Typical use-cases in Health & Lifesciences can be analysis of clinical data. The first use-case involves:
Getting raw clinical data in the form of CSV files, for this purpose we use Synthea and download the datasets as an archive containing CSV files. In the current example, the CSV files are stored in a local folder called
. For a realistic scenario, if you have a cloud lakehouse or storage, you can create a cohort, de-identify the dataset, export in a suitable format (be it CSV, parquet etc) and then use the data either in a cloud notebook with DuckDB or in your own laptop. -
Clinical data is 'ingested' into DuckDB using CSV import capability.
Data needs to be harmonized into a common data model for analytics. For this we use the CDM from the OHDSI OMOP CDM. Harmonization involves mapping the raw clinical data to the OMOP CDM models and also harmonizing the vocabularies. For vocabulary harmonization, download the vocabularies from OHDSI ATHENA. You will have to register for a free account and once activated, you can sign-in and follow the options to download the vocabularies. The vocabularies would be in TSV format, which can be directly imported into the CDM for transformation purposes. In this example, the vocabularies are extracted to a local folder called
, which is then used for import. -
'Transform' the data (by creating SQL views/tables) from the imported clinical data-sets to the defined CDM models and your are off to races !