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184 lines (159 loc) · 5.88 KB

File metadata and controls

184 lines (159 loc) · 5.88 KB



  • Fix documentation issues
    • Add subpackage docstrings
  • Create methods for Sample and Pro
    • .describe
    • .write_paths_to_file, .copy_files_to_dir(), .link_files_to_dir()
    • .total_duration
  • Add logger calls when saving to JSON and uploading to ProvStore


  • State requirements more clearly
  • Improve error handling when getting Program attributes
  • Add __doc__ variable to modules to build documentation
  • Fix File.size property
  • Add File.raw_size property


  • Patch PresetProgram SeqFile addition feature
  • Fix SeqFile deserializer
  • Add import_records arg to bp.load_project()
  • Improve reserved aminoacid characters
  • Add SeqFile.max_seq and .min_seq properties
  • Patch Project deserializer to improve BioProvDocument creation
  • Make shorter Environment hashes
  • Improve Project __repr__


  • Simplify bp.load_project() function
  • Fix user and env PROV relationships
  • Add Run attributes as Program class properties (will consume from the last run)
  • Add sequence dunder methods for Project class
  • Improve run methods
  • Allow specifying sequence format to PresetProgram outputs
  • Update env file to Py 3.9


  • Add _config argument to bp.load_project() (this is a temporary fix)
  • Add db property to Config class (prevents bug when setting DB path)
  • Improve a few docstrings
  • Refactor sha1 as sha256
  • Add add and radd dunder methods for Directory and File
  • Package workflows in single module
  • Add FastTree PresetProgram


  • Debug graphical DOT output
  • Add Muscle PresetProgram
  • Add MAFFT PresetProgram
  • Add Kallisto PresetProgram
  • Add extra_flags attribute to PresetProgram
  • Refactor EnvProv class as Environment
  • Allow creation of users and envs to be optional
  • Create environments only when there's an associated activity
  • Create Sample dunder enter and dunder exit methods
  • Fixing wasDerivedFrom bug when sample and file have same names
  • Fix extra Environments bug


  • Debug API endpoint (#23)
  • Implement logging
    • Implement Workflow logging
  • Debug Workflow Steps
  • Remove workflow main methods
    • Workflows must now be called only from the CLI
  • Implement post-workflow actions
    • Update db
    • Upload to ProvStore
    • Write PROVN
    • Write PDF
  • Add Sample.auto_update_db() methods
  • Remove logger call when updating Project in database


  • Patch file deserializer bug


  • Add support for ProvStore API (#23)
  • Add subparsers for CLI commands
  • Add Directories class to Files module
    • Support globbing Directory outputs
  • Increase test coverage
  • Added more example data
  • Make config.threads an integer to support operations


  • Add more database methods
  • Improver error handling for JSON methods
  • Add Project.run_programs method
  • Create ProvEntity and ProvActivity for Project.files and .programs
    • Create Project Bundle for .files and .programs


  • Update README
  • Add Project.add_files() and add_programs() method
  • Improve Project deserializer
  • Add Project steps to Workflow class


  • Improve Sample.to_series() and Project.to_csv() methods
  • Add Project.to_csv() calls to tests
  • Add database commands to CLI options
  • Remodel environment as Agent rather than Entity
  • Improve output PROVN documents
  • Add Diamond preset and tests


  • Add blastdb example data
  • Add BLASTn preset and workflow and respective tests
  • Improve BioProvDB tests
  • Improve Project.auto_update and Project.sha1 behaviour and tests
  • Improve Workflow behaviour for custom Workflow arguments


  • Add BioProvDB class
  • Add database methods to Project class
  • Add BioProvDB tests
  • Add dot attribute to BioProvDocument
  • Update W3C-PROV tutorial
  • Improve test coverage
  • Debug Program deserializer


  • Patching errors for JSON IO
    • Create File, Program, Run deserializers
  • Implement path replacing methods for multi-user support


  • Fix Run.start_time and Run.end_time testing
  • Improve Program tests
  • Allow users to have multiple environments
  • Improving internal PROV relationships


  • Refactoring hashes using hashlib
  • Removing EnvProv.env_set attribute
  • Implementing file hashes
  • Debug EnvProv JSON deserializer
  • Updating introductory tutorial


  • Improve Env constructor in Project deserializer
  • Improve Program behaviour when dealing with not found Programs
  • Implement utils.serializer_filter function
  • Improve pretty printing of commands


  • Improve BioProvDocument constructor
  • Improve Sample and Program serializers
  • Improve internal PROV relationships


  • Fix documentation build
  • Refactor f-strings
  • Draft of complete Prov document (all relationships)


  • Add more Provenance classes
  • Improve Provenance graph
  • Add contributing guidelines
  • Refactor config and prov modules
  • Add CLI options to show config
  • Rename src.program to src.main
  • Refactoring tests: joining src.program and src.sample tests into src.main


  • Add W3C-PROV tutorial
  • Small tweaks to default arguments in Program and File module


  • Fix PresetProgram.add_parameter bug
  • Add basic Tutorial
  • Refactor SeqStats data class
  • Improve Provenance classes


  • Patching more JSON IO bugs


  • Refactor functions in src.files module
  • Add support for BioPython AlignIO module
  • Patching src.program module
  • Improving JSON serializers