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File metadata and controls

120 lines (85 loc) · 4.53 KB

Gradle Plugin Portal

Jandex Gradle Plugin

The plugin allows verifying if class files are parseable with jandex.

Note: if you are building a library, then you might want to refrain from including index.idx file into the default jar file since it might cause issues when consumers chose to shade dependencies.

The relevant tracking issues is smallrye/jandex#100


plugins {

Use cases

Verify classes

// or jandex { ... }
project.configure<com.github.vlsi.jandex.JandexExtension> {

This parses all the class files with Jandex, and it skips producing the index file. That enables incremental processing, so the task processes only the modified .class files.

Skip including the index to the jar

// or jandex { ... }
project.configure<com.github.vlsi.jandex.JandexExtension> {

By default, the plugin includes the index to the jar, however, you could skip that.

Add index file to a customized Skip including the index to the jar

// or jandex { ... }
project.configure<com.github.vlsi.jandex.JandexExtension> {


The plugin adds jandexClasspath configuration that resolves org.jboss.jandex.Indexer class. By default, it resolves org.jboss:jandex:2.0.3.Final



The plugin adds jandex extension (com.github.vlsi.jandex.JandexExtension).

Property name Type Default value Comment
toolVersion Property<String> 2.0.3.Final The version of org.jboss:jandex to be used
jandexBuildAction Property<JandexBuildAction> BUILD_AND_INCLUDE Configures the index file should be produced and placed to the jar. Possible values: NONE, VERIFY_ONLY, BUILD, BUILD_AND_INCLUDE


  • skipDefaultProcessing(). Skips default jandexMain, jandexTest, and so on tasks. It is helpful if you want to index a customized set of files.
  • skipIndexFileGeneration(). Tells the plugin that the resulting jandex index file is not needed, so it is not generated. This configuration allows the plugin to use incremental processing.
  • includeIndexInJar(include: Boolean = true). Configures if



com.github.vlsi.jandex.JandexTask task builds the index file. The tasks are created for each sourceSet (e.g. jandexMain, jandexTest), and it adds a lifecycle task jandex to execute all of them at once.

The tasks are bound to check task.

Property name Type Default value Comment
classpath input, ConfigurableFileCollection jandexClasspath The classpath to be used for org.jboss.jandex.Indexer resolution
inputFiles input, ConfigurableFileCollection All class files of a given sourceSet The set of input files to verify and index
verifyOnly input, Property<Boolean> false Skips writing the index file (generates empty file), so jandex can be used as an extra bytecode verifier
indexFile output, RegularFileProperty build/jandex/$taskName/jandex.idx Output file with the resulting index. If the value is not set, then the task only parses the classes, and it does not write the index


com.github.vlsi.jandex.JandexProcessResources task copies the generated index to the resources directory. Note: if verifyOnly of the corresponding JandexTask task is true, then JandexProcessResources is a no-op.

If verifyOnly is false (which is the default), then the task copies the index to the resource directory, and it would be included into the jar.

Property name Type Default value Comment
indexDestinationPath input, Property<String> META-INF The parent directory for the index file. The name of the index file is reused from JandexTask.indexFile



  • Fixed "Task with name 'check' not found" when the plugin is applied with plugins { ... }


  • Add maxErrors option to show several errors rather than stop on the first one

v1.71 - Initial version