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451 lines (409 loc) · 20.6 KB

File metadata and controls

451 lines (409 loc) · 20.6 KB


v0.7.8 2024-09-06


  • Add close_file method to Module API: close_file(file_id: bigint): number;


  • Fix accessing attributes of committed datatype with my_datafile.attrs.
  • Fix calling get_attribute_names method of Module API on committed datatype.


  • Mark optional parameters as such in the TypeScript declarations of the following H5Module methods: open, create_dataset, create_group, create_vlen_str_dataset and get_keys_vector.

v0.7.7 2024-08-28


  • A method to read metadata from committed datatypes in an HDF5 file

    • Datatype.metadata is a getter that returns the dtype metadata, in the same format (Metadata TypeScript interface) returned from Dataset.metadata
  • Enable "track order" mode of HDF5 for attributes of Dataset, and (fields and attributes) of Group. When track_order == true for a Group, both fields and attributes keep their insertion order on read. For a Dataset, the attributes keep their insertion order when the flag is set.

    Note that the flag is not inherited, i.e. if an h5wasm.Group object is created with track_order = true, its sub-groups and contained Dataset objects will not have the flag enabled by default. The flag is added to the File constructor just to track order of immediate children of the root group.

    Changes three signatures in the h5wasm API:

    • h5wasm.File(filename: string, mode: ACCESS_MODESTRING = "r", track_order: boolean = false)
    • h5wasm.Group.create_group(name: string, track_order: boolean = false)
    • h5wasm.Group.create_dataset(args: {
        name: string,
        data: GuessableDataTypes,
        shape?: number[] | null,
        dtype?: string | null,
        maxshape?: (number | null)[] | null,
        chunks?: number[] | null,
        compression?: (number | 'gzip'),
        compression_opts?: number | number[],
        track_order?: boolean,

    Also adds one method to the Module API:

    • open(filename: string, mode?: number, track_order?: boolean): bigint; (the default arguments are mode = H5F_ACC_RDONLY and track_order = false)

    and modifies the signatures of three existing methods in the Module API:

    • create_dataset
    • create_group
    • create_vlen_str_dataset

v0.7.6 2024-08-06


  • Full support for reading VLEN datasets (numeric variable-length datasets), fixing #78

    • previously the library made no attempt to read the stored values and returned the raw bytes (corresponding to intermediate[length, data_pointer] pairs)
    • now returns an Array of TypedArray objects containing the stored values (or an Array of Array objects if json_value is requested)
    • vlen_type?: Metadata key added to Metadata interface, and populated with type information about the base type in a VLEN dataset


  • Retrieve value of boolean dataset as Int8Array instead of plain JS boolean array. To retrieve a plain JS boolean array, use json_value instead:

    // v0.7.5 and earlier
    bool_dset.value; // -> [false, true]
    bool_dset.json_value; // -> [false, true]
    // v0.7.6 onwards
    bool_dset.value; // -> Int8Array(2) [0, 1]
    bool_dset.json_value; // -> [false, true]

v0.7.5 2024-06-03


  • added virtual_sources?: { file_name: string, dset_name: string } to Dataset.metadata when dataset is virtual.
  • added strpad enum to metadata (type of string padding) - PR #72 @axelboc

v0.7.4 2024-04-03


  • added missing .js extension in type imports ( see issue comment #31 (comment) and fix in #71 )

v0.7.3 2024-04-02


  • removed references to import.meta in the compiled files, using USE_ES6_IMPORT_META=0 compilation flag for emscripten. It shouldn't matter in any case, as it is compiled in single-file mode and there are no external imports at runtime.

Note that this enables bundling h5wasm into a worker without requiring {type: "module"}

v0.7.2 2024-02-29


  • new optional HDF5 error handler that throws Javascript error (old handler printed HDF5-DIAG error strings using console.error(), but did not throw a JS Error)
  • when activated, the thrown Error.message is the same string that was previously printed to the console

To enable:

const Module = await h5wasm.ready;
// to deactivate, restoring console.error behavior:
// Module.deactivate_throwing_error_handler();

v0.7.1 2023-12-18


  • Support for object and region references
    • create object reference with Dataset.create_reference() or Group.create_reference()
    • dereference against any object in the same file or the root File object with e.g. obj = File.dereference(ref)
    • create region references with Dataset.create_region_reference([[start_axis_0, end_axis_0, step_axis_0], [start_axis_1, ...], ...])
    • retrieve values of region reference with File.dereference(region_ref)
    • store references in a dataset using dtype='Reference' or dtype='RegionReference' or if data is an array of references, it will be guessed
    • retrieve references from dataset using slice or value as usual, and dereference as above.

v0.7.0 2023-12-05


  • package.json modified so that exports are defined in a way that works better with bundlers
    • (should now work with e.g. NextJS)
  • Breaking change the nodejs import is now 'h5wasm/node' rather than 'h5wasm'. The nodejs examples in the README have been updated, as well as the tests.
  • tests modified to use smaller compressed array (reduce package size)

v0.6.10 2023-11-09


  • export more symbols to support blosc2 filter

v0.6.9 2023-11-06


  • added missing FileSystem API function mkdirTree to Emscripten typescript interface


  • Functions for working with dimension scales in typescript interface:
// convert dataset to dimension scale:
Dataset.make_scale(scale_name: string)
// attach a dimension scale to the "index" dimension of this dataset:
Dataset.attach_scale(index: number, scale_dset_path: string)
// detach a dimension scale from "index" dimension
Dataset.detach_scale(index: number, scale_dset_path: string)
// get full paths to all datasets that are attached as dimension scales
// to the specified dimension (at "index") of this dataset:
Dataset.get_attached_scales(index: number)
// if this dataset is a dimension scale, returns name as string
// (returns empty string if no name defined, but it is a dimension scale)
// else returns null if it is not set as a dimension scale:
  • Functions for working with dimension labels (not related to dimension scales)
// label dimension at "index" of this dataset with string "label":
Dataset.set_dimension_label(index: number, label: string)
// fetch labels for all dimensions of this dataset (null if label not defined):

v0.6.8 2023-11-02


  • Functions for creating, attaching and detaching dimension scales (no support for reading yet)
    • h5wasm.Module.set_scale(file_id: bigint, dataset_name: string, dim_name: string) -> number // error code, zero on success
    • h5wasm.Module.attach_scale(file_id: bigint, target_dataset_name: string, dimscale_dataset_name: string, index: number) -> number
    • h5wasm.Module.detach_scale(file_id: bigint, target_dataset_name: string, dimscale_dataset_name: string, index: number) -> number Usage:
import h5wasm from "h5wasm";
await h5wasm.ready;

f = new h5wasm.File('dimscales.h5', 'w');
f.create_dataset({name: "data", data: [0,1,2,3,4,5], shape: [2,3], dtype: '<f4'});
f.create_dataset({name: "dimscale", data: [2,4,6], dtype: '<f4'});
h5wasm.Module.set_scale(f.file_id, 'dimscale', 'y1'); // -> 0 on success
h5wasm.Module.attach_scale(f.file_id, 'data', 'dimscale', 1); // -> 0 on success

v0.6.7 2023-10-24


  • Utility functions on the Module for manipulating/reading the plugin search path
get_plugin_search_paths(): string[],
insert_plugin_search_path(search_path: string, index: number): number,
remove_plugin_search_path(index: number): number,


import h5wasm from "h5wasm";
await h5wasm.ready;

// [ '/usr/local/hdf5/lib/plugin' ]
h5wasm.Module.insert_plugin_search_path('/tmp/h5wasm-plugins', 0);
// [ '/tmp/h5wasm-plugins', '/usr/local/hdf5/lib/plugin' ]
// 0, success
> h5wasm.Module.get_plugin_search_paths()
// [ '/tmp/h5wasm-plugins' ]

v0.6.6 2023-10-23


  • outputs filter settings when querying Dataset.filters
    • e.g. for default gzip compression from h5py, returns {id: 1, name: 'deflate', cd_values: [4]}

v0.6.4 2023-10-23


  • builtin support for SZIP compression (in addition to previously-included GZIP)
  • a lot of extra symbols to support plugins zstd, zfp, bzip2, SZ3, etc.


  • uses HDF5 version 1.14.2 (instead of 1.12.2)

v0.6.3 2023-09-15


  • extra symbols used by the LZ4 plugin added to EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS:
    • from <arpa/inet.h>: htonl, htons, ntohl, ntohs
    • from HDF5: H5allocate_memory, H5free_memory
  • node.js library compiled as MAIN_MODULE, allowing plugin use (if they are installed in /usr/local/hdf5/lib/plugin)

v0.6.2 2023-08-28


  • From PR #59 (thanks to @TheLartians !): allows slicing datasets with a specified step size. This is extremely useful if we want to query a high resolution dataset using a lower sample rate than originally recorded, e.g. for performance / bandwidth reasons. Also can be used with Dataset.write_slice


  const dset = write_file.create_dataset({
    name: "data",
    data: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
    shape: [10],
    dtype: "<f4"

  const slice = dset.slice([[null, null, 2]]); // -> [0,2,4,6,8]

  dset.write_slice([[null, 7, 2]], [-2,-3,-4,-5]);
  dset.value; // -> Float32Array(10) [-2,  1, -3, 3, -4, 5, -5,  7, 8,  9];

v0.6.1 2023-07-13


  • memory error from double-free when creating vlen str datasets (no need to call H5Treclaim when memory for vector will be automatically garbage-collected)

v0.6.0 2023-07-03


  • compression: number | 'gzip' and compression_opts: number[] arguments to create_dataset.
    • Must specify chunks when using compression
    • Can not specify compression with VLEN datasets
    • if compression is supplied as a number without compression_opts, the 'gzip' (DEFLATE, filter_id=1) filter is applied, and the compression level used is taken from the value of compression. An integer value of 0-9 is required for the compression level of the 'gzip' filter.
    • if compression and compression_opts are supplied, the compression value is passed as the filter_id (or 1 if 'gzip' is supplied), and the value of compression_opts is promoted to a list if it is a number, or passed as-is if it is a list. Use both compression (numeric filter_id) and compression_opts when specifying any filter other than 'gzip', e.g. with a filter plugin
    • if compression === 'gzip' and compression_opts === undefined, the default gzip compression level of 4 is applied.

Example usage:

// short form: uses default compression (DEFLATE, filter_id=1)
// with compression level specified (here, 9)
Group.create_dataset({..., compression=9});

// specify gzip and compression level:
Group.create_dataset({..., compression='gzip', compression_opts=[4]});

// specify another filter, e.g. BLOSC plugin:
Group.create_dataset({..., compression=32001, compression_opts=[]});


  • BREAKING: for create_dataset, all arguments are supplied in a single object, as
Group.create_dataset(args: {
    name: string,
    data: GuessableDataTypes,
    shape?: number[] | null,
    dtype?: string | null,
    maxshape?: (number | null)[] | null,
    chunks?: number[] | null,
    compression?: (number | 'gzip'),
    compression_opts?: number | number[]
}): Dataset {}

v0.5.2 2023-05-17

(v0.5.1 release was removed as incomplete)


  • Support TS 5's moduleResolution: "bundler" (thanks, @axelboc)

v0.5.0 2023-05-15


  • with emscripten >= 3.1.28, the shim for ES6 builds in nodejs is no longer needed (see emscripten-core/emscripten#17915)
  • added malloc and free to the list of explicit exports for the Module (newer emscripten was optimizing them away)


  • POSSIBLY BREAKING: building as MAIN_MODULE=2 with POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON (to allow dynamic linking)
  • Using newer HDF5 version 1.12.2 libraries
  • compiled using Emscripten 3.1.28
  • simplified imports for tests to use "h5wasm" directly


  • Plugins can now be used if they are compiled as SIDE_MODULE, by loading them into the expected plugin folder /usr/local/hdf5/lib/plugin in the emscripten virtual file system (might need the name of the plugin file to end in .so, even if it is WASM)

v0.4.11 2023-04-19


  • all datasets and attributes are read out in little-endian order (closes #49)


  • New method to overwrite slice of an existing dataset: Dataset.write_slice(ranges: Array<Array<number>>, data: any): void;
  • Method to delete an attribute from a dataset or group (can be used to update an attribute by deleting it then re-creating it)
    • Dataset.delete_attribute(name: str): number (returns non-zero value if it fails for some reason)
    • Group.delete_attribute(name: str): number
  • Ability to specify chunks and maxshape when creating dataset (to make a resizable dataset): Group.create_dataset(name: string, data: GuessableDataTypes, shape?: number[] | null, dtype?: string | null, maxshape?: (number | null)[] | null, chunks?: number[] | null): Dataset
  • New method to resize datasets (only works if chunks and maxshape were defined): Dataset.resize(new_shape: number[]): void


  • Metadata now includes chunks: Array<number> | null, information and maxshape: Array<number> | null

v0.4.10 2023-02-19


  • Group.paths(): string[]; // returns a list of all link paths found below the group in the tree. (Use on root object to get all paths in the file)

v0.4.9 2022-12-21


  • Group.create_soft_link(target: string, name: string): number; // creates a soft link in a group with name: name (target must be absolute path)
  • Group.create_hard_link(target:string, name: string): number; //
  • Group.create_external_link(file_name: string, target: string, name: string): number;

All of these return non-zero values on error. To create links with absolute path, just use e.g. File.create_soft_link(target_path, link_path);

v0.4.8 2022-12-05


  • IIFE build at ./dist/iife/h5wasm.js, to support use in Firefox workers (which don't currently support ESM)
  • WORKERFS support in ESM/IIFE builds, for loading local files with random access instead of copying whole file into memory

v0.4.7 2022-11-01


  • basic support for reading datatypes from files (see PR #34)
  • basic filter information made available (see PR #35)

v0.4.6 2022-08-04


  • removed Dataset.auto_refresh and replaced with .refresh() method (allows consistent access to metadata and data between refreshes)

v0.4.5 2022-08-04


  • H5Create should only be called with access modes H5F_ACC_TRUNC (w) and H5F_ACC_EXCL (x)


  • support for SWMR read with refresh on a dataset: e.g.
const file = new hdf5.File("swmr.h5", "Sr");
let ds=file.get("data");
// returns 12
// returns 16 because dataset was updated with SWMR write
// has size=16

v0.4.4 2022-05-25


  • error in isIterable when called on non-object (affects to_array method)

v0.4.3 2022-05-24


  • to_array method on Dataset and Attribute classes: returns nested array of values with dimensions matching shape. Auto-converts all values to JSON-compatible types (BigInt -> Number, TypedArray -> Array)
  • auto-convert h5py-style boolean datasets (where datatype = ENUM {FALSE:0, TRUE:1}) to JS booleans
  • automated testing of code with Github Action


  • enum_type.members is now an object {[name: string]: value: number} (previous implementation with Array could have wrong name order)

v0.4.2 2022-05-10


  • extended metadata for ENUM type (including names of members)


  • Typings for metadata on attributes and datasets

v0.4.1 2022-05-02


  • Minimal handling of reading datatype H5T_ENUM (treats as integer base type)


  • All strings now truncated at first null byte before decoding
  • Fixed memory leaks from opening dtype and plist objects
  • Singleton values (shape = []) were being returned as length-1 array due to logic error, now fixed

v0.4.0 2022-04-28


  • POSSIBLY BREAKING: nodejs target is compiled as ESM instead of CommonJs
  • default export is now an object, which can help when import * is discouraged
    export const h5wasm = {
    export default h5wasm;
  • ready export now returns Promise<H5Module>
  • recommended access to filesystem is by
    const { FS } = await h5wasm.ready;


  • VLEN string writing and reading test
  • TypeScript types added for Attribute
  • Full metadata added to Attribute in addition to dtype and shape

v0.3.2 2022-04-12


  • TypeScript strict mode checking enabled for build
  • all TypeScript type errors resolved
  • unused portions of the EmscriptenModule interface that raise errors in nodejs builds are removed (both of these depend on dom definitions)
    • preinitializedWebGLContext: WebGLRenderingContext;
    • onCustomMessage(event: MessageEvent): void;

v0.3.1 2022-03-31


  • Group.get_type(path) will now return
    • H5G_LINK (3) if path is a dangling soft link
    • H5G_UDLINK (4) if path is a user-defined (e.g. external) link
  • Group.get(path) will now return
    • BrokenSoftLink(target: string) if the path is a dangling soft link
    • ExternalLink(filename: string, obj_path: string) if the path is an external link
    • undefined if the path is a user-defined link that is not an external link.

v0.3.0 2022-03-23


v0.2.2 2022-02-16


  • IDBFS adapter added to ESM module


  • license statement expanded

v0.2.1 2022-02-04


  • Writing of Float64 datasets was broken, and is now working
  • Guessed shape of simple string values is fixed so that this will work:
  f.create_attribute("my_attr", "a string value");
  • Group.prototype.create_dataset now returns type Dataset (ts)

v0.2.0 2022-01-25


  • Typescript definitions (src/hdf5_hl.d.ts)
  • Support for reading and processing HDF5 Array datatype
  • esm and nodejs modules both offer ready Promise, which can be awaited before working with the module (addresses #5)
  • minimal set of tests (npm test)


  • POSSIBLY BREAKING: local paths to modules are changed
    • esm: ./dist/esm/hdf5_hl.js
    • node (CJS): ./dist/node/hdf5_hl.js
  • Build step added (esm and nodejs modules both built from Typescript source)
  • Build artifacts no longer available from dist branch, will be uploaded as .tgz archive (output of npm pack) to releases

v0.1.8 2022-01-06


v0.1.7 2021-12-24


  • ESM build targets web environment (no 'require' statements - fixes builds using webpack e.g. create-react-app)
  • emscripten build script altered to work on OSX as well as linux (compatible call to shasum)

v0.1.6 2021-09-16


  • minor bugfix in string reading ('metadata' spelled wrong)

v0.1.5 2021-09-15


  • export AsciiToString and UTF8ToString from emscripten
  • support reading vlen strings in data and attributes
  • support writing vlen strings


  • reclaim memory for vlen data in get_attr

v0.1.4 2021-09-15


  • added documentation for finding libhdf5.a


  • documentation for creating new File object in nodejs
  • checking for name existing before getting type in wasm lib

v0.1.3 2021-09-12


  • download/upload helpers for web (file_handlers.js)


  • use ZLIB from emscripten ports