifier of the strategy of the built census
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ export interface ICensus3CensusQueueResponse {
      * The string of the error
-    err: string;
+    error: string;
@@ -130,24 +130,17 @@ export abstract class Census3CensusAPI extends Census3API {
-   * Requests the creation of a new census with the strategy provided for the blockNumber.
+   * Requests the creation of a new census with the strategy provided.
    * @param {string} url API endpoint URL
    * @param {number} strategyId The strategy identifier
    * @param {boolean} anonymous If the census has to be anonymous
-   * @param {number} blockNumber The number of the block
    * @returns {Promise<ICensus3QueueResponse>} The queue identifier
-  public static create(
-    url: string,
-    strategyId: number,
-    anonymous: boolean = false,
-    blockNumber?: number
-  ): Promise<ICensus3QueueResponse> {
+  public static create(url: string, strategyId: number, anonymous: boolean = false): Promise<ICensus3QueueResponse> {
     return axios
       .post<ICensus3QueueResponse>(url + Census3CensusAPIMethods.CREATE, {
         strategyID: strategyId,
-        blockNumber,
       .then((response) => response.data)
diff --git a/src/api/census3/strategy.ts b/src/api/census3/strategy.ts
index 49ce533c..11e261bf 100644
--- a/src/api/census3/strategy.ts
+++ b/src/api/census3/strategy.ts
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ enum Census3StrategyAPIMethods {
   STRATEGY = '/strategies/{id}',
   SIZE = '/strategies/{id}/size',
   SIZE_QUEUE = '/strategies/{id}/size/queue/{queueId}',
-  VALIDATE_PREDICATE = '/strategies/predicate/parse',
+  VALIDATE_PREDICATE = '/strategies/predicate/validate',
   OPERATORS = '/strategies/predicate/operators',
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ export interface ICensus3StrategySizeQueueResponse {
      * The string of the error
-    err: string;
+    error: string;
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ export interface ICensus3StrategyImportQueueResponse {
      * The string of the error
-    err: string;
+    error: string;
diff --git a/src/api/census3/token.ts b/src/api/census3/token.ts
index 47a4ea88..c893fee8 100644
--- a/src/api/census3/token.ts
+++ b/src/api/census3/token.ts
@@ -96,16 +96,11 @@ export type Census3Token = {
-export type Census3TokenSummary = Pick<
-  Census3Token,
-  'ID' | 'name' | 'type' | 'startBlock' | 'symbol' | 'tags' | 'chainID' | 'externalID' | 'chainAddress' | 'status'
 export interface ICensus3TokenListResponse {
    * The list of the tokens
-  tokens: Array<Census3TokenSummary>;
+  tokens: Array<Census3Token>;
 export interface ICensus3TokenListResponsePaginated extends ICensus3TokenListResponse {
@@ -207,13 +202,12 @@ export abstract class Census3TokenAPI extends Census3API {
-   * Triggers a new scan for the provided token, starting from the defined block.
+   * Triggers a new scan for the provided token.
    * @param {string} url API endpoint URL
    * @param {string} id The token address
    * @param {string} type The type of the token
    * @param {number} chainId The chain id of the token
-   * @param {number} startBlock The start block
    * @param {string[]} tags The tags assigned for the token
    * @param {string} externalId The identifier used by external provider
    * @returns {Promise<IFileCIDResponse>} promised IFileCIDResponse
@@ -223,7 +217,6 @@ export abstract class Census3TokenAPI extends Census3API {
     id: string,
     type: string,
     chainId: number,
-    startBlock: number,
     tags?: string,
     externalId?: string
   ): Promise<void> {
@@ -232,7 +225,6 @@ export abstract class Census3TokenAPI extends Census3API {
         ID: id,
         chainID: chainId,
-        startBlock,
         externalID: externalId,
diff --git a/src/census3.ts b/src/census3.ts
index 156a90b5..b9abdf06 100644
--- a/src/census3.ts
+++ b/src/census3.ts
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import {
-  Census3TokenSummary,
@@ -20,7 +19,6 @@ import { TokenCensus } from './types';
 import { delay } from './util/common';
 export type Token = Omit<Census3Token, 'tags'> & { tags: string[] };
-export type TokenSummary = Census3TokenSummary;
 export type Strategy = Census3Strategy;
 export type StrategyToken = Census3CreateStrategyToken;
 export type Census3Census = ICensus3CensusResponse;
@@ -50,12 +48,18 @@ export class VocdoniCensus3Client {
-   * Returns a list of summarized tokens supported by the service
+   * Returns a list of tokens supported by the service
-   * @returns {Promise<TokenSummary[]>} Token summary list
+   * @returns {Promise<Token[]>} Token list
-  getSupportedTokens(): Promise<TokenSummary[]> {
-    return Census3TokenAPI.list(this.url, { pageSize: -1 }).then((list) => list.tokens ?? []);
+  getSupportedTokens(): Promise<Token[]> {
+    return Census3TokenAPI.list(this.url, { pageSize: -1 }).then(
+      (list) =>
+        list?.tokens?.map((token) => ({
+          ...token,
+          tags: token.tags?.split(',') ?? [],
+        })) ?? []
+    );
@@ -126,20 +130,18 @@ export class VocdoniCensus3Client {
    * @param {number} chainId The chain id of the token
    * @param {string} externalId The identifier used by external provider
    * @param {string} tags The tag list to associate the token with
-   * @param {string} startBlock The start block where to start scanning
     address: string,
     type: string,
     chainId: number = 1,
     externalId: string = '',
-    tags: string[] = [],
-    startBlock: number = 0
+    tags: string[] = []
   ): Promise<void> {
     invariant(address, 'No token address');
     invariant(type, 'No token type');
     invariant(isAddress(address), 'Incorrect token address');
-    return Census3TokenAPI.create(this.url, address, type, chainId, startBlock, tags?.join(), externalId);
+    return Census3TokenAPI.create(this.url, address, type, chainId, tags?.join(), externalId);
@@ -300,10 +302,9 @@ export class VocdoniCensus3Client {
    * @param {number} strategyId The id of the strategy
    * @param {boolean} anonymous If the census has to be anonymous
-   * @param {number} blockNumber The block number
    * @returns {Promise<Census3Census>} The census information
-  createCensus(strategyId: number, anonymous: boolean = false, blockNumber?: number): Promise<Census3Census> {
+  createCensus(strategyId: number, anonymous: boolean = false): Promise<Census3Census> {
     invariant(strategyId || strategyId >= 0, 'No strategy id');
     const waitForQueue = (queueId: string, wait?: number, attempts?: number): Promise<Census3Census> => {
@@ -326,7 +327,7 @@ export class VocdoniCensus3Client {
-    return Census3CensusAPI.create(this.url, strategyId, anonymous, blockNumber)
+    return Census3CensusAPI.create(this.url, strategyId, anonymous)
       .then((createCensus) => createCensus.queueID)
       .then((queueId) => waitForQueue(queueId));
diff --git a/test/census3/api/token.test.ts b/test/census3/api/token.test.ts
index 79b7a3e6..d87377de 100644
--- a/test/census3/api/token.test.ts
+++ b/test/census3/api/token.test.ts
@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ import { Census3TokenAPI, ErrCantGetToken, ErrNotFoundToken, ErrTokenAlreadyExis
 describe('Census3 token API tests', () => {
   it('should throw when creating a non existent token', async () => {
     await expect(async () => {
-      await Census3TokenAPI.create(URL, '0x0', 'erc20', 1, 0);
+      await Census3TokenAPI.create(URL, '0x0', 'erc20', 1);
   }, 5000);
   it('should throw when creating an already existent token', async () => {
     try {
-      await Census3TokenAPI.create(URL, '0xa117000000f279d81a1d3cc75430faa017fa5a2e', 'erc20', 1, 0);
+      await Census3TokenAPI.create(URL, '0xa117000000f279d81a1d3cc75430faa017fa5a2e', 'erc20', 1);
     } catch (e) {}
     await expect(async () => {
-      await Census3TokenAPI.create(URL, '0xa117000000f279d81a1d3cc75430faa017fa5a2e', 'erc20', 1, 0);
+      await Census3TokenAPI.create(URL, '0xa117000000f279d81a1d3cc75430faa017fa5a2e', 'erc20', 1);
   }, 15000);
   it('should throw when fetching a non existent token', async () => {
diff --git a/test/census3/integration/census.test.ts b/test/census3/integration/census.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1590c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/census3/integration/census.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import { EnvOptions, VocdoniCensus3Client } from '../../../src';
+describe('Census3 censuses integration tests', () => {
+  it('should return the supported censuses information', async () => {
+    const client = new VocdoniCensus3Client({ env: EnvOptions.DEV });
+    const strategies = await client.getStrategies();
+    if (strategies.length > 0) {
+      const censuses = await client.getCensuses(strategies[0].ID);
+      censuses.forEach((census) => {
+        expect(census).toMatchObject({
+          ID: expect.any(Number),
+          strategyID: expect.any(Number),
+          merkleRoot: expect.any(String),
+          uri: expect.any(String),
+          size: expect.any(Number),
+          weight: expect.any(String),
+          anonymous: expect.any(Boolean),
+        });
+      });
+    }
+  }, 15000);
+  it('should return the census information', async () => {
+    const client = new VocdoniCensus3Client({ env: EnvOptions.DEV });
+    const strategies = await client.getStrategies();
+    if (strategies.length > 0) {
+      const censuses = await client.getCensuses(strategies[0].ID);
+      if (censuses.length > 0) {
+        const census = await client.getCensus(censuses[0].ID);
+        expect(census).toMatchObject({
+          ID: expect.any(Number),
+          strategyID: expect.any(Number),
+          merkleRoot: expect.any(String),
+          uri: expect.any(String),
+          size: expect.any(Number),
+          weight: expect.any(String),
+          anonymous: expect.any(Boolean),
+        });
+      }
+    }
+  }, 15000);
diff --git a/test/census3/integration/census3.test.ts b/test/census3/integration/service.test.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from test/census3/integration/census3.test.ts
rename to test/census3/integration/service.test.ts
diff --git a/test/census3/integration/token.test.ts b/test/census3/integration/token.test.ts
index 566063eb..87c33575 100644
--- a/test/census3/integration/token.test.ts
+++ b/test/census3/integration/token.test.ts
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ describe('Census3 token integration tests', () => {
   it('should create the given token in the census3 service', async () => {
     const client = new VocdoniCensus3Client({ env: EnvOptions.DEV });
     try {
-      await client.createToken('0xa117000000f279d81a1d3cc75430faa017fa5a2e', 'erc20', 1, null, ['test', 'test2'], 0);
+      await client.createToken('0xa117000000f279d81a1d3cc75430faa017fa5a2e', 'erc20', 1, null, ['test', 'test2']);
     } catch (e) {}
     const token = await client.getToken('0xa117000000f279d81a1d3cc75430faa017fa5a2e', 1);
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ describe('Census3 token integration tests', () => {
       chainAddress: expect.any(String),
       tags: expect.any(Array),
-  }, 5000);
+  }, 25000);
   it('should check if the given holder in a token exists', async () => {
     const client = new VocdoniCensus3Client({ env: EnvOptions.DEV });
     const supportedTokens = await client.getSupportedTokens();