“Whoever proposes an action aggregates and submits signatures and thus pays gas” - Danny
In order for the Vega network to authorise function execution on Ethereum smart contracts, a mechanism needs to be created to verify that this is the will of Vega while placing the burden of execution costs on the proposer of the function execution. To do this, we have created a multisig process that enables a proposer to aggregate and submit a number of Vega validator node signatures in order to execute any Vega controlled smart contract function.
Vega controls and maintains a number of Ethereum smart contracts which have functions that can only be run once authorised by Vega consensus and are always requested by an interested party. For instance, for depositing of settlement instrument assets, such as Ether or DAI, Vega has launched a number of "bridge" smart contracts. These contracts contain functions that are controlled and thus only authorisable from Vega consensus. These functions include withdrawing and whitelisting assets.
As an example: once a user has requested a withdrawal and Vega consensus has agreed that the withdrawal should happen, the user will be presented with a number of signed orders from validator nodes that exceeds the threshold of signatures required. The user will then submit this "signature bundle" to the withdrawal function on the bridge smart contract along with the asset type and amount. This spec covers the format and recovery of proof that the Vega network has authorised the function to be run as it pertains to the smart contract mechanism.
In order for a smart contract to be securely controlled by the Vega network, it must reference a previously launched and configured MultisigControl
smart contract and call verify_signatures
before executing a Vega controlled function.
A signature bundle is a hex string of appended 65 byte ECDSA signatures where each signer signed the same message hash usually containing the parameters of the function being called and a nonce that is used to prevent replay attacks.
Messages to be hashed then signed must be in the following format:
abi.encode( abi.encode(target_function_param1, target_function_param2, target_function_param3, ... , msg.sender(if required), nonce, function_name_string), validating_contract_or_submitter_address);
NOTE: target_function_params
do NOT include nonce or signatures
NOTE: validating_contract_or_submitter_address
is the the submitting party to the verify_signatures
function. If on MultisigControl contract itself, it's the submitting user's ETH address,
if function is on a referencing smart contract, such as a bridge that then calls verify_signatures
, then it's the address of that smart contract as that will be the msg.sender
when that function is called
NOTE: the embedded encodings encode(encode(...))
, this is required to verify what function/contract the function call goes to. There's a possible attack if MultisigControl doesn't explicitly verify that the msg.sender is the intended msg.sender.
NOTE: when msg.sender is required by function, that account must also be the submitter of the transaction to the Ethereum blockchain
Pseudo Example:
A bridge smart contract has a withdraw_asset(address asset_source, uint256 asset_id, uint256 amount, uint256 nonce, bytes memory signatures)
the function requires that msg.sender be passed along as well (given that it's the wallet address that will be credited with this withdrawal)
This means that the message to sign will look like this:
abi.encode(abi.encode(asset_source, asset_id, amount, address_of_user, nonce, "withdraw_asset"), bridge_address)
The resulting message is then hashed to a bytes32 message_hash which is then signed by a Vega validator (that has been previously added as a valid signer to the MultisigControl
smart contract)
Each signature is a 65 byte hex string in the format 0x1230477...
the 0x
is removed (except for the first in the bundle) and appended to the end of the bundle of other validator signatures.
This bundle is the signatures
parameter ultimately passed to verify_signatures
. In the verify_signatures
function this signature bundle is broken into individual signatures and checked against the valid signer list. If the number of valid signatures if above the threshold %, this is a valid bundle.
Additional Vega validator nodes are added as MultisigControl signers by running the add_signer
Following the information above from "Signature Bundles", the message to sign will look like this:
abi.encode(abi.encode(new_signer_address, nonce, "add_signer"), submitter)
In this case, the submitter will most likely be the new signer since they are effectively the proposer. The reason the submitter is not a contract as in the case with the bridges is that the function is called directly by a user, not by a smart contract, like the bridge.
Vega validator nodes are removed from being MultisigControl signers by running the remove_signer
Following the information above from "Signature Bundles", the message to sign will look like this:
abi.encode(abi.encode(old_signer_address, nonce, "remove_signer"), submitter)
In this case, the submitter will likely be the user/party who proposed the removal of that node as a signer.
The MultisigControl smart contract contains the following functions and events.
contract MultisigControl {
event SignerAdded(address new_signer);
event SignerRemoved(address old_signer);
event ThresholdSet(uint16 new_threshold);
//Sets threshold of signatures that must be met before function is executed. Emits 'ThresholdSet' event
//Ethereum has no decimals, threshold is % * 10 so 50% == 500 100% == 1000
// signatures are OK if they are >= threshold count of total valid signers
function set_threshold(uint16 new_threshold, uint nonce, bytes memory signatures) public;
//Adds new valid signer and adjusts signer count. Emits 'SignerAdded' event
function add_signer(address new_signer, uint nonce, bytes memory signatures) public;
//Removes currently valid signer and adjust signer count. Emits 'SignerRemoved' event
function remove_signer(address old_signer, uint nonce, bytes memory signatures) public;
//Verifies a signature bundle and returns true only if the threshold of valid signers is met,
//this is a function that any function controlled by Vega MUST call to be securely controlled by the Vega network
// message to hash to sign follows this pattern:
// abi.encode( abi.encode(param1, param2, param3, ... , nonce, function_name_string), validating_contract_or_submitter_address);
// Note that validating_contract_or_submitter_address is the the submitting party. If on MultisigControl contract itself, it's the submitting ETH address
// if function on bridge that then calls Multisig, then it's the address of that contract
// Note also the embedded encoding, this is required to verify what function/contract the function call goes to
function verify_signatures(bytes memory signatures, bytes memory message, uint nonce) public returns(bool);
//Returns number of valid signers
function get_valid_signer_count() public view returns(uint8);
//Returns current threshold
//Ethereum has no decimals, threshold is % * 10 so 50% == 500 100% == 1000
function get_current_threshold() public view returns(uint16);
//Returns true if address provided is valid signer
function is_valid_signer(address signer_address) public view returns(bool);
//returns true if nonce has been used
function is_nonce_used(uint nonce) public view returns(bool);
- Set Threshold
- A valid signature bundle, threshold (in tenths of %), and unused nonce can be passed to
function to set the approval threshold in hundredths of a percent (TODO: check this mechanism/math
) (0030-ETHM-002) - A successful call to
event (0030-ETHM-003) -Subsequent calls toget_current_threshold()
returns updated threshold value (0030-ETHM-004) - An invalid signature passed to
function is rejected (0030-ETHM-005) - A threshold passed to
outside of sane range is rejected (0030-ETHM-006) - A nonce passed to
that has already been used is rejected (0030-ETHM-007)
- A valid signature bundle, threshold (in tenths of %), and unused nonce can be passed to
- Add Signer
- A valid signature bundle, non-signer ethereum address, and unused nonce can be passed to
function to add an Ethereum address of a new signer to the list of approved signers (0030-ETHM-008) - A successful call to
increments signer count (0030-ETHM-009) - A successful call to
event (0030-ETHM-010) - Subsequent calls to
with added Ethereum address returns true until that signer is removed (0030-ETHM-011) - An invalid signature bundle, currently approved signer address, or used nonce passed to
is rejected (0030-ETHM-012)
- A valid signature bundle, non-signer ethereum address, and unused nonce can be passed to
- Remove Signer
- A valid signature bundle, current signer Ethereum address, and unused nonce can be passed to
to remove a currently valid signer from the list of signers (0030-ETHM-013) - A successful call to
decrements signer count (0030-ETHM-014) - A successful call to
event (0030-ETHM-015) - Subsequent calls to
with removed Ethereum address returns false unless that signer is re-added (0030-ETHM-016) - An invalid signature bundle, non current signer Ethereum address, or used nonce passed to
is rejected (0030-ETHM-017)
- A valid signature bundle, current signer Ethereum address, and unused nonce can be passed to
- Getters
returns current count of valid signers (0030-ETHM-018)get_current_threshold()
returns current threshold (0030-ETHM-019)is_valid_signer()
returns true is signer is valid (0030-ETHM-020)is_nonce_used()
returns true if nonce has been used to successfully sign something previously (0030-ETHM-021)
- Consuming smart contract calls
with valid signature bundle and message hash is returned true if the valid signature count is over threshold % of total signers (0030-ETHM-023)
To ensure complete coverage of public and external smart contract functions, listed below are all of the callable functions on MultisigControl and their corresponding acceptance criteria.
mapping(address => bool) public signers;
- must show "True" for each signer that is currently valid (0030-ETHM-024)
- must show "False" for non-signers (0030-ETHM-025)
- must show "False" for removed signers (0030-ETHM-026)
function set_threshold(uint16 new_threshold,uint256 nonce,bytes calldata signatures)
- must set the vote threshold if parameters and signatures valid (0030-ETHM-027)
- must fail if bad signatures (0030-ETHM-028)
- must fail if threshold zero (0030-ETHM-029)
- must fail if threshold > 1000 (0030-ETHM-030)
function add_signer(address new_signer,uint256 nonce,bytes calldata signatures)
- must add signer if parameters and signatures valid (0030-ETHM-031)
- must fail if bad signatures (0030-ETHM-032)
- must fail if already signer (0030-ETHM-033)
function remove_signer(address old_signer,uint256 nonce,bytes calldata signatures)
- must remove signer if parameters and signatures valid (0030-ETHM-034)
- must fail if bad signatures (0030-ETHM-035)
- must fail if not valid signer (0030-ETHM-036)
function burn_nonce(uint256 nonce, bytes calldata signatures)
- must stop specific nonce from being used despite valid signatures (0030-ETHM-037)
- must fail if bad signatures (0030-ETHM-038)
- must fail if already redeemed (0030-ETHM-039)
- must fail if already burned (0030-ETHM-040)
function verify_signatures(bytes calldata signatures,bytes memory message,uint256 nonce)
- must verify if signatures match message and nonce AND pass current threshold with currently valid signers (0030-ETHM-041)
- must burn nonce to prevent replay attack (0030-ETHM-042)
- must fail if bad signatures (0030-ETHM-043)
- must fail if nonce already used (0030-ETHM-044)
function get_valid_signer_count() external view override returns (uint8)
- must return current valid signer count (0030-ETHM-045)
- must change to reflect adding of a signer (0030-ETHM-046)
- must change to reflect removing of a signer (0030-ETHM-047)
function get_current_threshold() external view override returns (uint16)
- must return current threshold (0030-ETHM-048)
- must change to reflect a change of threshold (0030-ETHM-049)
function is_valid_signer(address signer_address) external view override returns (bool)
- must return true if valid signer (0030-ETHM-050)
- must return false for non signer (0030-ETHM-051)
- must return false for removed (0030-ETHM-052)
- must change to reflect a removed signer (0030-ETHM-053)
- must change to reflect added signer (0030-ETHM-054)
function is_nonce_used(uint256 nonce) external view override returns (bool)
- must return true if nonce has been used for normal transaction (0030-ETHM-055)
- must return true if nonce burned (0030-ETHM-056)
- must return false if not seen before OR if signatures failed to go over threshold (0030-ETHM-057)