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1598 lines (1214 loc) · 86.5 KB

File metadata and controls

1598 lines (1214 loc) · 86.5 KB
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2019-06-09 15:54:12 UTC
2023-06-14 00:53:02 UTC


about web development


  • jsx比模板灵活,因为本质是js,最后经过代码预处理后就是createElement。因为js灵活所以jsx也具有一样的灵活性。

  • 每个模版引擎的语法都是不一样的并且绝大部分极其的难用

  • Vue JSX 深入解析 - 知乎

    • 当引入 babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx 这个 Babel 插件后,就可以在 Vue 使用 JSX 语法
  • Never thought we'd still be arguing about template vs JSX in 2023.


    • Plus you can use JSX with Vue. If you didn't know now you do.
  • It’s old irrelevant debate. Of corse @MarkoDevTeam DSL is the superior

  • ~N 第一个parent的倒数第N个提交
    • Use ~ most of the time — to go back a number of generations, usually what you want
    • Tilde ~ is almost linear in appearance and wants to go backward in a straight line
  • ^N 第N个parent
    • A = A^0
    • A^ = A^1 = A~1
    • Use ^ on merge commits — because they have two or more (immediate) parents
    • Caret ^ suggests an interesting segment of a tree or a fork in the road
G   H   I   J
 \ /     \ /
  D   E   F
   \  |  / \
    \ | /   |
     \|/    |
      B     C
       \   /
        \ /

A =      = A^0
B = A^   = A^1     = A~1
C = A^2
D = A^^  = A^1^1   = A~2
E = B^2  = A^^2
F = B^3  = A^^3
G = A^^^ = A^1^1^1 = A~3
H = D^2  = B^^2    = A^^^2  = A~2^2
I = F^   = B^3^    = A^^3^
J = F^2  = B^3^2   = A^^3^2
  • is it possible in theory to type deeply nested paths
interface Some {
  a: number,
  b: {
    c: number
    d: {
      e: number
  • Your only option is to store the full image data in localStorage. I also wonder why you would allow your application to store references to images. If they are meant to be uploaded just upload when you're online. What can you do offline anyway?

    • The reason I'm trying to save the File object is so that it is persisted across browser/page reloads.
  • My suggestion is to add the dataURL to your file object and stringify it after. So you have have the full file object and you can load the image with the dataURL stored

  • Since there is literally no way to instantiate a File object in JavaScript you are pretty much out of luck.

    • The closest alternative would be, when restoring the string encoded file from local storage, to create a Blob, which File inherits from.
    • You can use a Blob for the majority of things you would otherwise use a File for.
    • If you think an example of this would be useful I will write it up. It doesn't really

    solve your problem though, just gets you a little closer to the kind of object you seem to actually want.

  • Blob与ArrayBuffer的区别是,除了原始字节以外它还提供了mime type作为元数据,Blob和ArrayBuffer之间可以进行转换。
  • File对象其实继承自Blob对象,并提供了提供了name , lastModifiedDate, size ,type 等基础元数据。
// compare ArrayBuffers
function arrayBuffersAreEqual(a, b) {
  return dataViewsAreEqual(new DataView(a), new DataView(b));

// compare DataViews
function dataViewsAreEqual(a, b) {
  if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) return false;
  for (let i = 0; i < a.byteLength; i++) {
    if (a.getUint8(i) !== b.getUint8(i)) return false;
  return true;

// compare TypedArrays
function typedArraysAreEqual(a, b) {
  if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) return false;
  return a.every((val, i) => val === b[i]);
export function compareByteArrayData(a, b) {
  a = dataToUint8Array(a);
  b = dataToUint8Array(b);
  if (a.byteLength != b.byteLength) return false;
  return a.every((val, i) => val == b[i]);

// It will not copy any underlying buffers, instead it will create a view into them.
function dataToUint8Array(data) {
  let uint8array;
  if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer || Array.isArray(data)) {
    uint8array = new Uint8Array(data);
  } else if (data instanceof Buffer) {
    // Node.js Buffer
    uint8array = new Uint8Array(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.length);
  } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) {
    // DataView, TypedArray or Node.js Buffer
    uint8array = new Uint8Array(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength);
  } else {
    throw Error('Data is not an ArrayBuffer, TypedArray, DataView or a Node.js Buffer.');
  return uint8array;

URL.createObjectURL vs FileReader.readAsDataURL

  • 注意两者产生的url是不同的

    • createObjectURL 产生的url是临时的blob://,每次刷新需要更新
    • readAsDataURL 编码的数据是稳定的
  • If you need to show an image from a file or a blob, don’t use FileReader.readAsDataURL for this job.

    • This method requires significant work to read the blob and convert it into data URL.
    • And although it works asynchronously, which is good because it doesn’t block the main thread, in general it’s inconvenient.
  • URL.createObjectURL is a better solution:

    • it synchronously and in no time generates temporary URL and binds it to the blob.
    • Generating such URL doesn’t require reading the blob, hence it is much faster and cheaper (see algorithm details in the specification).
    • The blob can’t be garbage collected while it has temporary URLs bound to it.
    • So don’t forget to use URL.revokeObjectURL to unbind URL after you’re done with it.
  • when we invoke the function on the variable blob, we get back a persistent reference string with a unique URL that temporarily references to the in-memory blob object that lives in the Blob URL Store.
  • It is a persistent reference since as long as that blob is in memory the reference string will be in play unless revoked.
  • It is temporary however since when the browser is refreshed or basically unloaded, this reference is no longer held since that would be a security concern for sure.
    • The reference is also temporary since it can be revoked using the Web API URL.revokeObjectURL().
  • It is unique since each time you call createObjectURL(), a new object URL is created, even if you’ve already created one for the same object.
    • These must be individually revoked by calling URL.revokeObjectURL() on each one.
  • I have been running performance tests on some of the more simple suggestions proposed here with the following results (fast to slow):
  • while
    • if (a1[i] !== a2[i]) return false;
  • every
    • a1.every((v, i)=> v === a2[i]);
  • reduce
    • a1.reduce((a, b) => a && a2.includes(b), true);
  • join / toString()/String()
    • a1.join('') === a2.join('');
    • a1.toString() === a2.toString();
  • a1 == a2.toString();
  • stringify
    • JSON.stringify(a1) === JSON.stringify(a2);
  • What you want is called constructor overloading.
    • This, and the more general case of function overloading, is not supported in ECMAScript.
  • ECMAScript does not handle missing arguments in the same way as more strict languages.
    • The value of missing arguments is left as undefined instead of raising a error.
    • In this paradigm, it is difficult/impossible to detect which overloaded function you are aiming for.
    • The idiomatic solution is to have one function and have it handle all the combinations of arguments that you need.
class Option {
  constructor(key, value, autoLoad = false) {
    if (typeof key !== 'undefined') {
      this[key] = value;
    this.autoLoad = autoLoad;
  • Another option would be to allow your constructor to take an object that is bound to your class properties
  • 返回日期时间
  • 返回计时器时间 console.timeEnd(),单位是毫秒ms
  • returns a DOMHighResTimeStamp, measured in milliseconds.

  • Unlike other timing data available to JavaScript (for example, the timestamps returned by are not limited to one-millisecond resolution.

  • Instead, they represent times as floating-point numbers with up to microsecond precision.

  • Also unlike, the values returned by always increase at a constant rate, independent of the system clock

  • performance.timing.navigationStart + will be approximately equal to

  • it is relative to page load and more precise in orders of magnitude.

  • Use cases include benchmarking and other cases where a high-resolution time is required such as media (gaming, audio, video, etc.)

  • returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
  • it is relative to the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) and dependent on system clock.
  • Use cases include same old date manipulation ever since the beginning of JavaScript.
// 几乎相同,但极端情况下需要考虑对象创建和函数调用的时间
var t1 =; // 理论上更快
var t2 = new Date().getTime();
  • returns the current high-resolution real time in a [seconds, nanoseconds] tuple Array, where nanoseconds is the remaining part of the real time that can't be represented in second precision.
  • macrotasks

    • setTimeout, setInterval, setImmediate, I/O, UI rendering
  • microtasks

    • process.nextTick, Promises, Object.observe, MutationObserver
  • 在每一帧的中会先执行 macrotasks 任务 -> 再执行 UI rendering -> 最后有剩余时间执行Idle(一般是低优先级)回调

  • react 16 之前,通过vdom更新dom是同步的,一旦有更新就会一直执行到更新完毕, 如果更新很复杂就会一直占用浏览器主线程,这时候浏览器本身的动画和用户输入操作就会出现卡顿或没响应。

    • react 16 后,采用时间片的方式解决更新卡顿的问题。
    • 给每个 react 更新任务一个过期时间 timeout,维护一个 react 更新队列
    • 通过 requestAnimationFrame 找到每一帧的开始时间,再计算出下一帧的开始时间
    • 把优先级最高的 react 更新任务推入 event loop 的 tasks queue 中
    • 每次 event loop 开始 react 更新的 tasks 时都会检查这个任务是否到期 timeout 了,只有 timeout 时才会执行
    • react更新任务会先进入 renderRoot 渲染阶段更新 fiberTree 上的内容,再进行 completeRoot 提交阶段更改 dom 的最终结果。
    • react 更新任务 didTimeout 过期时执行 renderRoot ,这个渲染阶段哪怕时间很长也最大限度的保证了浏览器高优先级别的动画和用户输入的流畅运行
  • 总结

    • 调度时通过 requestAnimationFrame api 在浏览器每次重绘前做想做的事
  • window.requestIdleCallback(callback, options) method queues a function to be called during a browser's idle periods.
    • This enables developers to perform background and low priority work on the main event loop, without impacting latency-critical events such as animation and input response.
    • Functions are generally called in first-in-first-out order;
    • however, callbacks which have a timeout specified may be called out-of-order if necessary in order to run them before the timeout elapses.

safari、safari ios、ie都不支持,但其他浏览器都支持

  • setTimeout的callback调用自身是否会无限循环? 测试表明,会无限循环

function sayHello() {

  setTimeout(sayHello, 1500)

sayHello() // 会无限循环打印 
  • One possible way is, Instead of using Link, use history.push to change the route dynamically.
  • Now first perform all the task inside onClick function
    • and at the end use history.push to change the route means to navigate on other page.
  • If your onclick function returns false, the default browser behaviour is cancelled.

  • "foo".endsWith(""); // true

  • is there a difference between optional parameters and parameters than can be undefined?


  • In TypeScript, a function/method parameter or object type's field that is marked as optional with the ? modifier means that it can be missing

    • but such optional parameters/fields are also allowed to be present but undefined
    • In fact, if you use IntelliSense to examine the types of such optional parameters/fields, you'll see that the compiler automatically adds undefined as a possibility
  • Compare and contrast this with a required (non-optional) field or parameter that includes string | undefined .

    • unlike the optional versions, the required ones cannot be called or created with the value missing entirely
function opt(x?: string) { }

interface Opt {
    x?: string;

const optObj: Opt = {}; // okay
opt(); // okay
opt(undefined); // okay

// ------------------------------

function req(x: string | undefined) { }

interface Req {
    x: string | undefined

req(); // error, Expected 1 arguments, but got 0!
req(undefined); // okay
  • For function parameters, you can also sometimes use the type void to mean "missing", and therefore | void to mean "optional", as implemented in microsoft/TypeScript#27522. So x?: string and x: string | void are treated similarly

    • This is not yet the case for object fields. It has been implemented in microsoft/TypeScript#40823, but has not yet made it into the language
  • Best way to create an link with empty href


  • 一定不能省略href,否则不可键盘聚焦

    • using href will also give you keyboard focusability by default
    • an <a> element with no href is styled differently in some browsers
  • javascript:void(0)

    • 不必修改onclick,因为其中必须有return false
    • javascript:; also behaves like javascript:void(0);
  • Use href="#" , make sure onclick always contains return false; 还会存在跳转到顶部的问题

  • javascript:void(0) violates Content Security Policy

  • Is an empty href valid?

    • href="" reloads the page
    • href="#" adds an extra entry to the browser history (which is annoying when e.g. back-buttoning).
    • href="javascript:; " does not seem to have any problems (other than looking messy and meaningless) - anyone know of any?
    • href="//:0", which will not make a request to the server nor leave any history
  • <a href>sth</a> leave out the ="". The advantage of this is that the link isn't treated as an anchor to the current page.

    • This is illegal syntax. According to the spec “[Empty Attribute] syntax is permitted only for boolean attributes.”
  • is there any harm in adding a class to an element that already has that class using classList.add


  • 浏览器执行.add时会自动去重,所以业务js中不必自己用if判断一次

  • The .classList property is a DOMTokenList object.

    • It represents a set of whitespace-separated tokens.
    • The tokens (i.e. the class names) are case-sensitive.
    • a set cannot contain duplicates.
    • All methods that read or modify the DOMTokenList (such as DOMTokenList.add()) automatically trim any surrounding whitespace and remove duplicates from the set.
    • Meaning that if you try to add() the same className twice, it won't add the duplicate.
var x = (undefined && true);
// undefined
// undefined
x = (true && undefined);
// undefined
// undefined
  • In javascript || and && are not guaranteed to return boolean values, and will only do so when the operands are booleans.

  • a = b || c is essentially a shortcut for:

    • a = b ? b : c;
  • a = b && c

    • a = b ? c : b;
  • Basically, the Logical AND operator (&&), will return the value of the second operand if the first is truthy, and it will return the value of the first operand if it is by itself falsy

    • falsy values are those that coerce to false when used in boolean context, they are null, undefined, 0, NaN, an empty string
true && "foo"; // "foo"
NaN && "anything"; // NaN
0 && "anything"; // 0
  • shadows and opacity greatly impact on performance.
  • check the idea by using images instead of slow CSS-properties
  • infer可以在 extends 的条件语句中推断待推断的类型
  • 使用infer来推断函数的返回值类型
  • infer的作用不止是推断返回值,还可以解包,我觉得这是比较常用的
  • 这里 T extends (infer R)[] ? R : T 的意思是,如果T是某个待推断类型的数组,则返回推断的类型,否则返回T
  • infer推断联合类型
  • 在React的typescript源码中应该常常使用infer来获取类型
  • 最近在工作中, 遇到了用户如果缩放浏览器窗口, 或者使用 mac 笔记本的触摸板缩放浏览器窗口时, canvas 会模糊的问题, 原因很简单, 缩放之后, 浏览器的 window.devicePixelRatio 已经发生改变, 所以要用最新的 devicePixelRatio 去绘制
  • 对于用户使用键盘, 比如 commond + + 和 common + - 缩放时, 事情很好办, 使用 resize 事件即可
  • 首先还是使用键盘进行缩放, 发现能正常响应,
  • 接下来使用 mac 触摸板进行双指缩放,
  • 双指缩放 可以使用 获取缩放比, 键盘缩放, 可以使用 window.devicePixelRatio , 使用 Math.max 取最大字就可以兼容两种情况
useEffect(() => {
}, [values.age])

useEffect(() => {
  // do something
}, [someValue.someNestedValue.someDeeplyNestedValue])
  • It's a fine solution if the object property always exists however if the property is not present at some point you get a reference error.
useEffect(() => {
  if (values?.age) {
}, [values])
  • let and const are hoisted but not initialized

    • Referencing the variable in the block before the variable declaration results in a ReferenceError, because the variable is in a "temporal dead zone" from the start of the block until the declaration is processed.
  • All declarations (var, let, const, function, function*, class) are "hoisted" in JavaScript.

    • This means that if a name is declared in a scope, in that scope the identifier will always reference that particular variable
    • This is true both for function and block scopes
  • The difference between var/function/function* declarations and let/const/class declarations is the initialisation

    • The former are initialised with undefined or the (generator) function right when the binding is created at the top of the scope.
    • The lexically declared variables however stay uninitialised.
    • This means that a ReferenceError exception is thrown when you try to access it.
  • Quoting ECMAScript 6 (ECMAScript 2015) specification

    • So, to answer your question, yes, let and const hoist but you cannot access them before the actual declaration is evaluated at runtime.
  • node包入口(Package entry points)

    • 在 package.json 文件中,有两个字段可以定义包入口:"main" 和 "exports"。
    • 所有版本的 Node.js 都支持 "main" 字段,但它的功能是有限的:它只定义包的主入口。
    • "exports" 字段算是 "main" 的替代品,它既可以定义包的主入口,又封闭了包,防止其他未被定义的内容被访问。这种封闭允许模块作者为他们的包定义公共接口。
    • 使用 "exports" 字段可以防止包的使用者使用其他未定义的入口点,包括 package.json(例如:require('your-package/package.json')。这很可能是一个重大变更。
    • 在万不得已时,可以通过 "./": "./" 来导出整个包的根目录,此时“封闭”功能也就不起作用了
    • 在 "exports" 中使用“条件导出”(Conditional exports)可以为每个环境定义不同入口
  • The parser uses it to match the text, but ignores it later, in the final result.

  • strong vs b


  • <strong> element is for content that is of strong importance

    • it should not be used to apply bold styling;
    • use the CSS font-weight property for that purpose.
  • Use the <b> element to draw attention to certain text without indicating a higher level of importance.

  • em vs i

  • Use the <em> element to mark text that has stress emphasis(represent stress emphasis of its contents).

    • it should not be used to apply italic styling;
    • use the CSS font-style property for that purpose.
    • often limited to a word or words of a sentence and affects the meaning of the sentence itself.
  • <i> element represents text that is set off from the normal prose,

    • such a foreign word, fictional character thoughts, or when the text refers to the definition
  • The unary + acts more like parseFloat since it also accepts decimals.
  • An empty string "" evaluates to a 0, while parseInt evaluates it to NaN. IMO, a blank string should be a NaN.
+'' === 0; //true
isNaN(parseInt('', 10)); //true

parseInt('2a', 10) === 2; //true
parseFloat('2a') === 2; //true
isNaN(+'2a'); //true

parseInt('2e3', 10) === 2; //true. This is supposed to be 2000
'2e3' === 2000; //true. This one's correct.

parseInt("0xf", 10) === 0; //true. This is supposed to be 15
'0xf' === 15; //true. This one's correct.
  • by extracting a variable out of useEffect
  • man apache2 indicates the following:
    • In general, apache2 should not be invoked directly, but rather should be invoked via /etc/init.d/apache2 or apache2ctl .
    • The default Debian configuration requires environment variables that are defined in /etc/apache2/envvars and are not available if apache2 is started directly.
    • However, apache2ctl can be used to pass arbitrary arguments to apache2 .
  • The scroll-margin-top property lets you define a top margin that the browser should use when snapping a scrolled element into place.
    • Now, when the browser jumps to the anchor link, it will leave a margin of 1em at the top
    • This margin only applies to scroll snapping. The element still has its normal margins within the context of the document.
  • width CSS property sets an element's width. By default, it sets the width of the content area

  • max-width CSS property sets the maximum width of an element.

    • It prevents the used value of the width property from becoming larger than the value specified by max-width.
  • The min-width and max-width properties override width .

    • 与书写顺序无关,前两个都会覆盖width
    • max-width overrides width, but min-width overrides max-width.
  • The current version of React (react 16) has some shortcomings when it comes to handling Custom Elements,

    • namely the binding of boolean attributes as well as adding event listeners to custom event names like selection-change .
    • With the help of UI5 Web Components for React, you can use the UI5 Web Components in React as if they were native React components.
    • In addition to that, this library is also offering TypeScript definitions for all components, some complex layout components built on top of UI5 Web Components as well as Charting Components.
  • Automated end-to-end (E2E) tests tend to be brittle. Why?

    • Because the data returned tends to change over time.

    • My technique: Create test data as part of the test suite.

      • Then I test the GET calls against the data I just created
    • However, sometimes test data can’t be easily generated because an API is read only.

    • Anyone have techniques for reliable E2E testing on read only APIs?

  • A "side effect" is anything that affects something outside the scope of the function being executed.

    • Examples of side effects in react are

      • Data Fetching
      • Updating the DOM (Document Object Model)
      • Registering/Deregistering event listeners
    • ref

  • So many .filter(Boolean) 's, one of my favorite JS hacks. Surely there's a better minification of that.

    • I'd think filter(x=>x) would work, right? Since filter() just cares about truthiness?
    • if you don't like .map().filter(Boolean) , you can always do .flatMap() and return an empty array for "falsy" cases
  • jest测试时: Received: serializes to the same string

    • 当值是函数时,尽管函数源码打印出来相同,但不能认为函数一定相等
    • 当对象属性值有函数类型时,序列化后再还原,难以比较
    • 可以先去掉方法类型的属性值,或定制
  • TypeScript 3.4 Faster subsequent builds with the --incremental flag

    • flag --incremental which tells TypeScript to save information about the project graph from the last compilation.
    • The next time TypeScript is invoked with --incremental, it will use that information to detect the least costly way to type-check and emit changes to your project.
    • By default with these settings, when we run tsc, TypeScript will look for a file called .tsbuildinfo in the output directory (./lib).
    • If ./lib/.tsbuildinfo doesn’t exist, it’ll be generated.
    • But if it does, tsc will try to use that file to incrementally type-check and update our output files.
    • These .tsbuildinfo files can be safely deleted and don’t have any impact on our code at runtime - they’re purely used to make compilations faster. We can also name them anything that we want, and place them anywhere we want using the --tsBuildInfoFile flag.
  • TypeScript-Babel-Starter: How would this work with project references?

    • babel simply strips off all types and doesn't even read tsconfig.json for that purpose

      • that means it does not know of typescript project references.
      • Maybe you can use the --watch option from babel cli to rebuild automatically?
      • Project references do not make sense, if used in combination with @babel/preset-typescript and should be replaced by a custom build step - would be happy to to be corrected by someone, if there is still a reason left.
    • the main benefit of project references in a pure tsc-built project is that you get up-to-date type checking against the public API of any referenced projects when you build an individual project.

      • @babel/preset-typescript does zero type checking, it knows nothing about your types, so building the types of referenced projects before the babel build gets you nowhere.
      • I would have thought the correct approach surely is to build your @babel/preset-typescript as per normal in isolation, and then if you want to ensure you have no type errors then do a separate type-check step with tsc --noEmit afterwards?
  • Node.js treats JavaScript code as CommonJS modules by default.

    • Authors can tell Node.js to treat JavaScript code as ECMAScript modules via the .mjs file extension, the package.json type field, or the --input-type flag
  • import/export statements are supported in node v12.

    • Right now behind the --experimental-modules flag
    • Since Node v12, support for ES modules is enabled by default
    • Files including node modules must either end in .mjs or the nearest package.json file must contain "type": "module"
  • You need Babel transpiler to do this, as Node.js doesn't support es6.

  • most compatible way to resolve was to:

    • npm install esm

    • ensure that the script is run by node with the -r esm option.

  • element.innerHTML vs node.innerText

  • innerText retrieves and sets the content of the tag as plain text,

    • whereas innerHTML retrieves and sets the content in HTML format.
    • This only applies when SETTING a value. When you're GETTING the value HTML tags are simply stripped and you get the plain text.
  • element.innerHTML只去除标签,换行会打印出来

    • Sets or gets the HTML syntax describing the element's descendants
  • node.innerText会去除换行和首尾空格

    • Sets or gets the text between the start and end tags of the object
    • innerText gives you a style-aware, representation of the text that tries to match what's rendered in by the browser this means:
      • innerText applies text-transform and white-space rules
      • innerText trims white space between lines and adds line breaks between items
      • innerText will not return text for invisible items
      • innerText will return textContent for elements that are never rendered like <style />
  • node.textContent 👍🏻

    • Gets or sets the text content of a node and its descendants.
    • Is not aware of styling and will therefore return content hidden by CSS
    • Does not trigger a reflow (therefore more performant)
  • node.value

    • This one depends on the element that you've targeted.
    • For the above example, x returns an HTMLDivElement object, which does not have a value property defined.
    • Input tags, for example, do define a value property, which refers to the "current value in the control".
    • for certain input types the returned value might not match the value the user has entered. For example, if the user enters a non-numeric value into an <input type="number"> , the returned value might be an empty string instead.
  • ref

  • tree-shaking

    • we can help terser by using the /*#__PURE__*/ annotation

    • It flags a statement as side effect free.

    • So it would make it possible to tree-shake the code

    • var Button$1 = /*#__PURE__*/ withAppProvider()(Button);

    • This would allow to remove this piece of code.

    • But there are still questions with the imports which need to be included/evaluated because they could contain side effects.

    • To tackle this, we use the sideEffects property in package.json.

    • It's similar to /*#__PURE__*/ but on a module level instead of a statement level.

    • ("sideEffects" property): "If no direct export from a module flagged with no-sideEffects is used, the bundler can skip evaluating the module for side effects.".

  • 弹性布局 vs 响应式布局

    • rem是弹性布局的一种实现方式,弹性布局可以算作响应式布局的一种,但响应式布局不是弹性布局

      • 弹性布局强调等比缩放,100%还原
      • 响应式布局强调不同屏幕要有不同的显示,比如媒体查询
    • 只用css,无需js,就可以实现元素大小随着屏幕宽度的变化而变化

  • 如何实现1px

    • 将border设置为1px, 然后将也页面的整体根据页面的dpr缩小相应的倍数,接着将rem补偿相应的倍数,这样页面中只有1px的边框缩小了,而其他内容经过缩小和扩大,还是原来的状态
    • var fontSize = width/10*(window.devicePixelRatio) + 'px'
  • 如何根据不同的屏幕尺寸去动态设置html的font-size呢

    • 利用css的media query来设置,单位是px
    • 利用js动态计算并修改,可能会有闪烁问题
    • rem布局在加载的时候会出现元素一开始很小,闪烁一下恢复正常大小的问题
      • JS动态计算并修改字体大小和媒体查询,只要选择一套方案就可以了,推荐媒体查询
      • 外部css会阻塞DOM渲染,并不阻塞js解析,外部js既阻塞渲染,也阻塞解析
    • 部分安卓手机或者webview调整了系统默认字体大小
  • rem vs px

    • 结论

      • 考虑3类设备上的展示:手机、平板、pc、横竖屏
      • 考虑系统默认字体、浏览器默认字体
      • 在视觉稿要求固定尺寸的元素上使用px,比如1px线、4px的圆角边框
      • 在字号、(大多数)间距上使用rem
      • 不用em,因为会根据当前元素的字号按比例计算尺寸,若当前元素无字号则查找父元素
      • 推荐:用户业务样式代码以 px 为单位,并且以 iPhone6 屏幕 “物理像素” 宽度 750 为基准 (即普通 “逻辑像素” 值的 2 倍大小), 使用 postcss-pxtorem 把 px 转成 rem 单位,转换基准为1rem=100px (使用 rem 实现不同设备等比缩放效果)。对于使用 webpack 的项目,在 webpack.config.js 里新增 pxtorem 配置
      • 将html元素的font-size设为62.5%(或10px)是为了方便计算,可以设置为625%
      • 当使用小于12px的字体时,chrome只会渲染12px大小的字
      • 若通过浏览器设置或系统设置或辅助功能设置了大字号,则内容及间隔都会变大,字号变大后,屏幕显示的内容会变少
      • 类似这样的适配在pad横屏展示超级大,所以还是要根据业务需求设置临界值
      • 如果让html元素的font-size等于屏幕宽度的1/100,那1rem和1x就等价了,此时宽度为100rem
        • 如何让html字体大小一直等于屏幕宽度的百分之一呢? 可以通过js来设置
        • 注意dom在ready,resize,rotate时更新宽度值
        • 那么如何把设计图中的获取的像素单位的值,转换为已rem为单位的值呢?
          • 375px/100rem = 48px/uNeedrem
      • css3带来了rem的同时,也带来了vw和vh,vw为视口宽度的1/100,vh为视口高度的 1/100
        • vw的兼容性不如rem好,android和ios的支持情况不同
        • 若要限制最大宽度,vw
      • 三方组件库是大家公用的,如果每个组件库的rem拆分不一致就会有很多问题,若一个库100rem就是100vw,有的是20rem是100vw,引入几个三放库中间大小肯定就不兼容了
      • rem基于html的font-size,所有元素都受影响,引入三方库修改成本要尽量低
      • 使用px的组件库,会利用js控制内联style进行适应屏幕
      • ref
    • rem的特点是根据根元素按比例计算尺寸

      • 优点是使用rem时,若修改了根元素的字体大小,就可以自动显示相应的尺寸
      • 实现1px的border不精确,计算时常产生小数
      • 横竖屏切换时,可能需要动态计算并设置根html的大小
  • document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].style.fontSize = (width)height/7.5 + "px";

  • 最近在做开发的时候遇到rem的一个大坑,就是如果用户改变了手机的字体大小,而且我们的页面样式的宽用了rem, 比如{width:1rem}, 那么页面的宽就会成倍增长,导致页面乱掉。。。还没找到办法解决,宽度还是先避免使用rem的好。

    • 字体的大小和字体宽度,并不成线性关系,所以字体大小不能使用rem;由于设置了根元素字体的大小,会影响所有没有设置字体大小的元素。可以在body上做字体修正
    • 如果用户在PC端浏览,页面过宽怎么办?一般我们都会设置一个最大宽度,大于这个宽度的话页面居中,两边留白 body { margin: auto; width: 100rem }
  • px的特点是固定尺寸

    • 浏览器的pixel是css pixel
    • 当用图片或一些不能缩放的展示时,必须要使用固定的px值,因为缩放可能导致变形
    • px是一直是浏览器厂商以及标准的推荐单位,是未来的主流
  • bootstrap选择

    • While Bootstrap uses ems or rems for defining most sizes, pxs are used for grid breakpoints and container widths.
    • This is because the viewport width is in pixels and does not change with the font size.
  • 之前做dom截图用过 html2canvas 发现太慢了,然后换成 dom-to-image 好很多。

    • foreignObject 是真香啊。
  • If you write "export default () => { ... }" to declare components, they:

    • will show up as Anonymous in stack traces
    • will show up as Unknown in DevTools
    • won't be checked by React-specific lint rules
    • won't work with some features like Fast Refresh
    • Give components names!
  • What does % mean in CSS?

height parent’s height width parent’s width top parent’s height left parent’s width margin-top parent’s width margin-left parent’s width padding-top parent’s width padding-left parent’s width translate-top self’s height translate-left self’s width

  • js中对象的创建 var thing=Object(stuff);

    • The Object constructor returns its argument when the argument is already an object.
    • If it's not an object, it returns the "objectified" version of the argument: a String instance if it's a string, a Number instance if it's a number, etc.
    • if stuff is object , var thing=Object(stuff); and var thing=stuff; are equivalent,
    • Object Construct with object parameter
  • Browsers won't render elements with the hidden attribute set.

    • The hidden global attribute is a Boolean attribute indicating that the element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant.
  • void expression

    • The void operator evaluates the given expression and then returns undefined .

    • The void operator is often used merely to obtain the undefined primitive value,

      • usually using void(0) (which is equivalent to `void 0").
      • In these cases, the global variable undefined can be used.
    • 使用场景

      • IIFE
      • javascript:void(0)
      • button.onclick = () => void doSomething()
    • undefined问题

      • The problem with using undefined was that undefined is not a reserved word
      • That is, undefined is a permissible variable name, so you could assign a new value to it at your own caprice(变化无常,反复无常)
      • This is no longer a problem in any environment that supports ECMAScript 5 or newer (i.e. in practice everywhere but IE 8), which defines the undefined property of the global object as read-only
    • Why void 0, specifically?

      • Why should we use void 0? What's so special about 0? Couldn't we just as easily use 1, or 42, or 1000000 or "Hello, world!"?
      • And the answer is, yes, we could, and it would work just as well.
      • The only benefit of passing in 0 instead of some other argument is that 0 is short and idiomatic.
    • Although undefined can generally be trusted in modern JavaScript environments, there is one trivial advantage of void 0 : it's shorter.

      • most code minifiers replace undefined with void 0 to reduce the number of bytes sent to the browser.
  • typescript class Parameter properties 构造函数中带有修饰符的参数,可自动生成赋值语句

class Octopus {
  readonly name: string;
  readonly numberOfLegs: number = 8;

  constructor(theName: string) { = theName;

// We’ve consolidated the declarations and assignment into one location.
// 可使用的修饰符包括 public、protected、private、readonly
class Octopus {
  readonly numberOfLegs: number = 8;
  constructor(readonly name: string) {}
  • 组件库中使用的 .hbs 是ui模版吗

    • Handlebars is a simple templating language.
    • A handlebars expression is a {{ , some contents, followed by a }} .
    • When the template is executed, these expressions are replaced with values from an input object.
    • handlebars 的特点是兼容 Mustache 语法,多数情况下可以直接迁移
  • yarn.lock中可能出现某个间接依赖下载失败
    • 可能是不小心修改了某个位置的字符,还原最初的yarn.lock,再yarn install
  • appendChild有时会移动元素
    • 下面的例子执行后, <span> 元素会移动到b下面,并且a下没有了

      • 若通过button触发js,多次调用appendChild最终b下也只有1个
<div class="a">
<div class="b"></div>
const span = document.querySelector('span');
const divB = document.querySelector('.b');
  • Node.nodeName vs Element.tagName

    • The nodeName read-only property returns the name of the current Node as a string.

    • The tagName read-only property of the Element interface returns the tag name of the element on which it's called.

    • The tagName property is meant specifically for element nodes (type 1 nodes) to get the type of element.

      • There are several other nodeType s of nodes as well (comment, attribute, text, etc.).
      • To get the name of any of the various node types, you can use the nodeName property.
    • When using nodeName against an element node, you'll get its tag name, so either could really be used,

      • though you'll get better consistency between browsers when using nodeName .
      • Bear in mind, however, that nodeName will return #text for text nodes while tagName will return undefined .
  • setAttribute vs dom/obj.prop

    • You should always use the direct .prop form (but see the quirksmode link below) if you want programmatic access in JavaScript.

    • Use getAttribute / setAttribute when you wish to deal with the DOM as it is (e.g. literal text only). Different browsers confuse the two.

    • From Javascript: The Definitive Guide, it clarifies things.

      • It notes that HTMLElement objects of a HTML doc define JS properties that correspond to all standard HTML attributes.
      • So you only need to use setAttribute for non-standard attributes.
node.className = 'test'; // works
node.frameborder = '0'; // doesn't work - non standard attribute
node.setAttribute('frameborder', '0'); // works
  • ref

  • 利用console调试js

    • console.debug/info/warn/error, log是info
    • 使用console.trace()来获取堆栈调用记录
    • 使用console.time()开始计算时间,然后使用console.timeEnd()进行打印
    • 利用console.memory(是属性,不是函数)来检查你的堆大小状态。
    • 使用console.profile('profileName'),然后使用console.profileEnd('profileName'),从代码中启动和结束浏览器性能工具 performance profile
    • 使用console.count('?')来计算您的代码被读取的次数。
    • 使用console.assert(condition, msg)在condition为假时记录某些内容,条件日志记录并没有用if-else包装
    •‘group’) & console.groupEnd(‘group’)将控制台日志组织在一起
    • 使用字符串替换合并变量。这些引用是(%s = string,%i = integer,%o = object,%f = float)
    • console.clear()清理控制台
    • console.table()打印表格,方便查看复杂对象
  • 调试js的方法

    • 除了 console.log , debugger是我们最喜欢、快速且肮脏的调试工具。

      • 执行代码后,Chrome会在执行时自动停止
      • 你甚至可以把它封装成条件,只在需要时才运行
    • 切换设备模式,调试不同尺寸下的ui

    • 在Elements面板中标记一个DOM元素,并在控制台中使用它。

      • Chrome控制台会保留选择历史的最后五个元素,最终选择的首个元素被标记为$0,第二个选择的元素为$1,依此类推。
    • 使用 console.time() 和 console.timeEnd() 测试循环执行时间

    • 快速查找要调试的函数,假设你要在函数中打断点,最常用的两种方式是

      • 在控制台查找行并添加断点
      • 在代码中添加debugger
      • 在控制台中使用debug(funcName),当到达传入的函数时,代码将停止。
    • 在Chrome控制台中,可以观察特定的函数。

      • 每次调用该函数,就会打印出传入的参数。
      • 但不完美,没有打印形参数量
    • 控制台中比querySelector更快的方法是使用美元符号

      • $('css-selector')将返回CSS选择器的第一个匹配项。
      • $$('css-selector')将返回所有匹配项。
      • 如果多次使用一个元素,可以把它保存为一个变量。
    • 调试时,需要查找DOM中某个元素的事件监听器时, getEventListeners($(‘selector’)) 返回一个对象数组,其中包含绑定到该元素的所有事件

    • monitorEvents($(‘selector’)) 将监视与选择器的元素关联的所有事件,然后在它们被触发时将它们打印到控制台。例如,monitore($(#firstName)) 将打印 ID 为 firstName元素的所有事件。

  • ref

  • 如何打印变量名 Variable name as a string in Javascript

// 要实现的效果
var myFirstName = 'John';
alert(variablesName(myFirstName) + ":" + myFirstName); // myFirstName:John

// 一种实现
const myFirstName = 'John';
const variableName = Object.keys({ myFirstName })[0]; // myFirstName
// pop may be better than [0], for safety (variable might be null).
const variableName = Object.keys({ myFirstName }).pop();
  • 使用映射表或对象

    • Typically, you would use a hash table for a situation where you want to map a name to some value, and be able to retrieve both
  • 使用Object.keys

  • ts: any vs Object

let a: any;
let b: Object;
let c: {};
let d: object;
  • a has no interface, it can be anything,

    • the compiler knows nothing about its members so no type checking is performed when accessing/assigning both to it and its members.
  • b has the Object interface,

    • so ONLY the members defined in that interface are available for b .
    • It's still JavaScript, so everything extends Object ;
  • c extends Object, like anything else in TypeScript, but adds no members.

    • Since type compatibility in TypeScript is based on structural subtyping, not nominal subtyping, c ends up being the same as b because they have the same interface: the Object interface.
  • So Object and {} are equivalents in TypeScript.

  • Typescript 2.2 added an object type,

    • which specifies that a value is a non-primitive: (i.e. not a number, string, boolean, symbol, undefined , or null ).
  • 函数调用拆分

function spread(fn) {
  return Function.apply.bind(fn, null);


// is transformed to

args => fn.apply(null, args)
  • 理解 return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(ctor, args))();

    • 分解成多步
var func = Function.prototype.bind.apply(ctor, args);
return new func();
  • Since .apply() is a function in on itself, it can be bound with .bind(), like so:

    • Function.prototype.apply.bind(fn, null);

    • Meaning that the this of .apply() would be fn and the first argument to .apply() would be null . Meaning that it would look like this:

    • fn.apply(null, args)

  • ref

  • .apply.bind

var sum = function(x, y) {
  console.log(x, y);
var foo = Function.apply.bind(sum, null);
foo([10, 20]); // 10, 20
  • Function.apply.bind(sum, null) 等价于 sum.apply.bind(sum, null))

    • 可避免sum.apply被重写引发的问题
    • Function.apply.bind(sum, null)目的就是将sum.apply(…)的第一个参数固定为null
    • sum.apply(null, [10, 20])这句代码将第一个参数置为null,第二个参数是一个数组,用于拆开后作为sum的最终参数。
    • 如果将sum.apply(…)的第一个参数设置为null,那么就意味着我们并不关心sum在执行时其内部的this指向谁
    • 所以最终我们得到的foo函数就是sum.apply(null, [10, 20]); [10,20]会拆开成10和20传递给sum(…)
  • .bind.apply

    • 我们将orig_fn.bind.apply(orig_fn, args)拆成两部分来看:函数orig_fn.bind(…)和.apply(orig_fn, args)
    • 在这里的关键点是:.bind(…) 函数是通过 .apply(…) 调用的,所以 .bind(…) 自身所需要的 this 对象是一个函数(函数也是对象,在这里即 origin_fn)。
    • orig_fn.bind.apply(orig_fn, args)其实就意味着我们将orig_fn.bind(…)函数的this指向orig_fn,然后.apply(orig_fn, args)的第二个参数会将剩下的参数传递给orig_fn.bind(…)函数。
  • 根据构造函数创建对象的通用方法

    • The new keyword does the following things:

      • Creates a blank, plain JavaScript object;
      • Links (sets the constructor of) this object to another object;
      • Passes the newly created object from Step 1 as the this context;
      • Returns this if the function doesn't return an object.
    • When the code new Foo(...) is executed, the following things happen:

      • A new object is created, inheriting from Foo.prototype .
      • The constructor function Foo is called with the specified arguments, and with this bound to the newly created object.
        • new Foo is equivalent to new Foo() , i.e. if no argument list is specified, Foo is called without arguments.
      • The object (not null, false, 3.1415 or other primitive types) returned by the constructor function becomes the result of the whole new expression.
        • If the constructor function doesn't explicitly return an object, the object created in step 1 is used instead.
        • (Normally constructors don't return a value, but they can choose to do so if they want to override the normal object creation process.)
      • You can always add a property to a previously defined object.
      • You can add a shared property to a previously defined object type by using the Function.prototype property.
        • This defines a property that is shared by all objects created with that function, rather than by just one instance of the object type.
      • If you didn't write the new operator, the Constructor Function would be invoked like any Regular Function, without creating an Object. In this case, the value of this is also different.
    • When a function is used as a constructor (with the new keyword), its this is bound to the new object being constructed

    • While the default for a constructor is to return the object referenced by this , it can instead return some other object

      • (if the return value isn't an object, then the this object is returned).
      • If the function has a return statement that returns an object, that object will be the result of the new expression.
      • Otherwise, the result of the new expression is the object currently bound to this
    • Use of .apply() with 'new' operator. Is this possible?

    • How can I call a javascript constructor using call or apply?

// A bit of explanation:
var f = Cls.bind(anything, arg1, arg2, ...);
result = new f();

// The anything parameter doesn't matter much, since the new keyword resets f's context.
var f = Cls.bind.apply(Cls, [anything, arg1, arg2, ...]);
result = new f();

// Let's wrap that in a function. Cls is passed as argument 0, so it's gonna be our anything.

function newCall(Cls /*, arg1, arg2, ... */ ) {
  var f = Cls.bind.apply(Cls, arguments);
  return new f();

function newCall(Cls /*, arg1, arg2, ... */ ) {
  return new(Cls.bind.apply(Cls, arguments))();

// Finally, we should make sure that bind is really what we need. 
// (Cls.bind may have been overwritten). So replace it by Function.prototype.bind, 
// and we get the final result.
function newCall(Cls) {
  return new(Function.prototype.bind.apply(Cls, arguments));
  // or even
  // return new (Cls.bind.apply(Cls, arguments));
  // if you know that Cls.bind has not been overwritten
// 其它实现
function conthunktor(Constructor) {
  var args =, 1);
  return function() {

    var Temp = function() {}, // temporary constructor
      inst, ret; // other vars

    // Give the Temp constructor the Constructor's prototype
    Temp.prototype = Constructor.prototype;

    // Create a new instance
    inst = new Temp;

    // Call the original Constructor with the temp
    // instance as its context (i.e. its 'this' value)
    ret = Constructor.apply(inst, args);

    // If an object has been returned then return it otherwise
    // return the original instance.
    // (consistent with behavior of the new operator)
    return Object(ret) === ret ? ret : inst;


function applyToConstructor(constructor, argArray) {
  var args = [null].concat(argArray);
  var factoryFunction = constructor.bind.apply(constructor, args);
  return new factoryFunction();
var d = applyToConstructor(Date, [2008, 10, 8, 00, 16, 34, 254]);

function callConstructor(constructor) {
  var factoryFunction = constructor.bind.apply(constructor, arguments);
  return new factoryFunction();
var d = callConstructor(Date, 2008, 10, 8, 00, 16, 34, 254);
  • typescript compile: babel-loader vs ts-loader

    • Because Babel only does code transforms, the build step becomes incredibly fast as it skips the type-checking step and just strips out the all the TypeScript type-annotations – converting it to vanilla JS.

    • Babel has no type-safety at build time!

      • to get around it: "build": "tsc && webpack"
    • Why use babel-loader instead?

      • In my case, because I wanted to take advantage of babel-preset-env .
      • You pass in a list of browsers you want to support and Babel will only compile the language features that your target browsers don’t support.
      • It will also make sure to include the required polyfills.
    • 这种使用babel的方案,当 webpack 编译的时候,babel-loader 会读取 .babelrc 里的配置,不会调用 typescript(所以本地项目无需安装 typescript),不会去检查类型

    • 配置tsconfig.json可以让ide提示编译错误

    • 使用了 TypeScript,为什么还需要 Babel

      • 大部分已存项目依赖了 babel
      • 有些需求/功能需要 babel 的插件去实现(如:按需加载)
      • babel 有非常丰富的插件,它的生态发展得很好
      • babel 7 之前:需要前面两种方案来转译 TS
      • babel 7 之后:babel 直接移除 TS,转为 JS,这使得它的编译速度飞快
    • ts-loader has Type-safety at build time! but can be slow

    • ts-loader has one downside: We can’t pipe the output of another loader into it; it always reads the original file.

    • ts-loader 支持 project references 的部分功能, 但babel不支持

    • 默认情况下,ts-loader 会进行 转译 和 类型检查,每当文件改动时,都会重新去 转译 和 类型检查,当文件很多的时候,就会特别慢,影响开发速度。

      • 所以需要使用 fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin ,开辟一个单独的线程去执行类型检查的任务,这样就不会影响 webpack 重新编译的速度。
    • ts-loader 是不会读取 .babelrc 里的配置,即无法使用 babel 系列的插件,所以直接使用 ts-loader 将 ts/tsx 转成 js ,就会出现垫片无法按需加载、antd 无法按需引入的问题。

      • 所以需要用 ts-loader 把 ts/tsx 转成 js/jsx,然后再用 babel-loader 去调用 babel 系列插件,编译成最终的 js。
    • ref

  • Recently, I worked on switching our entire frontend codebase from using ts-loader to use babel-loader.

  • We continued to use ts-loader for some time because it was working well for us and we didn’t have a compelling reason to use Babel instead.

  • That changed when I saw react-refresh.

  • Our existing local development experience with react-hot-loader was often frustrating and unreliable.

  • I realized we could drastically improve the local development experience if we could use react-refresh, but this would require us to switch to Babel. So I got to work.

  • When Typescript compiles classes, it marks class methods enumerable.

    • This is not in line with the spec for ES6 classes, which says that class methods should be non-enumerable.
    • When compiling typescript code with Babel, class methods are marked non-enumerable.
    • Use class properties instead of class methods
    • Use getOwnPropertyNames in for-in
  • When Typescript compiles classes, it doesn’t generate any code for uninitialized class properties.

    • This is inconsistent with the spec for ES6 classes, which says that these properties should be initialized as undefined. Babel does this correctly.
    • Add a constructor to all subclasses
    • Initialize properties to themselves
    • Static create method in base class instead of constructor
  • Babel is a fantastic tool with a vibrant ecosystem by transforming the latest JavaScript features to older runtimes and browsers; but it doesn’t do type-checking

  • While TypeScript itself can do both, we wanted to make it easier to get that experience without forcing users to switch from Babel.

  • Using the TypeScript compiler is still the preferred way to build TypeScript.

  • While Babel can take over compiling/transpiling – doing things like erasing your types and rewriting the newest ECMAScript features to work in older runtimes – it doesn’t have type-checking built in, and still requires using TypeScript to accomplish that.

  • So even if Babel builds successfully, you might need to check in with TypeScript to catch type errors.

  • For that reason, we feel tsc and the tools around the compiler pipeline will still give the most integrated and consistent experience for most projects.

  • As we mentioned above, the first thing users should be aware of is that Babel won’t perform type-checking on TypeScript code; it will only be transforming your code, and it will compile regardless of whether type errors are present.

  • While that means Babel is free from doing things like reading .d.ts files and ensuring your types are compatible, presumably you’ll want some tool to do that, and so you’ll still need TypeScript.

  • This can be done as a separate tsc --watch task in the background, or it can be part of a lint/CI step in your build.

  • Second, there are certain constructs that don’t currently compile in Babel 7. Specifically,

    • namespaces
    • bracket style type-assertion/cast syntax regardless of when JSX is enabled (i.e. writing <Foo>x won’t work even in .ts files if JSX support is turned on, but you can instead write x as Foo ).
    • enums that span multiple declarations (i.e. enum merging)
    • legacy-style import/export syntax (i.e. import foo = require(...) and export = foo )
    • babel core不支持,但社区插件可以支持
  • These omissions are largely based technical constraints in Babel’s single-file emit architecture.

  • console.log() is passed a reference to the object, so the value in the console changes as the object changes.

    • To avoid that you can: console.log(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)))

    • Please be warned that if you log objects in the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox, what you get logged on the console is a reference to the object, which is not necessarily the 'value' of the object at the moment in time you call console.log() , but it is the value of the object at the moment you open the console.

    • 通过JSON.stringify(obj)序列化对象时,值类型为函数的属性会被忽略掉,数组中为函数的元素会打印成null

    • ref

  • JSON.stringify() converts a value to JSON notation representing it:

    • If the value has a toJSON() method, it's responsible to define what data will be serialized.

    • undefined, Function, and Symbol are not valid JSON values.

      • If any such values are encountered during conversion, they are either omitted (when found in an object) or changed to null (when found in an array).
      • JSON.stringify() can return undefined when passing in "pure" values like JSON.stringify(function(){}) or JSON.stringify(undefined) .
  • styled-components中的样式冲突要注意计算specificity

    • div.cls1 的特指度高于 .cls2 ,即使.cls2写在后面
    • className=cls1 cls2 最终使用的样式取决于源码import进来后,cls1和2在源码中声明的先后顺序
    • 不推荐的解决方法是采用id选择器
  • 在外层div将font-size设置为1.2em后,button上的文字仍然是13.33的font-size,需要设置的是 button {font-size: 100%}

    • 要注意分辨文字是span,还是button
  • 前端兼容性处理 caniuse

    • 3大pc浏览器:chrome、firefox、safari
    • mobile浏览器:3大pc对应的3大移动,Android, UC,Samsung,QQ Browser
  • 副作用就是和本职无关的东西,函数的本职是接收参数,并返回值,多次同参调用都是确定的。

    • 举几个前端里的副作用例子:调接口获取数据、注册监听函数、手动操作DOM、 访问修改全局变量、打印log,使用 setTimeout 等
  • console对象

    • 分级日志:console.log/info/debug/warn/error

    • 字符串占位符: %s 代表字符串, %o 代表对象, %d 代表数字

    • 设置样式:开头使用 %c , 如 console.log('%cNull', 'color:gold; font-size:large')

    • console.dir :强制以JSON模式输出,如DOM会转换成json对象

    • console.table :将对象属性或数组打印成表格更美观

    • console.assert :仅当第一个参数为false时才打印第二个参数

    • console.trace :打印调用栈

    • console.time/End :打印代码执行时间

    • console.memory :打印内存使用情况

    • console.clear :清空控制台输出

    • : 分组输出,便于阅读

  • 确保FMP(首次有效绘制) 尽可能的快速, 方法之一就是分阶段进行代码拆分

  • RESTful APIs 缺点(GraphQL的优点)

    • 数据格式不规范
    • 猜谜游戏(如何判定一个失败的请求,400,401,还是404?)
    • 无意义的对话
    • 无合约协议
  • 从输入页面URL到页面渲染完成大致流程

    • 解析URL
    • 浏览器本地缓存
    • DNS解析
    • 建立TCP/IP连接
    • 发送HTTP请求
    • 服务器处理请求并返回HTTP报文
    • 浏览器根据深度遍历的方式把html节点遍历构建DOM树
    • 遇到CSS外链,异步加载解析CSS,构建CSS规则树
    • 遇到script标签,如果是普通JS标签则同步加载并执行,阻塞页面渲染,如果标签上有defer/async属性则异步加载JS资源
    • 将dom树和CSS DOM树构造成render树
    • 渲染render树
  • 浏览器加载与渲染的时间概念

    • P:首次绘制。用于标记导航之后浏览器在屏幕上渲染像素的时间点。这个不难理解,就是浏览器开始请求网页到网页首帧绘制的时间点。这个指标表明了网页请求是否成功。

    • FCP:首次内容绘制。FCP标记的是浏览器渲染来自DOM第一位内容的时间点,该内容可能是文本、图像、SVG甚至canvas元素。

    • FMP:首次有效绘制(First Meaningful Paint)。这是一个很主观的指标。根据业务的不同,每一个网站的有效内容都是不相同的,有效内容就是网页中"主角元素"。对于视频网站而言,主角元素就是视频。对于搜索引擎而言,主角元素就是搜索框。

    • TTI:可交互时间。用于标记应用已进行视觉渲染并能可靠响应用户输入的时间点。应用可能会因为多种原因而无法响应用户输入:①页面组件运行所需的JavaScript尚未加载完成。②耗时较长的任务阻塞主线程

    • 根据devtool时间轴的结果

      • 虽然CSR(客户端渲染)配合预渲染方式(loading、骨架图)可以提前FP、FCP从而减少白屏问题,但无法提前FMP
      • SSR(服务端渲染)将FMP提前至js加载前触发,提前显示网页中的"主角元素"。SSR不仅可以减少白屏时间还可以大幅减少首屏加载时间。
    • ref

  • lodash引用方式

    • import _ from 'lodash';

      • Pros:
        • Only one import line
      • Cons:
        • It seems like the import of a whole library will lead to the largest bundle size
        • Less readable usage in the javascript code like
    • import { map, tail, times, uniq } from 'lodash';

      • 70.9KB
      • Pros:
        • Only one import line (for a decent amount of functions)
        • More readable usage: map() instead of later in the javascript code
      • Cons:
        • Every time we want use a new function or stop using another - it needs to be maintained and managed
    • import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep';

      • 17.8KB
      • Pros:
        • Seems to be the smallest bundle size.
        • More readable usage: map() instead of
      • Cons:
        • The import maintenance is much more complicated than the previous options
        • Lots of import lines in the head of the file don’t look nice and readable.
    • import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash-es';

      • 14.6KB
    • Because static analysis in a dynamic language like JavaScript is hard, there will occasionally be false positives.

      • Lodash is a good example of a module that looks like it has lots of side-effects, even in places that it doesn't.
      • You can often mitigate those false positives by importing submodules (e.g. import map from 'lodash-es/map' rather than import { map } from 'lodash-es' ).
    • ref

  • named import和namespace import都可以被webpack v5和rollup进行tree shaking

  • $ and $$ will work on any web page (if jQuery is not included also) on Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers where $ returns first element of selector passed.

    • $ is document.querySelector()

    • $$ is document.querySelectorAll()

    • $x() Returns an array of elements that match the specified XPath.

    • Warning: These functions only work when you call them from the Chrome DevTools Console. They won't work if you try to call them in your scripts.

    • They are native functions of Google Chrome and Firefox browsers, you can see $ and $$ definition in Safari as well.


  • The get syntax binds an object property to a function that will be called when that property is looked up.

    • 语法: {get prop() { ... } }{get [expression]() { ... } }

    • prop is the name of the property to bind to the given function.

    • you can also use expressions for a computed property name to bind to the given function.

    • It is not possible to simultaneously have a getter bound to a property and have that property actually hold a value, although it is possible to use a getter and a setter in conjunction to create a type of pseudo-property.

    • If you want to remove the getter, you can just delete it: delete obj.latest;

    • While using the get keyword and Object.defineProperty() have similar results, there is a subtle difference between the two when used on classes.

    • When using get the property will be defined on the instance's prototype, while using Object.defineProperty() the property will be defined on the instance it is applied to.

  • js定义了两种不同的属性

  • 如何区分属性的类型?

    • 通过 Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() 查看属性的描述符。有 value 的是数据属性,没有的是访问器属性
    • 数据属性存储值,访问器属性不存储值
    • value和set/get不能共存。因为有了set/get同时又有value,读写不明确
    • 访问器属性的功能用自定义函数也能实现,但es5原生支持更简洁
  • 数据属性主要有四个特性描述对象属性行为

    • [[Configurable]]: 默认为true。表示能否通过delete删除属性来重新定义属性,或者能否把属性改为可访问属性;
    • [[Enumerable]]: 默认为true。表示能否通过for-in循环返回属性;
    • [[Writable]]: 默认为true。表示能否修改属性的值;
    • [[Value]]: 默认为underfined。表示包含属性的数据值。读写属性之都从这个位置进行;
  • 访问器属性不包含数据值。访问器属性不能直接定义,必须通过Object.defineProperty()定义。但包含一对getter和setter函数

    • [[Configurable]]: 默认为true。表示能否通过delete删除属性来重新定义属性,或者能否把属性改为可访问属性;
    • [[Enumerable]]: 默认为true。表示能否通过for-in 循环返回属性;
    • [[Get]]: 默认为underfined。表示读取属性时调用的函数;
    • [[Set]]: 默认为underfined。表示写入属性时调用的函数;
  • import lodash

    • import { has } from 'lodash-es';

    • tree shakable, but CommonJS modules are not

  • import has from 'lodash/has';

    • lodash holds all it's functions in a single file, so rather than import the whole 'lodash' library at 100k, it's better to just import lodash's has function which is maybe 2k.
    • 'lodash/has' isn't a separate package. There's a file called has.js in the root of the regular 'lodash' package, and import has from 'lodash/has' (or const has = require ('lodash/has) will load that file.
  • import { has } from 'lodash';

  • 前端定时器

    • setTimeout()

      • 精确度不高,可能有延迟执行的情况发生,且因为动用了红黑树,所以消耗资源大;
    • setImmediate()

      • 消耗的资源小,也不会造成阻塞,但效率也是最低的。
      • 目前只支持IE10以上, 速度比setTimeOut执行延迟快一些
    • process.nextTick()

      • 效率最高,消费资源小,但会阻塞CPU的后续调用;
  • 关于Event Loop和任务队列, 除了script整体代码,micro-task的任务优先级高于macro-task

    • macro-task: script (整体代码),setTimeout, setInterval, setImmediate, I/O, UI rendering.

      • script(整体代码) ,可以理解为待执行的所有代码
    • micro-task: process.nextTick, Promise(原生),Object.observe,MutationObserver

    • 执行过程

      • 第一步script整体代码被执行,创建各种macro-task,执行micro-task的部分
      • 第二步执行其他micro-task,优先级process.nextTick高于Promise
      • 第三步来执行macro-task. setTimeout的优先级高于setImmediate(一般情况,若timeout延迟大,后者可能先执行)
      • 不同版本的node执行结果可能不同
    • ref

  • webpack module vs chunk vs bundle

    • Webpack has three closely related terms - module, chunk, and bundle.
    • A module is a piece of JS code that encapsulates data and provides functionality. Modules can depend on one another and thus, form a dependency graph.
    • In the webpack bundling process, a few modules form a chunk.
    • A bundle is an output file, produced by the bundling process. In most cases, each chunk emits exactly one bundle.
  • webpack-hmr

const server = http.createServer(app);
let currentApp = app;
console.log(currentApp === app); // Returns true 

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {

  if ( {'./server', () => {
      console.log(currentApp === app); // Returns false 

  • node require json文件

    • Node.js中推崇非阻塞I/O,但是require一个模块时却是同步调用的,这会带来性能上的开销,但并不是每次require都很耗时,因为在require成功之后会缓存起来,在此加载时直接从缓存读取,并没有额外开销。
    • 当通过.json的方式加载文件时,固然方便,但大量使用时会导致这些数据被缓存。大量数据会驻留在内存中,导致GC频繁和内存泄漏。
  • npx

    • npm从5.2版开始,增加了npx命令,现已集成进npm,不需单独安装

    • npx想要解决的主要问题,就是调用项目内部安装的模块

    • 若要调用Mocha,一般只能在项目脚本和package.json的scripts字段里面,如果想在命令行下调用,必须 node-modules/.bin/mocha --version

    • npx让项目内部安装的模块用起来更方便 npx mocha --version

    • npx的原理就是运行的时候,会到node_modules/.bin路径和环境变量$PATH里面,检查命令是否存在

    • 由于npx会检查环境变量$PATH,所以系统命令也可以调用 npx ls -ll

  • npm list -g -depth=0

    • 列出本地已安装的包
  • REPL 交互式编程环境 (Read-Eval-Print-Loop)

    • jShell
    • python
    • babel-node(有babel-cli提供)
  • targe=_blank

    • 当一个外部链接使用了target=_blank的方式,这个外部链接会打开一个新的浏览器tab。此时,新页面会打开,并且和原始页面占用同一个进程(UI进程)。
    • 这也意味着,如果这个新页面有任何性能上的问题,比如有一个很高的加载时间,这也将会影响到原始页面的表现。
    • 如果你打开的是一个同域的页面,那么你将可以在新页面访问到原始页面的所有内容,包括document对象(window.opener.document)。
    • 如果你打开的是一个跨域的页面,你虽然无法访问到document,但是你依然可以访问到location对象。
  • node依赖

    • dependencies

      • 是最常用普通业务依赖
    • devDependencies

      • 开发环境依赖,常用来指定打包、测试工具
    • peerDependencies

      • 比较适合插件库来声明所依赖的核心库,将依赖提升到根目录避免重复下载
      • 指定当前包(也就是你写的包)兼容的宿主版本
      • 可以避免类依赖库被重复下载
        • 如果用户显式依赖了核心库,则可以忽略各插件的peerDependency声明
        • 如果用户没有显式依赖核心库,则按照插件peerDependencies中声明的版本将库安装到项目根目录中
        • 当用户依赖的版本、各插件依赖的版本之间不相互兼容,貌似会报错让用户自行修复
    • optionalDependencies

      • 可选依赖,它们即使安装失败,npm仍然继续运行
    • bundleDependencies

      • 在发布时会将指定的包打包到最终的发布包里
      • bundleDependencies节点的功能跟dependencies节点是一样的,区别在于,当需要构建项目并发布版本时,bundleDependencies节点下的依赖会被包含在构建结果中,不需要另外npm install来安装了
    • ref

  • html a标签属性 rel='nofollow'

    • 告诉搜索引擎不要此网页上的链接或不要追踪此特定链接

    • 使用场景

      • 屏蔽广告/付费链接的权重
      • 屏蔽恶意用户
      • 划分优先级
    • rel="noopener noreferrer"可以取消传递相关信息

  • The main difference between Cyan and Teal is that the Cyan is a color visible between blue and green; subtractive (CMY) primary color and Teal is a low-saturated color, a bluish-green to dark medium, similar to medium blue-green and dark cyan.

  • 语言地区代码的构成,如en-US, zh-CN

    • The syntax and registry of HTTP language tags is the same as that defined by RFC 1766
    • a language tag is composed of 1 or more parts: A primary language tag and a possibly empty series of subtags
    • any two-letter primary-tag is an ISO-639 language abbreviation and any two-letter initial subtag is an ISO-3166 country code.
    • 参考
  • 渐进式图片

    • JPEG、GIF和PNG这三种图像格式都提供了一种功能,让图像能够更快地显示图像可以以一种特殊方式存储,显示时先大概显示图像的草图,当文件全部下载后再填充细
  • file-loader will copy files to the build folder and insert links to them where they are included.

  • url-loader will encode entire file bytes content as base64 and insert base64-encoded content where they are included. So there is no separate file.

  • The url-loader works like the file-loader, but can return a DataURL if the file is smaller than a byte limit.

  • 获取数组中随机元素

    • arr[Math.floor(Math.random()*(arr.length))]
  • vs

    • returns the number of milliseconds, with microseconds in the fractional part and is more precise in orders of magnitude. 精度更高,不依赖系统时间,但在大型循环中使用会明显感觉慢,输出的是相对于performance.timing.navigationStart(页面初始化)的时间

      • Use cases include benchmarking and other cases where a high-resolution time is required such as media (gaming, audio, video, etc.)
      • is only available in newer browsers (including IE10+).可能会有兼容性问题
    • returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since Unix epoch(1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC) and is dependent on system clock. 会因为系统时间的变化而改变,准确性有时不能保证

      • Use cases include same old date manipulation ever since the beginning of JavaScript.
  • typescript typeof

let bar = {a: 0};
let TypeofBar = typeof bar;  // the value "object"
type TypeofBar = typeof bar;  // the type {a: number}
  •, attrName);

    • obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)判断一个属性是定义在对象本身而不是继承自原型链

      • 调用的是js中Object对象原型上的hasOwnProperty()方法
    • js没有将hasOwnProperty作为一个敏感词,所以我们很有可能将对象的一个属性命名为hasOwnProperty,这样一来就无法再使用对象原型的hasOwnProperty 方法来判断属性是否是来自原型链,解决方法有几种

      • ({}), 'bar'); // true
      •, 'bar');
  • TypeScript 3.0在JSX命名空间中引入了一个新的类型别名 LibraryManagedAttributes

    • 这是一个辅助类型,用于告诉TypeScript某个JSX标记可以接受哪些属性
    • TypeScript 3.0 adds support for a new type alias in the JSX namespace called LibraryManagedAttributes.
    • This helper type defines a transformation on the component’s Props type, before using to check a JSX expression targeting it; thus allowing customization like: how conflicts between provided props and inferred props are handled, how inferences are mapped, how optionality is handled, and how inferences from differing places should be combined.
    • The default-ed properties are inferred from the defaultProps property type. If an explicit type annotation is added, e.g. static defaultProps: Partial<Props> ; the compiler will not be able to identify which properties have defaults
    • Use static defaultProps: Pick<Props, "name"> as an explicit type annotation instead
  • As of NPM 2.0.0, importing local dependencies is supported natively.

    • "bar": "file:../foo/bar"
  • npm main vs module

    • 当我们在不同环境下 import 一个npm包时,到底加载的是npm包的哪个文件?

      • 由于我们使用的模块规范有ESM和CommonJS两种,为了能在node环境下原生执行 ESM 规范的脚本文件,.mjs文件就应运而生。当存在 index.mjs 和 index.js 这种同名不同后缀的文件时, import './index' 或者 require('./index') 是会优先加载 index.mjs 文件

      • main : 定义了npm包的入口文件,browser环境和node环境均可使用

      • module : 定义npm包的ESM规范的入口文件,browser环境和node环境均可使用

      • browser : 定义npm包在browser环境下的入口文件

      • 实际上的优先级是 browser=browser+mjs > module > browser+cjs > main

        • webpack会根据这个顺序去寻找字段指定的文件,直到找到为止
    • 最早的npm包都是基于CommonJS规范(name, version, main),当require('package1')的时候,就会根据main字段去查找入口文件

      • ES2015后,js拥有了ES Module,相较于之前的模块化方案更优雅,并且ES模块也是官方标准(JS 规范),而CommonJS模块是一种特殊的传统格式,利用ES Module的特性可以提高打包的性能,其中提升一个便是 tree shaking
      • CommonJS规范的包都是以 main 字段表示入口文件了,如果使用ES Module的也用main字段,就会对使用者造成困扰
      • webpack从版本2开始也可以识别 module 字段。打包工具遇到 package1 的时候,如果存在 module 字段,会优先使用,如果没找到对应的文件,则会使用 main 字段,并按照 CommonJS 规范打包
      • tree-shaking的功能就是把我们JS中无用的代码给去掉,如果把打包工具通过入口文件,产生的依赖树作为tree,tree-shaking就是把依赖树中用不到的代码shaking掉
  • html所有元素通用的title属性,可以作为鼠标悬浮提示,可以用来作为input前类似label的提示,可以作为a11y的补充(对键盘导航影响大)

  • tsc vs babel

    • I'd probably roll plain tsc for a lib. Output the js, .d.ts and source maps into the same folder (different from source folder).
    • Babel for "endpoint" code since one would use things like HMR, useful babel plugins, etc
  • ts definitions downloaded does not match the component, 定义过时了,不匹配

  • babel [7.0] Deprecate env option in .babelrc #5276

    • babel/babel#5276
    • Options specific to a certain environment are merged into and overwrite non-env specific options.
    • Because it's JS you could do this in a lot of ways
  • iOS环境下的按钮都是经过美化的,但通常我们在设计web app的时候不需要这些看上去老土的样式,所以,去除这些显得很有必要

    • -webkit-appearance 会将webkit浏览器中的元素默认样式去除
    • 会导致无法获取checkbox值, 给这个元素重新赋上-webkit-appearance:checkbox就不会报错了
  • typescript interface extends vs & intersect