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Florian Spiess edited this page Aug 6, 2020 · 7 revisions

Cineast is a multi-feature content-based mulitmedia retrieval engine. It is capable of retrieving images, audio- and video sequences as well as 3d models based on edge or color sketches, sketch-based motion queries and example objects.

Find more information on Cineast in the following publications:

  • Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco and Heiko Schuldt (2014): Cineast: A Multi-Feature Sketch-Based Video Retrieval Engine. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2014). Taichung, Taiwan. (

  • Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Silvan Heller, Claudiu Tănase, and Heiko Schuldt (2016): Searching in Video Collections using Sketches and Sample Images - The Cineast System. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2016). Miami, FL, USA. (

Cineast is part of the vitrivr stack ( and is being developed at the Databases and Information Systems Research Group ( at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Cineast has its roots in the iMotion project (

Getting Started

To get started with Cineast, set up your development environment and have a look at the Getting Started guide.