Network represent a neural network that can evolve or be used to compute a value. Its the core of the library.
parameters: inputLayout, outputLayout, settings inputLayout: The name of the inputs of the network. Array of string. outputLayout: The name of the outputs of the network. Array of strings settings: (optional) Settings object for the network.
// A possible network to predict the strength required when throwing an object to reach a specific distance.
// The settings object here is the one used by default.
const networkSettings = {
defaultOuputActivator: activators.relu,
activators: [activators.relu],
weightInit:function(){return (Math.random()-.5) * 4}
let net = new Network(["throwAngle","throwDistance"],["throwStrength"],networkSettings);
Draws the network onto a canvas
parameters: canvas, context
canvas: The canvas onto which the network should be drawn. Can be of any size.
context: The context of the canvas. Obtained with canvas.getContext('2d')
let net = ...
let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
let context = canvas.getContext("2d");
Replaces an edge of the network the a node and 2 edges coming from and to the node.
parameters: edgeId edgeId: the index of the edge inside the edges array of the network (int)
Removes a node from the network as well as all edges coming to and from it. If the removal of those edges creates nodes with no links to input or output nodes, those nodes are also removed in order that all nodes of the network have a use when carrying the computation.
parameters: nodeId nodeId: The id of the node, its key inside the nodes dict (str)
Removes an edge from the network. If the removal of this edge creaes nodes with no links to input or output nodes, those nodes are removed like in removeNode.
parameters: edgeId edgeId: the index of the edge inside the edges array of the network (int)
Returns the id of a node at random inside the network.
parameters: none
Add an edge randomly inside the network.
parameters: none
Changes the weights of the edges of the network by adding or substracting a random value between 0 and strength.
parameters: strength strength: The strength of the weight change (float)
Changes the layout of the network by randomly adding/removing nodes and adding/removing edges. The amount of change done to the network can be controlled with a strength value that is the probability of a change occuring. Multiple change attempts are done by the function.
parameters: strength strength: Probability of changes occuring. Bigger = more changes. (float ranging from 0 to 1)
Combines the weights of two networks with the same shape.
parameters: otherNet otherNet: A network object with which the breeding is performed. returns: The result of the breeding.
Computes the response of the network when given some inputs.
parameters: inputs inputs: The input to the network. (float array) returns: An array of float containing the response of the network.
Returns a copy of the network
parameters: none returns: A copy of the network.
Exports the network to JSON
parameters: compress (optional)
compress: When true, the colors of the nodes are not exported not are their values and some other fields not affecting the compute function of the network.
returns: A JSON-formatted string that can be converted to a network with importNetworkFromJSON
NetworkPool represent a set of neural networks that are designed to solve the same task. The pool makes the networks evolve together and stores them into various groups called species to promote innovation.
// Function that the networks of the pool will try to evolve towards.
function predictGoal(x,y){
return [5*x + y,6*y + x];
const poolSettings = { // those are default settings, giving settings is optional.
poolSize: 50,
poolCount: 20,
let pool = new NetworkPool(["x","y"],["result1,result2"],poolSettings);
function processGeneration(){
// Give data to the pool to give a selection criteria.
let data = []; // generate data to teach the networks by giving them some examples.
// make a few data points for training.
for(let i = 0;i < 100;i++){
let pointPos = [Math.random() * 20 - 10,Math.random() * 20 - 10];
let dataPoint = predictGoal(pointPos[0],pointPos[1]);
data.push([poitPos,dataPoint]); // [inputs,outputs]
for(let i = 0;i < 100;i++){
// Get the fitest individual of the pool
let bestNet = pool.getBestNetwork();
can be: (the argument of pool.processGeneration
- A 3d array with the format: array of [arrayOfInputsForIndividual,arrayOfExpectedOutput]
- A function that takes an individual as input and outputs its fitness
- An object with an updateMethod string member and a function called updateMethod that takes all individuals inside the pool and updates their fitness accordingly.
If you want your individuals to compete with one another, use the last option (To make them play chess against one another for example), it is the most general option. Update only the fitness of the individuals, the pool will do the sorting and mutating for you.
// stucture of the object for evaluation data:
let evalObj = {
"some_str":function(allIndiv){ ... }, // returns nothing.
"callback": false
// or
let evalObj = {
"some_str":function(allIndiv,callback){ ... }, // call callback when ready for async processing
"callback": true
If you can easily evaluate the performance of an individual using some kind of function (If you want to train your agents to walk for example), use the middle option.
If the individuals can be evaluated on a single piece of data, like for classification tasks, use the first option.