Tenant administrators can create a new set of e-mail templates so that each template in the set can have a custom language version.
You are assigned the Manage Tenant Configuration role. For more information about how to assign administrator roles, see Edit Administrator Authorizations.
To create an e-mail template, follow the procedure below:
Access the tenant's administration console for Identity Authentication by using the console's URL.
The URL has the following pattern:
https://<tenant ID>.accounts.ondemand.com/admin
Tenant ID is an automatically generated ID by the system. The first administrator created for the tenant receives an activation e-mail with a URL in it. This URL contains the tenant ID. For more information about your tenants, see Viewing Assigned Tenants and Administrators.
If you have a configured custom domain, the URL has the following pattern:
<your custom domain>/admin
. -
Choose the E-Mail Template Sets tile.
This operation opens a list of the template sets.
Press the +Add button on the left-hand panel to add a new template set to the list.
Specify a name for the set.
Save your selection
Once template has been created, the system displays the message Template set <name of set> created.
Related Information
Edit or Add an E-Mail Template Set