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+Build a small webpage **without the use of jQuery** that does the following:
+1. Fetches data from https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts
+2. Displays the post in a friendly format (doesn't have to use fancy CSS, but should be legible)
+3. Has the ability to filter posts by `userId` or `id` of the post.
+You are free to use any online resources you want, and if you copy any code, please cite where you sourced it from.
+Please put a repository to this code on Github. It would be ideal if you could also put this onto a `gh-pages` branch, but that is not necessary.
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diff --git a/Test_General.md b/Test_General.md
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+# Washington iGEM Web Developer Recruitment General Test
+If you do not know HTML:
+Generally, you can have HTML elements inside each other, like this:
+This would be a `h1` header tag inside a `div` tag.
+You can add styles to tags like the following (without using external CSS).
+The following will add a solid black border that is 1px wide around the content,
+which is "stuff"
+ stuff
+You can add multiple styles like this:
+ stuff
+This does the same as above, except makes the text color green.
+HTML tags are usually in the body of a page. The body of a page is denoted
+with body tags:
+You can use languages like JavaScript to insert elements into tags
+you can find on the page. Later in my language below, there will be a
+method of doing that.
+## Fictional language
+Below, I have written code with a syntax I just made up. Try
+to reason through what it is doing and determine the output.
+This is meant to test your reasoning skills. Don't worry if
+you cannot solve the problem!
+One thing to note: `>>` prints a statement on a new line in
+this fictional language, and `start[]` is the entrypoint to
+this program.
+### 1.1
+addTwo[a number] number {
+ var outputVal number = a + 2
+ output[outputVal]
+start[] {
+ >> addTwo[3]
+ >> "I like React"
+ >> addTwo[5]
+What does this print out when it has finished? Your answer
+should look exactly like the expected console output. Enter
+your solution in the code block
+### 1.2
+const strings Strings = lib[strings]
+doAnotherThing[a number] string {
+ var outputValue string = strings^NumToString[a]
+ outputValue = strings^Concatenate[outputValue, " people"]
+ output[outputValue]
+doSomething[a number, b func] {
+ var passNumber number = a + 1
+ var outputValue string = b[passNumber]
+ output[outputValue]
+start[] {
+ >> doSomething[3, doAnotherThing]
+What does this print out when it has finished?
+### 1.3
+const htmlDOM HtmlDOM = lib[htmlDOM]
+start[] {
+ var body HtmlDOM^BodyEl = htmlDOM^GetTagInDOM["body"]
+ var div HtmlDOM^DivEl = htmlDOM^Create["div"]
+ div^SetStyle["background-color", "red"]
+ div^SetClass["test"]
+ div^SetID["igem"]
+ div^SetInnerText["this is text"]
+ htmlDOM^InsertIn[body, div]
+Complete the HTML without using `