Anyone can contribute to LövePotion, but there are a few guidelines.
- Tabs for indentation, spaces are the devil!
- No Allman style brackets please, they're ugly.
- If you add an external library, please add the respective license to the license folder.
- Accurately test your changes, if it's a change that improves performance for example, make sure it actually improves performance!
- Codebase cleanups are very welcome, things are a mess right now.
- Please only create issues for LövePotion as a whole, if you need help making your game ask in the GBATemp thread.
- Confirm the bug you are posting does indeed exist and you're not doing anything wrong.
- Please state what version of LövePotion you are using (semi-stable or unstable/git)
That's all mostly, if you have any questions hit me up on #lovepotion
on OFTC.