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Project Environment Set-Up

The following instructions provide the steps needed to get the Navigator project running on Windows Environments.

For *UX instructions, see

NOTE: This is not complete at this time. You are more than welcome to attempt to muddle through it yourself, or contact me at [email protected] for assistance. ###Prerequisites See for core Prerequisites

####Windows Prerequisites

  • Windows 7
  • Eclipse Kepler SR1 (Lower versions should work, but you are on your own to modify the following steps as needed)
  • Git for Eclipse (EGit)
  • CounterClockwise

1. Setting up the Test Datastore

Set up a PostgreSQL DB for your dev/testing instance of Navigator.

TODO: Provide Installation Instructions for Windows / Creating a new Database / Creating a new Role

2. Set up the Local Development Environment

In Eclipse right-click on your Project Explorer tab and Import a new project from Git

Open a Windows Explore session and browse to


Make a new Directory named


Copy the following configurations files from the projects '/sample-confs' directory.

  • conf-sql-db.edn
  • conf-web.edn

These files should be modified to reflect your local development environment configurations for your PostgresSQL (separate install, see above), and Jetty Web Server (Runtime included in project).

3. Populating the Test Datastore with Data

Now that the project bones are in place, it is time to configure the test data schema and load it with some test data.

Now open a command prompt and type the following command

cd [navigatorprojectroot]

At the prompt

[navigatorprojectroot]>lein run --config-path c:\Users\[username]\.navigator\ --init-sql

NOTE: Replace [navigatorprojectroot] and [username] with the appropriate information NOTE: You may get a Java exception stack trace. I am not sure exactly why, but the command seems to execute correctly. You can verify that the operation was a success by viewing the tables defined in the PostgresSQL database that you are using. It should be similiar to:

Table Owner Comment
comp vlacs
comp2comp_tag vlacs
comp2perf_asmt vlacs
comp_tag vlacs
comp_tag2parent vlacs
comp_tag_disp_ctx vlacs
comp_tag_disp_ctx2comp_tag vlacs
config vlacs
perf_asmt vlacs
user2comp vlacs

Now that the table has been created it is time to load it with some dummy data. Open the SQL Editor of your choice and load and execute the 'test.sql' file found in the root of the Navigator project.

NOTE: The test.sql script is not set up to run multiple times. If you need to refresh your test data, truncate the contents of the following tables prior to re-running the script:

  • comp
  • comp_tag
  • comp2comp_tag
  • comp_tag2parent

4. Running the Navigator Project

Start a REPL(ReadEvalPrintLoop)(M$)

$ lein repl

NOTE: The Navigator project is using tools.namespace, so to start and restart Navigator safely in your REPL, stay in the user namespace

Type the following command to 'start' the environment.


The (reset) command is a convenience function which will initialize the connections to your PostgresSQL and Jetty instances. You'll want to (reset) any time you change your clj code to make sure that your latest changes are loaded and evaluated.

5. Verify the environment is running

Using your Web Browser go to the following URL's:

NOTE: Dont forget to replace localhost:port with the real server/port of your configured environment

6. Rejoice

At this point you should have a development environment running the Navigator project, so get to work and enjoy!

Customizing your Development Environment

Open up dev/user.clj. This file is the place to add all the dev/debugging tools that you wish to customize your development environment with. It's evaluated automatically every time you open a REPL, and you're already in its namespace, so any tooling you put in user.clj is always available in your REPL without any extra effort.

NOTE: user.clj is NOT included in a compiled JAR or .js file.

See for background on this workflow.

Getting Help

Run the following command to see all of the current usage documentation available(M$).
This is a work in progress and will be fully documented at a later date.

./run dev --help


Copyright © 2014 VLACS

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.