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These programming exercises are designed to help developers get proficient with the Datagrok platform. The exercises are organized as progressive steps, with tasks of increasing complexity built on top of the previously completed steps.

During this course, we will be building support for handling DNA nucleotide sequences. Let that not scare you, think of them as regular strings that can only contain characters G, A, C, and T (and now you know the origins of the "Gattaca" movie name). We will start with writing standalone functions, then automatically recognizing nucleotide sequences in the imported data, and then going all the way to custom visualizations, relational databases querying, predictive models, integration with the external utilities, data augmentation, and custom applications.

Table of contents

Setting up the environment

Prerequisites: basic TypeScript or JavaScript knowledge. Useful links:

  1. Install the necessary tools (Node.js, npm, webpack, datagrok-tools) following these instructions
  2. Create a branch from master at GitHub or using your IDE; Use your credentials as a name of the branch
  3. Get a dev key for Dev Server (you will work with this server) and add it by running grok config. Open, click on Developer key, copy the grok command and execute it to add the key to your config
  4. Create a default package in your branch called <yourFirstName>-sequence using datagrok-tools: grok create <yourFirstName>-sequence with specifying the --ts option to create a package with TypeScript configuration (if you are new to TypeScript, you can specify the --js option); Note that detectors.js file should be in JavaScript anyway. Also you can add --eslint option to add eslint checker feature to the package
  5. Run npm install to link the dependencies mentioned in package.json file of your package
  6. Upload it to the server: run webpack and grok publish dev (see other options here)
  7. Launch the platform and run the package's info() function using different methods:
  • via the Functions view
  • via the Packages menu (find your package, click on it and run info() from the Functions pane in the property panel on the left)
  • via the console: press ~ key anywhere inside Datagrok, the Console will appear to the right; execute <loginName>Sequence:info() there. The identifier used as package name (before ':') will be obtained by transformation kebab style of folder name to camel style, or can be specified directly with attribute friendlyName in package.json file.

As a result of the function execution you should see an info notification with url of package's webRoot.

Exercise 1: Semantic types

Prerequisites: basic TypeScript or JavaScript knowledge.

Details: How to define semantic type detectors, How to add an info panel.

You will learn: how to write semantic type detectors, how to develop context-specific data augmentation.

  1. Create a complement function in src/package.ts which takes a nucleotide string and returns its complement:

    //name: complement
    //input: string nucleotides
    //output: string result
    export function complement(nucleotides): /*type*/ {
        // your code goes here

    Note that comments on the top of the function declaration are crucial for running it on the platform. They determine the function name, the input and output types. Essentially, change each character to the complementary one: A <=> T , G <=> C. Run it and check whether everything works fine.

  2. Now, let's specify that this function is meant to accept not any string, but nucleotides only, and to return a nucleotide string as well. In order to do that, let's annotate both input and output parameters with the dna_nucleotide semantic type:

    //input: string nucleotides {semType: dna_nucleotide}
    //output: string result {semType: dna_nucleotide}

    At this point, dna_nucleotide string does not have any meaning, but we will connect the dots later.

  3. Define a detectNucleotides semantic type detector function as part of the special detectors.js file.

    class <yourFirstName>SequencePackageDetectors extends DG.Package {
     //tags: semTypeDetector
     //input: column col
     //output: string semType
     detectNucleotides(col) {
         // your code goes here

    It should check whether a column is a string column, and whether each string represents a nucleotide. If condition is met, it should return "dna_nucleotide" string.

    For best performance, don't iterate over all column values, instead iterate on column.categories . Full Datagrok Column type API could be found here.

  4. Upload your package to using grok publish dev command. When everything is done correctly, the detectors.js file will get loaded by the platform automatically, and the detectNucleotides function will be executed against every column in a newly added table.

  5. Reload the page to use updated version of your package.

  6. Test your implementation by opening the following CSV or TXT file (or go to 📁 (Data) | Text and paste it there). Make sure you click on DONE (this will trigger semantic types detection):

    sequence, id
    GATTACA, 1997
    ATTCGGA, 1984
    TTTAGGC, 2021

    Hover over the sequence column header after the data is imported — if everything is done correctly, you will see quality: dna_nucleotide in the bottom of the tooltip: exercises-semantic-tooltip Alternatively, you can find this information if you click on the column and expand the 'Details' pane in the property panel on the right.

  7. Now let’s put the result of the previously created complement function into an info panel: Create function complementWidget and add special comments block to allow Datagrok system recognise it and upload properly (see an example here).

     //name: complementWidget
     //tags: panel, widgets
     //input: string nucleotides {semType: dna_nucleotide}
     //output: widget result
     //condition: true

    The panel and widgets tags and output type widget allows Datagrok to determine how the result of complementWidget function will appear in the system. Listed above block of comments will instruct the platform to use the complementWidget function for providing additional information for string values of the dna_nucleotide semantic type. To test it, simply open our test file, click on any cell in the sequence column, and find the complementWidget property in the panel on the right as it is shown on screenshot: exercises-complement-data-panel

Exercise 2: Scripting and functions

Scripting with server functions

Prerequisites: basic Python knowledge.

Details: Scripting, Dev Meeting 1 | First-class functions

You will learn: how to create and invoke Datagrok scripts in data science languages like R and Python.

In this exercise, we will count occurrences of a given subsequence in a nucleotide sequence, using Python.

  1. Open Datagrok and navigate to Functions | Scripts | Actions | New Python Script.

  2. Observe a default script created for you. All script attributes are specified in the beginning in comments. There we have the script name, language, one input value of type dataframe, and one output value of type int. The script simply computes number of cells in the dataframe. Dataframe is a high-performance, easy to use tabular structure with strongly-typed columns of different types (supported types are: string, bool, int , bigint, double, qnum and datetime). In this exercise, we only see a dataframe as is in the default script; there is another exercise to learn manipulating dataframes in JavaScript.

  3. Run the script to get a hint for creating an input file. An attribute #sample: cars.csv is responsible for it. To open a default input file cars, click the Star icon in the top menu.

  4. Run the script again and proceed to the Datagrok's console. As in Quake, it's available by pressing a ~ button anywhere inside Datagrok. In the console, you would see the script execution result. Just one line above the result you could see the console's command to execute the script. Enter it again to the console to get the same result (but in console you should specify script with namespace prefix as <yourLogin>:<script_name>).

  5. Let's modify the script to solve the task of counting sequence occurrences. Add a new preamble: (use any #description you like). Spaces are not allowed between '#' and attribute name:

    # name: CountSubsequencePython
    # language: python
    # input: string sequence
    # input: string subsequence
    # output: int count

    In the body, implement a Python function counting all occurrences of a given subsequence in a sequence. Return a count the same way as in the default script from p. 2.

  6. Run the script function, provide input values in the dialog and get to the console to see the result. Now run the script function again through the console completely, passing different arguments values: <yourLogin>:CountSubsequencePython('ATGATC', 'A'). You can find your login inside the profile page between name and email (under avatar), or in the profile URL:<yourLogin>/summary.

  7. Let's apply CountSubsequencePython to the input dataframe using Datagrok UI. Open a table — say, let's go for sars-cov-2.csv. Navigate to Data | Files and open Demo Files / bio / sars-cov-2.csv. Navigate to a menu item Edit | Add New Column... and click it. Type in your expression using the function you've just previously created: exercises-add-new-column Observe how the Preview Result Columns change while you are modifying the expression. There, notice a namespace <yourLogin> as part of a qualified function name <yourLogin>:<functionName>, JDoe:CountSubseqnecePython in this case. Namepaces are used through Datagrok very commonly. In general, there shall be no case where you would call a function without specifying a namespace. Datagrok namespaces originate from the names of packages, projects, and users, and always qualify a resource name, be it a package, a function, a connection or a query. Now hit "Ok" and have the new column inserted to the dataframe.

Modifying dataframes with scripts

Prerequisites: basic Python knowledge.

You will learn: how to manipulate tables, which we usually call dataframes, using a server scripting language, expand dataframes with newly computed values, and modify the dataframes.

In the previous exercise we learnt a fast method to apply a function to a table and produce a new column in it. Another means to introduce new columns to the dataframes is to programmatically manipulate dataframes right in scripts. Let's repeat what we've achieved in the last point of the previous exercise, now with more scripting.

  1. Let's create a different kind of our CountSubsequencePython function, now called CountSubsequencePythonDataframe. While the original function could only operate on a single row, the new function shall operate on the entire dataframe. To start with, the function's Datagrok signature should look as follows:

    # name: CountSubsequencePythonDataframe
    # language: python
    # input: dataframe sequences
    # input: column columnName
    # input: string subsequence = "acc"
    # output: dataframe result {action:join(sequences)}

    This function takes as an input a dataframe with a column containing nucleotide sequences, named as a value of columnName, a nucleotide subsequence subsequence being sought, and outputs an input dataframe with a new column appended to it, containing numbers of subsequence occurrences in the nucleotide sequences. Say, for a table on the left the following table on the right should be produced for a subsequence acc being sought:

    GenBank ID
    MT079845.1 ctacaagaga
    MT079851.1 attaaaggtt
    MT326187.1 gttctctaaa
    GenBank ID N(acc)
    MT079845.1 ctaccagaga 1
    MT079851.1 attaaaggtt 0
    MT326187.1 gttctctacc 1
  2. Implement a function CountSubsequencePythonDataframe. Assume the result is a Python dataframe with just this one column columnName. After the result column is computed and returned from the server to the client, based on the join instruction, result will be appended to the existing input dataframe sequences. As this is performed purely on the client, we save the bandwidth without needing to return a copy of a dataframe which we already passed to the server.

    • Use Pandas dataframes as pd to access the input dataframe and create an output dataframe
    • You don't need to import pandas, Datagrok does this automatically: to each Python script it adds a preamble with most popular imports (os, io, json, pandas as pd, requests , datetime, timedelta)
    • Note that the column columnName is just a string with a column name passed to a script, not an actual column content
  3. Run the function with a "Play" button on top of the function window. The dialog will prompt you to select a dataframe. Navigate to a "Data" view (first button on the left sidebar) and open a file with nucleotide sequences (say, Demo Files / bio / sars-cov-2.csv available at Go back to the Run Function dialog to select the opened dataframe.

  4. Now choose a column with nucleotide sequences from the dropdown. Notice how the list of columns is automatically formed for the selected dataframe. Finally, run the function to get the resulting dataframe.

  5. As for modifying the dataframes in general, just consider removing the {action:join} option and do whatever is needed to the output dataframe result before the end line of the script. This will return exactly the result dataframe after all modifications.

  6. Consider that the function may have several outputs. In case you return two dataframes, both will appear in the Datagrok interface. There's also a special syntax in Datagrok JS API to call functions which return several parameters, we'll review this in one of the following exercises.

Scripting with client functions

Prerequisites: basic JavaScript knowledge.

You will learn: how to create and invoke Datagrok JavaScript scripts.

  1. Go to Functions | Scripts and hit New JavaScript Script.
  2. Implement the function CountSubsequenceJS in JavaScript, which does the same as CountSubsequencePython. Follow the same conventions on the parameters in the comments block and returning a result via a variable.
  3. Run CountSubsequenceJS using the Play button; using the console. From same console, run CountSubsequencePython yet again. You can notice that both Python and JS versions of our function, implemented as scripts, are homogeneous functions in Datagrok. It's also possible to call them in a uniform fashion using our JavaScript API.
  4. Don't forget to save these two scripts. We would re-use parts of them in the following exercises.

The difference between the two scripts is that the first, CountSubsequencePython, runs on our server by a compute virtual machine, whereas the second, CountSubsequenceJS, runs directly in the browser. To run CountSubsequencePython, Datagrok passes the script arguments over the network and fetches back the result to the browser.

Exercise 3: Querying databases

Prerequisites: basic SQL knowledge

Details: Connecting to Databases, How to Access Data

Note: Editing an existing data query requires the respective access permission. You might need to request one.

In this exercise, we will work with a northwind PostgreSQL database (in case the name sounds familiar, this is a demo database that Microsoft often uses for showcasing its technology). The database is already deployed and is accessible from our server.

  1. Navigate to the Data | Databases | PostgreSQL | northwind | Schemas | public | orders table

  2. Make this table current by left-clicking on it, and explore its property panels on the right. The Content pane should be showing first 50 rows of that table.

  3. Right-click on the table, and choose New SQL Query...

  4. Execute the query and make sure it returns results.

  5. Modify the query to accept a country parameter, and return the sum of freights for the specified country, grouped by customerid:

    --input: string country
    select customerid, sum(freight)
    from public.orders
    where shipcountry = @country
    group by customerid
  6. Run the query, enter one of the countries in the input box (such as USA, without quotation marks or apostrophes). Run it the second time, notice that previously entered parameters could be quickly reused by clicking on the watch icon in the left bottom corner of the dialog window.

  7. Rename this query from your name to ordersByCountry, and save it.

  8. Try different ways to execute it:

    • Right-click on Data | Databases | PostgreSQL | northwind | ordersByCountry, select Run from the context menu, enter the country name, and run it
    • Click on Data | Databases | PostgreSQL | northwind | ordersByCountry, expand the Run pane on the right, enter the country name and run it
    • Open console by pressing ~ key, see the results of the previous invocations. Copy-paste the corresponding command and run it from the console.
  9. Now, let's add this query to our package. Create a connection by running grok add connection <yourFirstName>, then, as instructed here, create the '.sql' file under the queries folder, and paste our query there. Give it a name by adding the --name: ordersByCountry line on top of it.

  10. Deploy the package, launch the platform, find the query in the package, and run it.

  11. Create a JavaScript function (in src/package.js) that has no parameters and returns a dataframe with the results of the ordersByCountry('USA') call:

    //name: getOrders
    //output: dataframe df
    export async function getOrders() {
      return await`${packageName}:${queryName}`, { country: 'USA'});

    There is another way to pass a country name to the query: you can provide a default value for the input parameter (see examples in the article Parameterized Queries).

Exercise 4: Creating a scripting viewer

Prerequisites: basic Python knowledge, matplotlib or a similar library

Details: Scripting , Scripting Viewer, Creating a scripting viewer (video).

Amino acids counting task. In this exercise, we'd use a Python script to generate a histogram (a distribution plot) for amino acids occurring in a column of nucleotide sequences. Amino acids are simply triples of nucleotides from which the nucleotide DNA sequence is made of. These are also called triplets, or codon-codes. As there are 4 letters G, A, T, C, there are 4 to power 3 protein amino acids: GTA, AGC, TTT, and so forth.

We don't know at which starting point each nucleotide sequence was cut: it could either be a junction of two triplets, or one-third or two-third of a triplet. Therefore, we'd count in our statistics for all three possible cuts, starting the reading frame off at offsets 0, 1, and 2 from the beginning of the nucleotide sequence.

Say, we are given a sequence TTTAATTACAGACCTGAA. We start to count triplets without overlap from an offset 0 first, getting: TTT, AAT, TAC, ..., GAA. Then we move to the offset 1, getting: TTA, ..., CTG. Lastly, we move to the offset 2 and get: TAA, ..., TGA. In the histogram we'd count for all these triplets.

First, let's explore how scripting viewer works.

  1. Open a demog demo file with demographic data. It is located at Data | Files | Demo Files | demog.csv. Data corresponds to the first button from the top of the Datagrok sidebar. Make sure the table view with the data appears.

  2. Activate the top menu from the sidebar, using a Windows | Menu switch.

  3. In this menu, hit Add | Scripting Viewers | Python | Scatter Plot.

  4. See that the viewer appeared on the right, telling though it is "Unable to plot with current settings".

  5. Proceed to the viewer properties by hitting on the gear icon in the viewer's title.

  6. Make sure the chosen values for "Data" are HEIGHT for X, WEIGHT for Y, and AGE for Color. After checking this you should see a nice scatter plot for WEIGHT and HEIGHT with the color corresponding to AGE: exercises-scripting-viewer

  7. In the property panel, proceed to modify the value of the "Script" field by clicking on a "..." icon in the text field.

  8. The Python code you see is what renders the scatter plot form p.6 on the Datagrok server. Let's walkthrough this code.

    • The script takes as inputs the original dataframe and the three columns. Remember form p.6 there were selectors for X, Y, and Color in the property panel. In fact, these three property names are declared with the notation <propertyName>ColumnName in the names of the three #input columns.
    • The script produces an #output of type graphics. It is important the graphics appear in the end of the Python script. This is exactly what happens with the in the last line of the script.
  9. Modify the name of colorColumnName to a temperatureColumnName, hit Apply in the bottom of the window, and check what happens to the Color field in the property panel.

  10. Add another input parameter to the script with a name Title. Hit Apply and check what appears in the property panel.

  11. Add another input column to the script with a name SEX. Hit Apply and check what appears in the property panel.

  12. Now there's all you need to create a Python scripting viewer for our amino acid histogram task. Open a demo file with nucleotide sequences. It is located at Data | Files | Demo Files | bio | sars-cov-2.csv. Data corresponds to the first button from the top on the Datagrok sidebar.

  13. In the top menu you've activated at p.2, hit Add | Scripting Viewers | New Scripting Viewer.

  14. Follow what you've learned in the points 1 to 11 to create a scripting viewer taking a column of strings, expecting to have nucleotide sequences in them, and plotting a Matplotlib's histogram with all amino acid triplets occurred within all of these sequences. As you may notice, numpy and matplotlib are already available for your Python scripting in Datagrok. Reuse them to finish this exercise.

Exercise 5: Transforming dataframes

Prerequisites: exercises "Setting up the environment", "Semantic types".

You will learn: how to join and union dataframes using the knowledge of semantic types, and display the result.

  1. Make sure the prerequisites are prepared on your machine, including the package called <yourFirstName>-sequence Assure the package carries a relevant semantic type detector from the exercise "Semantic Types".

  2. Add a function to the package as follows:

    //name: fuzzyJoin
    //input: dataframe df1
    //input: dataframe df2
    //input: int N
  3. Implement a fuzzyJoin function which takes two dataframes df1 and df2, and does the following:

    • takes a first column in df1 which has a semantic type of dna_nucleotide, let's say it is col1
    • takes a first column in df2 which has a semantic type of dna_nucleotide, let's say it is col2
    • creates a dataframe df out of df1 and df2 in the following way:
      • the content of df2 goes after df1, and all columns of df1 and df2 are preserved — this is a UNION operation for dataframes, as in SQL; use the dataframe's .append method
      • a new column Counts appears in df, which contains:
        • for each row R from df1, R.counts is a number of matches of all the subsequences in R.col1 of length N in all the sequences of col2
        • symmetrically, same for each row from df2 — consider this as a fuzzy, programmatic JOIN of the two dataframes; usedf.columns.addNew , col.set(i, value) on a newly created column
    • displays df with
  4. Deploy the package with webpack and grok publish dev. Unlike with the first exercise, where the package was built on the Datagrok server, in this one we locally build the package before sending it. In addition, webpack output helps find some syntactic errors in JavaScript.

  5. Launch the platform, open the two files from "Demo files": sars-cov-2.csv and a-h1n1.csv, and run the package's fuzzyJoin function using one of the methods you've learned. The result for N=3 should look similar to: exercises-transforming-dataframes

  6. Read more about joining dataframes through the case reviewed at our Community Forum, and with a sample.

Exercise 6: Custom cell renderers with 3-rd party js libraries

You will learn: reuse 3-rd party JavaScript libraries in your Datagrok packages; render cells by semantic types.

Prerequisites: exercises "Setting up the environment", "Semantic types".

  1. Navigate into the folder with your <yourFirstName>-sequence package created in "Setting up the environment".

  2. Let's add a custom cell renderer for a nucleotide sequence box to represent our sequences in high density on the screen. We need to render each nucleotide sequence with a monospace font in small letter sizing, fitting into a rectangular cell area and adding ellipsis to the end of the string if it won't fit. This is a basis for a very useful nucleotide sequence representation in bioscience applications. Let's use a 3-rd party JavaScript library fusioncharts-smartlabel to compute the text fit. Add it to your package by navigating in its folder and calling: npm install fusioncharts-smartlabel --save The --save key updates package.json to add this library to your package dependencies.

  3. Add a class to src/package.js for the new cell renderer:

    • use fusioncharts-smartlabel to break the original sequence in the current cell into lines which fit into a cell's canvas rectangle; learn here how to do it, consider SmartLabel.textToLines(...).lines as a target array of lines to render
    • Datagrok grid is rendered through an HTML5 Canvas. The grid's canvas is g.canvas. Iterate through the resulting lines and bring them to a g.canvas in the render method with g.canvas.getContext("2d").fillText; learn more about HTML Canvas if it's new for you
    • Hint: pay attention to managing line-height both at computing the box and rendering text lines
    class NucleotideBoxCellRenderer extends DG.GridCellRenderer {
      get name() { return 'Nucleotide cell renderer'; }
      get cellType() { return 'dna_nucleotide'; }
      render(g, x, y, w, h, gridCell, cellStyle) {
        let seq = gridCell.cell.value;
        const sl = new SmartLabel('id', true);
        sl.setStyle({/* ... */});
        // ...
        let ctx = g.canvas.getContext("2d");
        ctx.font = '11px courier';
        // ...
        const lines = labelObj.lines;
        for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
          ctx.fillText(/* ... */);
  4. Add the below to src/package.js to make the new cell renderer part of the package:

     //name: nucleotideBoxCellRenderer
     //tags: cellRenderer
     //meta.cellType: dna_nucleotide
     //output: grid_cell_renderer result
     export function nucleotideBoxCellRenderer() {
       return new NucleotideBoxCellRenderer();
  5. Deploy the package as usual with grok publish dev. In Datagrok, navigate to a file with nucleotide sequences from "Demo files", such as sars-cov-2.csv. Verify you get the desired result, it should look similar to this: exercises-custom-cell-renderer Change the "Sequence" column width and rows heights with a mouse to see how things adujst.

  6. (*) Implement a colored nucleotide sequence box where backgrounds of A, G, C, T vary. Choose one of the popular coloring conventions, following this link.

Exercise 7: Accessing web services with OpenAPI

Details: OpenAPI access

Web services often provide their API specs in an OpenAPI (Swagger) format in a JSON or a yaml file. Because OpenAPI spec file is standardized, the API may now be directly loaded and later queried. Datagrok provides for connecting to API data sources and fetching API querying results as dataframes. In this lesson we will connect to the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) and fetch some nucleotide data regarding coronavirus.

  1. Obtain a ENA's Swagger JSON file for the ENA Browser, following this link. It usually takes you some effort to reach the JSON Swagger at the API Browser link. The rule of thumb there is to use the browser's "Network" tab in the Developers Console (available by F12), and identify there a resource called " api-docs". Usually, when there's an API Navigator, there's also a JSON Swagger. It's also possible to understand the API through its Swagger API tester. Follow recommendations here. In particular, modify the connection's Name to ENA, Url to Save this file to a desktop with a name, say, ENA.json.

  2. Load the Swagger into Datarok by drag-and-dropping it into the platform window.

  3. Check the connection is valid with the Test button, and hit Ok to save the edit.

  4. In the expanded view of the ENA connection, locate Perform a text search and download data in XML format and hit Run or double-click it.

  5. Enter the parameter values: set Query to coronavirus, Result to assembly. Hit Ok. As a result, you'd find a table, which was prepared from the received XML file by Datagrok.

  6. Close the table, locate the saved query in the list and run it.

  7. Bring the connection to the package:

    • Put the Swagger file in a swaggers folder of the package. Make sure the swagger contains the correct basePath and host, in some Swaggers it isn't always the case.
    • Add the following function to package.js:
    //name: testENASwagger
    export async function testENASwagger() {
      let data = await'<yourFirstName>sequence:PerformATextSearchAndDownloadDataInXMLFormat',
        {'query': 'coronavirus', 'result': 'assembly'});;
    • Note how the Swagger's query name translates into a package query name.
    • You can obtain this query name with the Datagrok UI. Click on the query of interest, "Perform a text search and download data in XML format" in our case, and find a Links... section. Click it and copy a function's name from the URI.
    • Deploy the package and make sure testENASwagger function works in Datagrok.

We provide a handful of demo Swaggers, check their source JSON files here and see in action in Datagrok at the Web Services section of the Datagrok UI.

Exercise 8: Creating an info panel with a REST web service

We will use the ENA REST API to output sequences and associated data in the info panel, based on the ENA sequence ID contained in a currently selected grid cell.

  1. Searching through the ENA archive, you may notice the sequences' IDs have a format of [A-Z]{2}[0-9]{6} (two capital letters + six digits). Go to the detectors file of your package and add a detector which recognizes a string of this form:

    //input: string str
    //output: bool result
    isPotentialENAId(str) {
      // returns true, if name is of the form [A-Z]{2}[0-9]{6}
  2. Use fetchProxy to get a sequence for the potential corresponding ENA ID in fasta format. For example, this GET fetches the sequence for the ID=AA046425: Use the following structure for the into panel function in your src/package.js:

     //name: ENA Sequence
     //tags: panel, widgets
     //input: string cellText {semType: ENA}
     //output: widget result
     //condition: isPotentialENAId(cellText)
     export async function enaSequence(cellText) {
       const url = `${cellText}`;
       const fasta = await (await grok.dapi.fetchProxy(url)).text();
       return new DG.Widget(
         // ... the widget controls are composed here

    Incorporate a textInput control to display a sequence in a scrollable fashion. Add a caption to that text area to display an ENA's name for this sequence, which also comes in the fasta file. Use a splitV control to nicely locate the caption at the top and the text area at the bottom.

fetchProxy mimics the regular fetch method of ECMAScript, but solves a CORS limitation of JavaScript. In this panel, you'd query the external domain from your web page, whereas CORS prevents you from querying anything outside a reach of your web page's domain. Thus Datagrok provides a proxy facility in the neat fetchProxy wrapper.

Exercise 9: Enhancing Datagrok with dialog-based functions

In the previous exercises we've learned how the Datagrok function inputs are offered in a dialog window automatically once you run the function. In this exercise we find how to expand these dialogs with the behaviour beyond simple arguments-to-inputs mapping.

So, in some previous exercises we've used the files a-h1n1.csv and sars-cov-2.csv which we prepared in advance. These files contain ENA sequence ID along with the first 60 letters of the sequence by ID. Let's construct a dialog-based function which forms such files automatically by a given search input. The search topic may be coronavirus, influenza etc.

  1. This GET query performs a text search in the EMBL database, returning a limit first results (10 in this case): By the way, you could discover this API endpoint via a Swagger API navigator at this link. Let's assume the result we want is always of type sequence. Create a function _fetchENASequence which takes as parameters a query ad a limit and returns a dataframe with two string columns ID and Sequence. Use this structure for dataframe construction:

     df = DG.DataFrame.fromColumns([
       DG.Column.fromList(DG.COLUMN_TYPE.STRING, 'ID', [ /* a list of IDs you've parsed from a ENA output */ ]),
       DG.Column.fromList(DG.COLUMN_TYPE.STRING, 'Sequence', [ /* corresponding list of sequences */ ])

    The output from is a raw text, and you need to parse it to get the desired pieces. Trim the sequence so that isn't longer than 60 characters. Use your previous knowledge about fetchProxy to do the GET query.

  2. Make a function formENADataTable which constructs a dialog giving the user a two-step process for constructing a dataframe with ENA sequence data in it.

    • First, the user can type in the query (coronavirus is the default setting) and see the first 10 results in the grid right in this window after clicking the "Search" button. Consider this as a preview before the actual dataframe is produced.
    • Second, when the user is happy with what's in the preview, he/she proceeds to the "Ok" button to get the actual dataframe with the ENA data on the screen in the Datagrok's grid view. This table shall consist of the number of rows the user chooses (100 set as a default).

    Here is the code scaffold for the formENADataTable function:

    let grid = DG.Viewer.grid(df);
    let limitInput = ui.intInput('How many rows: ', 100);
    let queryInput = ui.stringInput('Query: ', 'coronavirus');
    let button = ui.button('Preview');
    ui.dialog('Create sequences table')
      .onOK(() => {
        /* Handle table creation */
        // Display the resulting table;

    Re-use twice the _fetchENASequence function you've prepared previously.

  3. In this first version we fetched 60 characters for a sequence. Add a new text field called Sequece length to let the user specify this trim length, set it 60 as a default.

  4. Make your function set a proper semantic type for the Sequence column.

  5. (*) You may notice the sequences you get in this order are not too different. Add more diversity to these tables. For example, you can use the offset parameter of the GET query.