squircy2 embeds otto and supports ECMAScript 5, minus a regular expression incompatibility. Additionally, the following functions are available to interact with the various squIRCy2 modules:
Name | Description |
Irc.Join(channel) |
Joins the given channel |
Irc.Part(channel) |
Parts the given channel |
Irc.Privmsg(target, message) |
Messages target with message. Target can be a user or a channel |
Irc.Action(target, message) |
Perform an action, equivalent to /me . Target can be a user or a channel |
Irc.CurrentNick() |
Get the bot's current nickname |
Irc.Nick(newNick) |
Change the bot's nickname |
Irc.Raw(raw) |
Send a raw IRC command |
Http.Get(url, ...headers) |
Fetch the given url using a GET HTTP request |
Http.Post(url, body, ...headers) |
Fetch the given url using a POST HTTP request |
Http.Send(options) |
Send an HTTP request with the configured options. |
Math.Rand() |
Generate a random value from 0-1 |
Math.Round(val) |
Round val to 0 decimal places. |
Config.OwnerNick() |
Get the configured Owner Nickname |
Config.OwnerHost() |
Get the configured Owner Host |
File.ReadAll(filename) |
Return the contents of filename. File API must be enabled. |
bind(eventName, fnName) |
Add a handler of the given event type and function name |
unbind(eventName, fnName) |
Removes a handler of the given type and function name |
setTimeout(fnName, delay) |
Executes fnName after delay milliseconds |
setInterval(fnName, delay) |
Executes fnName every delay milliseconds |
use(coll) |
Opens and returns a repository for the given collection |
These are methods available on a repository returned by use
Method | Description |
repo.Fetch(id) |
Attempts to load and return an entity with the given id |
repo.FetchAll() |
Returns a collection of all the entities in the repository |
repo.Save(entity) |
Saves the given entity |
The File API is disabled by default. To enable the File API for your scripts, you need to set a root directory for any files loaded. You should set this to something other than /
If you're looking for IDE auto-completion for your squIRCy2 scripts, you can copy the squircy stubs file into your configured squIRCy2 scripts directory.
See the dedicated section for details.