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This is an introductory example into Spring Core and dependency injection, including e.g. simple REST-style services.

It contains a number of unit tests that, in the sense of test-driven development, currently fail. They can, however, easily be fixed by extending the Spring configuration.

This material has been used for a number of seminars and in introductory lecture at the University of Münster, Germany.


  • Java 8+ and an understanding of the java language and basic patterns such as the singleton and the factory pattern
  • Maven 3+ or an IDE that includes appropriate support for maven builds

Rules and hints

  • You do not need to change the tests to make them pass
  • Spring Java-Config only, no XML required
  • Autowired dependencies are acceptable only in test classes
  • Prefer centralised constructor injection over setter-injection or annotation based DI configurations
  • All tests can be started (and passed) independently
  • Tests may not interfere with each other
  • Do not access the bean factory or context classes directly (i.e. using anything along the lines of a getBean(..)-Statement is prohibited)


To the extent possible under law, Frank Köhne (viadee Unternehmensberatung GmbH) has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the springCoreDemo published here. For more information see

If you use the material, we would be happy to hear from you.