This is the backend for the Simple app to help track hypertensive patients across a population.
First, you need to install ruby: It is recommended to use rbenv to manage ruby versions:
gem install bundler
bundle install
rake db:create db:setup db:migrate
To run simple-android app with the server running locally, you can use ngrok
brew cask install ngrok
rails server
ngrok http 3000
The output of the ngrok command will have an url that can be used to access local-server.
This url should be set as qaApiEndpoint
We use sidekiq to run async tasks. To run, first make sure that redis (>4) is installed:
brew install redis
# after installing ensure your redis version is >4
redis-server -v
Start the sidekiq process by running
bundle exec sidekiq
We use Mailcatcher for testing email in development. Please use the following to set it up on your machine.
Note: Please don't add Mailcatcher to the Gemfile
, as it causes conflicts.
gem install mailcatcher
Now you should be able to see test emails at http://localhost:1080
The app can be configured using a .env file. Look at .env.development for sample configuration
The application will start at http://localhost:3000.
RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rails server
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rspec
API Documentation can be accessed at /api-docs
on local server and hosted at
Architecture decisions are captured in ADR format and are available in /doc/arch
These are not actively committed into the repository. But can be generated by running bundle exec erd
is deployed to the environment using capistrano.- Make sure you add your SSH keys as single sign-on so that
doesn't get confused when there's more than 1 instance to deal with. You can do this simply by runningssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa
bundle exec cap <enviroment> deploy
# eg: bundle exec cap staging deploy
Rake tasks can be run on the deployed server using capistrano as well. For example,
bundle exec cap staging deploy:rake task=db:seed
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