diff --git a/docs/reference/cli/content/vpk-linux.mdx b/docs/reference/cli/content/vpk-linux.mdx
index b89c346..46b58ce 100644
--- a/docs/reference/cli/content/vpk-linux.mdx
+++ b/docs/reference/cli/content/vpk-linux.mdx
@@ -4,70 +4,70 @@
## `vpk -H`
- [1mVelopack CLI 0.0.626, for distributing applications.[0m
+ Velopack CLI 0.0.626, for distributing applications.
- [1mvpk [command] [options][0m
+ vpk [command] [options]
- [1m-h, -H, --help, --vhelp[0m Show help (-h) or extended help (-H).
- [1m-x, --legacyConsole[0m Disable console colors and interactive
+ -h, -H, --help, --vhelp Show help (-h) or extended help (-H).
+ -x, --legacyConsole Disable console colors and interactive
- [1m-y, --yes[0m 'yes' by instead of 'no' in non-interactive
+ -y, --yes 'yes' by instead of 'no' in non-interactive
- [1m--verbose[0m Print diagnostic messages.
- [1m--skip-updates[0m Skip update checks
+ --verbose Print diagnostic messages.
+ --skip-updates Skip update checks
- [1mpack[0m Create a Linux .AppImage bundle from application files.
- [1mdownload[0m Download's the latest release from a remote update source.
- [1mupload[0m Upload local package(s) to a remote update source.
- [1mdelta[0m Utilities for creating or applying delta packages.
+ pack Create a Linux .AppImage bundle from application files.
+ download Download's the latest release from a remote update source.
+ upload Upload local package(s) to a remote update source.
+ delta Utilities for creating or applying delta packages.
## `vpk pack -H`
- [1mCreate a Linux .AppImage bundle from application files.[0m
+ Create a Linux .AppImage bundle from application files.
- [1mvpk pack [options][0m
+ vpk pack [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m
[3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory
+ -o, --outputDir ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory
for created packages. [default:
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use
for this release. [default: linux]
- [1m-r, --runtime[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_RUNTIME[0m The target runtime
+ -r, --runtime ENV=VPK_RUNTIME The target runtime
to build packages for.
- [1m-u, --packId[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_ID[0m Unique Id for
+ -u, --packId (REQ) ENV=VPK_PACK_ID Unique Id for
application bundle.
- [1m-v, --packVersion[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_VERSION[0m Current version
+ -v, --packVersion (REQ) ENV=VPK_PACK_VERSION Current version
for application bundle.
- [1m-p, --packDir[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_DIR[0m Directory
+ -p, --packDir (REQ) ENV=VPK_PACK_DIR Directory
containing application files for
- [1m--packAuthors[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_AUTHORS[0m Company name or
+ --packAuthors ENV=VPK_PACK_AUTHORS Company name or
comma-delimited list of authors.
- [1m--packTitle[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_TITLE[0m Display/friendly
+ --packTitle ENV=VPK_PACK_TITLE Display/friendly
name for application.
- [1m--releaseNotes[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_RELEASE_NOTES[0m File with
+ --releaseNotes ENV=VPK_RELEASE_NOTES File with
markdown-formatted notes for this
- [1m--delta[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_DELTA[0m Disable or set the
+ --delta ENV=VPK_DELTA Disable or set the
delta generation mode. [default:
- [1m-i, --icon[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_ICON[0m Path to icon file for
+ -i, --icon ENV=VPK_ICON Path to icon file for
- [1m-e, --mainExe[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_MAIN_EXE[0m The file name (not
+ -e, --mainExe ENV=VPK_MAIN_EXE The file name (not
path) of the main/entry executable.
- [1m--exclude[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_EXCLUDE[0m A regex which
+ --exclude ENV=VPK_EXCLUDE A regex which
excludes matched files from the
package. [default: .*\.pdb]
- [1m--categories[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CATEGORIES[0m Categories from
+ --categories ENV=VPK_CATEGORIES Categories from
the freedesktop.org Desktop Menu spec
- [1m--compression[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_COMPRESSION[0m Set the
+ --compression ENV=VPK_COMPRESSION Set the
compression algorithm to use for the
AppImage [default: xz]
@@ -75,248 +75,248 @@ Options:
## `vpk download -H`
- [1mDownload's the latest release from a remote update source.[0m
+ Download's the latest release from a remote update source.
- [1mvpk download [command] [options][0m
+ vpk download [command] [options]
- [1mgithub[0m Download latest release from GitHub repository.
- [1mgitea[0m Download latest release from Gitea repository.
- [1ms3[0m Download latest release from an S3 bucket.
- [1maz[0m Download latest release from an Azure Blob Storage container.
- [1mlocal[0m Download latest release from a local path or network share.
- [1mhttp[0m Download latest release from a HTTP source.
+ github Download latest release from GitHub repository.
+ gitea Download latest release from Gitea repository.
+ s3 Download latest release from an S3 bucket.
+ az Download latest release from an Azure Blob Storage container.
+ local Download latest release from a local path or network share.
+ http Download latest release from a HTTP source.
## `vpk download github -H`
- [1mDownload latest release from GitHub repository.[0m
+ Download latest release from GitHub repository.
- [1mvpk download github [options][0m
+ vpk download github [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for created
+ -o, --outputDir ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for created
packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for this
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for this
release. [default: linux]
- [1m--repoUrl [0m[1;38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_REPO_URL[0m Full url to the github
+ --repoUrl (REQ) ENV=VPK_REPO_URL Full url to the github
repository (eg.
- [1m--token[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_TOKEN[0m OAuth token to use as login
+ --token ENV=VPK_TOKEN OAuth token to use as login
- [1m--pre[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PRE[0m Get latest pre-release instead of
+ --pre ENV=VPK_PRE Get latest pre-release instead of
## `vpk download gitea -H`
- [1mDownload latest release from Gitea repository.[0m
+ Download latest release from Gitea repository.
- [1mvpk download gitea [options][0m
+ vpk download gitea [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for created
+ -o, --outputDir ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for created
packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for this
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for this
release. [default: linux]
- [1m--repoUrl [0m[1;38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_REPO_URL[0m Full url to the gitea
+ --repoUrl (REQ) ENV=VPK_REPO_URL Full url to the gitea
repository (eg.
- [1m--token[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_TOKEN[0m OAuth token to use as login
+ --token ENV=VPK_TOKEN OAuth token to use as login
- [1m--pre[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PRE[0m Get latest pre-release instead of
+ --pre ENV=VPK_PRE Get latest pre-release instead of
## `vpk download s3 -H`
- [1mDownload latest release from an S3 bucket.[0m
+ Download latest release from an S3 bucket.
- [1mvpk download s3 [options][0m
+ vpk download s3 [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for created
+ -o, --outputDir ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for created
packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for this
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for this
release. [default: linux]
- [1m--keyId[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_KEY_ID[0m Authentication identifier or
+ --keyId ENV=VPK_KEY_ID Authentication identifier or
access key.
- [1m--secret[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_SECRET[0m Authentication secret key.
- [1m--region[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_REGION[0m AWS service region (eg.
+ --secret ENV=VPK_SECRET Authentication secret key.
+ --region ENV=VPK_REGION AWS service region (eg.
- [1m--session[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_SESSION[0m Authentication session token.
- [1m--endpoint[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_ENDPOINT[0m Custom service url (backblaze,
+ --session ENV=VPK_SESSION Authentication session token.
+ --endpoint ENV=VPK_ENDPOINT Custom service url (backblaze,
digital ocean, etc).
- [1m--bucket[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_BUCKET[0m Name of the S3 bucket.
- [1m--prefix[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PREFIX[0m Prefix to the S3 url.
+ --bucket (REQ) ENV=VPK_BUCKET Name of the S3 bucket.
+ --prefix ENV=VPK_PREFIX Prefix to the S3 url.
## `vpk download az -H`
- [1mDownload latest release from an Azure Blob Storage container.[0m
+ Download latest release from an Azure Blob Storage container.
- [1mvpk download az [options][0m
+ vpk download az [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for
+ -o, --outputDir ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for
created packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for this
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for this
release. [default: linux]
- [1m--account[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_ACCOUNT[0m Account name
- [1m--key[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_KEY[0m Account secret key
- [1m--sas[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_SAS[0m Shared access signature token
+ --account (REQ) ENV=VPK_ACCOUNT Account name
+ --key ENV=VPK_KEY Account secret key
+ --sas ENV=VPK_SAS Shared access signature token
(not the url)
- [1m--container[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CONTAINER[0m Azure container name
- [1m--endpoint[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_ENDPOINT[0m Service url (eg.
+ --container (REQ) ENV=VPK_CONTAINER Azure container name
+ --endpoint ENV=VPK_ENDPOINT Service url (eg.
## `vpk download local -H`
- [1mDownload latest release from a local path or network share.[0m
+ Download latest release from a local path or network share.
- [1mvpk download local [options][0m
+ vpk download local [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for created
+ -o, --outputDir ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for created
packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for this
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for this
release. [default: linux]
- [1m--path[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PATH[0m Target file path to copy releases
+ --path (REQ) ENV=VPK_PATH Target file path to copy releases
## `vpk download http -H`
- [1mDownload latest release from a HTTP source.[0m
+ Download latest release from a HTTP source.
- [1mvpk download http [options][0m
+ vpk download http [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for created
+ -o, --outputDir ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for created
packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for this
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for this
release. [default: linux]
- [1m--url [0m[1;38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_URL[0m Url to download remote releases
+ --url (REQ) ENV=VPK_URL Url to download remote releases
## `vpk upload -H`
- [1mUpload local package(s) to a remote update source.[0m
+ Upload local package(s) to a remote update source.
- [1mvpk upload [command] [options][0m
+ vpk upload [command] [options]
- [1mgithub[0m Upload releases to a GitHub repository.
- [1mgitea[0m Upload releases to a Gitea repository.
- [1ms3[0m Upload releases to a S3 bucket.
- [1maz[0m Upload releases to an Azure Blob Storage container.
- [1mlocal[0m Upload releases to a local path or network share.
+ github Upload releases to a GitHub repository.
+ gitea Upload releases to a Gitea repository.
+ s3 Upload releases to a S3 bucket.
+ az Upload releases to an Azure Blob Storage container.
+ local Upload releases to a local path or network share.
## `vpk upload github -H`
- [1mUpload releases to a GitHub repository.[0m
+ Upload releases to a GitHub repository.
- [1mvpk upload github [options][0m
+ vpk upload github [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for
+ -o, --outputDir (REQ) ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for
created packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for
this release. [default: linux]
- [1m--repoUrl [0m[1;38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_REPO_URL[0m Full url to the github
+ --repoUrl (REQ) ENV=VPK_REPO_URL Full url to the github
repository (eg.
- [1m--token[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_TOKEN[0m OAuth token to use as login
+ --token ENV=VPK_TOKEN OAuth token to use as login
- [1m--publish[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PUBLISH[0m Create and publish instead
+ --publish ENV=VPK_PUBLISH Create and publish instead
of leaving as draft.
- [1m--pre[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PRE[0m Create as pre-release instead
+ --pre ENV=VPK_PRE Create as pre-release instead
of stable.
- [1m--merge[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_MERGE[0m Allow merging this upload
+ --merge ENV=VPK_MERGE Allow merging this upload
with an existing release.
- [1m--releaseName[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_RELEASE_NAME[0m A custom name for the
+ --releaseName ENV=VPK_RELEASE_NAME A custom name for the
- [1m--tag[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_TAG[0m A custom tag for the release.
- [1m--targetCommitish[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_TARGET_COMMITISH[0m A commitish value
+ --tag ENV=VPK_TAG A custom tag for the release.
+ --targetCommitish ENV=VPK_TARGET_COMMITISH A commitish value
for tag (branch or commit SHA).
## `vpk upload gitea -H`
- [1mUpload releases to a Gitea repository.[0m
+ Upload releases to a Gitea repository.
- [1mvpk upload gitea [options][0m
+ vpk upload gitea [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for
+ -o, --outputDir (REQ) ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for
created packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for
this release. [default: linux]
- [1m--repoUrl [0m[1;38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_REPO_URL[0m Full url to the gitea
+ --repoUrl (REQ) ENV=VPK_REPO_URL Full url to the gitea
repository (eg.
- [1m--token[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_TOKEN[0m OAuth token to use as login
+ --token ENV=VPK_TOKEN OAuth token to use as login
- [1m--publish[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PUBLISH[0m Create and publish instead
+ --publish ENV=VPK_PUBLISH Create and publish instead
of leaving as draft.
- [1m--pre[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PRE[0m Create as pre-release instead
+ --pre ENV=VPK_PRE Create as pre-release instead
of stable.
- [1m--merge[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_MERGE[0m Allow merging this upload
+ --merge ENV=VPK_MERGE Allow merging this upload
with an existing release.
- [1m--releaseName[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_RELEASE_NAME[0m A custom name for the
+ --releaseName ENV=VPK_RELEASE_NAME A custom name for the
- [1m--tag[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_TAG[0m A custom tag for the release.
- [1m--targetCommitish[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_TARGET_COMMITISH[0m A commitish value
+ --tag ENV=VPK_TAG A custom tag for the release.
+ --targetCommitish ENV=VPK_TARGET_COMMITISH A commitish value
for tag (branch or commit SHA).
## `vpk upload s3 -H`
- [1mUpload releases to a S3 bucket.[0m
+ Upload releases to a S3 bucket.
- [1mvpk upload s3 [options][0m
+ vpk upload s3 [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for
+ -o, --outputDir (REQ) ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for
created packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for
this release. [default: linux]
- [1m--keyId[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_KEY_ID[0m Authentication identifier
+ --keyId ENV=VPK_KEY_ID Authentication identifier
or access key.
- [1m--secret[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_SECRET[0m Authentication secret key.
- [1m--region[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_REGION[0m AWS service region (eg.
+ --secret ENV=VPK_SECRET Authentication secret key.
+ --region ENV=VPK_REGION AWS service region (eg.
- [1m--session[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_SESSION[0m Authentication session
+ --session ENV=VPK_SESSION Authentication session
- [1m--endpoint[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_ENDPOINT[0m Custom service url
+ --endpoint ENV=VPK_ENDPOINT Custom service url
(backblaze, digital ocean, etc).
- [1m--bucket[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_BUCKET[0m Name of the S3 bucket.
- [1m--prefix[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PREFIX[0m Prefix to the S3 url.
- [1m--keepMaxReleases[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_KEEP_MAX_RELEASES[0m The maximum
+ --bucket (REQ) ENV=VPK_BUCKET Name of the S3 bucket.
+ --prefix ENV=VPK_PREFIX Prefix to the S3 url.
+ --keepMaxReleases ENV=VPK_KEEP_MAX_RELEASES The maximum
number of releases to keep in the bucket,
anything older will be deleted.
@@ -324,25 +324,25 @@ Options:
## `vpk upload az -H`
- [1mUpload releases to an Azure Blob Storage container.[0m
+ Upload releases to an Azure Blob Storage container.
- [1mvpk upload az [options][0m
+ vpk upload az [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for
+ -o, --outputDir (REQ) ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for
created packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for
this release. [default: linux]
- [1m--account[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_ACCOUNT[0m Account name
- [1m--key[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_KEY[0m Account secret key
- [1m--sas[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_SAS[0m Shared access signature token
+ --account (REQ) ENV=VPK_ACCOUNT Account name
+ --key ENV=VPK_KEY Account secret key
+ --sas ENV=VPK_SAS Shared access signature token
(not the url)
- [1m--container[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CONTAINER[0m Azure container name
- [1m--endpoint[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_ENDPOINT[0m Service url (eg.
+ --container (REQ) ENV=VPK_CONTAINER Azure container name
+ --endpoint ENV=VPK_ENDPOINT Service url (eg.
- [1m--keepMaxReleases[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_KEEP_MAX_RELEASES[0m The maximum
+ --keepMaxReleases ENV=VPK_KEEP_MAX_RELEASES The maximum
number of releases to keep in the
container, anything older will be deleted.
@@ -350,22 +350,22 @@ Options:
## `vpk upload local -H`
- [1mUpload releases to a local path or network share.[0m
+ Upload releases to a local path or network share.
- [1mvpk upload local [options][0m
+ vpk upload local [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for
+ -o, --outputDir (REQ) ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for
created packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for
this release. [default: linux]
- [1m--path[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PATH[0m Target file path to copy
+ --path (REQ) ENV=VPK_PATH Target file path to copy
releases to/from.
- [1m--keepMaxReleases[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_KEEP_MAX_RELEASES[0m The maximum
+ --keepMaxReleases ENV=VPK_KEEP_MAX_RELEASES The maximum
number of releases to keep in the target
directory, anything older will be deleted.
- [1m--regenerate[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_REGENERATE[0m Force regenerate the
+ --regenerate ENV=VPK_REGENERATE Force regenerate the
releases.{channel}.json file in the target
@@ -373,48 +373,48 @@ Options:
## `vpk delta -H`
- [1mUtilities for creating or applying delta packages.[0m
+ Utilities for creating or applying delta packages.
- [1mvpk delta [command] [options][0m
+ vpk delta [command] [options]
- [1mgenerate[0m Generate a delta patch from two full releases.
- [1mpatch[0m Patch a base package and retrieve the original new package.
+ generate Generate a delta patch from two full releases.
+ patch Patch a base package and retrieve the original new package.
## `vpk delta generate -H`
- [1mGenerate a delta patch from two full releases.[0m
+ Generate a delta patch from two full releases.
- [1mvpk delta generate [options][0m
+ vpk delta generate [options]
- [1m--mode[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_MODE[0m Set the delta generation
+ --mode ENV=VPK_MODE Set the delta generation
mode. [default: BestSpeed]
- [1m-b, --base[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_BASE[0m The base package for the
+ -b, --base (REQ) ENV=VPK_BASE The base package for the
created patch.
- [1m-n, --new[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_NEW[0m The resulting package for
+ -n, --new (REQ) ENV=VPK_NEW The resulting package for
the created patch.
- [1m-o, --output[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT[0m The output file path
+ -o, --output (REQ) ENV=VPK_OUTPUT The output file path
for the created patch.
## `vpk delta patch -H`
- [1mPatch a base package and retrieve the original new package.[0m
+ Patch a base package and retrieve the original new package.
- [1mvpk delta patch [options][0m
+ vpk delta patch [options]
- [1m-b, --base[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_BASE[0m The base package for the
+ -b, --base (REQ) ENV=VPK_BASE The base package for the
created patch.
- [1m-p, --patch[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PATCH[0m The resulting package for the
+ -p, --patch ENV=VPK_PATCH The resulting package for the
created patch.
- [1m-o, --output[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT[0m The output file path for the
+ -o, --output (REQ) ENV=VPK_OUTPUT The output file path for the
created patch.
diff --git a/docs/reference/cli/content/vpk-osx.mdx b/docs/reference/cli/content/vpk-osx.mdx
index 20cedf2..191be5d 100644
--- a/docs/reference/cli/content/vpk-osx.mdx
+++ b/docs/reference/cli/content/vpk-osx.mdx
@@ -4,138 +4,138 @@
## `vpk -H`
- [1mVelopack CLI 0.0.626, for distributing applications.[0m
+ Velopack CLI 0.0.626, for distributing applications.
- [1mvpk [command] [options][0m
+ vpk [command] [options]
- [1m-h, -H, --help, --vhelp[0m Show help (-h) or extended help (-H).
- [1m-x, --legacyConsole[0m Disable console colors and interactive
+ -h, -H, --help, --vhelp Show help (-h) or extended help (-H).
+ -x, --legacyConsole Disable console colors and interactive
- [1m-y, --yes[0m 'yes' by instead of 'no' in non-interactive
+ -y, --yes 'yes' by instead of 'no' in non-interactive
- [1m--verbose[0m Print diagnostic messages.
- [1m--skip-updates[0m Skip update checks
+ --verbose Print diagnostic messages.
+ --skip-updates Skip update checks
- [1mbundle[0m Create's an OSX .app bundle from a folder containing
+ bundle Create's an OSX .app bundle from a folder containing
application files.
- [1mpack[0m Converts application files into a release and installer.
- [1mdownload[0m Download's the latest release from a remote update source.
- [1mupload[0m Upload local package(s) to a remote update source.
- [1mdelta[0m Utilities for creating or applying delta packages.
+ pack Converts application files into a release and installer.
+ download Download's the latest release from a remote update source.
+ upload Upload local package(s) to a remote update source.
+ delta Utilities for creating or applying delta packages.
## `vpk bundle -H`
- [1mCreate's an OSX .app bundle from a folder containing application files.[0m
+ Create's an OSX .app bundle from a folder containing application files.
- [1mvpk bundle [options][0m
+ vpk bundle [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory
+ -o, --outputDir ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory
for created packages. [default:
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use
for this release. [default: osx]
- [1m-r, --runtime[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_RUNTIME[0m The target runtime
+ -r, --runtime ENV=VPK_RUNTIME The target runtime
to build packages for.
- [1m-u, --packId[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_ID[0m Unique Id for
+ -u, --packId (REQ) ENV=VPK_PACK_ID Unique Id for
application bundle.
- [1m-v, --packVersion[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_VERSION[0m Current version
+ -v, --packVersion (REQ) ENV=VPK_PACK_VERSION Current version
for application bundle.
- [1m-p, --packDir[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_DIR[0m Directory
+ -p, --packDir (REQ) ENV=VPK_PACK_DIR Directory
containing application files for
- [1m--packAuthors[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_AUTHORS[0m Company name or
+ --packAuthors ENV=VPK_PACK_AUTHORS Company name or
comma-delimited list of authors.
- [1m--packTitle[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_TITLE[0m Display/friendly
+ --packTitle ENV=VPK_PACK_TITLE Display/friendly
name for application.
- [1m-i, --icon[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_ICON[0m Path to icon file for
+ -i, --icon ENV=VPK_ICON Path to icon file for
- [1m-e, --mainExe[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_MAIN_EXE[0m The file name (not
+ -e, --mainExe ENV=VPK_MAIN_EXE The file name (not
path) of the main/entry executable.
- [1m--exclude[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_EXCLUDE[0m A regex which
+ --exclude ENV=VPK_EXCLUDE A regex which
excludes matched files from the
package. [default: .*\.pdb]
- [1m--bundleId[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_BUNDLE_ID[0m Optional Apple
+ --bundleId ENV=VPK_BUNDLE_ID Optional Apple
bundle Id.
- [1m--plist[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PLIST[0m A custom Info.plist to
+ --plist ENV=VPK_PLIST A custom Info.plist to
use in the app bundle.
## `vpk pack -H`
- [1mConverts application files into a release and installer.[0m
+ Converts application files into a release and installer.
- [1mvpk pack [options][0m
+ vpk pack [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory
+ -o, --outputDir ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory
for created packages. [default:
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use
for this release. [default: osx]
- [1m-r, --runtime[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_RUNTIME[0m The target runtime
+ -r, --runtime ENV=VPK_RUNTIME The target runtime
to build packages for.
- [1m-u, --packId[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_ID[0m Unique Id for
+ -u, --packId (REQ) ENV=VPK_PACK_ID Unique Id for
application bundle.
- [1m-v, --packVersion[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_VERSION[0m Current version
+ -v, --packVersion (REQ) ENV=VPK_PACK_VERSION Current version
for application bundle.
- [1m-p, --packDir[0m [38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_DIR[0m Directory
+ -p, --packDir (REQ) ENV=VPK_PACK_DIR Directory
containing application files for
- [1m--packAuthors[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_AUTHORS[0m Company name or
+ --packAuthors ENV=VPK_PACK_AUTHORS Company name or
comma-delimited list of authors.
- [1m--packTitle[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PACK_TITLE[0m Display/friendly
+ --packTitle ENV=VPK_PACK_TITLE Display/friendly
name for application.
- [1m--releaseNotes[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_RELEASE_NOTES[0m File with
+ --releaseNotes ENV=VPK_RELEASE_NOTES File with
markdown-formatted notes for this
- [1m--delta[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_DELTA[0m Disable or set the
+ --delta ENV=VPK_DELTA Disable or set the
delta generation mode. [default:
- [1m-i, --icon[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_ICON[0m Path to icon file for
+ -i, --icon ENV=VPK_ICON Path to icon file for
- [1m-e, --mainExe[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_MAIN_EXE[0m The file name (not
+ -e, --mainExe ENV=VPK_MAIN_EXE The file name (not
path) of the main/entry executable.
- [1m--exclude[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_EXCLUDE[0m A regex which
+ --exclude ENV=VPK_EXCLUDE A regex which
excludes matched files from the
package. [default: .*\.pdb]
- [1m--noPortable[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_NO_PORTABLE[0m Skip generating
+ --noPortable ENV=VPK_NO_PORTABLE Skip generating
a portable bundle.
- [1m--noInst[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_NO_INST[0m Skip generating an
+ --noInst ENV=VPK_NO_INST Skip generating an
installer package.
- [1m--bundleId[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_BUNDLE_ID[0m Optional Apple
+ --bundleId ENV=VPK_BUNDLE_ID Optional Apple
bundle Id.
- [1m--plist[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PLIST[0m A custom Info.plist to
+ --plist ENV=VPK_PLIST A custom Info.plist to
use in the app bundle.
- [1m--instWelcome[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_INST_WELCOME[0m Set the
+ --instWelcome ENV=VPK_INST_WELCOME Set the
installer package welcome content.
- [1m--instReadme[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_INST_README[0m Set the
+ --instReadme ENV=VPK_INST_README Set the
installer package readme content.
- [1m--instLicense[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_INST_LICENSE[0m Set the
+ --instLicense ENV=VPK_INST_LICENSE Set the
installer package license content.
- [1m--instConclusion[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_INST_CONCLUSION[0m Set the
+ --instConclusion ENV=VPK_INST_CONCLUSION Set the
installer package conclusion content.
- [1m--signAppIdentity[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_SIGN_APP_IDENTITY[0m The
+ --signAppIdentity ENV=VPK_SIGN_APP_IDENTITY The
subject name of the cert to use for
app code signing.
- [1m--signInstallIdentity[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_SIGN_INSTALL_IDENTITY[0m The
+ --signInstallIdentity ENV=VPK_SIGN_INSTALL_IDENTITY The
subject name of the cert to use for
installation packages.
- [1m--signEntitlements[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS[0m Path to
+ --signEntitlements ENV=VPK_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS Path to
entitlements file for hardened
runtime signing.
- [1m--notaryProfile[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_NOTARY_PROFILE[0m Name of
+ --notaryProfile ENV=VPK_NOTARY_PROFILE Name of
profile containing Apple credentials
stored with notarytool.
- [1m--keychain[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_KEYCHAIN[0m Path to keychain
+ --keychain ENV=VPK_KEYCHAIN Path to keychain
file to use for codesign and
@@ -143,248 +143,248 @@ Options:
## `vpk download -H`
- [1mDownload's the latest release from a remote update source.[0m
+ Download's the latest release from a remote update source.
- [1mvpk download [command] [options][0m
+ vpk download [command] [options]
- [1mgithub[0m Download latest release from GitHub repository.
- [1mgitea[0m Download latest release from Gitea repository.
- [1ms3[0m Download latest release from an S3 bucket.
- [1maz[0m Download latest release from an Azure Blob Storage container.
- [1mlocal[0m Download latest release from a local path or network share.
- [1mhttp[0m Download latest release from a HTTP source.
+ github Download latest release from GitHub repository.
+ gitea Download latest release from Gitea repository.
+ s3 Download latest release from an S3 bucket.
+ az Download latest release from an Azure Blob Storage container.
+ local Download latest release from a local path or network share.
+ http Download latest release from a HTTP source.
## `vpk download github -H`
- [1mDownload latest release from GitHub repository.[0m
+ Download latest release from GitHub repository.
- [1mvpk download github [options][0m
+ vpk download github [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for created
+ -o, --outputDir ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for created
packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for this
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for this
release. [default: osx]
- [1m--repoUrl [0m[1;38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_REPO_URL[0m Full url to the github
+ --repoUrl (REQ) ENV=VPK_REPO_URL Full url to the github
repository (eg.
- [1m--token[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_TOKEN[0m OAuth token to use as login
+ --token ENV=VPK_TOKEN OAuth token to use as login
- [1m--pre[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PRE[0m Get latest pre-release instead of
+ --pre ENV=VPK_PRE Get latest pre-release instead of
## `vpk download gitea -H`
- [1mDownload latest release from Gitea repository.[0m
+ Download latest release from Gitea repository.
- [1mvpk download gitea [options][0m
+ vpk download gitea [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for created
+ -o, --outputDir ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for created
packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for this
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for this
release. [default: osx]
- [1m--repoUrl [0m[1;38;5;9m(REQ)[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_REPO_URL[0m Full url to the gitea
+ --repoUrl (REQ) ENV=VPK_REPO_URL Full url to the gitea
repository (eg.
- [1m--token[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_TOKEN[0m OAuth token to use as login
+ --token ENV=VPK_TOKEN OAuth token to use as login
- [1m--pre[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_PRE[0m Get latest pre-release instead of
+ --pre ENV=VPK_PRE Get latest pre-release instead of
## `vpk download s3 -H`
- [1mDownload latest release from an S3 bucket.[0m
+ Download latest release from an S3 bucket.
- [1mvpk download s3 [options][0m
+ vpk download s3 [options]
- [1m-o, --outputDir[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_OUTPUT_DIR[0m Output directory for created
+ -o, --outputDir ENV=VPK_OUTPUT_DIR Output directory for created
packages. [default: Releases]
- [1m-c, --channel[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_CHANNEL[0m The channel to use for this
+ -c, --channel ENV=VPK_CHANNEL The channel to use for this
release. [default: osx]
- [1m--keyId[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_KEY_ID[0m Authentication identifier or
+ --keyId ENV=VPK_KEY_ID Authentication identifier or
access key.
- [1m--secret[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_SECRET[0m Authentication secret key.
- [1m--region[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_REGION[0m AWS service region (eg.
+ --secret ENV=VPK_SECRET Authentication secret key.
+ --region ENV=VPK_REGION AWS service region (eg.
- [1m--session[0m [3mENV=[0m[1;3;38;5;12mVPK_SESSION[0m Authentication session token.
- [1m--endpoint[0m