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Terraform deployment

Terraform deployment simpliefies the deployment of this solution and can be used as blueprint of the solution, it includes all requirements in order to deploy in a single terraform scripts the.

Note: Current version of the Terraform Google Cloud provider has not been updated to generate some of the GenAI resources, this soultion uses null_resource to create some resources using Google Cloud SDK.


Previous to execute terraform you need to enable some services using the following steps:

Enable Firebase

Will be used for the frontend deployment

  1. Go to
  2. Select add project and load your Google Cloud Platform project
  3. Add Firebase to one of your existing Google Cloud projects
  4. Confirm Firebase billing plan
  5. Continue and complete

Enable Vertex AI Agent Builder

Required before start using App Builder services

  1. Go to
  2. Accept TOS

(Optional) Local configuration

In case you are running this outside Cloud Shell you need to set up your Google Cloud SDK Credentials

gcloud config set project <your_project_id>
gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project <your_project_id>

Terraform deployment

From Cloud Shell run the following commands:

Note: This deployment requires Terraform 1.7 or higher

Start the terraform deployment

# move to the tf folder
cd tf/

export GOOGLE_BILLING_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get project)

terraform init
terraform apply -var=project_id=$(gcloud config get project)

Terraform variables

You can change any of the default variables values in

This terraform will generate all configurations files required in the frontend and backend_apis you need to change values in order to change configuration if needed.

After Terraform deployment

Auth Provider

You need to enable at least one authentication provider in Firebase, you can enable it using the following steps:

  1. Go to (change the your_project_id value)
  2. Click on Get Started (if needed) 3 Select Google and enable it
  3. Set the name for the project and support email for project
  4. Save

Google Drive Configuration (Optional)

If your Google Workspace has additional restrictions, you may need to grant permissions to the service account created during this execution. This will allow the service account to access and manage files within the designated folder.

  1. Go to your folder
  2. Select the genai-marketing-assets folder
  3. Click on the three dots menu at the right click
  4. Select Share, then Share again
  5. In the "Add people and groups" field, enter the email address of the service account that was provided as output from the Terraform configuration.
  6. Set the permissions for the service account to Editor.
  7. Clock Done to share the folder and grant permissions.

Check your deployment

Once deployment is completed terraform will output relevants resoruces values.

Resulting example outputs:

backend_deployment = ""
backend_service_account = "[email protected]"
frontend_deployment = ""

You can use the app by accessing to the frontend_deployment URL.

Deployed resources

This deployment creates all the resources described in the main file, the following is a list of the created resources:

Configuration files

This deployment uses the templates in the templates/ diractory to replace all necessary configuration values for the application. After the deployment is complete, you can review the resulting values in the config.toml and enviroments.ts files.

Know Issues

Error: Error while creating the service account key

Error creating service account key: googleapi: Error 400: Key creation is not allowed on this service account. 

Resolution: Disable the disableServiceAccountKeyCreation organization policy in your project.

gcloud resource-manager org-policies disable-enforce constraints/iam.disableServiceAccountKeyCreation --project $(gcloud config get project)

After this you can re run the terraform apply command.