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173 lines (134 loc) · 15.5 KB


Acceptance Criteria

  • Only LIMIT or PEGGED orders can be amended. Any attempt to amend a MARKET order is rejected (0004-AMND-001). For product spot: (0004-AMND-030)
  • Price change amends remove the order from the book and insert the order at the back of the queue at the new price level (0004-AMND-002). For product spot: (0004-AMND-031)
  • Price change amends specifying a new price which is not an integer multiple of the markets tick size should be rejected and the original order should be left in place (0004-AMND-060).
  • Reducing the quantity by specifying a sizeDelta leaves the order in its current spot but reduces the remaining amount accordingly (0004-AMND-003). For product spot: (0004-AMND-032)
  • Quantity after amendment using a sizeDelta must be a multiple of the smallest increment possible given the Position Decimal Places (PDP) specified in the Market Framework, i.e. is PDP = 2 then quantity must be a whole multiple of 0.01. (0004-AMND-004). For product spot: (0004-AMND-055)
  • Increasing the quantity by specifying a sizeDelta causes the order to be removed from the book and inserted at the back of the price level queue with the updated quantity (0004-AMND-005). For product spot: (0004-AMND-033)
  • Size change amends specifying a size greater than the current size remove and reinsert the order at the back of the price level and increase the remaining amount accordingly (0004-AMND-056).
  • Size change amends specifying a size lower than the current size leave the order in its current spot and reduce the remaining amount of the order accordingly (0004-AMND-057).
  • Size change amends which would result in the remaining part of the order being reduced below zero should instead cancel the order (0004-AMND-058).
  • A transaction specifying both a sizeDelta and size field should be rejected as invalid (0004-AMND-059).
  • Changing the TIF can only occur between GTC and GTT. Any attempt to amend to another TIF flag is rejected. A GTT must have an expiresAt value but a GTC must not have one. (0004-AMND-006). For product spot: (0004-AMND-034)
  • Any attempt to amend to or from the TIF values GFA and GFN will result in a rejected amend. (0004-AMND-007). For product spot: (0004-AMND-035)
  • All updates to an existing order update the UpdatedAt time stamp field in the order (0004-AMND-008). For product spot: (0004-AMND-036)
  • The orderID remains the same after an amend (0004-AMND-009). For product spot: (0004-AMND-037)
  • Amends can occur in continuous trading or in an auction (0004-AMND-010). For product spot: (0004-AMND-038)
  • All historic alteration to an order can be viewed from the order storage system (0004-AMND-011). For product spot: (0004-AMND-039)
  • All amendable fields can be amended in the same amend message (0004-AMND-012). For product spot: (0004-AMND-040)
  • Fields left with default values (0) are not handled as part of the amend action (0004-AMND-013). For product spot: (0004-AMND-041)
  • An amend with only the same values as the order still cause the UpdateAt field to update but nothing else (0004-AMND-014). For product spot: (0004-AMND-042)
  • Amending a pegged orders offset or reference will force a reprice (0004-AMND-015). For product spot: (0004-AMND-043)
  • Attempting to alter pegged details on a non pegged or will cause the amend to be rejected (0004-AMND-016). For product spot: (0004-AMND-044)
  • Attempting to alter details on a filled order will cause the amend to be rejected (0004-AMND-017). For product spot: (0004-AMND-045)
  • Attempting to alter details on a cancelled order will cause the amend to be rejected (0004-AMND-018). For product spot: (0004-AMND-046)
  • Attempting to alter details on an expired order will cause the amend to be rejected (0004-AMND-019). For product spot: (0004-AMND-047)
  • Amending expiry time of an active GTT order to a past time whilst also simultaneously amending the price of the order will cause the order to immediately expire with the order details updated to reflect the order details requiring amendment (0004-AMND-029). For product spot: (0004-AMND-048)
  • An amendment which would result in the margin requirement for the order being smaller than spam.order.minimalMarginQuantumMultiple should fail with the order remaining unchanged (0004-AMND-061)

For a party with no position on a given market:

  • Amending an order in a way that increases the volume sufficiently leads to margin account balance increasing (0004-AMND-021)
  • In Spot market amending an order in a way that increases the volume sufficiently leads to holding account balance increasing (0004-AMND-049)
  • Amending an order in a way that decreases the volume sufficiently leads to margin account balance decreasing (0004-AMND-022)
  • In Spot market amending an order in a way that decreases the volume sufficiently leads to holding account balance decreasing (0004-AMND-050)
  • It is possible to amend a fractional size order (0004-AMND-025). For product spot: (0004-AMND-051)
  • It is possible to amend a partially filled limit order (0004-AMND-026). For product spot: (0004-AMND-052)
  • It is possible to amend a versioned order (already amended several times) (0004-AMND-027). For product spot: (0004-AMND-053)
  • Attempts to amend order fields not in scope are rejected (0004-AMND-028). For product spot: (0004-AMND-054)


Amends are sent into the VEGA system to alter fields on all persistent orders held within the order book. The amend order can alter the quantity, price and expiry time/TIF type. For pegged orders they can also alter the reference and the offset value. The altered order still uses the same orderID and creation time of the original order. Every valid amend will cause the UpdatedAt field to be updated.

Guide-level explanation

The amend order message is a custom message containing the orderID of the original order and optional fields that can be altered. Prices can be changed with a new absolute value, sizes can be changed by either specifying a size delta or a new absolute value. If a user attempts to amend the size of an order by specifying both a size delta and anew absolute value the order should be rejected. Expiry time can be set to a new value and the TIF type can be toggled between GTC and GTT. Changing the TIF field will impact the value in the ExpiryTime field as it will either be blanked or set to a new valid value.

Some examples: A LIMIT order sitting on the bid side of the order book:

Bids: 100@1000 GTC (OrderID V0000000001-0000000001)

If I send an amend with the following details:

    orderID: "V0000000001-0000000001"
    sizeDelta: 200


    orderID: "V0000000001-0000000001"
    size: 300

This will be the resulting order book:

Bids: 300@1000 GTC (OrderID V0000000001-0000000001)

Sending this amend order:

    orderID: "V0000000001-0000000001"
    price: 1005

Will result in this order book:

Bids: 300@1005 GTC (OrderID V0000000001-0000000001)

Unlike the message sent for a new order or a cancel, the amend message only contains the fields that can be altered along with the orderID which is used to locate the original order.

Reference-level explanation

The idea behind amends is to allow the client to alter an existing order atomically preserving order priority where possible. Multiple fields can be amended at the same time inside the same amend order message. Fields not specified in the amend message will not be handled as part of the amend. Amending an order does not alter the orderID and creation time of the original order. The fields which can be altered are:

  • Price
    • Amending the price causes the order to be removed from the book and re-inserted at the new price level. This can result in the order being filled if the price is moved to a level that would cross. The amended price must be an integer multiple of the markets tick size.
  • SizeDelta
    • Amending the size by specifying a sizeDelta will be applied to both the Size and Remaining part of the order. In the case that the remaining amount it reduced to zero or less, the order is cancelled. This must be a multiple of the smallest value allowed by the Position Decimal Places (PDP) specified in the Market Framework, i.e. is PDP = 2 then SizeDelta must be a whole multiple of 0.01. (NB: SizeDelta may use an int64 where the int value 1 is the smallest multiple allowable given the configured dp). In case PDP is negative this again applies e.g. if PDP = -1 then SizeDelta must be a whole multiple of 10.
  • Size
    • Amending the size by specifying a new size causes the the Size and Remaining part of the order to be amended by the difference between the original and amended size. In the case that the remaining amount it reduced to zero or less, the order is cancelled. This must be a multiple of the smallest value allowed by the Position Decimal Places (PDP) specified in the Market Framework, i.e. is PDP = 2 then Size must be a whole multiple of 0.01. (NB: Size may use an int64 where the int value 1 is the smallest multiple allowable given the configured dp). In case PDP is negative this again applies e.g. if PDP = -1 then Size must be a whole multiple of 10.
  • TimeInForce
    • The TIF enumeration can only be toggled between GTT and GTC. Amending to GTT requires an expiryTime value to be set. Amending to GTC removes the expiryTime value.
  • ExpiryTime
    • The Expiry time can be amended to any time in the future but only for orders that have a TIF set to GTT. Attempting to set the expiryTime to a time before the creationTime causes the amend to be rejected. Setting the expiryTime to a value after creationTime but before the current time will cause it to expire.
  • PeggedOrder.Reference
    • The reference peg to which the order is related
  • PeggedOrder.Offset
    • The offset of the order from the reference price

Version numbering

To keep all versions of an order available for historic lookup, when an order is amended the new version of the order has a new version number so we can correctly identify when fields have changed. Each version of the order is stored in the storage system and the key will need to use the version number to prevent newer orders overwriting orders that have the same orderID. No-op amends that only update the UpdatedAt timestamp do not increment the version number.

Pseudo-code / Examples

message amendOrder {
    string orderID 1 [(validator.field) = {string_not_empty : true}];
    uint64 price 2;
    int64  sizeDelta 3;
    enum   TIF 4;
    int64  expiryTime 5;
    PeggedOrder *peggedOrder 6;
    int64 size 7;

An example of reducing the size is shown below:

Bids: 100@1000 GTC (OrderID V0000000001-0000000001)

If we send the following amendOrder:

amendOrder{ orderID:"V0000000001-0000000001",
            sizeDelta: -50 }


amendOrder{ orderID:"V0000000001-0000000001",
            size: 50 }

The resulting order book will be:

Bids: 50@1000 GTC (OrderID V0000000001-0000000001)

Test cases

Test cases that need to be implemented to cover most of the edge cases are:

  • Attempt to amend an order that does not exist. The amend is rejected.
  • Amend an order but using the same values as the original order. No order book actions takes place.
  • Reduce-by the size of an order and verify that the order does not lose it's queue position.
  • Reduce-by the size of an order so that the remaining is less than or equal to zero. The order is cancelled.
  • Increase the price of a bid order to make it cross the book. The order is fully/partially filled
  • Amend the price of an order and validate that the order is updated, the orderID and createdAt are the same and the updatedAt field is correct.
  • Attempt to amend an order to a TIF that is not GTC or GTT. The amend is rejected.
  • Attempt to amend a GTC order to GTT without setting an expiry time. The amend is rejected.
  • Attempt to amend the expiry time on an order to a time in the past. The amend is rejected.
  • Attempt to amend all of the amendable fields at the same time with valid values.
  • Attempt to amend all of the amendable fields at the same time but with one invalid value which should force the amend to be rejected.
  • Send amends with only one amendable field specified with the current value in it. The amend will be accepted but nothing apart from the updatedAt field will be changed.
  • Attempt to amend a pegged order to use a different reference price
  • Attempt to amend a pegged order to use a different offset value
  • Attempt to add pegged details to a non pegged order to make sure the amend is rejected