Frontend components for Ruby on Rails: group your view logic, html and css files in components to be rendered from views or directly from controllers.
- Quick overview
- Importing components
- View Models: pass data to your components
- Using helpers inside your components
- Accessing params and other controller's methods
- Rendering a component from a controller's action
- Style namespacing: css scoped by component
- Configuration
Add to your gemfile: gem 'component_party'
- Move things to app/components folder and organize your frontend
├── components
│ └── sidebar
│ └── template.erb
│ └── style.sass
│ └── header
│ └── template.erb
│ └── style.sass
│ └── pages
│ └── users
│ └── index
│ └── template.erb
│ └── style.sass
│ └── filter
│ └── template.erb
│ └── view_model.rb
│ └── style.sass
│ └── list
│ └── template.erb
│ └── style.sass
- Code your templates
import_component 'Filter', path: './filter'
import_component 'List', path: './list'
<%= Filter() %>
<%= List(users: users) %>
<% vm.users.each do |user| %>
<td><%= %></td>
<% end %>
- Render a component from your controller
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def index
render component: true, view_model_data: { users: User.all }
- Customize and namespace your css for a given component
[data-component-path=pages-users-list] table tr
background: blue
- Be astonished by what you've accomplished
├── components
│ └── application_layout
│ └── header
│ └── template.html.erb
│ └── user
│ └── panel
│ └── sidebar
│ └── template.html.erb
│ └── template.html.erb
You can import a component inside a layout, view or a component's template.
Just use the full component path.
import_component 'Header', path: 'application_layout/header'
<%= Header(my_user: current_user) %>
Use "./" before component's path.
The next example will look for a sidebar
component inside the app/components/user/panel folder.
import_component 'Sidebar', path: './sidebar'
<%= Sidebar() %>
While rendering a component, you can pass data in a hash format. The data will automatically be exposed to your template though a vm
├── components
│ └── header
│ └── template.html.erb
Rendering the component and passing data:
import_component 'Header', path: 'header'
<%= Header(my_user: current_user) %>
You have access to the my_user attribute in your component's template:
The component's template code:
<p>Hello <%= %></p>
The vm
variable is an instance of a ViewModel.
By default, we instantiate our ComponentParty::ViewModel
. This class takes all the constructor arguments (it must be a hash/named args) and creates a getter for each one of them. Example:
vm = 'John', age: 12) # John
vm.age # 12
When a view model is instantiated we pass the all arguments that you provided while calling your component in the template.
Suppose that we want to use a custom view model (inside our header component's folder).
class Header::ViewModel < ComponentParty::ViewModel
def random_greeting
hi_text = ['Hi', 'Yo'].sample
"#{hi_text}, #{}"
While importing our Header component we can pass a custom_view_model
option to the import directive.
import_component 'Header', path: 'header', custom_view_model: true
<%= Header(name: 'John') %>
By default we will use our own view model. But if you pass the custom_view_model
options as true
the rendering process will look for a class following all the Rails naming conventions.
Also, you can use any class as a view model. Instead of true
just use the class itself:
import_component 'Header', path: 'header', custom_view_model: MyCustomClass
<%= Header(name: 'John') %>
PS: You need to pass the class and not an instance of it.
Note that a view model must inherit from ComponentParty::ViewModel in order to be compliant to the internal API that a view model must have. Also, it is not expected that you override the initialize
method in your custom view model.
Is it possible to (by default) automatically search for a custom view model and, if not found, just use the default one instead?
Yes, it would be possible to avoid the need of you passing a custom_view_model
option but we don't like this approach for 2 main reasons:
This feature would make the rendering process much slower.
We think it's better to do things more explicitly for who is reading your code.
The component's template is compiled using a normal rails view context so you have access to all helpers/params/routes/etc:
<div class="child">
<div class="date">
<%= l(, 01, 03)) %>
<div class="routes">
<%= users_path %>
<div class="translation">
<%= t('hello')%>
If you want to to access it inside a view model, just use the view
class Header::ViewModel < ComponentParty::ViewModel
def formated_date
Today is <%= vm.formated_date %>
class Header::ViewModel < ComponentParty::ViewModel
def formated_page
"Current page: #{view.params[:page]}"
def formated_search
"Searching for: #{view.params[:search]}"
def hello
"Hi #{}"
<%= vm.hello %>
<%= vm.formated_search %>
<%= vm.formated_page %>
<%= params[:search] %>
When you are in an action you can render a component instead of a rails view using the following syntax:
class ClientsController < ApplicationController
def index
render(component: 'my/component/path', view_model_data: { new_arg: 2, more_arg: 'text'})
If you want to render the default component for an given action just do:
class ClientsController < ApplicationController
def index
render component: true, view_model_data: { clients: Client.all }
This will search for a component with a path of app/components/pages/clients/index
Note that we will add pages before the default controller+action path.
Can I make the gem render a component instead of a view by default?
We though about doing this but - even if the default behavior was to render a component instead of a view - you would have to pass the view model data in the action using some kind of trick like:
def index
set_view_model_attribute(:users, User.all)
Using the controller's instance variables just like views doesn't make sense in a ViewModel implementation.
Also, as we want to make things more explicitly (in case of another dev that doesn't know about this gem enters the project), it's better to always have to write the command.
render component: true
Your template must have only one root node in order to your component be namespaced.
Each rendered component will have its first HTML node changed with a dynamic data attribute storing the component path. This means that you can create custom css for each component. Example:
├── components
│ └── admin_layout
│ └── header
│ └── template.html.erb
│ └── style.css
<h1>Hello <%= vm.user_name%></h1>
When we render the header it will generate a HTML like this
<section data-component-path='admin_layout-header'>
<h1>Hello <%= vm.user_name%></h1>
Then you can customize the component with the following css:
[data-component-path=admin_layout-header] {
background: red;
You can split your css in each component folder. It doesn't matter the name or the number of css/sass/less files that you have in each folder... Just don't forget to namespace it!
Also, in your application.css file you should require all the css from the app/components folder with a relative require_tree
. Like this:
//*=require_tree ../../../components
@import "fullcalendar.min"
@import "bootstrap"
@import "datepicker"
// ...
You can customize our gem by creating an initializer on your rails app.
ComponentParty.configure do |config|
# Folder path to look for components
config.components_path = 'app/components'
# Name for the html/erb/slim/etc template file inside the component folder
config.template_file_name = 'template'
# Name for the view model file inside the component folder
config.view_model_file_name = 'view_model'
# Folder path inside the components folder to look for pages when
# rendering the default component for a controller#action
config.component_folder_for_actions = 'pages'