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Valorem TypeScript SDK

This TypeScript SDK provides a streamlined interface for interacting with Valorem's smart contracts and Trade API, enabling developers to build applications on top of Valorem's infrastructure with ease. Please note that this SDK is a work in progress, and the API is subject to change, including potential breaking changes.

Table of Contents


To install the Valorem TypeScript SDK, choose your package manager and run the appropriate command:

Using npm:

npm i @valorem-labs-inc/sdk

Using pnpm:

pnpm i @valorem-labs-inc/sdk

Using yarn:

yarn add @valorem-labs-inc/sdk

Getting Started

To get started with the SDK, you'll need to set up the necessary clients from Viem and initialize the ValoremSDK. Here's a quick start guide:

import { createPublicClient, createWalletClient, http } from 'viem';
import { privateKeyToAccount } from 'viem/accounts';
import { arbitrumSepolia } from 'viem/chains';
import { ValoremSDK } from '@valorem-labs-inc/sdk';

// Replace YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY with your Ethereum private key.
const account = privateKeyToAccount(YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY);

// Set up Viem clients for the Arbitrum Sepolia test network.
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
  chain: arbitrumSepolia,
  transport: http(),

const walletClient = createWalletClient({
  chain: arbitrumSepolia,
  transport: http(),

// Initialize the Valorem SDK with the created clients.
const valoremSDK = new ValoremSDK({


Here's how you can sign in and send requests to the Trade API using the SDK:

import {
  type ParsedQuoteResponse,
} from '@valorem-labs-inc/sdk';

// ... continuing from `Getting Started` section above
const webTaker = valoremSDK.webTaker;
const clearinghouse = valoremSDK.clearinghouse;

// Sign in to the Trade API.
await webTaker.signIn();

// Now you can send requests to the Trade API! Let's walkthrough setting up a basic quote request.
// First we need to get the option ID for the option we want to buy, so let's define the parameters.
// We'll use WETH as the underlying asset, and USDC as the exercise.
// For the exercise window we will use the next 24 hours.

// Our mock tokens on Arbitrum Sepolia
const USDC = SupportedAsset.fromSymbolAndChainId('USDC', 421614);
const WETH = SupportedAsset.fromSymbolAndChainId('WETH', 421614);

const underlyingAsset = WETH.address;
const exerciseAsset = USDC.address;
const underlyingAmount = 1000000000000n; // 1 WETH, divided by 1e6
const exerciseAmount = 2500n; // 2500 USDC, divided by 1e6
const { exerciseTimestamp, expiryTimestamp } = get24HrTimestamps();

// Now we have all the information we need to create an OptionType.
const optionType = await OptionType.fromInfo({
  optionInfo: {

// And with the OptionType's id, we can initialize a quote request.
const quoteRequest = webTaker.createQuoteRequest({
  quantityToBuy: 1,

// Before we start sending requests, let's define a callback to handle responses from Market Makers.
// This one will automatically accept any quotes we receive.
async function onQuoteResponse(quote: ParsedQuoteResponse) {
  await webTaker.acceptQuote({ quote });

// Continuously send requests and handle responses...
await webTaker.sendRFQ({

For a more comprehensive example using the Valorem TypeScript SDK to create options, request quotes, and fulfill trade orders, check out the example script in trade-interfaces.

It covers token approvals, option type creation, and error handling in-depth.


Documentation for the Valorem TypeScript SDK is available here.


We welcome contributions to the Valorem TypeScript SDK! If you have suggestions, bug reports, or contributions, please submit them as issues or pull requests in the repository.

To update the version of a package:

  1. Make sure @changesets/cli is installed locally
  2. Then run pnpm changeset in your terminal to write a changelog update
  3. Then pnpm changeset version to to compile changes into and bump version
  4. Finally run pnpm build && pnpm publish --no-git-checks --tag alpha to publish


The Valorem TypeScript SDK is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.