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303 lines (207 loc) · 14.5 KB

File metadata and controls

303 lines (207 loc) · 14.5 KB




  • Typst notes returned an error since the last release. Thanks to @DominikVogel for report #357.



  • output="html_portable" returns a portable HTML file, where plot_tt() encodes and embeds the images directly in the HTML code, rather than link to external images. Thanks to @J-Moravec for implementing this nice feature!
  • format_tt() gets a math argument to wrap cell content in $...$ math mode.
  • group_tt(i = vec) accepts a vector of labels of length equal to the number of rows in the dataset.
  • tt() gets an escape argument. Thanks to Cameron Patrick for the feature request.
  • The i argument in style_tt() now accepts a logical matrix of same dimensions as x, to style specific cells, rather than all combinations of i and j vectors. Thanks to @dhicks for the feature request #329.
  • style_tt() gets new output argument for conditional styling based on output format.
  • names() method now supported for both returning column names and re-assingning them. Issue #332.


  • Table code is much more concise and efficient.
  • Fix indexing bug for groups. Issue #323 and #343.
  • style_tt() can override cell styling with successive calls, and the call order is respected.
  • options(tinytable_quarto_figure = FALSE) wraps Typst tables in a figure environment in Quarto documents.


  • theme_tabular() is no longer greedy in replacing cmidrule. Thanks to @jsr-p for code submission #349.


Breaking change

HTML tables no longer insert MathJax scripts by default. This behavior could enter in conflict with other MathJax scripts loaded explicitly by the user or automatically by Quarto. Users can revert to the previous behavior by setting a global option:

options(tinytable_html_mathjax = TRUE)

Alternatively, users can insert appropriate scripts directly in their HTML document or as a Quarto literal chunk:

<script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script>
MathJax = {
  tex: {
    inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']]
  svg: {
    fontCache: 'global'
  • Option tinytable_markdown_hlines has been removed. To get a more minimal looking markdown table, use output "gfm" which is gfm compliant.


  • Global options are more consistent and better documented. Thanks to @kylebutts for PR #313.
  • Support Viewer Pane in Positron IDE. Thank to @kylebutts for code contribution in PR #299.
  • Improved documentation.
  • format_tt(markdown=TRUE) escapes groups and notes when i and j are NULL.
  • plot_tt(): The height argument is now respected in Markdown and Word documents.
  • group_tt() allows 0 and duplicates in i argument for labels in the first row and consecutive labels.
  • Headers are now styled and formatted when i=NULL.
  • colnames(x)<-NULL works on a tinytable object.
  • format_tt(num_big_mark) applies to integer columns.
  • Use getOption("viewer") instead of rstudioapi::viewer() for positron support
  • glue::glue() string is accepted by format_tt(). Thanks to @LukasWallrich for report #792 on the modelsummary repository.
  • Support Github Flavored Markdown (gfm) output. Thanks to @kylebutts for contribution #315.
  • theme_tt("rotate") to rotate tables in LaTeX or Typst.
  • save_tt("/path/to/file") returns the file path invisibly. Thanks to @yjunechoe for issue #328.


  • Simplify JS functions in HTML documents. Avoid nesting full HTML documents inside Quarto output.
  • Remove polyfill JS because of security issues.
  • Avoid error in interactive use in Positron.


  • theme_tt("tabular") no longer uses tabularray or booktabs. Only relies on basic LaTeX packages.
  • theme_tt("tabular", style = "tabularray") does the same as above, but keeps the \begin{tblr} environment.


  • style_tt() supports align for different rows and cells, rather than just whole columns.
  • style_tt() supports indent argument.
  • group_tt() supports indent argument.
  • No more gutters when group_tt(j) and style_tt(background)
  • theme_tt(x, horizontal = "l") can left, center, or right-align a table in the page.

Global options

  • save_tt("pdf"):
    • options(tinytable_save_pdf_clean = TRUE)
    • options(tinytable_save_pdf_engine = "xelatex")
  • options(tinytable_tt_rownames=TRUE): Print row names in the first column by calling. Thanks to @rsbivand for Issue #264.
  • EXPERIMENTAL: options(tinytable_html_mathjax = TRUE). Inserts MathJax scripts in the HTML file. This may cause conflicts if MathJax is otherwise loaded in the document.


  • Footnotes were center-aligned in some Quarto chunks. Thanks to @andrewheiss for report #303.
  • replace does not work in LaTeX with format_tt(quarto=TRUE). Thanks to @cbgoodman for Issue #263.
  • style_tt(indent) works for LaTeX
  • Notes were hard-coded to 5 colspan. We now use the actual number of columns in the table. Thanks to @DominikVogel for report #788.
  • Do not suppress labels when inserting notes. Thanks to @cportner for Issue #290.
  • format_tt() on a table without column names. Thanks to @andrewheiss for report #306.
  • \cmidrule[lr] requires [] in tabularray but () otherwise. Thanks to @andrewheiss for report #307.


Breaking change:

  • The width argument is moved from style_tt() to tt().


  • width argument now accepts a vector of numeric values to control the width of each column, as a proportion of the total linewidth.


  • New quarto argument enables Quarto data processing for the whole table and marks specific cells as containing Quarto content. This is especially useful to include @Citation1981 in a table. Thanks to @andrewheiss for issue #215 and @giabaio for further discussion and debugging.
  • New replace argument which accepts a single logical, a single string, or a named list to specify multiple replacements.
  • replace=TRUE by default replaces NA by an empty string. FALSE prints "NA" as string.
  • replace_na is deprecated in favor of replace. Backward compatibility is maintained and a warning is issued.
  • All arguments can now be set using global options.


  • "void" is now supported for Typst tables. Thanks to @marcboschmatas for PR #223.


  • No longer keep many versions of the same data frame, which could increase memory use. Thanks to @MarcoPortmann for the report.


  • Do not change working directory when saving to file raises an error. Thanks to @etiennebacher for report #225.


  • Better compatibility with Quarto captions. Recommended strategy is to not use the caption argument, and rather to define both the label and tbl-cap chunk options in Quarto. This is a breaking change, as Typst tables are no longer enclosed in a #figure environment in Quarto documents when both tbl-cap and label chunk options are defined.
  • format_tt(escape=TRUE) escapes square brackets.
  • Tables are centered by default.


  • Support beamer_presentations, but see: #244
  • Table objects can be modified and printed several times ---with styling--- in a single HTML document like a ReavealJS slideshow. Thanks to @kazuyanagimoto for report #759.
  • Global option to enable Quarto data processing: options(tinytable_quarto_disable_processing = FALSE). Thanks to @andrewheiss for issue #215.

Bug fixes:

  • Data frames without column headers could be displayed as "c(1,2,3,3)". Bug in format_tt(). Issue #230.
  • save_tt() can now save to PDF when the table includes a caption. Thanks to @etiennebacher for report #224.
  • group_tt(i) inserted an extra latex column, which made horizontal lines stop to early. Thanks to @andrewheiss for report #235.
  • Multiple unnamed footnotes allowed in LaTeX tabularray. Issue #242.


  • RStudio displays table in HTML viewer by default when the rstudioapi package is available.
  • colnames and colnames<- are now exported functions.
  • tt() supports data.frame-like objects which also inherit from other classes, ex: marginaleffects::slopes()
  • Bug: options(tinytable_tt_print) is respected in print() without argument.


New features:

  • rbind() and rbind2() can be used to stack tinytable objects. rbind2() is more flexible than rbind(). See ?tinytable::rbind2
  • New output format in print(): "dataframe"
  • Rename table headers: colnames(tab) <- c("a", "b", "c")
  • theme_tt("resize") gets a direction argument with "up", "down", "both" options. Thanks to @MarcoPortmann for feature request #207


  • Informative error message when no default browser is selected via global options.
  • Fix CRAN errors on Mac old releases.


  • theme_tt() resize issue with talltblr environment and notes in LaTeX. Thanks to @MarcoPortmann for reporting issue #206


New function theme_tt():

  • Function to apply collections of transformations to a tinytable.
  • Visual themes:
    • grid, void, striped, bootstrap, default
  • resize: Insert a LaTeX table in a resizebox environment to ensure a table fits the page, or to scale it to a fraction of \linewidth
  • placement: Determine where a LaTeX table float is positioned. Ex: [H], [htbp]
  • multipage: Split long LaTeX tables across multiple pages with (optional) repeated headers/footers. Uses the longtblr environment from tabularray.


  • New i argument to format subsets of rows.
  • New fn argument which accepts an arbitrary function to format table content.
  • num_fmt="significant_cell" rounds significant digits on a cell-by-cell basis rather than for full columns (as is default in base R format()).
  • Numeric formatting options can be set via global options, defined in the function signature.
  • num_mark_big and num_mark_dec require an explicit digits. We now raise an informative error.
  • escape = TRUE now escapes captions, notes, and spanning cells created by group_tt() when i and j are both NULL. To avoid escaping group labels, users can specify i and/or j explicitly.

Typst format:

  • Support for row headers with group_tt(i)
  • Supports images and inline plots with plot_tt(). Thanks to @aghaynes for contribution #155.
  • "kind: tinytable" parameter is now added to all figures enclosing a tinytable. This allows users to apply targeted show rules. For example, in a table of contents: outline(target: figure.where(kind: "tinytable"))


  • style_tt() gains a finalize argument. This accepts functions to be applied to the table object at the very end of the building process, to programmatically change its content. For example, this can be used with regular expressions to modify the text version of the table hosted in tab@table_string, or the function could programmatically modify the caption in tab@caption.
  • style_tt(): LaTeX format supports decimal alignement with align="d". The width of columns is determined by the maximum number of digits to the left and to the right in all cells specified by i, j.
  • Support RevealJS slides in Quarto documents.
  • Improved support for tibble. ANSI characters (ex: fancy pillar formatting) are stripped automatically or converted to HTML when the fansi package is installed. fansi is a dependency of tibble, so it should often be installed.
  • New tinytable_tt_digits global option can set the default number of digits in the tt() function.
  • Refactor: tinytable objects are now S4 class objects, with slots to hold data about the content and structure.
  • as.character() now works on tinytable objects, returning a string in the output format specified by the @output slot of the tinytable object (markdown by default).
  • LaTeX code in captions no longer requires double escaping, allowing: tt(x, caption = "Blah blah \\label{tab:blah})

Breaking changes:

  • In some cases, format_tt() could be use sequentially to apply two formats to the same cell. Now, multiple calls to format_tt() can still be make chained with pipes, but they must apply to different cells with i, j, otherwise only the last change is respected. One exception is the escape argument which can be applied to pre-formatted cells.
  • tinytable objects no longer have a meta_tinytable attribute. Use S4 slots instead.
  • placement argument in tt() is removed in favor of theme_tt("placement").


  • format_tt() did not work on factor vector.


  • format_tt() escapes <> tags in Typst.
  • Bug introduced in 0.0.4 prevented group_tt(i) in HTML.



  • j argument in style_tt() and format_tt() now accepts a string vector to match columns. Issue #122
  • Line plots: plot_tt(fun = "line")
  • format_tt(j=NULL, escape=TRUE) now escapes column headers in addition to all cells.
  • format_tt() gains a replace_na argument to replace missing values.
  • style_tt(): rowspan and colspan arguments are now supported in all formats except Typst. In markdown and Word, we get "pseudo-spans" with empty cells around the main cell, instead of true merged cells.
  • style_tt(): alignv argument is now supported for LaTeX and HTML


  • Markdown group columns when labels are wider than columns. Thanks to @etiennebacher for report #127.
  • Markdown group rows broke indexing when using style_tt(). Thanks to @strengejacke for report #133.



  • Typst tables are now supported using the tablex extension:
  • escape argument in format_tt() escapes or substitutes special characters in LaTeX or HTML output to prevent compilation and rendering errors.
  • notes argument in tt() can insert superscript markers inside cells to refer to notes at the bottom of the page.
    • tt(x, notes = list("*" = list(i = 0:1, j = 2, text = "Hello world)))
  • notes agument in tt() now works wth Markdown and Word, but must be a single string.
  • group_tt() can be called multiple times to create mult-row headers.



  • Rules and cell borders: line, line_width, and line_color arguments.
  • Enhanced knitr output detection.
  • New themes.
  • Caption argument support for Markdown tables.
  • Defensive programming enhancements.
  • plot_tt() regular expression column selection.
  • Header/footer are no longer indented by group_tt(i).

Bug fixes:

  • Inline plots visibility in RStudio viewer pane.
  • Bug in group_tt(i) for markdown and docx output.
  • Resolved style_tt resetting issue.
  • Bug fix for column alignment in markdown affecting docx output.


  • Improved vignette on the package website.
  • Various documentation updates.
  • Math in $$ is the new recommendation.


Initial package release. Yay!