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2019-08-01 16:03:46 UTC
2021-03-29 19:16:23 UTC



  • 没有电脑、没有网络、没有电的时候,你能做什么?

  • 选用哪种state management方案更好?

    • 考虑直接用react context api,减少依赖
    • 一个开发者开发了多种方案(如jotai/zustand/react-tracked),每种都有优缺点
  • 哪些计算适合放在服务端,哪些计算适合放在客户端?

    • 行业案例: ssr, react-server-components


  • 用不用都可以,一致性最重要

    • 参考已有配置或其他项目的选择,或语言特性的选择,或团队风格
    • 不同命名风格之间可通过处理工具进行转换
      • camelCase: java,js,google-json-style-guide
      • PascalCase:
      • snake_case:python,php,js
      • kebab-case
  • 缺点

    • 访问属性时,-易与减号混淆
  • tips

    • 可以尝试将{"a-b":v}写成两级,如{a:{b:v}}
    • key中慎用dot点号,易与路径混淆,如style-dictionary中使用key作为路径访问引用值
    • api的应用场景一般用camelCase
  • json-config-usecase

    • style-dictionary书写组件样式时,常用css属性名作为key
    • npm的package.json使用的是camelCase,如devDependencies
    • vscode的settings.json文件,很多key中包含dot点号,特殊的如"[html]"
  • ref

  • You can use anything as JSON keys, as long as it is valid UTF-8, doesn't contain zero code points,

    • and it would be useful if you could represent the key as a string in the programming language of your choice.
    • I might recommend not to use different Unicode representations of the same string(for example "Ä" written as one or two code points).
    • It seems some people try to create classes with instance variables that match the keys in JSON dictionaries.
      • Which of course doesn't work if your key is "some-value" unless you write COBOL. I think this is misguided.
      • I have model classes which are designed the way I want them.
      • JSON is just used to fill the model classes.
      • I'll take whatever the server guys decided to use for the keys and put it into my model objects.
  • I prefer to avoid hyphens.

    • if you use hyphens, they can get treated as "minus" unless you bracket them - unaesthetic and extra typing
  • After spending some time in the industry and working a few systems.

    • I don't think there is a best practice or proper casing for JSON keys.
    • The most important aspect of any formatting (casing/code-style/etc) is consistency and team adoption.
    • If the code base is fragmented and inconsistent, meet as a team and agree on a consistent style then police the formating collectively.
  • 因为event loop模型可以不使用IO线程,而是使用操作系统提供的IO复用/异步IO/事件驱动IO
    • 就比如ngx,在linux上,ngx用的是边沿触发的epoll,这是典型的IO复用,ngx是没有专门的IO线程的。
    • 所以并不是event loop模型更高效,而是异步IO复用比多线程同步IO额外开销更低。
  • event loop模型的优点是,
    • event loop更贴近异步IO复用的模型,因此开发效率更高。
    • 单线程模型能够避免多线程带来的同步问题,既提高了开发效率,又避免了同步开销
  • 最著名的event-loop的程序莫过于redis和nginx ,而两个恰好都是 single-threaded,一个进程占满一个核。
    • 有些应用中请求处理可能需要一定的 CPU 时间,那么可能会分到另外的线程去计算,为的也是保证 I/O 这一个线程能够不被阻塞。
  • 用更轻量的用户级线程替换OS线程,然而根据资料,JVM最初就是LWT,但后来却改为了OS线程
    • 用户线程的问题主要在于操作系统无法提供足够的支持,
    • 因为从操作系统的角度来看,一个时间只有一个线程在运行而已。
    • Linux 以线程为调度单位,不管多少个用户线程都在这一个核上运行;
    • 一旦这个OS线程被抢占或挂起了(比如 blocking syscall),所有的用户线程都被一起挂起。
    • 这也回到了为什么在处理 I/O 的时候,用 event-loop + non-blocking I/O 要好过 multi-threading + blocking I/O 的原因:防止OS线程被 blocking I/O强制挂起。
  • vert.x也面临着一个选择问题,是继续reactive呢,还是coroutine方向
    • 有一个问题就是问你是继续坚持reactive(rxjava2)的方向呢,还是走向coroutine(kotlin)方向

函数式编程 vs 面向对象的编程 (FP vs OOP)

  • FP优点

    • 方便复用
    • 方便测试
    • 编译体积小,一般无需polyfill
  • FP缺点

  • FP案例

    • lodash/fp
  • OOP优点

  • OOP缺点

  • ref

最新消息事件的实现: push vs pull/poll

  • 场景1:Producer速率大于Consumer速率

    • 采取Pull的方式只需要降低Consumer的访问频率即可
  • 场景2:强调消息的实时性

    • 采用Push的方式时,一旦消息到达,服务端即可马上将其推送给消费端,这种方式的实时性显然是非常好的
  • 场景3:Pull的长轮询

    • Pull模式存在的问题:由于主动权在消费方,消费方无法准确地决定何时去拉取最新的消息
    • 长轮询的优化方法,用以平衡Pull/Push模型各自的缺点。
    • 长轮询的基本方式是:消费者如果尝试拉取失败,不是直接return,而是把连接挂在那里 wait,服务端如果有新的消息到来,把连接拉起,返回最新消息。
  • 场景4:部分或全部Consumer不在线

    • 在消息系统中,Producer和Consumer是完全解耦的
    • Producer发送消息时,并不要求Consumer一定要在线,对于Consumer也是同样的道理,这也是消息通信区别于RPC通信的主要特点
  • Advantages of SSE over Websockets:

    • Transported over simple HTTP instead of a custom protocol
    • Can be poly-filled with javascript to "backport" SSE to browsers that do not support it yet.
    • Built in support for re-connection and event-id
    • Simpler protocol
    • No trouble with corporate firewalls doing packet inspection
  • Advantages of Websockets over SSE:

    • Real time, two directional communication.
    • Native support in more browsers
  • Ideal use cases of SSE:

    • Stock ticker streaming
    • twitter feed updating
    • Notifications to browser
  • SSE gotchas:

    • No binary support
    • Maximum open connections limit
  • ref

存取器getter-setter(setXxx) vs 公共变量

  • A difference between using a getter or setter and using a standard function is that getters/setters are automatically invoked on assignment.

    • So it looks just like a normal property but behind the scenes you can have extra logic (or checks) to be run just before or after the assignment.
    • Direct property access is a perfectly fine way to do things when you don't need getter or setter special logic.
    • 能实现相同的功能,但提供的api不同,给开发者更大的灵活性
  • getter-setter优点

    • getters and setter can have validation in them, fields can't
    • using getter you can get subclass of wanted class.
    • getters and setters are polymorphic, fields aren't
    • debugging can be much simpler, because breakpoint can be placed inside one method not near many references of that given field.
    • they can hide implementation changes
  • getter usecase

    • The value is computed. 可计算属性
    • You are proxying a value from another object. 返回自身私有属性或封装的另一个对象的属性。
  • setter usecase

    • You need to validate the incoming value.
    • You need to do something every time a value changes, like trim, concat
  • ref


  • 优点
    • 无需关心参数顺序、方便加减参数数量
    • 方便实现高阶函数
  • 缺点
    • 需要额外步骤解构出常用变量
    • 参数对象过多可能导致性能问题。
      • Not only do you mess up JIT optimization and code minimization, but your code also becomes less performant.
      • It makes no sense to be allocating new objects for each function invocation (or possibly mutating previous ones).
    • The problem with multi argument function, in most cases is the fact that our function is responsible for too many things.
      • Creating one big object as an argument solves readability of this function call, but still keeps this function in the wrong shape.
      • Other thing is currying and partial application which is very handy, even sometimes it is must have. And your idea blocks that fully.
  • 总结
    • I think we should avoid functions with many arguments.
    • But there is no silver bullet solution, and what you are proposing is a solution only for small variety of problems.
  • ref

Should interface names begin with an “I” prefix?

  • do if you like.
  • In many ways, consistency is more important than convention.
  • It doesn't matter as long as you pick a style and stick with it!


// 在参数处解构,变量默认是let
function MyComponent({ name, age, height }) {
  // do stuff here

function MyComponent(props) {
  // 在函数体内解构,变量被指定为const
  const { name, age, height } = props
  // do stuff here

<MyComponent name="bob" age={25} height = {175} haspets={false}/>
  • 在函数内解构,除了可以获取各prop参数变量外,还方便使用整体的props对象
  • 在参数处解构,更直观的写法,便于第三方插件如doc-gen提取参数默认值
    • 解构多层嵌套对象的深层属性时,要考虑提取参数的意义与困难度
  • 使用 arguments[0] 也可以获取整体props对象,但箭头函数没有 this/super/arguments/ ,且箭头函数不能用作构造函数
  • One of the differences I can think of, and I suppose the most important, is that on the second case, while you are destructing your props object in function body, you are using const on declaration.
    • In that way, you can no longer change these values on your MyComponent, while on your first case you could easily modify them.
    • 对react组件来说,props不能改变,推荐只用const解构,但对普通函数参数解构时,要考虑用let
  • ref


  • 如果不介意在对象字面量外写的话
    var a = {
      p1: [1]
    a.p2 = a.p1
  • 如果要在对象字面量内写的话,可以使用访问器属性
    var a = {
      p1: [1],
      // p2: a.p1//this.p1  // 都是错的
      get p2() { return this.p1 },
      set p2(v) { this.p1 = v }
    a.p1 === a.p2 //true
    a.p2 = 1;
    a.p1; // 1
  • 对象字面量里this和a都是从作用域链中去寻找的
    • ES6之前只有两个作用域,全局或函数,
    • 在这里,没有函数,就是全局作用域,所以 this 和 a 就会从当前全局作用域中去寻找
    var a = { p1: 111 };
    var a = {
      p1: [1],
      p2: a.p1
    a.p2 //111

Can a JavaScript object property refer to another property of the same object?

  • Unfortunately, no.
  • The {} syntax initiates creation of a new object, but until the object is created, it isn't assigned to the carousel variable.
  • Also, the this value can only change as a result of a function call.
  • If your "several more properties" are all going to depend only on slider, then you could get around with something like this:
      var slider = $('.slider');
      var carousel = {
        panes: slider.children.length(),
        something: slider.something_else,
      carousel.slider = slider;

      var a, b;
      var foo = {
        a: a = 5,
        b: b = 6,
        c: a + b
  • Not with object literals (this has the same value during constructing of the literal that it did before-hand). But you can do
      var carousel = new(function() {
        this.$slider = $('#carousel1 .slider');
        this.panes = this.$slider.children().length;

      var foo = new function() {
        this.a = 5;
        this.b = 6;
        this.c = this.a + this.b;

      var foo = function() {
        var a = 5;
        var b = 6;
        var c = a + b;

        return {
  • The get syntax binds an object property to a function that will be called when that property is looked up.
      var foo = {
        a: 5,
        b: 6,
        get c() {
          return this.a + this.b;
      console.log(foo.c) // 11
  • eg1: assign the return value of init() to foo. you have to return this .
      var foo = {
        a: 5,
        b: 6,
        init: function() {
          this.c = this.a + this.b;
          //delete this.init
          return this;
  • eg2: separate
      var foo = {
        a: 5,
        b: 6
      foo.c = foo.a + foo.b;
  • eg3: once, more
      var foo = function(o) {
        o.c = o.a + o.b;
        return o;
      }({ a: 5, b: 6 });

      function buildFoo(a, b) {
        var o = { a: a, b: b };
        o.c = o.a + o.b;
        return o;
  • eg4: es6 class
      class Foo {
        constructor() {
          this.a = 5;
          this.b = 6;
          this.c = this.a + this.b;
      const foo = new Foo();

js数组对象能添加自定义属性吗? 可以

  • var arr=[1,2,3]; arr.count=3;

  • console.log(arr)得到 [1, 2, 3, b: 33]

  • arr.length得到3

  • 可以借助此方法对数组插值,参考styled-system的responsive array prop value

Is it possible to have a comment inside a es6 template string?

  • 需要自己规定注释格式及解析方式
  • comment in expression interpolation
  const fields = `
    id, ${ /* post id */'' }
    message, ${ /* post status/message */'' }
  • parse comment in tag function
  const commented = (strings, ...values) => {
    const pattern = /\/{2}.+$/gm; // basic idea

        (str, i) =>
        `${str}${values[i] !== undefined ? values[i] : ''}`
      .replace(pattern, '');

  const d = 10;
  const fields = commented `
    id, // post ID
    message, // post/status message
    created_time, // ...

session vs jwt(json web token)

  • 前后端分离导致的单点登录不可用如何解决

  • 使用json web token,每个请求都带身份认证id