- Using the SerialPort Class in System.IO.Ports Namespace, you can perform serial communication from the COM port of your computer.
- The HILS test can be performed by replacing satellite components with simulated components in S2E.
- This document describes how to perform HILS Test with I2C components.
- If you want to perform HILS Test with UART components, refer to here.
- Currently, the HILS test is only available for Visual Studio users on Windows.
- Serial port operations are written in
in c++/cli language. - When users want to execute the HILS test, complete the following steps.
- Edit
option(USE_HILS "Use HILS" OFF)
->option(USE_HILS "Use HILS" ON)
- build
- Edit
- Note: Currently, breakpoints do not work if you build c++/cli and c++ files simultaneously.
The SerialPort class can also be used to perform HILS tests on simulated I2C components. It is assumed that USB-I2C converters will be used and that serial communication will be performed between the COM port and the converter.
The supported version of this document
- Please confirm that the version of the documents and s2e-core is compatible.
Hardware Settings
- Set loopback connection of a USB-I2C controller converter and a USB-I2C target converter using two USB ports of your computer.
- Check the COM port number for each connection.
- This tutorial assumes the use of SC18IM700, a USB-I2C Controller converter and MFT200XD, a USB-I2C Target converter.
- Note Loopback is not always necessary. Only one of the I2C controller or the I2C target can be simulated in S2E. In a general HILS configuration, the I2C controller is an OBC. s2e-core provides a simulated component of the I2C controller in order to validate the simulated component of the I2C target.
- Set loopback connection of a USB-I2C controller converter and a USB-I2C target converter using two USB ports of your computer.
Software Settings
are examples of simulation components for I2C communication.ExpHilsI2cController
are instantiated ins2e-core/src/Simulation/Spacecraft/SampleComponents.cpp
.- Uncomment as follows in
.// I2C tutorial. Comment out when not in use. exp_hils_i2c_controller_ = new ExpHilsI2cController( 30, clock_gen, 5, 115200, 256, 256, hils_port_manager_); exp_hils_i2c_target_ = new ExpHilsI2cTarget(1, clock_gen, 0, 0x44, obc_, 6, hils_port_manager_);
delete exp_hils_i2c_controller_; delete exp_hils_i2c_target_;
- Edit the constructor's argument based on the COM port number checked above.
- The third argument of ExpHilsI2cController constructor and the sixth argument of ExpHilsI2cTarget constructor are COM port numbers.
- Edit the baud rate and I2C address according to the converter and simulation conditions.
- The baud rate is specified by the fourth argument of the ExpHilsI2cController constructor and the I2C address by the fourth argument of the ExpHilsI2cTarget constructor.
- Edit the constructor's argument based on the COM port number checked above.
- Uncomment as follows in
.ExpHilsI2cController* exp_hils_i2c_controller_; ExpHilsI2cTarget* exp_hils_i2c_target_;
- If necessary, modify ExpHilsI2cController and ExpHilsI2cTarget files to adjust to the converter.
- For the HILS test, edit the setting of simulation speed in
.// Simulation speed. 0: as fast as possible, 1: real-time, >1: faster than real-time, <1: slower than real-time SimulationSpeed = 1
Execution and Result
- There are two components, an I2C controller component and an I2C target component.
- I2C controller
- Send a command to the I2C target.
- Send a command to request a telemetry. 1 byte register address is sent to specify the first address of the data to be read from the I2C controller.
- Send a command to read a telemetry from the USB-I2C target converter.
- Send a command to the I2C target.
- I2C target
- Receive commands from the I2C controller and send telemetry to the I2C controller.
- After receiving the telemetry request command, send the telemetry (like ABCDE, BCDEF, ...) to the USB-I2C target converter.
- Receive commands from the I2C controller and send telemetry to the I2C controller.
- Note Currently, the latency from the time the USB-I2C target converter receives the data via I2C communication to the time it is sent to the I2C target component via serial communication is too long, at least 1ms, making it impossible to immediately respond to telemetry request commands.
- Three frames of telemetry are stored in the USB-I2C target converter in advance.
- Each time the I2C controller reads the telemetry stored in the USB-I2C target converter, the I2C target component adds the telemetry to the USB-I2C target converter.
- The data sent by the I2C target and the data received by the I2C controller are the outputs to the console. Since there are three frames accumulated in the USB-I2C target converter, the I2C controller receives telemetry sent three cycles before from the I2C target.
- If the comment `Error: the specified step_sec is too small for this computer.` appears, set `StepTimeSec` in SampleSimBase.ini to a larger value.