The following deployment is based on ansible with focus on Debian/Ubuntu.
Some basic/external packages will be required: 'bash', 'nano', 'ssh', 'mariadb-server', 'python*-pymysql', 'openssl', 'certbot', 'unzip', 'cron'.
In production some config files should be secured/encrypted with passwords/private keys by ansible-vault
, in this sample setup this would refer to:
- ansible/secured-vars.yml.tpl
- ansible/roles/agiprxapp/files/
- ansible/roles/agiprxapp/files/
- ansible/roles/agiprxapp/files/
- ansible/roles/agiprxapp/files/
Optionally set your own password first with e.g.
ansible-vault encrypt ansible/secured-vars.yml
Open these files in the next section via e.g.
export EDITOR=nano; ansible-vault edit ansible/secured-vars.yml
- clone this project; the last JAR build/release of agiprx is included (no need to build the project from source code)
git clone
- create your ansible/hosts inventory file from ansible/hosts.tpl
- create your ansible/secured-vars.yml from ansible/secured-vars.yml.tpl
- add your hostname(s) to inventory file ansible/hosts with basic configuration
- create a directory ansible/roles/agiprxapp/files/hostname per host; use e.g. ansible/roles/agiprxapp/files/ as a template
- add and modify inside the host directory, see comments inside the file; special hints:
- assure a Letsencrypt/ACME account is available at /etc/letsencrypt/accounts/ (master instance only); if not available use
certbot register -n --agree-tos -m [email protected]
to register a new account - set Letsencrypt/ACME account number in property 'cert.certbotnewcertcommand'
- assure a Letsencrypt/ACME account is available at /etc/letsencrypt/accounts/ (master instance only); if not available use
- add and modify adminuser.sql inside the host directory: set initial superadmin user / ssh public key
- add and modify agiprx_authorized_keys inside the host directory: set initial superadmin ssh public key
- edit ansible/secured-vars.yml and set the database password according to
- generate a new key-pair namend 'prx_rsa[.pub]' with e.g.
ssh-keygen -q -N '' -f prx_rsa -C agiprx
- authorize the generated in the target containers/virtual machines/servers environments in .ssh/authorized_keys
- optional: encrypt by
ansible-vault encrypt
- optional: encrypt prx_rsa by
ansible-vault encrypt prx_rsa
- deploy by ansible with e.g.
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts --limit="" --ask-vault-pass -D playbook-agiprxsetup.yml
- mandatory: setup maintenance script scripts/, use scripts/ as a template
- optional: setup AgiPrx REST-API
- configure first project named AgiPrx with AgiPrx-REST-API backend on ::1 with API port (default: 8002) and dummy container on ::1
- open API port in firewall
- after configuration the backend configuration summary looks like this:
- copy SSH public key from root@master to all root@slave instances to connect for AgiPrx updates:
master> ssh-copy-id -p2222 root@all-slaves`
- edit on master instance:
### BEGIN: master instance configuration ###
# define slave instance IPs on distributed setup; a list of IPs is space separated, ip4 can be mixed with ip6
# path to sync script for slave synchronization; first and only argument is the slave server ip
# accepted IPs in domain name validation; a list of IPs is space separated, ip4 can be mixed with ip6
# those IPs directly or indirectly need to refer/forward to the configured master/slave proxies;
domain.trustedIps= ::2
### END: master instance configuration ###
- edit on slave instance(s):
### BEGIN: slave instance configuration ###
# master IP v4v6
### END: slave instance configuration ###
Restart 'agiprx' on all instances.
A master change is very similar to the initial setup:
- copy SSH public key from root@new-master to all root@slave instances to connect for AgiPrx updates:
new-master> ssh-copy-id -p2222 root@all-slaves
- edit on new master instance:
### BEGIN: master instance configuration ###
# define slave instance IPs on distributed setup; a list of IPs is space separated, ip4 can be mixed with ip6
# path to sync script for slave synchronization; first and only argument is the slave server ip
# accepted IPs in domain name validation; a list of IPs is space separated, ip4 can be mixed with ip6
# those IPs directly or indirectly need to refer/forward to the configured master/slave proxies;
domain.trustedIps= ::2
### END: master instance configuration ###
- edit on old master and slave instance(s):
### BEGIN: slave instance configuration ###
# master IP v4v6
### END: slave instance configuration ###
restart 'agiprx' on all instances; the new master-ip is written to haproxy-letsencrypt-configs on all slave servers
to register itself as new haproxy-letsencrypt master instance run AgiPrx command 'genhaprx' on the new master instance