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Volume Discount Program

The volume discount program provides tiered discounts on taker fees to traders. A trader accesses greater discounts by increasing their taker volume over a specified number of epochs.

Network parameters

  • volumeDiscountProgram.maxBenefitTiers - limits the maximum number of benefit tiers which can be specified as part of a volume discount program
  • volumeDiscountProgram.maxVolumeDiscountFactor - limits the maximum volume discount factor which can be specified as part of a volume discount program

Note, if any of the above mentioned network parameters are updated whilst a volume discount program is active, the active program will not be affected in any way even if the active program breaches the new network parameter value. The new network parameter value however will be checked on any future volume discount program proposals.

If the community wish to update the volume discount program limits and apply these to the existing program, they can do so by first updating the network parameters and then submitting a proposal to update the program (adhering to the new limits).

Governance proposals

Enabling or changing the terms of the volume discount program can be proposed via governance. As part of the proposal, the proposer specifies the following fields:

  • benefit_tiers: a list of dictionaries with the following fields
    • minimum_party_running_notional_taker_volume: the required party_running_notional_taker_volume in quantum units for a party to access this tier
    • volume_discount_factor: the proportion of the referees taker fees to be rewarded to the referrer
  • end_of_program_timestamp: the timestamp after which when the current epoch ends, the program will become inactive and benefits will be disabled. If this field is empty, the program runs indefinitely.
  • window_length: the number of epochs over which to evaluate a parties notional running volume
message UpdateVolumeDiscountProgram{
    changes: VolumeDiscountProgram{
        benefit_tiers: [
                "minimum_party_running_notional_taker_volume": 1000,
                "volume_discount_factor": 0.001,
                "minimum_party_running_notional_taker_volume": 20000,
                "volume_discount_factor": 0.002,
                "minimum_party_running_notional_taker_volume": 30000,
                "volume_discount_factor": 0.003,
        end_of_program_timestamp: 123456789,
        window_length: 7,

When submitting a volume discount program proposal through governance the following conditions apply:

  • a proposer cannot set an end_of_program_timestamp less than the proposals enactment_time.
  • the number of tiers in benefit_tiers must be less than or equal to the network parameter volumeDiscountProgram.maxBenefitTiers.
  • all minimum_party_running_notional_taker_volume values must be an integer value strictly greater than 0.
  • all volume_discount_factor values must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the network parameter volumeDiscountProgram.maxVolumeDiscountFactor.
  • window_length must be an integer strictly greater than zero.

The volume discount program will start the epoch after the enactment_timestamp is reached.

Volume discount program lifecycle

After a volume discount program proposal is validated and accepted by the network, the network volume discount program is created / updated and can be one of the following states.

Status Benefits Enabled Condition for entry Condition for exit
Inactive No No proposal ever submitted, or previous proposal ended New governance proposal submitted to the network
Proposed No Governance proposal valid and accepted Governance proposal voting period ends (or proposal is invalid)
Pending No Governance vote passes End of epoch after network reaches proposal enactment_timestamp
Active Yes Previously Pending End of epoch after network reaches proposal end_of_program_timestamp

Benefit Mechanics

Setting benefit factors

At the start of an epoch the network should calculate each parties party_running_notional_taker_volume by summing each parties party_epoch_notional_volume values over the last n epochs where n is the window_length set in the volume discount program governance proposal.

Each parties volume_discount_factor is then fixed to the value in the highest benefit tier they qualify for. A parties benefit tier is defined as the highest tier for which their party_running_notional_taker_volume is greater or equal to the tiers minimum_party_running_notional_taker_volume. If a party does not qualify for any tier, their volume_discount_factor is set to 0.

            "minimum_party_running_notional_taker_volume": 10000,
            "volume_discount_factor": 0.001,
            "minimum_party_running_notional_taker_volume": 20000,
            "volume_discount_factor": 0.005,
            "minimum_party_running_notional_taker_volume": 30000,
            "volume_discount_factor": 0.010,



This benefit factor is then fixed for the duration of the next epoch.

Applying benefit factors

Volume discount program benefit factors are applied by modifying the fees paid by a party (either during continuous trading or on auction exit).


The Parties API should expose the following information:

  • a list of all parties (by id) and the following metrics:
    • current party_running_notional_taker_volume (value at the start of the epoch)
    • current volume_discount_factor applied to fees
    • the total amount discounted for the party

The Trades API should now also expose the following additional information for every trade:

  • Volume discount program discounts
    • infrastructure_fee_volume_discount
    • liquidity_fee_volume_discount
    • maker_fee_volume_discount

Acceptance Criteria

Governance Proposals

  1. If an UpdateVolumeDiscount proposal does not fulfil one or more of the following conditions, the proposal should be STATUS_REJECTED:
    • the end_of_program_timestamp must be less than or equal to the proposals enactment_time (0084-VDPR-001).
    • the number of tiers in benefit_tiers must be less than or equal to the network parameter volumeDiscountProgram.maxBenefitTiers (0084-VDPR-002).
    • all minimum_party_running_notional_taker_volume values must be an integer strictly greater than 0 (0084-VDPR-017).
    • all volume_discount_factor values must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the network parameter volumeDiscountProgram.maxVolumeDiscountFactor (0084-VDPR-003).
    • the window_length must be an integer strictly greater than zero (0084-VDPR-004).
  2. A volume discount program should be started the first epoch change after the enactment_datetime is reached (0084-VDPR-005).
  3. A volume discount program should be closed the first epoch change after the end_of_program_timestamp is reached (0084-VDPR-006).
  4. If a volume discount program is already active and a proposal enactment_datetime is reached, the volume discount program is updated at the next epoch change.
    • Propose program A with enactment_timestamp ET1 and end_of_program_timestamp CT1 (0084-VDPR-007).
    • Proposal for program A accepted and begins first epoch after ET1 (0084-VDPR-008).
    • Propose program B with enactment_timestamp ET2 (ET2 > ET1 && ET2 < CT1) and end_of_program_timestamp CT1 (CT1 < CT2) (0084-VDPR-009).
    • Proposal for program B accepted and overrides program A the first epoch after ET2 (0084-VDPR-010).
    • Program is closed first epoch after CT2, there should be no active proposals (0084-VDPR-011).
  5. Updating any of the following network parameters whilst there is an active volume discount program will not modify or cancel the active program in any way. The updated parameters will however be used to validate future volume discount program proposals.

Setting benefit factors

  1. At the start of an epoch, each parties volume_discount_factor is reevaluated and fixed for the epoch (0084-VDPR-012).
  2. A parties volume_discount_factor is set equal to the factors in the highest benefit tier they qualify for (0084-VDPR-013).
  3. If a party does not qualify for the lowest tier, their volume_discount_factoris set to 0 (0084-VDPR-014).