Ansible is an open-source automation tool that allows cloud developers to manage and configure IT infrastructure and applications. It is designed to automate complex tasks, such as deploying applications, configuring network devices, and managing cloud resources, using a simple and powerful automation language.
Ansible works by using a declarative language to describe the desired state of a system or application. It then executes a series of tasks to bring the system or application to that state. Ansible uses a client-server architecture, where the controlling machine (the Ansible server) communicates with target machines (the Ansible clients) using SSH or WinRM protocols.
Ansible has several benefits for cloud developers, including:
- Simplicity: Ansible uses a simple and easy-to-understand automation language, YAML, which makes it easy to write and read playbooks (automation scripts).
- Efficiency: Ansible can manage thousands of servers at once, making it highly scalable and efficient for large-scale deployments.
- Flexibility: Ansible can manage a wide range of systems and applications, including servers, network devices, cloud resources, and containers.
- Reusability: Ansible playbooks can be reused across different projects and environments, making it easy to standardize and automate IT processes.
- Community: Ansible has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its development and share their playbooks and modules.
Sure, here's the homework description in markdown format:
Deploy your application in the docker-compose homework using ansible:
- Set up Docker for your target environments in the "common" role.
- Split your application into three roles: "web", "api", and "db".
In this homework, we will use 2 ubuntu virtual machine created on virtualbox
, that connected to each other and the internet on NAT network
We create folder roles
that contain all the role needed for this homework then use ansible-galaxy
to create role common
ansible-galaxy init common
Figure 1 - Ansible-galaxy file tree
This is the role used to setup Docker
to target system.
- name: Check if Docker is already installed
become: true
shell: "docker --version"
register: docker_version
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Install Docker dependencies
- apt-transport-https
- ca-certificates
- curl
- gnupg
- lsb-release
state: present
when: docker_version.stdout is not defined
- name: Add Docker GPG key
state: present
when: docker_version.stdout is not defined
- name: Add Docker repository
repo: deb [arch=amd64] {{ ansible_distribution_release }} stable
state: present
when: docker_version.stdout is not defined
- name: Install Docker
name: docker-ce
state: present
when: docker_version.stdout is not defined
- name: Start Docker service
name: docker
state: started
enabled: yes
when: docker_version.stdout is not defined
In this role, we first check if docker is available in the target machine.If docker is not available then we execute steps to install Docker
, else it will skip all the tasks after Check if Docker is already installed
After install Docker
, we need to clone our repository from Github
so we build another role named builder to do this task. This role will check whether if the code is already available in our location of choice, if not it will clone the repository.
- name: Check if Git repository has already been cloned
path: /home/lqa/web_app
register: destination_stat
- name: Clone Git repository if not already cloned
dest: /home/lqa/web_app
version: containerization-homework
when: not destination_stat.stat.exists
This role is used to create and run nginx
container on target machine.
- name: Copy configure file
become: yes
src: /home/lqa/Desktop/Ansible/roles/web/files/nginx.conf
dest: ~/default.conf
- name: Run Nginx
name: nginx_test
image: nginx:stable-alpine3.17-slim
state: started
restart_policy: unless-stopped
- 80:80
- ~/default.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
network_mode: my-network
In this role, first we need to transfer nginx
configuration file from source machine to target machine with model copy
. Then we build the container from nginx:stable-alpine3.17-slim
, expose it port for access and moount the configuration file from target machine to the nginx
configuration in container.
upstream loadbalancer {
server flask_container_1:5000;
server flask_container_2:5000;
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location / {
proxy_pass http://loadbalancer;
This configuration file create a load balancer that split the load between two web app we created.
This role is used to build our flask web app.
- name: Build Flask image
name: flask_test
path: /home/lqa/web_app/1. Containerization/LeQuangAnh/flask/
source: build
- name: Run Flask container 1
name: flask_container_1
image: flask_test
command: python
restart_policy: unless-stopped
- 5000
network_mode: my-network
- name: Run Flask container 2
name: flask_container_2
image: flask_test
command: python
restart_policy: unless-stopped
- 5000
network_mode: my-network
The first task in this role is to build a flask app image flask_test
from the Dockerfile
in the reposity we cloned from role Builder
. Next, it create a container named flask_container_1
and flask_container_2
from flask_test
that have distinguish header color (black and cyan). Both these container have their port 5000 expose.
This role is setup our mongodb database.
- name: Run MongoDB
name: database
image: mongo:5.0.17
restart_policy: unless-stopped
state: started
- "27017:27017"
network_mode: my-network
This role's task in build and run mongodb container named database from image mongo:5.0.17
and have port 27017
- name: Install Docker on remote host
hosts: remotehost
become: true
- /home/lqa/Desktop/Ansible/roles/common
- name: Clone Git repository on remote host
hosts: remotehost
become: yes
- /home/lqa/Desktop/Ansible/roles/builder
- name: Create a Docker network
hosts: remotehost
become: yes
- name: Create Docker network
name: my-network
state: present
- name: Run Flask, MongoDB and Nginx containers
hosts: remotehost
become: true
- role: /home/lqa/Desktop/Ansible/roles/db
- role: /home/lqa/Desktop/Ansible/roles/api
- role: /home/lqa/Desktop/Ansible/roles/web
This is the playbook that we used to do all the above task on remotehost
. Before the last task that create and run all the flask app, mongodb database and nginx container, we create a Docker network named my-network
, that all container will be connected to, so they can communicate with each others.
This file contain all the host, their address and credential needed to SSH to them.
ansible_user: lqa
ansible_ssh_pass: 9876541
ansible_become_user: root
ansible_become_password: 9876541
Figure 2 - Ansible result
Figure 3 - Access to webapp deployed on target machine (version 1)
Figure 4 - Access to webapp deployed on target machine (version 2)