This is simple .pyi stubs generator from thrift interfaces. Motivation for this project is to have autocomplete and type checking for dynamically loaded thrift interfaces
pip install thrift-pyi
Sample usage:
$ thriftpyi example/interfaces --output example/app/interfaces
Additionally to generated stubs you might want to create that will load thrift interfaces, for example:
from pathlib import Path
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Dict
import thriftpy2
_interfaces_path = Path("example/interfaces")
_interfaces: Dict[str, ModuleType] = {}
def __getattr__(name):
return _interfaces[name]
except KeyError:
interface = thriftpy2.load(str(_interfaces_path.joinpath(f"{name}.thrift")))
_interfaces[name] = interface
return interface
To see more detailed example of usage refer to example app
Python and thrift are very different at argument handling. For example in thrift the following will be correct declaration:
struct TodoItem {
1: required i32 id
3: optional i32 type = 1
2: required string text
In python, fields without default values cannot appear after fields with default values. Therefore by default all fields are optional with default to None. This is compliant to thriftpy2.
However, if you want more strict behaviour you can specify --strict-optional option. For the case above, the following stubs will be generated:
from dataclasses import dataclass
class TodoItem:
id: int
type: int = 1
text: str
To install pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
To run the all tests run: