Under the impression that it is nearly impossible to write a robust autolinker without parsing the input text to a dom tree, i’ve written an autolinker that uses Jsoup to build trees and proccess them in a way that new types of links can easily be added.
The core service of this project is the AutoLinkService which uses several AutoLinkers to add links to arbitrary text. 3 autolinkers (URLs, E-Mail adresses and Twitter Handles) are build in.
Since version 0.1.1 this project is Java 8 only.
The project is a ready to use configured maven project and has nearly 100% test coverage.
public static void main(String... args) {
// Instantiate AutoLinkService using all available autolinkers
final AutoLinkService autoLinkService = new AutoLinkService(Arrays.asList(
new EmailAddressAutoLinker(true, true),
new TwitterUserAutoLinker(),
new UrlAutoLinker(30)
// Autolink stuff
System.out.println(autoLinkService.addLinks("Maybe there's a link http://michael-simons.eu to @rotnroll666", Optional.empty()));
or have a look at the test code.
The AutoLinkService can be easily registered as a
public AutoLinkService autoLinkService(
@Value("${dailyfratze.emailAddressAutoLinker.hexEncodeEmailAddress:true}") boolean hexEncodeEmailAddress,
@Value("${dailyfratze.emailAddressAutoLinker.obfuscateEmailAddress:true}") boolean obfuscateEmailAddress,
@Value("${dailyfratze.urlAutoLinker.maxLabelLength:30}") int maxLabelLength
) {
return new AutoLinkService(Arrays.asList(
new EmailAddressAutoLinker(hexEncodeEmailAddress, obfuscateEmailAddress),
new TwitterUserAutoLinker(),
new UrlAutoLinker(maxLabelLength)
I assume you know what you’re doing with Spring, so i don’t explain that further.
Enjoy and if you find that library usefull, drop me a line or star it. Thanks.