Extensions written in Python and Java that add custom headers to every request
Working code implementation of the Python version is based on: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31684024/burp-extension-add-header-to-response/37736825#37736825
Working code implementation of the Java version is based on: https://forum.portswigger.net/thread/unable-to-edit-the-content-headers-e5ce4a72
The Java version is compatible with both Burp Suite Professional and Burp Suite Enterprise
git clone https://github.com/UthmanPortSwigger/add-custom-headers.git
cd add-custom-headers/CustomHeaders/Java
- Edit BurpExtender.java using vim or a text editor of your choice. Change urlMatchList to match your scope, headersToAdd to match the headers you want to add, and set checkForDuplicates to true or false. In the example under Releases (v1.0), the scope is https://portswigger-labs.net and the headers added are "Header1: value1" and "Header2: Value2"
- Run
./gradlew fatJar
- Load the Add-Headers-Java.jar file created at build/libs into Burp Suite Professional under
Extender > Extensions > Add
or Burp Suite Enterprise underCog/Settings icon > Extensions > Custom extensions > Upload extension
Note for Enterprise users:
- You will need to be running Burp Suite Enterprise 2021.8 or later. Please build this extension with the Java 11 JRE in your
Enterprise installation directory > jres
. - The build command in step 4 will then become:
./gradlew -Dorg.gradle.java.home=<path-to-your-enterprise-installation-directory>/jres/11.x/Contents/Home fatJar
orgradle -Dorg.gradle.java.home=<path-to-your-enterprise-installation-directory>/jres/11.x/Contents/Home fatJar
- In the points above, replace
as appropriate
General Note: If you see a permission denied: ./gradlew
error, please run chmod +x gradlew
before the build command
git clone https://github.com/UthmanPortSwigger/add-custom-headers.git
cd add-custom-headers/CustomHeaders/Python
- Edit Add-Headers-Python.py
- Load into Burp Suite Professional under
Extender > Extensions > Add
. Please ensure that you have Jython installed