- First, fork this repository into your Github account
- Second, clone repository
- Finaly, writing code push and PR to me
I checking the quality of code through Codacy when PR/Merge/Push. If you want to consider code quality in advance, please check the link below (not perfect, but very helpful).
e.g: https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/{your github account}/dalfox
go build
- Add new vector to https://github.com/hahwul/dalfox/blob/master/pkg/scanning/payload.go
- Optimize but can affect performance, so please add a general and non-overlapping pattern.
- Add new pattern to https://github.com/hahwul/dalfox/blob/master/pkg/scanning/entity.go
- Add new code to https://github.com/hahwul/dalfox/blob/master/pkg/scanning/bav.go
- The payload will use above is need define below.
- Add Greeping pattenr
- e.g payload.go
func getSQLIPayload() []string {
payload := []string{
//... snip ...
" AND 1=1#",
" AND 1=0#",
" ORDER BY 1",
return payload
//SqliAnalysis is basic check for SQL Injection
func SqliAnalysis(target string, options model.Options) {
// sqli payload
bpu, _ := url.Parse(target)
bpd := bpu.Query()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
concurrency := options.Concurrence
reqs := make(chan *http.Request)
for i := 0; i < concurrency; i++ {
go func(){
for req := range reqs {
SendReq(req, "toGrepping", options)
for bpk := range bpd {
// Load payload here!
for _, sqlipayload := range getSQLIPayload() {
turl, _ := optimization.MakeRequestQuery(target, bpk, sqlipayload, "toGrepping", options)
reqs <- turl
"dalfox-error-mysql1": "SQL syntax.*?MySQL",
"dalfox-error-mysql2": "Warning.*?mysqli?",
"dalfox-error-mysql3": "MySQLSyntaxErrorException",
"dalfox-error-mysql4": "valid MySQL result",
"dalfox-error-mysql5": "check the manual that (corresponds to|fits) your MySQL server version",
"dalfox-error-mysql6": "check the manual that (corresponds to|fits) your MariaDB server version",
"dalfox-error-mysql7": "check the manual that (corresponds to|fits) your Drizzle server version",
"dalfox-error-mysql8": "Unknown column '[^ ]+' in 'field list'",
"dalfox-error-mysql9": "com\\.mysql\\.jdbc",
"dalfox-error-mysql10": "Zend_Db_(Adapter|Statement)_Mysqli_Exception",
"dalfox-error-mysql11": "MySqlException",
"dalfox-error-mysql12": "Syntax error or access violation",