You can submit your improvement request for Identity Authentication. It’s a single central place for all product improvement request related activities. You can browse improvement requests, submit improvement requests, comment, vote, receive updates, and browse who has voted.
You can also browse improvement requests, comment, vote, receive updates, and browse who has voted.
Before you submit your improvement, check if a similar improvement hasn’t already been submitted requested. If yes, please vote for it, instead of submitting a new one.
You can also access the Submitting Improvement Requests documentation by choosing the icon on the top right corner in the administration console for Identity Authentication.
Access the SAP Customer Influence site from the following link:
Log on with your S user.
Choose Improvement Request on the left panel.
Enter the details for the improvement request you want to submit.
The name of the current product session. It can’t be edited.
Enter your title here clearly stating your request and area of improvement.
IR Category
Select Security Services from the drop-down list.
Provide details about your idea.
Use the IAS tag.
You can also provide links and attachments, or add co-authors.
Choose the Submit button when you are ready.