Firefox OS client for the Loop service
We rely on Grunt for performing repetetive task such as unit testing, linting, building and pushing the app onto the device. If this is the first time you clone the app you must install all the Grunt stuff. Grunt and Grunt plugins are installed and managed via npm, the Node.js package manager (so we would need to install Node.js as well).
If you already have Node.js and Grunt you just need to install the Grunt plugins we use. Please proceed as follow:
$ npm install
At the moment we have a few Grunt tasks. Let's see them.
$ grunt build
This the one a regular dev, user, tester o QA guy should use. It builds the app and push it onto the device (no WebIDE usage is involved).
$ grunt release
This is the task that builds the app for releasing it.
$ grunt test
This is the task we have for unit testing. It launches tests in shell with PhantomJS.
$ grunt saveRevision
We encourange you to use either the build or the release task for installing the app but we could choose WebIDE for that as well. The saveRevision task is in charge of saving the revision the app currently has. Every time you update the app code run this task before installing the app via WebIDE.