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Governance allows the vega network to arrive at on-chain decisions. Implementing this specification will provide the ability for users to create proposals involving assets, markets, network parameters and free form text.

This is achieved by creating a simple protocol framework for the creation, approval /rejection, and enactment (where appropriate) of governance proposals.

To implement this framework, two new transactions must be supported by the Vega core:

  • Submit Proposal: deploy a new (valid) proposal to the network
  • Vote: record a vote for or against a live proposal

In this document, a "user" refers to a "party" (private key holder) on a Vega network.

Guide-level explanation

Governance actions can be the end result of a passed proposal. The allowable types of change to be proposed are known as "governance actions". In the future, enactment of governance actions may also be possible by other means (for example, automatically by the protocol in response to certain conditions), which should be kept in mind during implementation.

The types of governance action are:

  1. Create a new market
  2. Change an existing market's parameters
  3. Change network parameters
  4. Add an external asset to Vega (covered in a separate spec - see 0027)
  5. Authorise a transfer to or from the Network Treasury
  6. Authorise a transfer to or from the global insurance pool
  7. Authorise a transfer to or from the market insurance pool
  8. Freeform proposals

Lifecycle of a proposal

Note: there are some differences/additional points for market creation proposals, see the section on market creation below.

  1. Governance proposal is accepted by the network as a transaction.
  2. The nodes validate the proposal. Note: this is where the network parameters that validate the minimum duration, minimum time to enactment (where appropriate), minimum participation rate, and required majority are evaluated. The proposal is not revalidated. This is also where, if not specified on the proposal, the required participation rate and majority for success are defined and copied to the proposal. The proposal is immutable once entered and future parameter changes don't impact it (this is to prevent surprising behaviour where other proposals with as yet unknown outcomes can impact the success of a proposal).
  3. If valid, the proposal is considered "active" for a proposal period. This period is defined on the proposal and must be at least as long as the minimum duration for the proposal type/subtype (specified by a network parameter)
  4. During the proposal period, network participants who are eligible to vote on the proposal may submit votes for or against the proposal.
  5. When the proposal period closes, the network calculates the outcome by:
  • comparing the total number of votes cast as a percentage of the number eligible to be cast to the minimum participation requirement (if the minimum is not reached, the proposal is rejected)
    • comparing the number of positive votes as a percentage of all votes cast (maximum one vote counted per party) to the required majority.
  1. If the required majority and participation criteria have been met at voting period closing time then the proposal "passed". If the proposal has a governance action defined with it, the action described in the proposal will be taken (proposal is enacted) on the enactment date, which is defined by the proposal and must be at least the minimum enactment period for the proposal type/subtype (which is specified by a network parameter) after voting on the proposal closes.

Any actions that result from the outcome of the vote are covered in other spec files.

Governance Asset

The Governance Asset is the on-chain asset representing the token configured in the staking bridge. Users with a staking account balance in the governance asset can:

Governance weighting

A party on the Vega network will have a weighting for each type of proposal that determines how strongly their vote counts towards the final result.

To submit a proposal the party has to have more (strictly greater) than a minimum set by a network parameter of the governance tokens associated to the Vega network via the Ethereum staking bridge (the network parameter sets the number of tokens). The minimum valid value for this parameter is 0.

Weighting will initially be determined by the sum of the locked and staked token balances on the staking bridge.

In future, governance weighting for some proposal types will be based on alternative measures, such as:

  1. The amount of market making bond that a participant has placed with the network for a specific market, or in total.
  2. The value of some other internally calculated number specific to a participant (e.g. the size of their open positions on a particular market). See note below.

The governance system must be generic in term of weighting of the vote for a given proposal. As noted above, the first implementation will start with the amount of a particular token that a participant holds but this will be extended in the near future, as additional protocol features and governance actions are added.

Initially the weighting will be based on the amount of the configured governance asset that the user has on the network as determined only by their staking account balance of this asset. 1 token represents 1 vote (0.0001 tokens represents 0.0001 votes, etc.). A user with a balance of 0 cannot vote or submit a proposal of that type, and ideally this would be enforced in a check before scheduling the voting transaction in a block.

The governance token used for calculating voting weight must be an asset that is configured within the asset framework in Vega (this could be a "Vega native" asset on some networks or an asset deposited via a bridge, i.e. an ERC20 on Ethereum). Note: this means that the asset framework will always need to be able to support pre-configured assets (the configuration of which must be verifiably the same on every node) in order to bootstrap the governance system. The governance asset configuration will be different on different Vega networks, so this cannot be hard coded.

Note: in the future, some or all proposals for changes to a market will be weighted by a measure of participation in that market. The most likely way this would be calculated would be by the size of the voter's market making commitment or vs. the total committed in the market (and participation ratios would be calculated from the same), although we may also consider metrics like the voter's share of traded volume over, say, the voting period or some other algorithm. Importantly this means a voter's weighting will vary between markets for these types of proposal.

Voting for a proposal

Users of the vega platform will be able to vote for or against a proposal, if they have an eligible (non-zero) voting weight. A user may choose whether or not to vote. If a user votes, the action is binary: they may either vote for the proposal or against the proposal, and this will apply to their full weighting.

A user can vote as many times as needed, only the last vote will be accounted for in the final decision for the proposal. We do not consider prevention of spam/DOS attacks by multiple voting in this spec, though they will need to be covered (potentially by a fee and/or proof of work cost).

The amount of voting weight that a user is considered to be voting with is the full amount they hold, as measured by the network, at the conclusion of the proposal period - as part of calculating the vote outcome. For example, if a user votes "yes" for a proposal and then adds to or withdraws from (including via movements to and from margin accounts for trading the asset) their governance token balance after submitting their vote and prior to the end of the proposal period, their new balance of voting asset is the one used. (Note: this may change in future, if it is deemed to allow misleading or exploitative voting behaviour. Particularly, we may lock the balance from being withdrawn or used for trading for the duration of the vote, once a participant has voted.)

Restriction on who can create a proposal

Anyone can create a proposal if the weighting of their vote on the proposal would be >0 (e.g. if they have more than 0 of the relevant governance token).

In a future iteration of the governance system we may restrict proposal submission by type of proposal based on a minimum weighting. e.g: only user with a certain number or percentage of the governance asset are allowed to open a "network parameter change" proposal.

Market change proposal

Market change proposals can also be submitted by any party which has at least the minimum Equity-like share set by governance.proposal.updateMarket.minProposerEquityLikeShare. Note that such a party can submit a proposal even if it doesn't hold any amount of the governance token. Moreover, market LPs can vote on market change proposals even if they don't have governance.proposal.updateMarket.minVoterBalance governance tokens. So, for example, if governance.proposal.updateMarket.minProposerEquityLikeShare = 0.05 and a party has equity-like share on the market of 0.3 and no governance tokens then they can make a market change proposal. If, on the other hand, a party has equity-like share of 0.03 and no governance tokens then they cannot submit a market change proposal.

If a party has any sub-account running AMM strategies then the equity-like share of the party's votes on that market should be the sum of the equity-like share for the key itself and any assigned to the sub-account.

Duration of the proposal

A new proposal will have a close date specified as a timestamp. After the proposal is created in the system and before the close date, the proposal is open for votes. e.g: A proposal is created and people have 3 weeks from the day it is sent to the network in order to submit votes for it.

The proposal's close date may optionally be set by the proposer and must be greater than or equal to a minimum duration time that is set by the network. Minimum duration times will be specified as network parameters depending on the type of proposal.

The network's minimum proposal duration - as specified by a network parameter specific to each proposal type - is used as the default when the new proposal does not include a proposal duration. If a proposal is submitted with a close date would fail to meet the network's minimum proposal duration time constraint, the proposal must be rejected.

When a proposal is enacted

Note: market creation proposals are handled slightly differently, see below. Freeform proposals are never enacted.

A new proposal that contains a governance action can specify when any changes resulting from a successful vote would start to be applied. e.g: A new proposal is created in order to create a new market with an enactment date 1 week after vote closing. After 3 weeks the proposal is closed (the duration of the proposal), and if there are enough votes to accept the new proposal, then the changes will be applied in the network 1 week later.

This allows time for users to be ready for changes that may effect them financially, e.g a change that might increase capital requirements for positions significantly and thus could trigger close-outs. It also allows markets to be pre-approved early and launched at a chosen time in the future.

Proposals are enacted by timestamp, earliest first, as soon as the enactment time is reached by the network (i.e. "Vega time"). Proposals sharing the same exact enactment time are enacted in the order they were created. This means that in the case that two proposals change the same parameter with the same timestamp, the oldest proposal will be applied first and the newest will be applied last, overwriting the change made by the older proposal. There is no attempt to resolve differences between the two.

The network's governance.proposal.*.minEnact network parameter specific to each proposal type is used to validate whether the enactment date is acceptable. Here * stands for any of asset, market, updateMarket, updateNetParam. Note that this is validation is in units of time from current time i.e. if the proposal is received at e.g. 09:00:00 on 1st Jan 2021 and governance.proposal.asset.minEnact is 72h then the proposal must contain enactment date/time that after 09:00:00 on 4th Jan 2021. If there is governance.proposal.asset.maxEnact of e.g. 360h then the proposed enactment date / time must be before 09:00:00 on 16th Jan 2021.

Editing a proposal

A proposal cannot be edited once submitted to the network. The only possible actions are to cancel within the threshold, vote for or against a proposal, or submit a new proposal.

If a proposal is created and later a different outcome is preferred by network participants, two courses of action are possible:

  1. Vote against the proposal and create a new proposal with the correct change
  2. Vote for or against the proposal and create a new proposal for the additional change

Which of these makes most sense will depend on the type of change, the timing of the events, and how the rest of the community votes for the initial proposal.

Cancelling a proposal

A proposal can be cancelled under certain conditions by, and only by, the party which created the proposal. To avoid situations where the community may have acted upon proposals they "expected" to pass, a party can only cancel their proposal before a certain "cancellation threshold" is reached.

This cancellation threshold is a fixed point before the proposal closing time. The duration of the period in which a proposal cannot be cancelled is defined by the network parameter governance.proposal.cancellationThreshold (a duration string defaulting to 23h0m0s).

i.e. Given the governance.proposal.cancellationThreshold is 23h0m0s a party will be able to cancel their proposal 23 hours before the proposal closing time.


A party can cancel their proposal by simply voting against it with a no vote.

  • If the current time is before the cancellation threshold, the proposal is instantly rejected.
  • If the current time is after the cancellation threshold, the vote is treated normally as a vote against a proposal.

Note the following additional details:

  • a cancelling vote against a proposal must pass all typical vote checks and spam protections, i.e. who party who removes stake after creating a proposal and no longer meets the requirement will not be able to cancel their proposal.

  • if at the time of creating a proposal the closing time is within the period defined by governance.proposal.cancellationThreshold, the proposal will still be valid and accepted by the network but the party will not have an opportunity to cancel the proposal.


At the conclusion of the voting period the network will calculate two values:

  1. The participation rate: participation_rate = SUM ( weightings of ALL valid votes cast ) / max total weighting possible (e.g. sum of token balances of all votes cast / total supply of governance asset, this implies that for this version it is only possible to use an asset with fixed supply as the governance asset)
  2. The "for" rate: for_rate = SUM ( weightings of votes cast for ) / SUM ( weightings of all votes cast )

Any proposal that is not market parameter change proposal is considered successful and will be enacted (where necessary) if:

  • The participation_rate is greater than or equal to the minimum participation rate for the proposal
  • The for_rate is greater than or equal to the minimum required majority for the proposal
  • The participation rate is calculated against the total supply of the governance asset.

Note: see below for details on minimum participation rate and minimum required majority, which are defined by type of governance action, and in some cases a category or sub-type.

Not in scope: minimum participation of active users, i.e. 90% of the active users of the vega network have to take part in the vote. Minimum participation is currently always measured against the total possible participation.

Market change proposal outcome

For market change proposals the network will additionally calculate

  1. LP participation rate = SUM (equity-like share of all LPs who cast a vote) (no need to divide by anything as equity-like share sums up to 1).
  2. LP for rate = SUM (equity-like share of all LPs who cast a for vote)).

If the market that the proposal is changing is pending (so accepted but hasn't left opening auction yet) at the vote resolution time then only token holder votes are used.

For a market that's out of the pending state (so the opening auction has concluded) a market parameter change is passed only when:

  • either the governance token holder vote is successful i.e. participation_rate >= governance.proposal.updateMarketParam.requiredParticipation AND for_rate > governance.proposal.updateMarketParam.requiredMajority (in this case the LPs were overridden by governance token holders)
  • or the governance token holder vote does not reach participation threshold but the LP vote does and approves the proposal participation_rate < governance.proposal.updateMarketParam.requiredParticipation AND LP participation rate >= governance.proposal.updateMarketParam.requiredParticipationLP AND LP for rate >= governance.proposal.updateMarketParam.requiredMajorityLP.

The logic is


In all other cases the proposal is rejected.

In other words: LPs vote with their equity-like share and can make changes to a market without requiring a governance token holder vote. However a governance token vote is running in parallel and if participation and majority rules for this vote are met then the governance token vote can overrule the LPs vote.

Reference-level explanation

We introduce 2 new commands which require consensus (needs to go through the chain)

  • submit a proposal.
  • vote for a given proposal.

Types of proposals

Every proposal transaction contains the following common fields:

  • a title field to briefly describe the proposal that can be used when listing proposals
  • a description field to contain the additional details behind the proposal as well as some rationale If more details is required about the proposal, a proposer can reference immutable external resources in the proposal description. e.g. IPFS links.


  1. title up to 100 characters.
  2. description up to 20,000 characters.


message ProposalSubmission {
  // Proposal reference
  string reference = 1;
  // Proposal configuration and the actual change that is meant to be executed when proposal is enacted
  vega.ProposalTerms terms = 2;
+  // Proposal rational that summarises the change and link to the complete proposed changed.
+  vega.ProposalRationale rationale = 3;
message ProposalRationale {
  // Title to be used to give a short description of the proposal in lists.
  // This is to be between 0 and 100 unicode characters.
  // This is mandatory for all proposals.
  string title = 1;
  // Description describe the detail what the proposal is and the rationale behind it.
  // This is to be between 0 and 20,000 unicode characters.
  // This is mandatory for all proposals.
  string description = 2;

1. Create market

This action differs from from other governance actions in that the market is created and some transactions (namely around liquidity provision) may be accepted for the market before the proposal has successfully passed. The lifecycle of a market and its triggers are covered in the market lifecycle spec.

Note the following key points from the market lifecycle spec:

  • A market is created in Proposed status as soon as the proposal is accepted
  • A market enters a Pending status as soon as the proposal is Successful (before enactment)
  • A market usually enters Active status at the proposal's enactment date/time, but some conditions may delay this or cause the market to be Cancelled instead

A proposal to create a market contains

  1. a complete market specification as per the Market Framework that describes the market to be created.
  2. an enactment time that is at least the minimum auction duration after the vote closing time (see auction spec)
  3. if the market is meant to be a successor of a given market then it contains the marketID of the market it's succeeding (parent market), a parameter called insurancePoolFraction which is a decimal in [0,1] (i.e. it can be 0 or 1 or anything in between) and certain entries in the market proposal must be identical to those of the market it's succeeding. See [sucessor markets spec](./ for more details).

All new market proposals initially have their validation configured by the network parameters Governance.CreateMarket.All.*. These may be split from All to subtypes in future, for instance when other market types like RFQ are created.

A market in Proposed state accepts liquidity commitments from any party. The LP commitments can be added / amended / removed.

2. Change market parameters

Market parameters that may be changed are described in the spec for the Market Framework, and additionally the specs for the Risk Model and Product being used by the market. See the Market Framework spec for details on these parameters, including those that cannot be changed and the category of the parameters.

To change any market parameter the proposer submits the same data as to create a market with the desired updates to the fields / structures that should change. Changes for markets in a closed/cancelled/terminated state should not be permitted. Ideally, it should be possible to not repeat things that are not changing or are immutable but we leave this to implementation detail.

The following are immutable and cannot be changed:

  • marketID
  • market decimal places
  • position decimal places
  • settlementAsset

2.1 Change community tags

Separately to a general market change proposal, proposers can create a proposal to add or remove lists of free-text string community tags to a market. Although these proposals change only a single market, it is possible that these tags will be used to control external behaviour of systems interacting with the vega chain, therefore they do not allow for voting using ELS and instead must be voted through by the general pool of token holders as with any other proposal. The maximum length of a community tags is specified by the network parameter The community tags on a market are controlled by a single proposal type, UpdateCommunityTags with a structure akin to:

message UpdateCommunityTags {
  string marketId;
  repeated string addTags;
  repeated string removeTags;

allowing proposals to add and remove tags independently from others.

The following network parameters will decide how these proposals are treated: governance.proposal.updateCommunityTags.maxClose e.g. 720h, governance.proposal.updateCommunityTags.minClose e,g. 168h, governance.proposal.updateCommunityTags.maxEnact e.g. 720h, governance.proposal.updateCommunityTags.minEnact e,g. 168h, governance.proposal.updateCommunityTags.minProposerBalance e.g. 1000000000000000000 i.e. 1 VEGA, governance.proposal.updateCommunityTags.minVoterBalance e.g. 1000000000000000000 i.e. 1 VEGA, governance.proposal.updateCommunityTags.requiredMajority e.g. 0.66, governance.proposal.updateCommunityTags.requiredParticipation e.g. 0.05.

Note: Although community tags cannot be amended in an update market proposal, they may be included in the same batch proposal as one.

3. Change network parameters

Network parameters that may be changed are described in the Network Parameters spec, this document for details on these parameters, including the category of the parameters. New network parameters require a code change, so there is no support for adding new network parameters.

All change network parameter proposals have their validation configured by the network parameters Governance.UpdateNetwork.<CATEGORY>.*, where <CATEGORY> is the category assigned to the parameter in the Network Parameter spec.

4.1 Add a new asset

New assets can be proposed through the governance system. The procedure is covered in detail in the asset proposal spec. All new asset proposals have their validation configured by the network parameters governance.proposal.asset.<CATEGORY>.

4.2 Modify an existing asset

Any existing asset can be modified through the governance system. Only some properties of an asset may be modified, this is detailed in asset framework spec. All proposals to modify an existing asset have their validation configured by the network parameters governance.proposal.asset.<CATEGORY>. Enactment of an asset modification proposal is:

  • For data that must be synchronised with the asset blockchain (e.g. Ethereum): only the emission of a signed bundle that can be submitted to the bridge contract; the changed values asset framework spec only become reflected on the Vega chain once the usual number of confirmations of the effect of this change is emitted by the bridge chain.
  • For any data that is stored only on the Vega chain: the data is updated once the proposal is enacted.

5. Transfers initiated by Governance

Permitted source and destination account types

The below table shows the allowable combinations of source and destination account types for a transfer that's initiated by a governance proposal.

Source type Destination type Transfer permitted
Party account (any type) Any No
Network treasury Network treasury No
Network treasury Party general account(s) Yes
Network treasury Party other account types No
Network treasury Global insurance pool account Yes
Network treasury Market insurance pool account Yes
Network treasury Reward account Yes
Network treasury Any other account No
Market insurance pool account Party account(s) Yes
Market insurance pool account Network treasury Yes
Market insurance pool account Global insurance pool account Yes
Market insurance pool account Market insurance pool account Yes
Market insurance pool account Reward account Yes
Market insurance pool account Any other account No
Global insurance pool account Party account(s) Yes
Global insurance pool account Network treasury Yes
Global insurance pool account Market insurance pool account Yes
Global insurance pool account Reward account Yes
Global insurance pool account Any other account No
Any other account Any No

Transfer proposal details

The proposal specifies:

  • source_type: the source account type (i.e. network treasury, global insurance pool, market insurance pool)

  • source specifies the account to transfer from, depending on the account type:

    • network treasury: leave blank (only one per asset)
    • global insurance pool: leave blank (only one per asset)
    • market insurance pool: market ID
  • type, which can be either "all or nothing" or "best effort":

    • all or nothing: either transfers the specified amount or does not transfer anything
    • best effort: transfers the specified amount or the max allowable amount if this is less than the specified amount
  • amount: the maximum amount to transfer

  • asset: the asset to transfer

  • fraction_of_balance: the maximum fraction of the source account's balance to transfer as a decimal (i.e. 0.1 = 10% of the balance)

  • destination_type specifies the account type to transfer to (reward pool, party, network insurance pool, market insurance pool)

  • destination specifies the account to transfer to, depending on the account type:

    • network treasury: leave blank (only one per asset)
    • party: the party's public key
    • global insurance pool: leave blank (only one per asset)
    • market insurance pool: market ID
  • A proposal can be for a one off transfer or recurring.

  • If the proposal is one off it can define a time for delivery. Whenever the block time is after the delivery time, the transfer will execute. If there is no delivery time the one off transfer will execute immediately.

  • If the proposal is recurring it has to define a start epoch and an optional end epoch. In such case the transfer will be executed every epoch while still active.

  • Plus the standard proposal fields (i.e. voting and enactment dates, etc.)

Transfer proposal enactment

If the proposal is successful and enacted, the amount will be transferred from the source account to the destination account on the enactment date.

The amount is calculated by

  transfer_amount = min(
    proposal.fraction_of_balance * source.balance,
    NETWORK_MAX_FRACTION * source.balance )


  • NETWORK_MAX_AMOUNT is a network parameter specifying the maximum amount that can be transferred by governance for the source account type, as a multiplier for the transfer asset's quantum
  • NETWORK_MAX_FRACTION is a network parameter specifying the maximum fraction of the balance that can be transferred by governance for the source account type (must be <= 1)

If type is "all or nothing" then the transfer will only proceed if:

transfer_amount == min(
    proposal.fraction_of_balance * source.balance,
    proposal.amount )

Transfer cancellation

This is done as a governance proposal. Takes a transfer ID (which is the proposal ID of the original transfer) and would cancel a recurring governance initiated transfer. Only recurring governance initiated transfers can be cancelled via governance initiated transfer cancellation proposal. Trying to cancel any other transfer should fail upon validation of the proposal.


All in memory active governance initiated transfers must be included in the snapshot of the banking engine.

Additional information

  1. When a transfer gets enacted it emits transfer event similar to regular transfer events from regular transfers, however with different type (i.e. similar to one-off, and recurring of regular transfers, there are governance-one-off and governance-recurring types). At the time of enactment no amount is attached to the transfer and it will show 0.
  2. When a transfer is made an event is emitted with the actual amount being transfers. The status of the transfer will depend on the type of the transfer.
  3. When the transfer reaches a terminal state, being stopped, rejected, done, cancelled an event is emitted indicating the status.
  4. Enacted governance initiated transfers are therefore available to be queried via the regular transfer API in data node.
  5. Governance initiated transfers are subject to neither minimum transfer amounts nor to fees.

6. Change market state

A governance proposal to change the state of the market. Multiple concurrent proposals are allowed.

Market change proposal creation and voting rules apply.

Refer to subsections below for allowed state changes.

6.1. Move market to a closed state

Any type of market (either fixed expiry market or perpetual) can be closed via a governance vote.

A proposal to close a market contains:

  1. final settlement price (not required for spot markets) formatted accounting for market's decimal places

Once market is closed the process cannot be reversed. Note that this implies that once a governance proposal to close the market has been voted in the market will definitely close at the enactment time of that vote at the latest. While the market is still open it's still possible to submit additional governance votes to close the market, however they'll only have any effect if their enactment date is prior to that of the market closure proposal which has already passed.

If the market is in an auction of any type excluding the opening auction at the time the market closure governance proposal gets enacted, then the auction should uncross immediately, any trades resulting from it should be generated at the auction uncrossing price and then the system should proceed to close the market using the price (if applicable) provided by the proposal being enacted. If the market is in opening auction when the governance proposal to close it gets enacted then auction shouldn't uncross, market closes trivially as no trades have yet been generated.

Attempting to enact the market closure governance proposal on a market in a settled state has no effect. When closing a market which needs the final price with a governance vote it's always the price supplied with the governance vote being enacted that gets used, even if the oracle price is available at that time. Please note that the price supplied with the vote needs no further conversion as it's already specified in market decimal places.

The state of a market successfully closed by the governance vote should be closed.

Please note that certain types of markets like perpetual futures may perform additional actions during governance closure, refer to their specs for details.

6.2. Suspend the market

This proposal puts the market into an auction mode which can only be exit with a governance proposal to resume the market. It can be applied to a market that's in any of the active (accepting orders) states including the opening auction.

A market that's been suspended can't have the open volume changed or margin account balances reduced for any of the parties within the market. Parties can submit the relevant order types just like in an other auction.

If the market is already suspended via governance when another vote gets enacted then that vote has no effect.

6.3. Resume the market

This proposal removes the restrictions put in place by a successful market suspension proposal. Note that this does not necessarily mean the market that's in auction mode should leave it immediately, as other auction triggers may still be active.

If the market is not suspended when the vote to resume the market gets enacted then that vote has no effect.

7. Freeform governance proposal

The aim of this is to allow community to provide votes on proposals which don't change any of the behaviour of the currently running Vega blockchain. That is to say, at enactment time, no changes are effected on the system, but the record of how token holders voted will be stored on chain. The proposal will contain only the fields common to all proposals i.e.

  • a title
  • a description

The following network parameters will decide how these proposals are treated: governance.proposal.freeform.maxClose e.g. 720h, governance.proposal.freeform.minClose e,g. 72h, governance.proposal.freeform.minProposerBalance e.g. 1000000000000000000 i.e. 1 VEGA, governance.proposal.freeform.minVoterBalance e.g. 1000000000000000000 i.e. 1 VEGA, governance.proposal.freeform.requiredMajority e.g. 0.66, governance.proposal.freeform.requiredParticipation e.g. 0.20.

There is no minEnact and maxEnact because there is no on-chain enactment (no governance action).

Proposal validation parameters

As described throughout this specification, there are several sets of network parameters that control the minimum durations of the voting and pre-enactment periods, as well as the minimum participation rate and required majority for a proposal.

These sets of parameters are named in the form Governance.<ActionType>.<Category>.*, i.e.

  • Governance.<ActionType>.<Category>.MinimumProposalPeriod
  • Governance.<ActionType>.<Category>.MinimumPreEnactmentPeriod
  • Governance.<ActionType>.<Category>.MinimumRequiredParticipation
  • Governance.<ActionType>.<Category>.MinimumRequiredMajority

See the details in 1-3 above for the action type and category (or references to where to find them). For example, for market creation the parameters are as below (and for updating market and network parameters, there are multiple sets of these by category):

  • Governance.CreateMarket.All.MinimumProposalPeriod
  • Governance.CreateMarket.All.MinimumPreEnactmentPeriod
  • Governance.CreateMarket.All.MinimumRequiredParticipation
  • Governance.CreateMarket.All.MinimumRequiredMajority


  • The categorisation of parameters is liable to change and be added to as the protocol evolves.
  • As these are themselves network parameters, a set of parameters will control these parameters for the actions that update these parameters (including being self-referential), i.e. the parameter Governance.UpdateNetwork.GovernanceProposalValidation.MinimumRequiredParticipation would control the amount of voting participation needed to change these parameters. See the Network Parameters spec.

Batch Proposals

A BatchProposalSubmission is a top-level proposal type (living at the same level in a Transaction object as a standard ProposalSubmission) which allows grouping of several individual proposals into a single proposal, ensuring that all changes will pass or fail governance voting together. The batch proposal is a wrapper containing one rationale (i.e. title and description) field as a standard ProposalSubmission, one closingTimestamp field and a list of ProposalSubmissions which omit certain fields. The individual ProposalSubmission have no rationale entry (i.e. no title and description). The individual ProposalSubmission have no closingTimestamp entry. Any governance proposal can be included in a batch except proposals to add new assets. For avoidance of doubt: asset change proposals can be included.

Validation should be applied by the protocol when accepting such a transaction to verify that all proposals within the batch meet their own minimum voting periods (if not transaction is rejected). The enactment timestamp, is customisable and can be different for each proposal within the batch, as long as the minimum enactment time of each individual proposal within the batch is respected and as long as every enactmentTimestamp is greater than or equal to closingTimestamp of the entire batch.

Once submitted, a single voting period should be run in which participants may place a single vote to approve/disapprove of the entire batch. It must not be possible to vote for components in the batch separately. Once the closing timestamp is reached each individual proposal within the batch is evaluated against the votes received. If all individual proposals would pass (given the votes received, based on their individual rules on participation, majority, LP-ELS voting etc.) then the entire batch passes. If even one proposal within the batch would fail then the entire batch fails.

If the batch passes, each of the component proposals should be enacted at their enactment timestamp exactly as if each had been proposed and passed individually. The enactment order of two proposals in the batch with the same enactment timestamp: they enact in the order they appear in the batch. In particular asset update proposals may emit signed bundles to be submitted to the bridge on ethereum side (for withdrawal delay / threshold updates).

The number of individual proposals that can be submitted within a single batch is limited to 250.


The core should expose via core APIs:

  • all the active proposals on the network
  • the current results for an active proposal or a proposal awaiting enactment

APIs should also exist for clients to:

  • list all proposals including historic ones, filter by status/type, sort either way by submission date, vote closing date, or enactment date
  • retrieve the summary results and status for any proposal
  • retrieve the party IDs (pub keys) of all votes counting for (i.e. only one latest vote per party) and against a proposal
  • retrieve the full voting history for a proposal including where a party voted multiple times
  • get a list of all proposals a party voted on

Acceptance Criteria

  • As a user, I can create a new proposal, assuming my staking balance matches or exceeds minProposerBalance network parameter for my proposal type (0028-GOVE-001)
  • As a user, I can list the open proposals on the network (0028-GOVE-002)
  • As a user, I can get a list of all proposals I voted for (0028-GOVE-003)
  • As a user, I can receive notification when a new proposal is created and may require attention. (0028-GOVE-004)
  • As the vega network, all votes from eligible users for an existing proposal are accepted when the proposal is still open (0028-GOVE-005)
  • As the vega network, all votes received before the proposal is active, or once the proposal voting period is finished, are rejected (0028-GOVE-006)
  • As the vega network, once the voting period is finished, I validate the result based on the parameters of the proposal used to decide the outcome of it. (0028-GOVE-007)
  • As the vega network, proposals that set enactment time before closing time are rejected as invalid (0028-GOVE-009)
  • As the vega network, proposals that set closing time beyond the relevant maxClose parameter are rejected as invalid (0028-GOVE-010)
  • As a user, I can vote for an existing proposal if I have more than the relevant minVoterBalance governance tokens in my staking account. (0028-GOVE-014)
  • As a user, my vote for an existing proposal is rejected if I have less the relevant minVoterBalance governance tokens in my staking account. (0028-GOVE-015)
  • As a user, my vote for an existing proposal is rejected if I have less than the relevant minVoterBalance governance tokens in my staking account even if I have more than minVoterBalance governance tokens in my general or margin accounts (0028-GOVE-016)
  • As a user, I can vote multiple times for the same proposal if I have more than the relevant minVoterBalance governance tokens in my staking account
  • When calculating the participation rate of a proposal, the participation rate of the votes takes into account the total supply of the governance asset. (0028-GOVE-018)
  • If a new proposal is successfully submitted to the network (passing initial validation) the required participation rate and majority for success are defined and copied to the proposal and can be queried via APIs separately from the general network parameters. (0028-GOVE-036)
  • If a new proposal "P" is successfully submitted to the network (passing initial validation) the required participation rate and majority for success are defined and copied to the proposal. If an independent network parameter change proposal is enacted changing either required participation of majority then proposal "P" uses its own values for participation and majority; not the newly enacted ones. (0028-GOVE-037)
  • All proposals with a title field that is empty, or not between 1 and 100 characters, will be rejected (0028-GOVE-039)
  • Reject any proposal that defines a risk parameter outside it's intended boundaries (0028-GOVE-040)
    • risk aversion lambda: 1e-8 <= x < 0.1
    • tau: 1e-8 <= x <= 1
    • mu: -1e-6 <= x <= 1e-6
    • r: -1 <= x <= 1
    • sigma: 1e-3 <= x <= 50

Governance proposal types

New Asset proposals

New Market proposals

  • As the vega network, if a proposal is accepted and the duration required before change takes effect is reached, the changes are applied (0028-GOVE-008)
  • New market proposals cannot be created before is in the past (0028-GOVE-024)
  • A market proposal with a negative or non-integer value supplied for market decimal places gets rejected. (0028-GOVE-061)
  • A market proposal with position decimal places not in {-6,...,-1,0,1,2,...,6} gets rejected. (0028-GOVE-062) For product spot: (0028-GOVE-075)
  • A market proposal with a tick size less than or equal to 0 gets rejected (0028-GOVE-180).
  • At enactment, a market change proposal updating the tick size leaves in place all orders where the quoted price is not an exact multiple of 10^-mdp (where mdp is the market decimal places) (0028-GOVE-182).
  • At enactment, a market with Transaction Prioritisation enabled will have transactions re-prioritised as defined in transaction prioritisation (0028-GOVE-192).
  • At enactment, a market with Transaction Prioritisation disabled will not have transactions re-prioritised (0028-GOVE-193).

Market change proposals

  • As the vega network, if a proposal is accepted and the duration required before change takes effect is reached, the changes are applied (0028-GOVE-033)
  • Verify that a market change proposal gets enacted if enough LPs participate and vote for. (0028-GOVE-027)
  • Verify that a market change proposal does not get enacted if enough LPs participate and vote for BUT governance tokens holders participate beyond threshold and vote against (majority not reached). (0028-GOVE-032)
  • Verify that an enacted market change proposal that doubles the risk model volatility sigma leads to increased margin requirement for all parties. (0028-GOVE-035)
  • Verify that an enacted market which uses trading terminated key ktt1 and settlement price key ksp1 which is changed via governance proposal to use trading terminated key ktt2 and settlement price key ksp2 can terminate trading using ktt2 but cannot terminate trading using ktt1 and ksp2 can submit the settlement price causing market to settle but the key ksp1 cannot settle the market. (0028-GOVE-012)
  • Verify that an enacted market change proposal that changes price monitoring bounds enters a price monitoring auction upon the new bound being breached (0028-GOVE-034)
  • Verify that an enacted market change proposal that reduces leads to a reduction in target stake if recent open interest is less than historical open interest (0028-GOVE-031)
  • Attempts to update immutable market parameter(s) cause the market change proposal to be rejected with an appropriate rejection message (0028-GOVE-058)
  • Verify that if governance.proposal.updateMarket.minProposerEquityLikeShare = 0.00001 and if a party has no equity-like share in the market, but meets the governance.proposal.updateMarket.minProposerBalance threshold then said party can submit a market change proposal. (0028-GOVE-134)
  • Change of the network parameter governance.proposal.updateMarket.minProposerEquityLikeShare will immediately change the minimum proposer ELS for a market change proposal for all future proposals. Proposals that have already been submitted are not affected. (0028-GOVE-064)
  • Change of the network parameter governance.proposal.updateMarket.requiredParticipationLP will immediately change the required LP vote participation (measured in ELS) a market change proposal requires for all future proposals. Proposals that have already been submitted are not affected. (0028-GOVE-065)
  • Change of the network parameter governance.proposal.updateMarket.requiredMajorityLP will immediately change the required LP vote majority (measured in ELS) a market change proposal requires for all future proposals. Proposals that have already been submitted are not affected. (0028-GOVE-066)
  • A market that's attempting to modify any parameters on a market in proposed state (i.e. voting hasn't completed) will be rejected. (0028-GOVE-069)
  • A market change proposal that's to modify any parameters on a market in pending state (i.e. voting has successfully completed and the market is in the opening auction) will be accepted and if it's the enactment time happens to be before the opening auction ends then the proposed modification is enacted. (0028-GOVE-070)
  • In particular a market change proposal that's to modify the parent market on a market in pending state (i.e. voting has successfully completed and the market is in the opening auction) will be accepted and if it's the enactment time happens to be before the opening auction ends then the parent is used (assuming the proposed parent doesn't already have a successor). (0028-GOVE-071)
  • A market change that's to modify any parameters on a market in pending state (i.e. voting has successfully completed on the market creation and the market is in the opening auction) will run voting rules the same as market creation proposals i.e. LPs don't get a vote. (0028-GOVE-072)
  • A market change proposal that aims to modify the market name in any state (apart from closed/terminated) will modify the market name at the time of vote enactment. (0028-GOVE-159). For product spot (0028-GOVE-186).
  • A market change proposal that aims to modify the market code in any state (apart from closed/terminated) will modify the market code at the time of vote enactment. (0028-GOVE-166). For product spot (0028-GOVE-187).
  • A governance proposal to close a market which doesn't specify the final settlement price gets rejected by the markets which require it (non-spot). (0028-GOVE-108)
  • When there's already been a market closure governance proposal successfully voted in for a given market, but not yet enacted it is still possible to submit additional market closure governance proposals for that market. If another market closure governance proposal gets voted it and it has an earlier enactment time then it's the final settlement price of that proposal which gets used. (0028-GOVE-110)
  • Governance vote to suspend a market that's currently in continuous trading mode puts it into auction mode at vote enactment time. The only way to put the market back into continuous trading mode is with a successful governance vote to resume the market. (0028-GOVE-113)
  • Governance vote to suspend a market that's currently in auction trading mode keeps it in auction mode at vote enactment time. Even if the trigger that originally put the market into auction mode is no longer violated the market must remain in auction. Resuming the market will then put the market in the state it was in prior to it being suspended.
  • Resuming a market with other auction triggers active does not put it out of auction until those triggers allow to do so. (0028-GOVE-115)
  • A market suspended by the governance vote does not allow trade generation of margin account balance reduction. (0028-GOVE-116)
  • Verify that a party with 0 balance of the governance token, but with sufficient ELS can submit a market change proposal successfully. (0028-GOVE-117)
  • Verify that a party with 0 balance of the governance token and insufficient ELS sees their market change proposal rejected after submission. (0028-GOVE-118)
  • Enacting a market closure governance proposal on a market which is in opening auction cancels it immediately without generating any trades. The market moves to a cancelled state and any open orders are also cancelled. (0028-GOVE-135)
  • Enacting a market closure governance proposal on a market which is in auction (of any type except the opening auction) uncrosses that auction at the current uncrossing price, generates the trades and then proceeds to close it using the final price (if applicable to the market type). (0028-GOVE-136)
  • Enacting a market closure governance proposal on a market that is in a settled state has no effect. (0028-GOVE-137)
  • Enacting a market closure governance proposal on a market that is not in a settled state always uses the price supplied with the proposal for final settlement, even when the oracle settlement price is available at that time. (0028-GOVE-138)
  • Successful enactment of a market closure proposal changes the state of the market to closed. (0028-GOVE-139)
  • Attempt to enact a market closure proposal on a closed market has no effect. (0028-GOVE-111)
  • Markets which have been suspended via a governance proposal can be resumed after a protocol upgrade restarts the network. (0028-GOVE-150)
  • Markets which have been suspended via a governance proposal can be terminated after a protocol upgrade restarts the network. (0028-GOVE-151)
  • Oracle data sources shared between multiple markets are not deactivated if one of the markets sharing the oracle data sources is terminated and settled using governance proposals. Now the status of the data sources should still be ACTIVE as Market2 is still using them. (0028-GOVE-152)
  • Ensure that when a market is suspended and then resumed via a governance proposal we can still terminate and settle the market using ethereum oracle. (0028-GOVE-153)
  • A market change proposal specifying a new tick size less than or equal to 0 gets rejected (0028-GOVE-184).
  • At enactment, a market change proposal updating the tick size cancels all pegged orders where their offset is no longer an exact integer multiple of the tick size (0028-GOVE-183).
  • A market LP with ELS > 0 can vote on a market change proposal even if the key doesn't meet the governance.proposal.updateMarket.minVoterBalance for governance token. (0028-GOVE-185).
  • An amendment to a market to enable or disable Transaction Prioritisation will have that effect immediately upon enactment. (0028-GOVE-194)

Network parameter change proposals

  • As the vega network, if a proposal is accepted and the duration required before change takes effect is reached, the changes are applied (0028-GOVE-026)
  • Network parameter change proposals can only propose a change to a single parameter (0028-GOVE-013) Below * stands for any of asset, market, updateMarket, updateNetParam, freeForm.
  • Change of the network parameter governance.proposal.*.minEnact will immediately change the minimum enactment time for all future proposals. Proposals that have already been submitted are not affected. (0028-GOVE-051)
  • Change of the network parameter governance.proposal.*.maxEnact will immediately change the maximum enactment time for all future proposals. Proposals that have already been submitted are not affected. (0028-GOVE-052)
  • Change of the network parameter governance.proposal.*.maxClose will immediately change the maximum vote closing time for all future proposals. Proposals that have already been submitted are not affected. (0028-GOVE-053)
  • Change of the network parameter governance.proposal.*.minClose will immediately change the minimum vote closing time for all future proposals. Proposals that have already been submitted are not affected. (0028-GOVE-054)
  • Change of the network parameter governance.proposal.*.requiredMajority or governance.proposal.*.requiredParticipation will immediately change the majority (or participation) required for the proposal to pass for all proposals submitted in the future. Proposals that have already been submitted are not affected as they have their own copy of this value. (0028-GOVE-055)
  • Change of the network parameter governance.proposal.*.minVoterBalance will immediately change the minimum governance token balance required to vote on any proposal submitted in the future. Proposals that have already been submitted are unaffected as they have their own copy of this parameter. (0028-GOVE-056)
  • Change of the network parameter governance.proposal.*.minProposerBalance will immediately change minimum governance token balance required to submit any future proposal. Proposals that have already been submitted are unaffected . (0028-GOVE-057)

Freeform governance proposals

  • A freeform governance proposal with a description field that is empty, or not between 1 and 10,000 characters, will be rejected (0028-GOVE-019)
  • A freeform governance proposal does not have an enactment period set, and after it closes no action is taken on the system (0028-GOVE-022)
  • Closed freeform governance proposals can be retrieved from the API along with details of how token holders voted. (0028-GOVE-023)

Concurrent governance proposals

  • Approved governance proposals sharing the same enactment time should be enacted in the order the proposals were created. (0028-GOVE-067)
  • Approved governance proposals sharing the same enactment time and changing the same parameter should all be applied, the oldest proposal will be applied first and the newest will be applied last, overwriting the changes made by the older proposals. (0028-GOVE-068)

Governance initiated transfer proposals

Proposer Requirements
  • The transfer proposer must have at a staking balance which matches or exceeds minProposerBalance network parameter for this proposal type (0028-GOVE-073)
  • Governance initiated transfer proposal and all associated data are returned via the governance APIs (0028-GOVE-074)
Transfer proposal submission validation
  • A proposal to transfer tokens between Network treasury and Party general account(s) is valid (0028-GOVE-128)
  • A proposal to transfer tokens between Network treasury and market insurance pool account is valid (0028-GOVE-119)
  • A proposal to transfer tokens between Market insurance pool account and Party account(s) is valid (0028-GOVE-120)
  • A proposal to transfer tokens between Market insurance pool account and Network treasury is valid (0028-GOVE-132)
  • A proposal to transfer tokens between Market insurance pool account and Market insurance pool account is valid (0028-GOVE-122)
  • Governance initiated transfer proposals with invalid source or destination account types will get rejected by the blockchain. (0028-GOVE-077)
  • Source can be left blank for a transfer type of Network Treasury (0028-GOVE-079)
  • For proposal source/destination types of Market Insurance the source/destination must be a valid marketID else the proposal is rejected by the blockchain. (0028-GOVE-081)
  • Type value can only hold “all or nothing" or "best effort” (0028-GOVE-082)
  • Transfer amounts will be accepted and processed in asset precision (0028-GOVE-083)
  • Asset specified must be a valid asset address else proposal is rejected (0028-GOVE-084)
  • Fraction of balance must be submitted as a positive (else will cause the proposal to reject) and will be processed as a fraction of the source accounts balance (0028-GOVE-085)
  • Destination Type can be any of the predefined types in the above table (0028-GOVE-086)
  • Source and destination type cannot be the same value else the proposal will be rejected (0028-GOVE-087)
  • Transfers can be proposed between market insurance accounts but source and destination accounts cannot be the same value else the proposal will be rejected (0028-GOVE-088)
  • Destination must be a valid Vega public key for a transfer type of Party else is rejected (0028-GOVE-089)
  • For transfer source types of Market Insurance the destination must be a valid market ID else is rejected (0028-GOVE-091)
  • The proposal will allow standard proposal fields to control timings on closing the voting period and enactment time, these will be validated in the same way as other proposals (0028-GOVE-092)
  • For successor markets we allow transfer between Market insurance pool account of parent market to Market insurance pool account of child market (0028-GOVE-093)
  • During a recurring transfer ensure that the correct tokens continue to be distributed when the source account is funded (0028-GOVE-154)
  • A proposal to transfer tokens between Network treasury and global insurance pool account is valid (0028-GOVE-155)
  • A proposal to transfer tokens between global insurance pool account and Party account(s) is valid (0028-GOVE-156)
  • A proposal to transfer tokens between global insurance pool account and Network treasury is valid (0028-GOVE-157)
  • A proposal to transfer tokens between global insurance pool account and Market insurance pool account is valid (0028-GOVE-158)
Governance initiated transfer enactment
  • For enacted proposals a token transfer will occur at the time of enactment between the source and destination account if sufficient tokens are held in the source account. A transaction result event will show the successful transfer between two accounts (0028-GOVE-094)
  • A governance approved recurring transfer will continue even if the source account balance is 0. In such case the amount transferred will be seen to be 0. (0028-GOVE-095)
  • Transfers can occur for pending, terminated markets, settled markets (0028-GOVE-096)
Transferred Amount
  • If the type of transfer is “All or nothing” then the minimum of either fraction_of_balance * source_balance and the transfer amount is transfers between accounts. The transfer is recorded in Vega ledger movements even if the amount is derived as zero (0028-GOVE-099)
  • If the type of transfer is “Best effort” then the transfer amount is derived from the minimum of proposal.fraction_of_balance * source.balance, proposal.amount, NETWORK_MAX_AMOUNT, NETWORK_MAX_FRACTION * source.balance. The transfer is recorded in Vega ledger movements even if the amount is derived as zero (0028-GOVE-100)
Transfer Fees
  • No fees are incurred by the transfer and therefore the the number of tokens deducted from the source account should always equal the tokens added to the destination account (0028-GOVE-101)
Protocol Upgrade
  • Transfer proposals in either a pre or post enactment state are restored after a protocol upgrade (0028-GOVE-102)
  • Recurring transfers proposed before an upgrade which start before, during or after an upgrade should complete on the proposed end epoch (0028-GOVE-130)
  • One off delivery transfers proposed before an upgrade which are due to start during or after an upgrade should complete either when the network is available again or at the proposed delivery date/time (0028-GOVE-131)
  • Active or dormant governance initiated transfer (one-off or recurring) must be included in snapshots and data nodes which join the network will support retrieval of the transfer data (0028-GOVE-133)
One Off Delivery transfers

If the proposal is one off it can define a time for delivery. Whenever the block time is after the delivery time, the transfer will execute. If there is no delivery time the one off transfer will execute immediately. (0028-GOVE-129) It is possible to submit a one off governance transfer proposal from network treasury into any non-metric based reward account (including staking rewards). (0028-GOVE-140) It is possible to submit a one off governance transfer proposal from market's insurance pool into any non-metric based reward account (including staking rewards). (0028-GOVE-141) It is NOT possible to submit a governance proposal where the source account is the reward account. (0028-GOVE-144)

Recurring governance initiated transfers
  • For a recurring proposal, the proposal is only active from defined start epoch and optional end epoch, the transfer will be executed every epoch while the proposal is active. (0028-GOVE-104)

  • When a transfer gets enacted it emits transfer event similar to regular transfer events from regular transfers, however with governance-recurring types. At the time of enactment no amount is attached to the transfer and it will show 0.(0028-GOVE-106)

  • It is possible to submit a recurring governance transfer proposal from network treasury into any reward account (including staking rewards). (0028-GOVE-142)

  • It is possible to submit a recurring governance transfer proposal from market's insurance pool into any reward account (including staking rewards). (0028-GOVE-143)

Cancelling governance initiated transfers
  • Only recurring governance transfers can be cancelled via governance cancel transfer proposal. Trying to cancel any other transfer should fail upon validation of the proposal.(0028-GOVE-107)
  • After a transfer is cancelled there will be no more transfers occurring in the block/seq following the cancellation. This applies to one off and recurring transfers. (0028-GOVE-123)
  • Recurring transfers can be cancelled only after the transfer proposal reached an enacted state. Attempts to cancel before the recurring transfer proposal has enacted will result in a proposal rejection which states the transfer does not exist (0028-GOVE-124)
  • Using a governance proposal to cancel, attempts to cancel an using an invalid transfer ID will result in a proposal rejection which states the transfer does not exist (0028-GOVE-125)
  • When a transfer is cancelled vega will produce an event conveying the cancellation to datanode. This will contain a cancellation status and zero transfer amount. No ledger events will be produced.(0028-GOVE-126)
Batch Proposals
  • A batch proposal containing one or more component submissions mixing different proposal types can be submitted and is accepted as a valid proposal. (0028-GOVE-146)

  • A batch proposal submitted with component submissions having different one or more enactment timestamps lower than the closing timestamps will be rejected with an informative error message. (0028-GOVE-148)

  • A batch proposal submitted with component submissions with different enactment timestamps, all of which are valid for the type of change being proposed for that enactment time, will be accepted and move to voting. (0028-GOVE-149)

    1. If this proposal is accepted, each of the components will be enacted at the time of their differing enactment timestamps. (0028-GOVE-145)
  • A batch proposal containing

    1. freeform proposal,
    2. an update asset proposal changing the asset quantum, maximum lifetime deposit and withdrawal delay threshold
    3. a network parameter change,
    4. a market proposal,
    5. a change proposal for another market,
    6. volume discount program,
    7. referral program,
    8. governance transfer,
    9. a community tags proposal

can be submitted, voted through and each proposal enacted. On top of that signed bundles for changing withdrawal delay and threshold on the bridge are emitted (0028-GOVE-177)

  • A batch proposal can be submitted changing the same network parameter twice to two different values with two different enactment timestamps. The voting to approve the batch happens, the batch passes, both changes are observed at the desired time. (0028-GOVE-161)

A vote cannot be submitted for an individual component in a batch (0028-GOVE-163)

When a batch contains two proposals with identical enactment timestamps, they are executed in the order the appear in the batch. For example two network parameter update proposals in the same batch with the same enactment timestamp will both be executed, in the order specified. (0028-GOVE-164)

  • A batch proposal can be submitted changing the same network parameter twice to two different values with the same enactment timestamps. The voting to approve the batch happens, the batch passes, the value of the proposal appearing later in the batch is observed at the desired time. (0028-GOVE-165)
Network History
  • A datanode restored from network history will contain any recurring and one-off transfers created prior to the restore and these can be retrieved via APIs on the new datanode.(0028-GOVE-127)
Community Market Tags
  • A proposal to add community tags to a market can be successfully submitted. (0028-GOVE-178)
    • When that proposal is approved and enacted the community tags are immediately added to that market's community tags property. (0028-GOVE-168)
  • A proposal to remove community tags from a market can be successfully submitted. (0028-GOVE-169)
    • When that proposal is approved and enacted the community tags are immediately removed from that market's community tags property. (0028-GOVE-170)
  • A proposal to add some and remove other community tags from a market can be successfully submitted. (0028-GOVE-171)
    • When that proposal is approved and enacted the community tags are immediately removed and added to that market's community tags property. (0028-GOVE-172)
  • Neither market creation nor market update proposals can change the community tags property on a market. (0028-GOVE-173)
  • A voter's equity-like share does not give them any additional voting weight when voting on a market community tags update proposal. (0028-GOVE-174)
  • A proposal to add community tags with any community tags longer than is rejected as invalid (0028-GOVE-175)
  • A proposal to remove community tags with any community tags longer than is rejected as invalid (0028-GOVE-176)

Cancelling Proposals

  • Given a proposal with a closing time further than governance.proposal.cancellationThreshold from the current time, if the party that created the proposal votes against it, the proposal will be instantaneously rejected (0028-GOVE-188)

  • Given a proposal with a closing time less than governance.proposal.cancellationThreshold from the current time, if the party that created the proposal votes against it, the proposal will not be instantaneously rejected. At closing time, if the proposal meets the criteria to be accepted it will pass (0028-GOVE-189)

  • Given a proposal with a closing time less than governance.proposal.cancellationThreshold from the current time, if the party that created the proposal votes against it, the proposal will not be instantaneously rejected. At closing time, if the proposal does not meet the criteria to be accepted it will be rejected (0028-GOVE-190)

  • Given a proposal with a closing time further than governance.proposal.cancellationThreshold from the current time, if a party that did not create the proposal votes against it, the proposal will not be instantaneously rejected (0028-GOVE-191)