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153 lines (137 loc) · 10.2 KB
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2020-11-07 12:26:28 UTC
2021-03-29 19:17:38 UTC



  • autoSave或formatOnSave 经常会导致编辑器卡顿

  • 要不要用css-in-js?

    • 优点是方便实现 局部样式、动态样式、theming、type check
    • 缺点是styled组件会带来runtime cost,做性能优化时早晚会干掉
    • 技术选型时,参考知名项目或大公司项目的选择,结论是大公司大多用scss
  • css主题方案:加载和重渲染 vs 切换类名和重渲染, 哪个对性能影响更大

  • Why it is important to cache DOM

  • 微前端的公共依赖是如何解决的?

    • 现在不管什么框架, 都存在一个问题,就是build后摇树, aot等优化操作, 这么一来, 一些公共依赖就不好抽出来了
    • 如果先打出来dll, 然后再搞微前端, 确实也行, 但是没有优化
    • Currently, I mark the module as usedInUnknownWays to prevent tree shaking the exports on exposed modules/files
      • 这里是折中方案,只摇树去掉无关exports
  • 哪些业务计算相关的代码适合放在前端,哪些适合放在服务端

    • 读写文件:文本、图片、文档doc、表格
    • 图表绘
  • 将对象的引用保存到dom对象,如pm-editorView保存到dom,是否影响性能

  • 很长的图片如何加载

css更新的方式比较,切换class类名,通过修改style属性来更新css vars的值

  • 修改style属性本身可看做修改内联样式

    • inline style不支持伪类、媒体查询,难复用
    • 因为会加大dom体积,增加解析时间和存储空间,所以渲染会慢一点点
  • @see: inline style vs className

inline style vs className

  • inline style

    • 使用inline style动态修改样式更方便
    • inline styling does not support pseudos, media queries, keyframes, auto-prefix
  • className

    • className is better for debugging
    • 易复用,减少重复
    • 易组织和拆分成多个文件,都放在外部文件方便搜索
  • comparison

  • External CSS vs inline style performance difference?

  • Using the style attribute, the browser only paints the rule for that particular element, which in this case is the <div> element.

    • This reduces the amount of look up time for the CSS engine to find which elements match the CSS selector (e.g. a.hover or #someContainer li).
  • However, putting styling at element level would mean that you cannot cache the CSS style rules separately.

    • Usually putting styles in CSS files would allow the caching to be done, thus reducing the amount of load from the server each time you load a page.
  • Putting style rules at the element level will also make you lose track of what elements are styled what way.

    • It might also backfire the performance boost of painting a particular element where you can repaint multiple elements together.
    • Using CSS files separates the CSS from HTML, and thus allows you to make sure that your styles are correct and it's easier to modify later on.
  • When use one against the other?

    • CSS stylesheets can be better for the layout: such as the bootstrap layout classes: row-fluid, span*. They are fixed and form the static part of the website.
    • The inline styles can be better for the state-styles: the style that can change according to a state. They form the dynamic part of the website.
  • I decided to try something stupid and not truly relevant to a real business case:

    • Generate two big <table>s: one with inline styles, one with CSS stylesheets. Same content.
    • Check the performance/smoothness/size/time of rendering for both.
    • It’s not relevant because we would not generate a big table in our DOM
    • test at Chrome 45b, React 0.13.3
  • Waterfall timeline

    • no difference because small dom
  • Size of the DOM

    • DOM size is huge with the inline styles and is linearly proportional to the number of rows.
    • with SSR, the inline styles will be downloaded each and every time (part of the HTML), whereas a CSS stylesheet will be downloaded once. (thanks to the browser’s cache)
  • Time to mount the DOM

    • React has done its job converting the virtual DOM into DOM and has injected it into our mounted node
    • It takes twice the time to convert our virtual DOM with inline styles to DOM and mount it.
  • Rendering time

    • We assume it will take longer to render the inline styles, because it has more to parse and store every style attribute of every td.
  • Conclusion

    • Inline styles take way more size in the DOM, are converted more slowly from VDOM (have probably a bigger impact on memory), and take more time to be handled by the browser.
    • But they have no impact on performance once it’s rendered.


  • 暂时没找到直接的方法,因为原本各网站的文字链接、资源url地址都会变化
  • 可考虑重写原网站
  • 可参考阿里qiankun微前端解决方案


  • 根据团队的技术方案

how to split large html

hide dom elements: visibility vs display

  • visibility: hidden does not cause a reflow on the document, while display: none does.
  • display:none will remove the element from the document's normal flow and set the values for position/height/width to 0 on the element and its children.
    • When the elements display property is changed to other value than none , it triggers a complete document re-flow, which can be a problem for big documents - and sometimes not-so-big documents being rendered on hardware with limited capabilities.
  • If you are adding a lot of elements to a DOM, and you add them to the container with visibility: hidden , then you'll provoke a reflow for each one.
    • On the other hand, you can add as many elements as you want with display:none and show them all at once provoking a single reflow.
    • The performance taxing action is the the reflow.
    • 这里描述的是特殊场景,动态添加隐藏的div。
  • visibility: hidden acts like opacity: 0 + pointer-events: none .
  • display: none acts like Element.remove() .
  • ref


  • 结论
    • 选择1:放弃自定义滚动条,使用系统默认的,各操作系统实现的滚动条不一致
    • 选择2:remove scrollbars
      • 使用箭头导航,add some arrows to scroll the content
      • 放弃滚动条,使用分页
  • 可参考perfect-scrollbar(MIT)实现跨浏览器样式一致的滚动条
  • 自定义滚动条样式时要注意
    • scrollbar styling is part of the OS
    • 在触摸板上向上滑动时,页面顶部会逐渐隐藏,此时滚动条下移
    • 直接向上拖动滚动条时,页面顶部已隐藏的部分逐渐显示,与上面相反
  • ref
    • chrome支持滚动条的样式修改,但是又有多少网站去改变了滚动条的样式呢?为什么这几个相关的css私有伪元素,为什么一直没有被w3c标准采纳?
      • 换个样式,并不能让操作变得更方便。而样式方面的问题,用户完全可以按照自己的喜好选择操作系统中的主题
      • Every other browser, with the exception of chrome, uses the default OS UI for the scrollbar, which means, the scrollbars will look almost the same regardless which browser you use.
        • In Windows is a thick gray scrollbar with two buttons on the edges that work for going up/down.
        • In OSX for instance, scrollbar never appear, until you scroll, and it looks like a discrete rectangle moving downward to the page you are scrolling.
        • In contrast chrome uses a customized scrollbar instead of the default so it looks consistent in every OS it uses.