Releases: veracode/veracode-pipeline-scan-results-to-sarif
Added support for partialFingerprints attribute of SARIF format to improve flaw matching in the action
Updated Action Name
v0.1.5 Update action.yml
Minor update to fix action references
Minor update to action references, inclusion of MIT licenses and fix some typos
Launch version of Pipeline scan action
Includes sample workflow to initiate a pipeline scan, updates SARIF conversion to handle recent format changes to results.json file
File path changes
Merge pull request #2 from veracode/pr/1 Pr/1
Cleanup env
Cleanup env and fix title formatting for SARIF file
Initial Release
Initial public release of a GitHub action designed for use with the Veracode Static Analysis solution. It takes the output of a pipeline scan and converts it to SARIF format for upload to GitHub.
Initial Release of a Veracode action to publish Pipeline scan results to SARIF
This is the initial release of a Veracode authored action which takes the results.json output from a Veracode Static Analysis Pipeline scan and converts it to SARIF format so it can be consumed by the Advanced Security features of GitHub