Changelog for squel
- Table names in SELECT queries can now be queries themselves (i.e. SQL sub statements)
- Parameterised WHERE clauses now supported.
- Custom value types can now be handled in a special way. Global and per-instance handlers supported.
- Squel can now be customized to include proprietary commands and queries.
- AMD support added.
- Squel can now be told to auto-quote table and field names.
- DELETE queries can now contain JOINs
- Query builder instances can be clone()'d
- Cleaner and more thorough tests (and replaced Vows with Mocha, Sinon and Chai)
- Fixed documentation errors
- QueryBuilder base class for all query builders
- Exporting query builders
- Escaping strings with single quotes for PostgreSQL compatibility
- Migrating to make
- Added 'usingValuePlaceholders' option for INSERT and UPDATE query builders.
- Initial version.