Releases: visualize-admin/visualization-tool
Releases · visualize-admin/visualization-tool
What's Changed
- UX fixes from user feedback by @ptbrowne in #551
- feat: Column names contain unit if its there by @ptbrowne in #552
- Status page links by @ptbrowne in #501
- Add grey base style by @ptbrowne in #554
- fix: Clicking on a time brush by @bprusinowski in #555
- Cell value formatters by @ptbrowne in #559
- fix: Infinite loop when hovering over chart by @bprusinowski in #560
- fix: Formatter can be optional by @bprusinowski in #562
- fix: Editor brush issues by @bprusinowski in #561
Full Changelog: v3.6.4...v3.7.0
- User can change chart type without going back to the first step
- On maps, the chloropleth visualisation layer is under the labels
- Data download abilities have been improved
Full changelog
- feat: Maintain chart config when switching chart type by @bprusinowski in #507
- Visualization layer under label layer by @ptbrowne in #514
- Sort imports by @ptbrowne in #519
- Reactivate screenshot testing of charts by @ptbrowne in #517
- feat: Add chart type selection tabs UI by @bprusinowski in #522
- feat: Don't show symbolLayer's dimension name on sidebar if layer is not active by @bprusinowski in #526
- fix: ChartConfig type checking by @bprusinowski in #527
- feat: Tabs UI refinements by @bprusinowski in #525
- feat: Move DataDownload button to the left in dataset preview panel by @bprusinowski in #528
- Published chart responsiveness by @ptbrowne in #530
- Update messages.po by @AnninaWalker in #532
- feat: Include tables in chart config retaining logic by @bprusinowski in #529
- feat: Cypress makes screenshots, then we use argos CI to do comparison by @ptbrowne in #531
- Remove outline for elements non navigable by keyboard by @ptbrowne in #534
- fix: Weird Tabs shadow by @bprusinowski in #533
Full Changelog: v3.5.0...v3.6.0
What's Changed
- Add full data download (CSV | XLSX) by @bprusinowski in #452
- Add an ability to switch between chart and table view by @bprusinowski in #455
- Loading observations improvements by @ptbrowne in #467
- Migrate to MUI by @ptbrowne in #453
- Search tweaks by @ptbrowne in #492
- Search UX improvements by @ptbrowne in #449
- Account for xsd:gYearMonth timeFormat when parsing a TemporalDimension by @bprusinowski in #465
- Fix loading of unversioned geo coordinates by @bprusinowski in #477
- docs: Add docs on how cubes and dimensions are parsed by @ptbrowne in #469
- Enable internal links inside documentation by @ptbrowne in #476
- fix: Do not show loading when dataset browse query is in error by @ptbrowne in #497
Full Changelog: v3.4.8...v3.4.10
What's Changed
- Chart type cannot be selected with tab when it's disabled @bprusinowski in #435
- Search string is trimmed and does not consider end spaced @ptbrowne in #436
Full Changelog: v3.4.7...v3.4.8
What's Changed
- Use world tiles (maps) by @bprusinowski in #421
- fix: Map tooltip text color by @bprusinowski in #424
- feat: Update color icon by @bprusinowski in #428
- feat: Use Stack for ChartFootnotes by @bprusinowski in #427
- fix: Disable numerical dimensions from the chart options panel by @bprusinowski in #426
- feat: Improve tooltip placement by @ptbrowne in #429
- feat: Update traffic noise example on homepage to use newer cube
Full Changelog: v3.4.4...v3.4.5
What's Changed
- Show "-" if no data is attached to a shape in maps by @bprusinowski in #418
- Fix geo coords loading error by @bprusinowski in #419
- Standard error in map tooltip by @ptbrowne in #420
Full Changelog: v3.4.3...v3.4.4