Name | Type | Description | Notes |
links | list[Link] | [optional] | |
id | int | [optional] | |
test_case_version_id | int | ID of the Test Case Version | [optional] |
exe_start_date | datetime | Execution start date | |
exe_end_date | datetime | Execution end date | |
note | str | Note | [optional] |
attachments | list[AttachmentResource] | Test Log attachments | [optional] |
automation_content | str | Test Case's automation content | [optional] |
name | str | Test Run's name | [optional] |
test_case | TestCaseWithCustomFieldResource | Test Case object | [optional] |
defects | list[LinkedDefectResource] | Array of Defect | [optional] |
planned_exe_time | int | [optional] | |
actual_exe_time | int | [optional] | |
build_number | str | Jenkins jobs build number | [optional] |
build_url | str | Jenkin jobs build URL | [optional] |
properties | list[PropertyResource] | [optional] | |
system_name | str | [optional] | |
status | str | Test Log status | [optional] |
order | int | [optional] | |
test_step_logs | list[AutomationTestStepLog] | Arrays of Test Step Log | [optional] |
module_names | list[str] | Arrays of Modules | [optional] |